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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11154697 No.11154697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever seen math or a really mathematical part of science scientists (PhDs, professors, or genuine researchers) that look like the women in picrelated and were from an Anglo country?

Easy mode: They could have looked like the women in picrelated within the past 20 years

Easier mode: You can include computer science or engineering or chemistry. And theoretical economists.

>> No.11154703

Yes, once. She's a teacher now.

>> No.11154705

When will you stop spamming /sci/ with roastieposting?

>> No.11154723
File: 392 KB, 1248x933, 1573327852817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another roastie post

>> No.11154726

You're doing god's work son

>> No.11154781

Yes, several, all working in algebra (quantization, vertex algebras, that sort of things)

>> No.11154802

No. Im a complete hunk and will eventually get an engineering phd tho.

>The (very few) girls in my engineering school call me "mr perfect ass" behind my back
>Some male professors call me "the sharp buff dude"
>Other male professors call me "the blonde pretty guy"
>The one female prof once told me she wishes her son looked more like me
>My peers call me "pretty boy"

>> No.11154815

Can you post body or a similar body so I can see what it takes?

>> No.11154825
File: 1.05 MB, 1660x1660, inCollage_20191117_115622528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of old pic.

>> No.11154838


no, i believe the media strongly associates certain phenotypes with certain archetypes and this projected archetypical social landscape has a watershed effect whereby young viewers internalize the archetype associated to their phenotype.

it's not uncommon to see a pretty indian girl in a STEM class because they weren't exposed to this brainwashing process and it doesn't run counter to any cultural expectations they were exposed to growing up.

>> No.11154837

Yes, there are 2 girls in my building going for PhDs, one BME and the other CE, and they are both like stupid model level attractive. They are both super down to earth and easy to talk to as well, one is engaged the other long term boyfriend.

>> No.11154841

Thanks, mirin'.

>> No.11154855


it's part of the all-encompassing archetype-based mind-control strategy that the media employs to keep people barefoot and ignorant. women are especially vulnerable because they have a greater tendency to conform.

people who deviate from these patterns tend to be oddballs. the oddball archetype is something of a wild-card, but a lot of media now appeals to self-proclaimed eccentrics and weirdos too.

>> No.11154858

Damn bro you're in good shape. Good for you anon.

>> No.11154861


so i suppose i can't blame foreigners entirely for the present condition of western academia. but who can make war against such a broad and comprehensive psychological conspiracy?

>> No.11154868


things are not going well for the home team, that's for sure.

>> No.11154872

So in other words their research is shit.

>> No.11154874

>i suppose i can't blame foreigners entirely for the present condition of western academia
Yes, just like you probably can't blame dogs for the wars in the middle east, you clown.

>> No.11154881
File: 415 KB, 873x845, 1izzy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intriguing take. But then, who is to blame?

>> No.11154893


limiting immigration and free movement would mitigate the problem in several ways. none of this bullshit would work if tptb couldn't rely on replacing people and organized labor as-needed with foreigners to mask the damage.

>> No.11154892

The country you live in, dumbass. Your government and teachers failed you. Foreigners couldn't have done anything even if they wanted to. Even if they did want to, there isn't much they could do to make it worse than it already is.

>> No.11154905

I think one of them is starting a company with their PI actually, their research led to an interesting patent on some way to grow cells in a 3d matrix to mimic a tumor environment

>> No.11154910


as long as they're allowed to do this, it's open season against the american middle class. nobody will utter a word for fear of being called a racist or xenophobe. that's where SJWs come in to the picture, the detestable foot soldiers and useful idiots of this conspiracy. they maintain the xenophilic cultural norms that enable psychological class warfare.

>> No.11154951


so yes, i think foreigners play a big part in this. how can i in good conscious support visas, immigration, etc. when i know that it's used as a weapon against me? should we not fight for our lives?

>> No.11154957

Woah there, buddy, it seems you're lost. Here, this is where you want to go >>>/pol/

>> No.11154962

you are such a whiny emotional fuck holy shit. You actually sound exactly like SJWs and all other radical identity bullshit that only serves to detract from scientific progress. There is no giant conspiracy against your skin color

>> No.11154991
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, coomer. Unlike you, I refuse to be a slave to women and sexual distractions.

>> No.11155066

why did you paint the black box so big but leave top part of groin exposed so you can still see it’s kinda small

>> No.11155094

>This is the third board I see STPeach being posted on as the OP picture of a thread

why do these organized discord shitposting groups exist? Seek some kind of mental help.

>> No.11155098

more like STDPeach amirite?

>> No.11155103

>that skinny look
I never want to cut ever and lose all my gains. Also mirin'

>> No.11155111


at what point did i lose you? do you agree with me here? >>11154838

>> No.11155132

i agree with this in principle but in reverse. it is cultural conditioning that makes people pursue meaningful endeavors like STEM. what is happening in the west is the result of letting biology run amok without any restraint or direction. so these white females deteriorate into assorted whores instead of doing anything meaningful with their lives. and likewise men deteriorate into worthless cumbrains.

>> No.11155191


there is no reverse. mass media conditions people by setting artificial examples of social interactions, and people gravitate toward those roles and archetypes, usually the easiest.

>> No.11155195

what the fuck is an "artificial example of social interaction"?

>> No.11155196


the roasties in the OP were likely raised on a steady diet of the disney channel and mtv. they may have been told how to behave by their parents, but they were most certainly SHOWN how to behave by television.

>> No.11155203


a soap opera, for example.

>> No.11155207

how is a soap opera artificial?

>> No.11155211

mass media is just providing what the biology wants, ie the easiest shit.

>> No.11155212

>The one female prof once told me she wishes her son looked more like me
Literally the chadson meme

>> No.11155213

you have 0 idea how they behave, what they were raised on, any of that. You are just spouting conjecture about a random picture of 2 girls which supports your internet meme view of the world. Not very scientific if you ask me.

>> No.11155214


it's a scripted television program.

>> No.11155215

tbf those pics are a dime a dozen. the west is rife with instathots who live off shaking their collagen-filled butts.

>> No.11155221

Based. Fuck low iq roastie whores.

>> No.11155224

how are the situations and scenarios presented in it artificial was really my question I suppose.

>> No.11155225


you're right, i don't know them. but it's typical for people of their generation to have watched a good amount of tv.

of course, television is on its way out. that's why services like netflix exist. and netflix, interestingly enough, was founded by this fellow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Randolph

who's related to propagandist Edward Bernays, and is also a distant relative of Freud.

>> No.11155226

honestly sounds like their existence affects you negatively, like literally just them existing makes the quality of your life worse. Why?

>> No.11155229

and this

was my answer.

>> No.11155231

not very scientific conclusions at all is my point.

>> No.11155232


in doing so they significantly alter the course of normal mental development.

>> No.11155233

there are two of us. i'm the guy who thinks this is a result of biology run amok. it bothers me knowing that someone can provide no meaningful contribution to our species' advancement yet have it made like that. and beyond that they are harmful to all of us since they encourage more people to do this instead of advancing our species. if i could i'd tax them into oblivion or something.

>> No.11155239

i like what youre doing but can you change it to “roastie postie”?

>> No.11155245

sadly this is normal development, it's the path of least resistance and we need to bring a culture that severely discourages if not outright punishes this behavior, not incentivizes it like society does today.

>> No.11155248

good point. will do, fren. please feel free to help out with our thot patrol too.

>> No.11155252


but people are imprinting less upon how their parents and peers behave, and more on the behavioral patterns they see acted out in the media.

this is why we have so many crazies.

>> No.11155253

what is normal mental development? It should be very easy to compare people from countries without television or media to those with and see these massive changes in mental development, no?
>it bothers me knowing that someone can provide no meaningful contribution to our species' advancement yet have it made like that
what? why? seriously, why would this bother you, as long as progress as a whole is moving forward. What is your goal, prestige?
>and beyond that they are harmful to all of us since they encourage more people to do this instead of advancing our species
i think being able to gestate life helps advance our species into next generations, would you agree? Autistic scientists are not suddenly dropping their autistic scientific tendencies to pay ethots on chaturbate.
Just seems like a weird thing to fixate on for me personally.

>> No.11155256

A girl at PNNL that works on reactor physics is super hot but she uses the Theranos/Elizabeth Holmes deep voice when she talks and my dick goes soft. I know it's a fucking act because she talks to her mom on the phone in a completely different voice.

>> No.11155264

their peers behave like this as well. it's also the parents fault for not imprinting a culture of hard working and meaning into them. so they are prey to the media and societal incentives to shake their collagen-filled butts for thirsty betabux. on the other hand asian parents put in so much effort to their kids so they go on to be meaningful contributors to society. if they didn't their kids would deteriorate by following the path of meaningless least resistance. i definitely think media plays a role but it isn't the main factor. they just exacerbate the problem a lot.

>> No.11155274

>what? why? seriously, why would this bother you, as long as progress as a whole is moving forward. What is your goal, prestige?
because i want us to be advancing faster. much faster. i don't care about the prestige just technological advancement.
>i think being able to gestate life helps advance our species into next generations, would you agree?
except these whores don't reproduce much. they spend their lives whoring around and make shit parents if they reproduce. there is more to human reproduction than popping a baby out after 9 months. those children need to be raised with quality parenting. by parents that lead by example so those kids go on to develop our technology.
>Just seems like a weird thing to fixate on for me personally.
i am weird but i consider that a good thing when i see what is normal.

>> No.11155277

what "problem"?
from a capitalism point of view, all of this is a huge success. It's only a problem for you because you have an idea of how society should act and behave, when in fact you don't get to do that, especially when nothing criminal is occurring. It's well within your right to try and change the system to fit your views, but ultimately you're still projecting your own views into reality, dictating that it should act as you desire. You just better really hope your viewpoint is correct or people will laugh or ignore you.
And unfortunately in this case I think you're wrong. This is fine for society, people who are ambitious will still rise above it as they always did. Hell I did, I don't care about sex all that much anymore, even though it's never been more plentiful.
Just my two cents

>> No.11155284


it's an issue of imperatives and behavioral patterns. normally, behavior follows from an imperative. but kids can't ask the man in the television "why?", so they grow up only knowing how to mimic behaviors, and in the absence of a purpose eventually lose motivation.

>> No.11155291

>because i want us to be advancing faster. much faster. i don't care about the prestige just technological advancement.
i mean sure me too but all this amounts to is screeching that people aren't doing what you want them to. I'd love for everyone to be as interested in my research as I am. Unfortunately something like only 5000 people in the world are. That's just something you're gonna have to get over, and blaming large swaths of people like it's their personal fault is frankly immature.
>except these whores don't reproduce much. they spend their lives whoring around and make shit parents if they reproduce. there is more to human reproduction than popping a baby out after 9 months. those children need to be raised with quality parenting. by parents that lead by example so those kids go on to develop our technology.
seems strange to dwell on this is my point. Of course it's happening, but why would I care at this point, personally I am removed from it and only interact with people who are removed from it because of our research ambitions. again, I can't force people to do things or think things they don't want to, that's not within my power and against everyone's body autonomy.

>> No.11155295


it's a one-way flow of information that's very different from a normal human social dynamic where an observer can see long-term consequences and ask questions.

>> No.11155307

>what "problem"?
well we could be advancing so much faster if society was dedicated to technological advancement. that's the problem. i know i'm projecting my views but my objective function isn't just capital accumulation for the sake of capital accumulation. that capital should be put towards tech advancement. not just sitting around in some vault collecting dust or exchanging meaningless hands. you can just be a passive observer sitting around letting this crap go on or you can fight against the current. i chose the latter and it's good you have to but it's strange to me you are ok with these human resources going to waste like that.

>and blaming large swaths of people like it's their personal fault is frankly immature.
it is their fault, they chose the path of least resistance. there is nothing wrong with calling the out for it. i quite frankly think it's immature letting things get out of hand so you can feel a sense of inner peace. stoicism is overrated. sure they may not be outright punching us in the face but think about how much better things would be for all of us if we advanced at a faster rate. they are denying us a better future and we should fight against that.
>I can't force people to do things or think things they don't want to, that's not within my power and against everyone's body autonomy.
it could be within our power. i don't think there is anything wrong with trying to shift the playing field so it's advantageous to all of us, including them. so to me seems like the right thing to do.

>> No.11155317

>that capital should be put towards tech advancement. not just sitting around in some vault collecting dust or exchanging meaningless hands.
and you're mad at thots?! I mean you said it yourself, we need to open those vaults and tax the insanely rich.
>it's strange to me you are ok with these human resources going to waste like that.
dude im a 29 year old post-doc in a basic discovery nmr lab. What can I possibly realistically do about this problem though, other than what I'm already doing (basically trying to work my way up to policy making positions).
>it is their fault, they chose the path of least resistance. there is nothing wrong with calling the out for it. i quite frankly think it's immature letting things get out of hand so you can feel a sense of inner peace. stoicism is overrated. sure they may not be outright punching us in the face but think about how much better things would be for all of us if we advanced at a faster rate. they are denying us a better future and we should fight against that.
i mean so you're just mad at human nature I suppose? That's fair, but wasting your time dwelling on it wont be productive overall, trust me.
>it could be within our power. i don't think there is anything wrong with trying to shift the playing field so it's advantageous to all of us, including them. so to me seems like the right thing to do.
naw, even if through force you wouldn't want them, this kind of work takes people who are actually autistic about it. research is fucking daunting even if you love it.

>> No.11155335


and this, i believe, is how mass media affects human development. children cannot ask a television program questions, and characters rarely suffer in the long term from their decisions.

people develop a schema of mimicry. their observational skills and capacity for inquiry are diminished.

>> No.11155346


in other words, they become actors.

>> No.11155363
File: 114 KB, 1389x768, notanastronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you're mad at thots?! I mean you said it yourself, we need to open those vaults and tax the insanely rich.
some of those thots are insanely rich. kim kardashian for example. i'm mad at society incentivizing girls who could be meaningful contributors to our progress being allowed to just sake their butts for money. pic related is not ok in my books.
>dude im a 29 year old post-doc in a basic discovery nmr lab.
respect. good stuff, fren.
>What can I possibly realistically do about this problem though, other than what I'm already doing (basically trying to work my way up to policy making positions).
i don't think it'll be one person, but maybe discourage this behavior little ways here and there and/or encourage "good" behaviors. i think of it like with recycling, if we all do a little it accumulates. we all have some input into this culture it's high time people like us start shifting it in the faster progress direction.
>i mean so you're just mad at human nature I suppose? That's fair, but wasting your time dwelling on it wont be productive overall, trust me.
that is fair. i'm not dwelling, i'm just actively mad. anger is an arousing emotion.
>naw, even if through force you wouldn't want them,
well we can support policies and actions that promotes certain behaviors. like that thot audit for example was brilliant. then that money could go to public research instead of them evading taxes.
>this kind of work takes people who are actually autistic about it. research is fucking daunting even if you love it.
back in the 60s even the milk man was contributing towards NASA in a way. the whole country was fixated on the space race. everyone can help towards tech progress even if it's not directly doing the research.

>> No.11155366


>> No.11155402

>some of those thots are insanely rich. kim kardashian for example. i'm mad at society incentivizing girls who could be meaningful contributors to our progress being allowed to just sake their butts for money. pic related is not ok in my books.
huge huge minority in terms of where actual global wealth is though. Capitalism is really your enemy here, or at least one which is not educated enough to put a very very high value on technological research. China is doing it, and they are fucking us because of it in some fields.
>i'm just actively mad. anger is an arousing emotion.
So I am legitimately not trolling you, you really should address this. Anger is not a good emotion to have, especially irrational anger, and mentally entertaining ideas which do make you angry is not good either. I think you are being irrational by dwelling on this issue instead of trying to better yourself, which is ultimately the best thing you can do to cause change.
>back in the 60s even the milk man was contributing towards NASA in a way. the whole country was fixated on the space race. everyone can help towards tech progress even if it's not directly doing the research.
yea unfortunately society is going backwards with the notion that scientists can be trusted. It's very very frustrating and I think that's the biggest hurdle right now.
Also the pic you posted is not just girls but boys asked too. Fixating on just one gender seems strange to me as well, plenty of dudes fall for the capitalistic end game goal of being a healthy consumer, just look at half the threads here bragging about how much money they will make out of undergrad (lel)

>> No.11155438

>huge huge minority in terms of where actual global wealth is though. Capitalism is really your enemy here, or at least one which is not educated enough to put a very very high value on technological research. China is doing it, and they are fucking us because of it in some fields.
agreed. i just think they have an influence on our culture beyond just wealth. this whole celebrity thing as is, male and female, is damaging.
>which is ultimately the best thing you can do to cause change.
yeah. be the change you want to see. i agree here too. it's just frustrating when i look around and i see all these human resources going to waste and being incentivized to do so. and me personally changing will only have so much of an effect. it does have to be a cultural shift and i am also considering getting into politics for this reason. ofc i won't sound like i do on this laotian basket weaving forum.
>yea unfortunately society is going backwards with the notion that scientists can be trusted. It's very very frustrating and I think that's the biggest hurdle right now.
you said it, fren. you got my vote when you run for office.
>Also the pic you posted is not just girls but boys asked too.
definitely, it's just we're in this thread so they are the focal point. and i did acknowledge in a previous post, it's the men too. in fact they are the ones that incentivize these girls to be thots. that's where their incomes come from ultimately. these thirsty cumbrains who will drop their money just for the chance to see a nip slip on twitch.