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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11165676 No.11165676 [Reply] [Original]

post here scientific publications that make you want to kys

>> No.11165682

What the fuck, dude?

I don't know, eukaryogenesis theories.

>> No.11165989

why would a scientific paper make me want to kill myself
are you an incel?

>> No.11165994
File: 35 KB, 564x823, 1570627544512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you an incel?

>> No.11166003

you mean the paper that says that something like 10% of men will die virgins?

>> No.11166015

Thanks for telling me. Try not to kys <3

>> No.11166075

do you have any more good pictures of weasels

>> No.11166150


>> No.11166157

that just makes me want to kill the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

>> No.11166160

Why anon? What makes you wanna kys over eukaryogenesis theories?

>> No.11166163

Probably any publication that won't publish /sci/'s work, or studies that poke the personal incredulity part of their brains.

>> No.11166168

Not really. It's just seems like one big mistake or catastrophe maybe. Origin of viruses is even more cryptic. History of early Earth and early life is full of mysteries that transcend religion and popular level science.

>> No.11166170

what kind of animal is that

>> No.11166178


>> No.11166184

northern tube cat

>> No.11166193

I think i understand, but i also think that these "theories" are good to keep popsci normies in check. They get their exciting stuff about Origin of Life Itself. Its unlikely we will be able to accurately predict it. Modela we build might be useful for something else though.

>> No.11166222

“A Mathematical Model for the Determination of Total Area Under Glucose Tolerance and Other Metabolic Curves”, Mary M. Tai,Diabetes Care,1994,17, 152–154.

It's incredible this guy was able to get this published. Basically, he thought he was unique in finding the area under a curve

>> No.11166229

>metabolic curves
I've never actually read this paper, but does he actually think that the trapezoidal rule is a novel invention? How the actual fuck did this guy get a degree in a scientific field?

>> No.11166262

Southern pole cat

>> No.11166270

he apparently was never told what calculus was
why are there so many fucking names for this animal

>> No.11166278



>> No.11166297

Anal fungus licker

>> No.11166328

>moonlight sonata starts playing

>> No.11166342

wait what
did he like reinvent integrals or something

>> No.11166343

good choice anon

>The formidable problem that these fundamental complex features present to evolutionary biologists makes Darwin's famous account of the evolution of the eye look like a simple, straightforward case. Indeed, so intimidating is the challenge of eukaryogenesis that the infamous notion of ‘irreducible complexity’ has sneaked into serious scientific debate [11]
Just that that you are here now, and know that you are, is thanks to an unexplained, chance event that is so improbable that it has only happened once ever is just kind of strange to think about

>> No.11166349


>> No.11166353

what the fuck
how rigurous was he?

man i gotta find this

>> No.11166370
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>> No.11166372

>‘irreducible complexity’
athiests irreducibly BTFO

>> No.11166373
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it's a she

>> No.11166375

Hi Fadeaushka.

>> No.11166401

Serious answer: it's a least weasel

Which is the opposite of a most weasel

>> No.11166402

of course it's a womyn

>> No.11166405

why does she write about herself in the third face though?

>> No.11166406

is there a greatest weasel

>> No.11166411

TrYiNG tO bE DiFFerEnT aND uNIQue

>> No.11166414

Fucking newfags

>> No.11166415


strong womyn btfo incel Newton

>> No.11166416

Because that's how scientific literature is written you undergrads

>> No.11166420

Then again the paper wasn't written(typed) in third person and instead was used to describe the model.

>> No.11166427


>> No.11166437

That geocentric shit bro: https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-of-the-worst-academic-papers-ever-published

>> No.11166456

mathematicians use "we" not "he/she/it"

>> No.11167119
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>> No.11167199

Just curious, what do you guys think of the viral invasion hypothesis?

>> No.11168075

>viral invasion hypothesis
i dont know it

>> No.11168119

Seems somewhat reasonable. But I have problems with some details. If the main host was an archaeon, then why do eukaryotes have bacterial cell membranes, and not archaeal membranes? The nucleus must come before mitochondria, and the nucleus must be the starter of phagocytosis, meiosis. Bacteria and archaea are not predators by any means. They are chemical transformers, so to speak. They divide into separate cells to avoid predation and viruses. Deep underground, prokaryotes form huge cells with many of rings of DNA, and plasmids are technically no different than the main loop. Thermoreductive evolution seems also reasonable. There is also evidence that big cells of eukaryotic size were present on Earth as early as 3Gya.

According to the viral origin, the nucleus holds hostage the ribosomal ancient genes in a nucleolus, and uses enslaved ribosomes to transcribe nuclear/viral DNA transcripts.

>> No.11168153

Thanks for the insight. It's not actually something I'm particularly knowledgeable about, just something a former colleague was studying that I thought was interesting.

>> No.11168837

Some species of bacteria kill and then consume other microorganisms, these species are called predatory bacteria.[161]

>> No.11169566

anything gender, it makes me think science is dead

>> No.11169658

Oh it was a woman. That explains it

>> No.11170393


>> No.11170447


Generally dennying theory that light is an ethereum wind, by shining the light, confirming lasers are dark.

>> No.11170450


array reduce a + r of joy is also... Quite ... Like it does make sense on certain occassions, but they read it's a fraud.

>> No.11170543

Most work by Indians outside of computer-science and any research done in China or by “first-generation” Chinese ‘immigrants’ in another country or anything that is a commentary that isn’t about how fucked up Science and medicine are right now

>> No.11170757
File: 72 KB, 748x535, believe in something ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial Society and Its Future - Theodore Kaczynski

>> No.11170758

your right, that is an embarrassing paper and ideology to have

>> No.11170769


>> No.11170869

>le cringe
>le cope

>> No.11170961

>it has only happened once ever
you don't know that
also, it's happening once might've prevented it from happening again

>> No.11170972

If I was a weasel there would be

>> No.11171073

>These data suggest that HIV may be evolving into a commensal organism just as simian immunodeficiency virus has done in some types of monkeys.


>> No.11172202

named it after herself.

>> No.11172203

he wants you to post papers that make you want to kiss your sister, which for me is all of them

>> No.11172413


your dog looks pretty sick, dude.