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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11159298 No.11159298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw getting to educated for /sci/

>> No.11159302

My middle school graduation is in two weeks. When's yours?

>> No.11159304

>ywn be as based as Stoner
Why live?

>> No.11159306
File: 1.08 MB, 480x270, 1571829025445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saves the thumbnail

>> No.11159315

Hope you're studying hard bro, I remember middle school, I failed Regression Analysis and had to retake the 7th grade...

>> No.11159317

To, two, too.

>> No.11159320

for, four, fore.

>> No.11159327

i put money on stoner getting a PhD then selling out to work as a data “““scientist””” just like 99% of “gifted” math losers

>> No.11159334

I think I've come to a realization, the fact that basically nobody believes in my French Celestial girlfriend is proof that something is horribly gone wrong and people are being deceived. It's the only possibility. Lol.

>> No.11159337

You need to end your life.

>> No.11159339

fuck off schizo

>> No.11159342


Thanks for the 4 lol.

>> No.11159349

How much are you getting paid to say that?
How do you sleep at night being so wrong and evil at the same time? haha you're cr

>> No.11159386

Evil isn't real

>> No.11159390


Of course you are real.

>> No.11159391

I do it for free, to make the world a better place. One less schizo, and the world gets a little nicer.

>> No.11159393


>> No.11159398
File: 28 KB, 460x536, Grothendieckportra_3107171c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being schizophrenic and autistic are opposites and are mutually exclusive based on neuroscience
>is schizophrenic and autistic anyway

>> No.11159402




>> No.11159406

If there was a God he wouldn't have allowed you to be born. Sad.

>> No.11159411

>he hasn't even read St. Augustine

>> No.11159413
File: 616 KB, 1359x1680, screw you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11159414

sicks, six, seeks

>> No.11159417

Ok trump

>> No.11159423


>7th grade level of bullying

>No soul

>No life

Grow up moron...

>> No.11159435

Shut up idiot.

>> No.11159438


So, do you ever have to sharpen your demon horns or shine them or any type of maintenance?

>> No.11159442

I'm sorry that you're wrong
Is that what you wanted to hear? :^)

>> No.11159446

I wanted to hear what happens when you walk into a church, does your skin start to boil and have an allergic reaction? You wouldn't know you've never been to a church, what am I thinking...

do cats hiss at you when they see you or something?

Can you see your own reflection in the mirror?

Are you on a first name basis with satan or do you just call him "boss" or "sir"?

>> No.11159458

Do you get paid a bonus whenever you tell someone "You need to end your life" ?

Do you get extra money for all of the people you hurt? You must be rich huh.

Do you love stroking your own ego and being stubborn. I'm sure people call you stubborn a lot, they must but you just don't hear it. ;)

>> No.11159460

Do you wake up every day saying "what cruel inhumane thing can I do to somebody today in order to supplement my gamble that God doesn't see me"?

Or do you decide to be cruel and inhumane later?

You must have been a really quiet kid growing up huh?

>> No.11159463


don't stroke his ego

>> No.11159464

Better yet, it is apparent you have no trouble in your mind when calling other people "wrong", what then will you do when you finally come to the realization that it was you who was wrong the whole time?

>> No.11159468


It's classical animal (and by animal I mean human) behaviour to respond to people like him. He says something clearly to get at my nerves and I give him what he wants to see. My religion doesn't believe in telling people to kill themselves, we believe in science sure, but we don't believe in telling people to kill themselves, we believe in God too, unlike him, because he is so special that he can somehow make a definitive statement about something like that. He's really just a prick.

>> No.11159469

take your meds schizo

>> No.11159474

>he basically bullies me, and then says the exact opposite of intuition and pretends like he is in the right by bullying me and acting as if he were the hero, right afterwards

His ego is already at its peak. Putting scientists on a pedestal will do this. He probably thinks he's some type of God because he did a lot of work in his life or something. Imagine if he had to make all the money he made, but instead of whatever job he has, he had to make the equivalent amount of money doing physical labour, making the pay that physical labourers do, thereby extending the period of time he would have to work.

>> No.11159479

I'm saying it like it is, and you are saying straight up cyber-harassment against me, you clearly in this situation need correction but you are too much of a hothead to admit it so instead you take your pride and your respect that you earned from nobody and you use it as a shield making yourself seem immune to anything. You are on equal grounds and worst of all you're a hypocrite.

The fact you call me a schizo is 100% proof you don't understand my beliefs.

>Oh, but I do understand them, more than you think I do.

No you don't ;)

>> No.11159481

take your meds schizo