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11173634 No.11173634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why kids those days thinks being outside and protesting is better way than proposing alternative sources of energy?

>> No.11173651

I guess it's oil.

>> No.11173658

Because it's far easier to complain that actually build something, learn something, or do something

>> No.11173671

Well the idea is that the government will either ruin oil industry or promote innovation. But the latter is natural obviously anyone with an brain can see this whole climate issue as a new gold rush.

>> No.11173710

Because it's a social issue not an issue of technology, we could easily transition to carbon free energy sources incredibly quickly, using existing tech but it won't make the right people money so we don't. If letting elected officials know this is unacceptable if they want reelected can change policy it's by far the most effective course of action for any individual.

>> No.11173726

Cause 1960s America

>> No.11173729


>> No.11173747

completely socializing the grid in the US to allow the adoption of nuclear power is a pretty good idea. Though based on current economics 80% renewable 20% nuclear would be considerably cost effective and could be deployed considerably faster.

>> No.11173752

>we could easily transition to carbon free energy sources incredibly quickly, using existing tech
no we can’t

>> No.11173774

In your dreams, most expensive would just be to socialize the grid and go full nuclear. Long range transmission infrastructure combined with wind and solar overcapacity and storage, combined with a small number of reactors would be even faster and cheaper. Huge EV subsidies on the condition they be used for vehicle to grid is another way to solve the ittermittancy issue overnight.

>> No.11173810

Why nuclear?

>> No.11173818

It's the governments job to fix things not ours.

>> No.11173824
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Because they are kids you fucking retard.

>> No.11173859

Boomers aren't listening, yet they control the world. This issue is not new, but it seems like no matter how much we continually talk about it, no matter how imminent it seems, nobody who matters listens. I would unironically support mass eradication of climate deniers, it's come to the point of it's either remove them forcefully, or we'll all go down. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem like it's going to happen, we're pretty much guaranteed to quadruple the safe estimates for temperature increase in terms of emission. Expect the world to literally go to hell, or at least don't be surprised.

>> No.11173860

Adults should do that, kids should explore solutions.

>> No.11173868


>> No.11173873
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The fuck is wrong with you? Everyone should explore solutions. When the fuck should anyone ever protest? IMO skip that shit and go right to rioting. DO YOU WANT TO BE HEARD NIGGER? FUCKING STEP THAT SHIT UP

>> No.11173896

I blame the internet for that, slacktivism is reaching incredible levels with shits like twitter and instagram.
Retards legit think that moaning on the internet and acting holier than thou is "helping".

Probably bait but you should read that: https://zerohplovecraft.wordpress.com/2019/09/28/the-green-new-deal/

>> No.11173915

too long, didn't read.

You'll call me a communist, a green shill or something. Read my lips: "THE WORLD WILL NOT BE A NICE PLACE 2C+". I don't care if we have to resurrect stalin himself to prevent it, turning the world into some eco-communist shithole would invariably be better than... I dunno, destruction of civilization itself.

>> No.11173950
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>turning the world into some eco-communist shithole would invariably be better than... I dunno, destruction of civilization itself.
LOL oh my my my do i wholeheartedly disagree. let me explain it to you very clearly: Turning the world into some eco-communist shithole WOULD CAUSE the destruction of civilization. The road to hell is paved with good intentions fuckface. Congratulations on being a catalyst for mayhem and tragedy safely under the delusion of "good intentions".


>> No.11173975

You're acting like there's another option. Like you have some magical plan concocted by fairies to take all that carbon out of the air, and every fossil fuel company can start acting exactly like they did before, and you can save capitalism from itself. I want to reach your pea-sized brain, I really do.

>> No.11173978
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Because just talking and street protests are easier than searching for a solution and implement it.

>> No.11173995
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>I want to reach your pea-sized brain, I really do.
You're gonna have to learn what the fuck empathy is and how to put yourself in other peoples' shoes second. Firstly, before you even start that process, you're gonna have to learn how to not self indulgently insult someone with some fantasy/assumption laden delusional attack. This takes years. Good luck.

>> No.11174015

This shit is exactly why I wouldn't mind eradication of deniers, all of it goes in one ear and out the other. This was a nice exercise in futility, essentially trying to explain what a car is to a opossum in the street.

>> No.11174026
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>This shit is exactly why I wouldn't mind eradication of deniers, all of it goes in one ear and out the other.
Funny, my words are doing the exact same thing to you! IS BABBY GON' SAVE TEH WORLD FROM ITSELF??!!?1/ BABBY HAS A LOT OF WORK AHEAD OF IT OLLLOOLOLLOOL

>> No.11174040

You are hysterical and seem distress.
You should definitely read what the anon linked to you.

>> No.11174064

Just a cringe story filled with stupid memes, how is it supposed to make me feel better about the world going to literal hell?

>> No.11174068
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>how is it supposed to make me feel better about the world going to literal hell?
lol nobody gives a fuck about how you feel liberal pussy faggot

>> No.11174079

based, the only way is taking more aids, stds and reproductive surgery to Africa and nobody has time to take a whore to a sex tour through Africa, India and central America

>> No.11174083

>I am a white man in a suit

>> No.11174086
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>> No.11174089

They can't vote, only way to be heard is to get in the news. What inventions do you expect from people who haven't even completed any higher education yet?
Where would they get research funding from even?

>> No.11174090

Yet we will both burn equally when the aquifers run out and the agriculture fails. You think being rich will save you? It won't. If not you, it will be our descendents, but I guess in that case you'll be able to live a life of decadence on the internet.

>> No.11174108

Well, being herd is... Not quite what... I want snow and lower temperatures across the globe, I don't need to be heard.

Actually I cannot even travel somewhere where I could be... or I could...

And if I ever start doing something, I will be seen...

I'm hearing myself everywhere... It's like... Not really important...

Now, how do I get superconductors while protesting on the street or how do I get...

I'm working my way out, it's not easy to effectively commit to this society, not being more garbage after commitment than you ware before...

Literally whole world I know is having two or three social networks, or there are networks with like 400 people.

I can't even find a place where people meet and talk.

Stopping random people is fun and stuff, but I somehow...

It does nothing.

Welcome to antipsychotics.

>> No.11174145

Willing to bet she's being paid by the fossil fuel companies to make environmentalists look like lunatics

>> No.11174164

It's actually just a symptom of a larger problem infesting >society. The people who go out on such protests lack any kind of real purpose in life. They're young, supposedly at the "beginning of their adult lives" but still they have no idea what to do in the future. Blocking a football game or a street is just a way for them to feel like they matter, like their lives actually amount to something when in reality they really don't. How will preventing some wagies from going to work help the climate? How will stopping a football game?
It's empty, feel-good activism, basically a coping mechanism keep them from going insane/an heroing.
Of course, this doesn't only happen with people on the left side. The recent surge in /pol/tardism is basically the same thing.

>> No.11174185

>A 16 year old child should have read every single book, studied every single theory and come up with at least 3 solutions in their lifetime.

??? Just pointing out something is wrong doesn't exactly take an education unless you're literally a redneck neanderthal. It brings attention to a subject where people more skilled in the matter can come up with ideas or solutions.

>> No.11174207
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>It brings attention to a subject where people more skilled in the matter can come up with ideas or solutions.

>> No.11174210

You certainly seem to be very upset over, and I quote you now; a "BELLIGERENT AUTISTIC 16 YEAR OLD SPERG BLOWING HER CUNTFLAPS VIOLENTLY TO MOTIVATE THEM"

Why is it so annoying for you that she's the one doing it? Would you prefer nobody did and we just shut up about the climate? Or do you want to wait until an adult brings it up, when or if that ever happens?

Get a grip, it's just a kid. Let her talk. If you were wise you'd listen to some of it at least. And no, don't bring up the "bugs" because I don't recall she ever mentioned that we should eat fucking bugs.

>> No.11174240


the fact they aren't doing shit definitely proves otherwise. Politicians need to know it doesn't matter how much money big oil gives them they'll never be elected again if they don't actually obey the will of the people.

>> No.11174244

yeah but its a kid lmao dont let kids say anything theyre retarded dont pay attention

this post was sponsored by Exxon & Co.

>> No.11174245

Because you ain't power heavy industries with photovoltaic.
Hydro? Yes, but good luck finding new suitable sites.

>> No.11174252

Problem is football is fun for people that beat normal people with actual life with sticks.

Look at things like algorythmical trading, which is very stupid, even if humans follow algorythms, problem is that silicon life forms dominate this field, and whole money is just one big bubble.

People do just for money, and that is the problem. Doing without a purpose.

If your purpose in live is to be some cell in big money organism that does seen only money, you are dead, because this organism is so fat it wont get trough door.

Yes, money is just information... But better to have some different. It's like seeing max and trying to deduce function, useless if we want to proceed intelligently on life as a complex organism.

>> No.11174257

Uhm? I don't get it, solar is bullshit, we've got plenty of steal, build turbines, heat pumps, power on the heat in air and we are solved.

>> No.11174262

From this reply I understand that it's a waste of time to engage a dialog with you, farewell

>> No.11174266

actually solar is perfect for heavy industries as peak production lines up perfectly with peak working hours. It's baseload which is expensive for solar but there's plenty of ways around it. Personally I think the best option is pushing vehicle to grid really hard through subsides as it's serves to eliminate two of the largest sources of emissions in one move.

>> No.11174272

there already are
There's just nobody willing to jump on it
Beyond that it's largely nuclear or not
Big oil loves helping environmentalists say nuclear is bad, I'm sure

>> No.11174293

Yes, the load curve is nice I agree, but sadly it isn't reliable, you can't base production on a very variable supply and you need a lot (a LOT) of land to match nuclear energy density. Even more, ideally solar after 15 - 25 years max needs to be trashed and remade. You always need a baseload anyway, and you can only use hydro and/or nuclear (assuming we want to be carbon free).

Also, in my opinion increase production and use of batteries is a terrible idea and a straight road to even more pollution and conflicts. Imagine some nice reactors that in off hour you use for hydrogen production. Sweet.

>> No.11174298

This is true
This is also true
Nuclear is the only option that can completely fill fossil fuel's part in powering our countries
Wind is too inconsistent and on top of that only specific locations tend to have the best wind for power - this means that the available wind power on the planet is fairly tiny compared to the power demands required.
Solar is a similar story. It only makes sense in areas with lots of sun, which is fine, but those areas are already populated with farm land, and solar is also subject to weather
Only nuclear has the power density and abundance to replace fossil fuel power in a realistic way
You could do similar with solar but you're going to take up way more land than a single nuclear plant, for the same amount of power

>> No.11174313

I meant this, I really really would love to be able to rely solely on renewables, but it can't be. This pushed me to be a nuclear engineer but because people are retarded as soon as I graduate I will probably end up eating beans and bread for the rest of my life.

>> No.11174317

maybe next time don't choose a dead industry

>> No.11174322

I wasn't mocking you my man.
That aside, non nuclear renewables' problem seems to be largely requiring shittons of space / availability and having a vast ecological impact at large scales

>> No.11174369
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you will do it so help me fucking GOD

>> No.11174373
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>Politicians need to know it doesn't matter how much money big oil gives them they'll never be elected again if they don't actually obey the will of the people.
jesus fucking christ are you paying attention to the political climate in america? democrats are fucking up BIG on exactly that: serving the people. Democrats are supposed to be the emotionally intelligent wing, why are they fucking up this fucking bad?

tldr: TRUMP 2020 LOL FUCK YA

>> No.11174382

>Hurr i am above eating bugs
enjoy starving when there's nothing left to eat

>> No.11174468

She has never said that we eat bugs. Where are you people coming up with these lies? Are these your "Now it's the climate next its the food! BUGS PEOPLE! BUGS!" It's like a crazy town drunkard.

>> No.11174494

bugs are pretty inefficient anyways, plant based protein sources are much better

>> No.11174498

so doing everything possible to destroy the EPA and bring back coal is what you want? Great.

>> No.11174500
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nigger, i'll be eating you LOL

>> No.11174508

bringing back coal to own the libtards
ruining the climate and my own future to own the libtards
i dont want to work in a coalmine though to own the libtards
infact i have no stake in this other than petty "us vs them" theatrics and i get nothing out of it other than a shallow, brief pleasure to own the libtards

>> No.11174510
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>so doing everything possible to destroy the EPA and bring back coal is what you want?
i want a leader that purports strength and illuminates everyone's true colors. A leader that has succeeded and failed so many tiems in lief that they know what's what. A leader that has interacted with so many different kinds of people that they have developed a universal element of respect/common courtesy. I fucking hate humanity. I fucking love nature. I'd love for everything to be as good as it can be. We're in the fast lane with Donnie leading us.

>> No.11174514

you say that like libtards don't know this kek

>> No.11174517

The reason is that alternative energy sources have been proposed but the administrative class is ignoring them for reasons unknown to the rest of us. The mass protests are the flailing of an increasingly desperate group running out of options. For now it will be like this, social media blitzes and rallies, but once the food starts running out, it will be more like armed rebellion.

>> No.11174523

I can't tell if this is satire, or schizophrenia you win i guess.

>> No.11174534
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It's schizophrenia. Donnie is an unbelievable human being. His love for the military is everything. Without a strong confident passionate military, a nation is vulnerable to the barbarians that are at the gates. And from what i've been seeing lately, it seems America has a real big problem with it's citizens hating the country they are born into with an intensity that is pure fucking rot. America is rotting from the inside, and i do believe a future civil war is very probable. To some extent at least. I don't have a hard tiem believing hardcore libtards believing they have to take ugly, grotesque measures to "save" the country or world or however the fuck the retards fucking think