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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11165678 No.11165678 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11165679

What did Jacob Barnett become and are /sci/ still triggered by his existence ?

>> No.11165733

a monster

>> No.11165803

explain further

>> No.11165806

My sweetest friend.

>> No.11165811

He's not publishing anything which is career-ending in research. If even autistic retards on /sci/ don't consider him a threat anymore, then he's actually faded into irrelevance.

>> No.11165825

Is this the same guy?
Seems like a normie.

>> No.11165831

but he's young, so he have plenty of time to find things, no?

>> No.11165900

Just a random smart guy. People should stop to confuse prodigy with genius.

>> No.11166345

Doctor of Triple Integrals

>> No.11166946

why was /sci/ triggered by this literal child

>> No.11166972

the anime poster in /sqt/

>> No.11166981

because whenever an 11 year old looks smarter than grad students, all the grad students here get all insecure about how some kid will BTFO them.

thankfully in 2019 we see that Barnett turned out to be a meme who latched onto Lee Smolin which implies he will forever be a meme, so now we can feel OK about him. look, Sabrina P. was a big meme here but now in her postdoc she isn't revolutionizing physics so now the other postdocs here aren't worried about how she's level 4000 above us.

science people are super insecure. and if some little girl gets cited by Hawking or if some middle school boy gets accepted to grad school, it makes us look like we're trivial. but after time passes, those memes dissolve and normal career scientists stop worrying that they've been bested by child prodigies

look, Stephen Wolfram was a child prodigy and published his crap book in the 80s. where did that go? nowhere. he sold out and became a software guy. maybe he is rich because we use his software but he never ended up doing anything good in the field he got his degrees in. he was never nothing to worry about

>> No.11166993

Favorite class is Greek language.
Wants to study the bible.

What happened to his multi dimension ring theory stuff where you drop a hand full of coins and shit?

>> No.11167009

anon, that's a different guy. obviously. if you don't have face blindness. or "voice blindness" (which i just made up).

remember that jacob barnett is an autist. does that guy seem like an autist? no, he's a chadlet. barnett is a permavirgin. keep these things in mind.

>> No.11167089

This type of thing would make sense if we still used words like "savant" instead of genius lol,
"I can't speak properly or dress myself, why didn't I ever write a new theory of relativity....."
He had a photographic memory and was prompted to make his claims,
This is child abuse if anything, photographic memory means he can just reference other people work or fill up a blackboard with maths.

>> No.11167140

should have just become a chess pro

>> No.11167681

HIS family has been in the news ALOT recently, apparently they adopted some 20 y/o Ukrainian girl with dwarfism who managed to fool them into thinking she was like 8. The girl was obviously not 8 and tried to poison/kill the Barnett's on multiple occasions, so they basically abandoned her and now the girl is suing. Very interesting stuff on YouTube.

>> No.11167689

We don't mock these fake geniuses, we mock retarded people/media who believe that they are actually genius

>> No.11167695

>entered college at age 10
>not an uber genius

>> No.11167708

And it's always in the US or UK, where education is expansive as fuck...

>Be a university
>let a random 10/15 years old enter
>free advertisements everywhere in the media/internet
>Be a happy rich university


>> No.11167711

2 to 3 years no publishing will kill anyone's career. I.e. skill and activity matters way more than age.

>> No.11167726

my son

>> No.11167742

>maybe he is rich because we use his software but he never ended up doing anything good in the field he got his degrees in. he was never nothing to worry about
damn now this is coping

>he's only a billionaire, he didn't succeed at all!

>> No.11167750


>> No.11167762

PhD candidate here, I'm actually extremely intimidated by Wolfram and would like to follow in his footsteps. Couldn't care less about some little shit who will die with a net worth of less than 5 million.

>> No.11167781

>Net worth
I think your priorities are all fucked up for a PhD student. No one gets those for the money.

>> No.11169044


>> No.11169052

>phd candidate
>concerned with net worth

>> No.11169354

Living without money kind of sucks. I do some of the most important work on the planet, so it's only natural I get a fat paycheck for it.

>> No.11170184
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>I do some of the most important work on the planet
Imagine being this deluded.

>> No.11170486

> I do some of the most important work on the planet, so it's only natural I get a fat paycheck for it.

>> No.11170544

> I do some of the most important work on the planet, so it's only natural I get a fat paycheck for it.
<soccer players, singers, bankers, politicians
<teachers, poor scientists, manual work workers...
Anon, I...

>> No.11170568
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>phd candidate
>concerned with net worth
Haha yes, this is a funny joke. Education is silly and doesn't lead to wealth. Disregard knowledge and entrepreneurship. Find employment like a good normal citizen.

>> No.11170571
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He became low IQ because his libtard parents adopted a Ukrainian dwarf spy that poisoned him with heavy metals, destroying his brain.

>> No.11170579

>he never ended up doing anything good in the field he got his degrees in
Yeah being world renowned, having everyone use your software, and being insanely wealthy are pretty trivial. Good thing we're not sell outs like that loser

>> No.11171522

>all those windows he ruined by solving triple integrals

What was the point?

>> No.11171806

yo i see tha nigga yesterday he been cracking meth in tha hood

>> No.11171818

he went out of science after getting btfo and out of trend

>> No.11173170
File: 90 KB, 1200x630, Jacob-Barnett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he found the barnett integrable functions and couldn't top that

>> No.11173193

We weren't triggered, exactly. Think like uh, the reaction channers had to exploding vans. We knew it wasnt true but it was funny everyone thought it was.

It was immediately obvious the kid was smart but not second-coming-of-von-neumann smart. But he still got breathless adoration from the media for knowing how to do calculus in middle school. His arc is something you see pretty regularly, a precocious child gets media buzz (usually because the parents are taking advantage of them) and then does nothing at all.

>> No.11173204

Well, he published a paper on LQG with Smolin. Safe to say the prostects of him contributing something valuable to physics are close to zero.

>> No.11173370


>> No.11173391

haha wtf

>> No.11173425

What the fuck am I reading

>> No.11173434

Von Neumann is highly overrated

>> No.11173436

The Lord is back

>> No.11173461

>doing math on a pane of glass

This triggers me so much

>> No.11174622

HOLY SHIT triple integral prodigy jacob barnett's parents are the couple that adopted the ukrainian sociopath adult dwarf posing as a child. I went to school with here in indiana. crazy coincidence.

>> No.11174816

He urdered 12 pealpe with a knives.

>> No.11174822

his family still rides off his paychecks to this day... amen.

>> No.11174853

><soccer players, singers, bankers, politicians
All unimportant.

>> No.11174949

No woman (or man) would be willing to have sex with you. Your claims of having a son are as baseless as your schizophrenically induced threads on math.

>> No.11175021
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>> No.11175115

I could have done the same and I'm a retard.

>> No.11175209

He is a based af Jew, he hated communism and socialism with a passion.

>> No.11175235

Id have sex with him

>> No.11175279


everyone i know

>> No.11175334

Just like the movie right? Ebik meme friend.

>> No.11175357

That isn't really about being a young genius, its about having parents who groom you for that from a young age and put all their resources into your education at the expense of your socialization from the start because rapidly progressing through the education system is a huge burden on the guardians more so than on some introverted kid with a long attention span and nothing better to do.

>> No.11175359

> he didn't succeed at all!
That isn't what was said, stop misrepresenting.

>He didn't succeed at all in particle physics, so he had to move on to software development.
That was the claim.

>> No.11175362

Money will only distract you from the important work you need to be doing, you should be making minimum wage, so you are dependent entirely on constantly working.

>> No.11175364

Are you fucking retarded?
That person's entire point seemed to be that importance isn't what decides pay.

>> No.11175367

Natalia is based

>> No.11175379

>adult dwarf posing as a child
Isnt this the plot of a horror movie?

>> No.11175392

and you my friend murdered the spelling

>> No.11175417

These people are full of shit. There's a reason they're being charged.

>> No.11175425

Yes, it's the plot for 'Orphan'

>> No.11175430

It's shit like this that reassure me that there is no reason to even take advice from /sci/.

>> No.11175644

Ok i take it back. You were right. It's just too god damn crazy to believe. From meme to absolute mad lad. That whole family is just peak glamor.


>> No.11176088

I'm starting to lose the grip on this reality.

>> No.11176119

LOL She's obviously not 16.

>> No.11176127

Isn't there a genetic way to test for age? Or some biological test. She's obviously lying.

>> No.11176223

My point is that it should.

>> No.11176284

>in 2019 we see that Barnett turned out to be a meme
No one accepted by the Perimeter Institute is a meme, salty boy.

>> No.11176893

aside from becoming the first 16 year old to have a PhD in Lagrange's theorem and prove the Collatz conjecture (Barnett's theorem)?

>> No.11179042
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