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11159740 No.11159740 [Reply] [Original]

What is worth knowing?

>> No.11159744

That, which is needed to be known in order to achieve the specified goal.

>> No.11159748
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its not what you know, its who you know

>> No.11159787

70 and exponential growth

>> No.11159817

85% of the time you will find a use for something even when you don't expect it, no knowledge is useless.

>> No.11159828

one day you will know my girth

>> No.11159854

He can’t keep getting away man

>> No.11159866


>> No.11159929
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The truth about the existential nature and fate of our own species. The purpose of life as a human being. The purpose of existence from a spiritual perspective.

Answers in order:

1. Life and the destruction of human civilization, for the most part, is cyclical and perfectly natural.

2. The only thing that makes life worth living is your interactions with other human beings, in all respects.

3. You are here for the purpose of growing yourself spiritually by experiencing life on Earth as a human being.

All roads lead to these conclusions.

>> No.11159934

How to wipe your arse.

>> No.11159938

Students always ask "why do we have to learn this? When are we going to use this? How is this important in life?"
And I answer "he who knows nothing, must believe everything".

>> No.11159940


>When you answer question in such a broad and vague way that it becomes meaningless.

Anon has figured it out, this is the end of philosophy!

>> No.11159945


If you don't know already, you have a long road to walk.

>> No.11160028

Even if you're joking that's a pretty good answer

>> No.11160036
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Category theory, especially if you're an undergrad who hasn't ever touched algebraic topology or algebraic geometry.

>> No.11160079


>> No.11160126

>2. The only thing that makes life worth living is your interactions with other human beings, in all respects.


>1. Life and the destruction of human civilization, for the most part, is cyclical and perfectly natural.

correct but it doesn't have to happen so fast.

>3. You are here for the purpose of growing yourself spiritually by experiencing life on Earth as a human being.


>> No.11160141

Lonely faggot.

>> No.11160201


>> No.11160214

How could one God create both viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes?
This bothers me so much.

>> No.11160213

This. I pull random bs I’ve learned in random conversations everyday. Never know when a piece of info will connect you w another person.

>> No.11160259

How to brew decent booze

>> No.11160640
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How to strengthen, protect, expand, and prolong your genetic lineage. Anything that does not deal with that directly isn't worth knowing.

>> No.11160646
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Yes. Very compelling rebuttal, by the way.

>> No.11160651


Everything has a reason. Including pain, suffering, and death.

>> No.11160852


>> No.11161925

That’s such a beautiful huge family

>> No.11162028

Elaborate on that.

>> No.11162031
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No, it's not hard, atleast make a decent picture.

>> No.11162121

What is needed to be known in order to specify goals?

>> No.11162134

Just do whatever you feel like doing and just learn whatever you feel like learning what the fuck just think of it as playing not studying or work and getting bogged down in worth jesus christ

>> No.11162528

Is this the same anon that made the vague statements?

Explain to me what the long road ahead is.

Also, I'm a 24 year old dude who hasn't read nearly enough philosophy to know what they're talking about, and I don't claim to know the "truth".

>> No.11162529

practical things that will improve your life so not astro-anything.

>> No.11162535

Nothing special, I mean if you want to eat and you set a goal to go and get food and eat it. You want to buy a new house, you go to work and save money. Knowledge is not needed to set goals, all you need is a desire.

>> No.11162909

Whatever most arouses curiosity, which is curiously self-regulating. The forgettable triviality of particular or isolated items in a list or set of anecdotes has a synergy with seeking processes for recording & organizing them, yet we also look elsewhere when patterns useful for prediction fail to emerge within the time available for idle inquiry: Most of the pleasure in drawing inferences is that of transparency & foresight, slowly cumulative as it is.

>> No.11163819



Yes. The most important thing you have to understand about the clarification of my answers is context. To reach the conclusion that civilizations destruction is cyclical, and to understand why, and accept it. You would need to have knowledge of a broad range of academic and scientific fields; Archaeology, Ancient history to modern, Geology, Astronomy, and need the context that we've now discovered that there is indeed a 9th "planet". If I were to simply tell you that we live in a binary star system with a neutron star that periodically passes close enough to our own sun every 20,000 to 30,000 years that it completely disrupts the gravitational rotation of Earth and many other planets to such an extreme it causes fairly regular and periodic systemic civilizational collapses, I would sound like Alex Jones. You would actually have to have the supporting evidence and theory of why, in over 300,000 years of human beings being anatomically correct, we just got around to organization and hardened megalithic architecture 12,000 years ago, which is not true. We've been at it for some time. Massive disasters, both from other celestial objects and domestic disturbances, keep annihilating our civilizations and hitting the reset button, in conjunction with our sister star that cycles close enough to our sun, that causes ice ages, sets off massive disasters, and causes radical shifts in the earths geography. All of it resets occasionally.

>> No.11163823



The second answer, in context. Picture being the only person left on Earth and then tell me how much meaning all of the achievements of mankind would mean to you, at that point. Nothing has any meaning without others to share it with, even if you ascribe it purpose, it has no meaning without other people. This comes from my personal experience of living alone in the woods. Existence simply becomes eating, sleeping, and defecating, time becomes meaningless, and even the nature of your own existence comes into question. We are not meant to be alone, a clan, a tribe, some manner of human interaction is the only thing that validates our existence as human beings and provides a place and context for our existence on this planet and in this universe.

>> No.11163834



Third and final answer. Life, as any organism, is ultimately about spiritual evolution, which is a process that takes an incomprehensible amount of time and is graduated by a series of lives lived as many different organisms, on many different planets, at radically different times. As a human, we are here to experience life as one, in another time, your purpose will be to experience life as another form of being, in order to grow and progress to a spiritual point that you no longer need to exist on this plane and are untethered to this dimension, at which point, you will free yourself to move forward to a higher plane of existence that does not involve material life, such as you experience down here. There is no way to provide evidence for this, spiritual insight and revelation is meant to be a deeply personal experience, and its context and meaning is perceived differently for each living being. Its context can only be understood on a personal level. There is no evidence for it because it is meant to be a personal experience, not one shared, witnessed, or even explained to others as its meaning can only apply to you when your ready to grasp it, and understand its context as pertains to you. You have no choice but to find, experience, and understand it, alone.

>> No.11163840


I hope that was specific enough for you. If it isn't then I can't explain it any further. You require context. The only true way you can reach these conclusions and truly accept them as your truth is to discover them for yourself, see them through your eyes, and comprehend them with your own mind. I hope this helps you on your way.

>> No.11163850


>> No.11163908


>> No.11163910

t. linguist

>> No.11163946

How to communicate and knowledge about your own identity

>> No.11164018

climate change

>> No.11164092

Help! How do i learn this??

>> No.11165405


That's cool and all, but you're making a big list of claims upon where your ideas are based. You might not realise it, but you're making yourself look like a huge idiot by doing that. Nobody will ever take your shit serious if you don't know how to think critically. You have no evidence, and especially the claim that we live in a binary system. You think that a whole crew of astronomers wouldn't have figured it out!? You do know that the massive gravity of the star would disrupt the orbits of many of the bodies in our solar system, and might even fling some away? Also every 20000 years is way too short for all those orbits to stabilise again, without showing evidence of disturbance. (like what it looks like now)

Knowledge doesn't make you dumb or smart. Abstract thought critical thinking and understanding the importance and effectiveness of the scientific method are prerequisites for being taken seriously even remotely by anyone with a brain.

>> No.11165579

If you should chose one science, Biology is the chad choice.

>> No.11165610
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Complete Domination and Control of reality and existence

>> No.11165618
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>> No.11165639

Clarify your values. Articulate what matters to you.

Here are my thoughts if you want some help. Most things are means to an end. They get you something but aren't good in and of themselves; money brings freedom, food brings sensory pleasure.

So what is the ultimate end? My contention is that it's flourishing - for you and every sentient entity.

So what is flourishing? There is a subjective component as everyone is different but there is a lot of commonality among human beings.

For me I would say flourishing is to attain meaningful knowledge, fulfilling relationships, positive emotions, and admirable skills, all while seeking to create a world in which others can pursue what matters most to them.

I think we should do this by orienting ourselves toward the six ideals of truth beauty justice tolerance autonomy and happiness and prioritising the four virtues of wisdom compassion truthfulness and bravery.

Flourish, whatever that means to you, and encourage others to do the same.

>> No.11165649

The answer to your greatest question that pertains to something useful.

>> No.11165651

sex ;_:

>> No.11165652

That science is a good tool, but ultimately you only live to enjoy, or if you're a sad motherfucker as a tool to spread your genes

>> No.11165661

You clearly care enough about sharing your context to spend a not entirely un-significant amount of time doing so, what is your argument for not going all the way and publishing a book or a paper to make this easier?

>> No.11165669

My values align quite closely to your but are backed by a simpler axiom;

In modern society all human acts may be summarised as complex communication with the purpose of satisfying one of our respective natural needs. My job as a "conscious" human being is to figure out which need it is that I'm trying to satisfy, and to figure out a social/altruistic path that may lead to the same satisfaction.

>> No.11166478
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The list of claims I made were clarified sufficiently and I prefaced them with the statement that you would not understand any of it without context. I don't particularly care if anyone accepts, or takes serious, any of the knowledge I share because it doesn't benefit me either way. The claim about the binary star system is supported by scientific evidence, that this object which they theorize is a planet, would indeed cause massive disruptions to our planets orbit around the sun. Regardless of rather it is a planet or a star. You haven't done research in that regard, and once again, lack context and understanding. An object estimated to be 5 to 10 times the size of Earth could only exercise that much gravitational pull if it were ultra dense, such as a neutron star. You are unaware of the fact UC Berkley already did a talk about this, obviously.

Throwing out insults makes you look like a child. If you want to be taken seriously, then can the grade school antics of trying to shame or insult me into capitulation.

>> No.11166516


I type fast. I'm working on the book.

>> No.11166816


>> No.11166883

15% of knowledge is useless, like your birthday. No one cares

>> No.11166889

You peak through your neighbors window to see how they do it and try to replicate. It is how my mother taught me and how I will teach my offspring. Spy on your neighbors until you can fake the same success.

>> No.11166891


>> No.11166912

the answer is: EGO

>> No.11166951

Interesting. I think it goes beyond desire and need satisfaction however. Consider someone who is uneducated. It is worth strongly encouraging them to pursue education even though they do not value it. I believe some things really are meaningful as ends in and of themselves, such as education.

But I suppose you could say that being better educated would better serve their needs and desires even if they don't presently realise this. This ceases to be a simple axiom however as it becomes unclear weather to prioritise their needs and desires in the present or the future.

>> No.11167474
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Let's keep it going.


>> No.11167483
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>What is worth knowing?
Field theory at the level of classical electrodynamics, at least.

>> No.11167507
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fuck I want a big family but no money

>> No.11167547

I don't celebrate my birthday anymore. It turns out that a friend of mine shared that birthday with me. He was only a year older than me when he decided to kill himself.

Whenever the topic comes up or whenever that time of year comes around I remember a conversation I had with him about suicide. We talked about it a bit and he asked me about what I thought about people who decided to do it. I told him something along the lines of "I don't think that it's a good solution in most cases, but at the end of the day it's not my life and it's not my decision to make and I wouldn't begrudge anyone who decided to make it."

A couple months later he made me a liar, and that's why I don't celebrate anymore.

Knowing what day my birthday is actually ends up being useful knowledge to me still because it helps me keep in mind what I said to him and what it means to me now, so now whenever people bring up the general topic of suicide I can tell them about him and that story.

At the same time, it turns out that I care about his birthday even though he's been dead for a few years now. I don't think he would have expected it to be important to me, since I don't even think he knew we shared the date. I actually never even learned about it until I read his obituary.

I guess what I'm trying to say to you is, don't make assumptions as to what information might or might not be useful to you down the road. There are things that you will want to have known in hindsight that you didn't realize, and there are things that you will always remember that you might not care to remember anymore. Whether or not it's useful isn't subjective, it really depends a lot on circumstances that are unfortunately outside of your control.

Pay attention to the little things, senpai.

>> No.11167598

Everything but nothing.

>> No.11167652

you don't know?

>> No.11168746

Followed by
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

>> No.11170581
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>> No.11170619

I thought your answer to the cyclical nature of civilization was going to be something believable. There is no evidence of these cataclysmic events in the geological record.
Unless you'd be so kind as to enlighten me on the subject. I don't even know where to begin reading about these outlandish claims. I've always had a soft spot for these ideas (e.g., Jain cosmology, Hindu mythological history, etc.).
It is also unfortunate that your description of purpose and meaningfulness in life are contradictory. We are to value things in the context of human interaction but also strive to ascend above our earthly existence? You're too hung up on your ego. I recommend meditating on the Four Noble Truths and how they contrast to belief in Christ or following Islam. You are grasping, looking for some ultimate truth to help you escape. There is no difference between samsara and nirvana, only how you see them.

>> No.11172076
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Not an argument. All proof supports these conclusions. You're automatic go too is organized religion, for lack of any rational explanation, or any real meaning. My answers did not contradict themselves. Human interaction is the only thing that has any real meaning and to leans towards discovering what its like to truly be human.

I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through it anymore. I've given you more then enough. Learn to do some research on your own instead of relying on someone else to gift wrap the answers for you, with a bow. You aren't that important.
