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11171681 No.11171681 [Reply] [Original]

Is it?

>> No.11171698 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 1249x933, 1573255262060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another cumbrained roastie postie

>> No.11171708

I don t know why, but anytime I masturbate I got cold and throatache

>> No.11171740

losers masturbate

>> No.11172239 [DELETED] 


>> No.11172680

Dopamine slave.

>> No.11172687

dumb frogposter

>> No.11172906 [DELETED] 

dumb coomer

>> No.11172912
File: 63 KB, 480x640, 22686449_1728210077202826_1435573483_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its actually a gross behavior and thats why you wont do it in front of other people

the good thing is though you can learn to identify which behaviors you have that are gross and eliminate them

>> No.11172917

Addiction is defined in terms of adverse consequences. Is your masturbation interfering with your life? If not then it's totally fine. If it is then cut back. There is also some evidence to suggest that ejaculating a few times a week help prevent prostate cancer.
Personally, I try to keep it to three times a week to stay productive.

>> No.11172933


reminder that male chimps only masturbate while in captivity.

>> No.11172937


notice how it said ejaculation...you only need to do it several times a month and if you're not a loser you will just have wet dreams 4-6 times a month. masturbation is unhealthy and unnecessary.

>> No.11172940

Aren't we all being held captive in some way or another

>> No.11172941 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 203x257, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck else are you gonna spend your life chasing? apathy and indifference? just kill yourself now LOL
>everything you do revolves around that juicy dopamine fucking deal with it

>> No.11172972

people do masturbate in front of others. ever heard about sex?
do you shit in front of people?
should we stop all biological "gross behaviors"? remove digestive system, remove balls and penis. heck just remove all intestines and blood it's gross.
or just kys retard.

>> No.11172974

This. Why are you even alive.

>> No.11173087

>Masonic dubs

>> No.11173098

A big part of maintaining a healthy body (especially prostate in this case) is using it.

>> No.11173110

The claim is that nofap causes the system itself to be more "efficient". I think by "slave" he meant too willing to give up for the good for your own good.

>> No.11173116

Disregarding that idiotic claim, isn't giving up pleasure "for your own good" paradoxical?

>> No.11173128

I've begun to realize there's a misconception going on. Ever notice how in American cuisine, the nuance of flavor is masked by a shitton of a single flavor a few key ones? We enjoy dopamine and most "good" emotions require it but straight dope misses the requirements for variation and nuance, and it gets ... "stale," almost. If it didn't get stale, if it truly fulfilled a person, heroin addicts wouldn't be driven to quit.

>> No.11173146

nofap is for porn addicts: people who masturbate 4 times a day and then cannot have sex, because they get hard only by watching more and more obscure pornography. if you masturbate with moderation and have a healthy sex life, quitting masturbation will give you absolutely nothing.

>> No.11173156

What's good for you doesn't necessarily *feel* good. Smoking, drugs, eating lots of sugar all *feels* good, at least in the moment, but they're ultimately bad for you in the long run.

>> No.11173179

>having 4-6 wet dreams a month means you're not a loser
This place... this is a strange place.

>> No.11173222

I should have specified I'm not talking about things that harm your health like drugs.
If you're given an option to feel good or to not feel good, wouldn't choosing to not feel good go against what's good for you?
If you live in pain/discomfort or without feelings why live at all?

>> No.11173781 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 201x251, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but srsly, i read. appreciating the little things is tough in America. As kids, our system is FUCKING CONSISTENTLY OVERSTIMULATED ALMOST EVERY FUCKING DAY FOR UPWARDS OF 2 DECADES before we get a chance to realize "holy fuck, my system is fucked and i don't enjoy existing at all. How did this happen?" and of course the answer is stupid fucking parents who they themselves are only overstimulating their children's system in a pathetic to stimulate their system at all.


>> No.11173786 [DELETED] 
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>in a pathetic ATTEMPT to stimulate their system at all.

>> No.11173865 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 960x960, 477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're given an option to feel good or to not feel good, wouldn't choosing to not feel good go against what's good for you?
Yes, absolutely. Nothing is concrete. While it is obvious that eating a healthy diet and never over-eating leads to living predictably to very old age, that shit is fucking miserable. I would really rather live an exciting life and die at 40 then be "healthy" and live to 100. Everyone is different. Everyone has different needs. I myself cannot tolerate a lack of dopamine. I am being absolutely sincere when i say that eating 2000 calories of cookies and potato chips in order to force a diabetic reaction for my body to sort out is much preferable to having to be calmly aware of everything. I can not tolerate being healthy. I have given myself gastroparesis in the process. Figure out how to force my body to digest/vacate food. I've figured out a lot from being in hell. I like being in hell. I can not tolerate rainbows butterflies and unicorns. I can not tolerate being too healthy. I'd rather die and assuredly will end up dying because of my patterns of behavior. CAN'T FUCKING WAIT LOL

>> No.11173881

masturbating is pretty good, desirable and healthy behavior. the human body is mapped differently on every human being so its of course needed to make a lengthy exploration to discover everyones particular pleasure triggers. unless you enjoy being miserable and unfulfilled for a lifetime.

>> No.11173891 [DELETED] 

>unless you enjoy being miserable and unfulfilled for a lifetime
I don't enjoy it, but it has to be this way anon. It is the only way to expedite progress. Only the strongest are permitted to undertake this journey.

>> No.11173892

Nofap posters should be permanently banned.

>> No.11173894

>no its actually a gross behavior and thats why you wont do it in front of other people

What are you, a fucking incel?
Lots of people masturbate in front of others.

>> No.11173936

>I don't enjoy it, but it has to be this way anon.
no it dont. if you didnt enjoy it you wouldnt be doing it, unless you enjoy being miserable, aka a patholocigal masochist, which is a problem way bigger than masturbation itself (if it ever was).

>> No.11173949

That happens to me if I masturbate too much in a day. I think scientifically speaking when you lose enough of your life force through cooming your body becomes weak and more vulnerable to disease. I know I feel weak after cooming, dont you?

>> No.11173956 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 275x183, BUBUHBBH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no it dont. if you didnt enjoy it you wouldnt be doing it, unless you enjoy being miserable, aka a patholocigal masochist
You are absolutely correct. I enjoy expediting progress so much that i am more than willing to spend a lifetime in misery and hell. Fuck ya, thanks for the insight anon.

>> No.11173958

>stop masturbating
>lose sexual interest, smaller weak loads, weak boners

>start masturbating often
>hornier, huge aggressive loads, hard boners

Anyone else? Nofap is a meme

>> No.11173959

>your body becomes weak and more vulnerable to disease.
>I know I feel weak after cooming, dont you?
lmaooooooo, not weak, relaxed, you pansy. it feel sgreat and if i do it a whole day, the day after i wake up clear as fuck and with a warm feeling in the chest like a day long post orgasm.

>> No.11173961

youre broken, pal. it doesnt work that way.

>> No.11173984

> I can not tolerate being too healthy. I'd rather die and assuredly will end up dying because of my patterns of behavior. CAN'T FUCKING WAIT LOL
Damn, this is literally Darwinism in action. It's beautiful how nature sorts itself out of the bad seeds. Cheers fag *tips broccoli*

>> No.11173992

Ejaculation in general so yes, includes masturbating is essential for the health of both men and women - it's about evacuating heavy radioactive nanoparticles such as uranium

See https://journals.lww.com/pbj/Citation/latestarticles/The_link_between_salt_and_neurological_disorders_.99948.aspx and read the paper Alpha emitting nanoparticulates, the forgotten pollutant which is in reference in that

>> No.11173996

you only get that feeling from the prostate orgasms you're talking about. I'm talking about dick gasms. Try doing like 3 or 4 in a row.

>> No.11174003

>you don’t do it in front of others
Anon I......

>> No.11174010 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 333x499, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you could see the beauty that emerges on behalf of my presence. I am a tool of the universe. There is no pride in this existence, only results. What the fuck have you figure out in the short tiem you've been allowed to freely walk the earth?

>> No.11174011

I would say no, it’s not “good” for you but I don’t see anything “bad” about it unless it becomes a problem.

>> No.11174014

Unironically kill yourself you piece of shit kike. I know you are engaging in pilpul.

>> No.11174020 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11174028

its for fags. anything you cant openly tell your grandparents because of shame or anything else is beta cuck jew shit and you must stop

>> No.11174031

Taoist masters described edging as something that generates energy, but cooming depletes your body of energy. What really happens is you get a spike of prolactin (shitty hormone) directly afterwards, and you lose some minerals with your load. Really the biggest incentive not to coom is because of the prolactin, which is only useful to women and has no benefits in men.

>> No.11174033

The prostate cancer study is weak and has been contradicted by at least one study.
In reality you don't need to jack off at all, sperm will be reabsorbed and seminal fluid drained out during nocturnal emissions.

Everyone's free to do as they want but there is no real benefit to masturbate, it seems more to be a dysfunctiunal way to cope with stress.

>> No.11174058

This is a good thing. It means you have control of yourself and aren't a slave.

>> No.11174131

Why? Can't you defend your points on your own? With arguments? Why are you so insecure with your ideas that you want to scilence the other side?

>> No.11174200

Just don’t watch porn and it’s ok. But also have real sex too

>> No.11174204

you can see the curvature

>> No.11174270

>a meaningless gesture to make it feel like your life has meaning
Expected, but respectable

>> No.11174615

that's amazing that you can see the curvature of the earth in that picture. was it taken near the north pole?

>> No.11175169

>rejecting pleasure to gain pleasure believing your life has meaning now
oh shit

>> No.11175172

Take your meds, poltard.

>> No.11175862

Why the fudge have I seen this image before.

>> No.11175878 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 1249x933, 1573255262060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another roastie postie

>> No.11176009

Imagine thinking that loosing important minerals, having problems with relations with real women and being a dopamine slave is a good thing.
Also, casual sex is nothing better either.

>> No.11176020

Masturbation is good, porn is unhealthy. I did about two months of no fap, start3d doing mma, got real aggressive, would lash out for no reason.

>> No.11176026

That's exactly how it works virgin. Use it or lose it.

>> No.11176046

Appreciating hot women is not a bad thing. Virtual or real... It's not 2005 anymore

>> No.11177246

have sex

>> No.11177684

dilate sweetie

>> No.11177807

>dat impotent incel rage

>> No.11177914

Nothing wrong with it, as long as it's done in public.

>> No.11177920

Nofap causes Aids.

>> No.11177969

Classic case of cognitive dissonance
>I want to masturbate because it feels so good!
>I am little worried that it might be harmful to me

The next step is to seek resolution and the process goes like this:

IF I tell you "Masturbation is bad."
THEN You tell me "I'm not sure, there doesn't seem to be any irrefutable evidence."

IF I tell you "There's nothing wrong with masturbation."
THEN You tell me "Yeah I thought so too."

>> No.11177988

The dopamine rush is pretty big upon ejaculation; arguably it takes a while for the receptors to bounce back to normal sensitivity, aka a milder version of doing a line of coke

>> No.11178002


>> No.11178067

Chimps and monkeys masturbate too

>> No.11178070

have sex incel freak

>> No.11178256

I don't know why but the usage of the word 'freak' cringes me out.

>> No.11178374

You can heal and transform the body in some ways via tantric kundalini masturbation

>> No.11178386

That's a very meta response

>responds to protect pride
>response contains "there is no pride in this existence"

>> No.11179456

You are not a slave to dopamine you are addicted to masturbation which is much more shameful and pointless then casual sex

>> No.11179467
File: 394 KB, 1249x933, 1573255262060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another roastie postie

>> No.11179470

>wet dreams 4-6 times a month
Man, I fucking wish. Haven't had one of those in what feels like years

>> No.11179472


Only incels believe this meme.

>> No.11179473

because getting STDs is meaningful.

>> No.11179480

it's a good insult. like basedboi, doesn't mean it's valid.

>> No.11179484

Lmao sleeping in jizz soaked panties is what makes you not a degenerate

>> No.11179493

Much like depression my STDs will never leave me. <3

>> No.11179501

Pray a cow.

>> No.11179648

I get a lot of it... But I get blockators, and... It happened... Like without dopamine blockers, I don't need to.

>> No.11179712


>> No.11179765

What if I need to take a shit?

>> No.11179855

to an extent, because you're built to orgasm. and no, we're not some insect species that dies after copulation.

and our other closest great ape relatives, bonobos, wank and fuck all day. they even fuck infants. so what?

>> No.11179862


>> No.11179911


It doesn't hurt and makes you feel better. Unless you end up just living in a closet jerking off 20 times a day, you're probably fine.

Stop believing memes, you fucking yobs.