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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11153808 No.11153808 [Reply] [Original]

What's outside the complex numbers?

>> No.11153811


>> No.11153813

He's in the Imaginary segment.

>> No.11153825

every number in the universe, complex or not, is just a function of (-1)^(i)^(x), where x denotes "where" your number is located.

So, the only number that lies off the plane of conceivable numbers is (-1)^(i)^(x), which, in its own definition, lies somewhere on the plane of conceivable numbers.

It is a paradox in an enigma in a mystery.

>> No.11153828

>What's outside the complex numbers?

>> No.11153840

What are imaginary numbers?

>> No.11153842
File: 23 KB, 340x348, plsstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more bullshit

>> No.11153852

Anything useful is isomorphic to R, C, or H, so thankfully nobody cares about this bullshit.

Oh, and who the fuck denotes quaternions as Q.

>> No.11153885

video game graphics

>> No.11153886

[math] \displaystyle
\boxed{ \mathbb{T} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{S} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{O} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{H} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{C} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{R} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{Q} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{Z} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{N}}}}}}}}}}

>> No.11153907
File: 11 KB, 219x187, 1514391658515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somedays I worry you can unplug the universe and existence

>> No.11153911
File: 42 KB, 600x600, B6D94FF5-C10D-4378-A3EF-2FFCB602D3FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im officially naming the 512th dimensional numbers as the cirnons

>> No.11153987

Octonions is still a division algebra, after that it really falls apart.

>> No.11154140

>Anything useful is isomorphic to R, C, or H
What is linear algebra?

>> No.11154160

An entire branch of mathematics that spawned from the solution of x^2 + 1 which doesnt have any real roots. So the imaginary numbers are essentially what they sound like, "imaginary".

>> No.11154203 [DELETED] 

>spawned from the solution of x^2 + 1
x^5-5x+1=0 is the type
three real solutions
can't solve without i

>> No.11154208

>spawned from the solution of x^2 + 1
x^3-5x+1=0 is the type
three real solutions
can't solve without i

>> No.11154234

>It doesn't use imaginary numbers.
Reminder that imaginary numbers are [math]i\mathbb{R}.[/math]
If it has a real part, it is not an imaginary number.

>> No.11154236

complex numbers require imaginary numbers to understand

>> No.11154244

Regardless, it is not incorrect to say that they spawned from the solution of x^2+1=0, since imaginary numbers are just a real constant times i.

>> No.11154247

solve it then
put your money where your mouth is

>> No.11154292

superduper complex numbers

>> No.11154352

Another letters than i.

Also subgroups of irrational numbers are interesting thing.

>> No.11154418

Even I know he referred to that one theorem about nice division algebras, learn some maths before posting in a math thread lol.

>> No.11154422


>> No.11154437

>Referring to some theorem you don't understand makes you smart.
Intelligence is not about showing that you can memorize theorems. He said something stupid, so why are you defending him?

>> No.11155113

Just like complex numbers were invented (discovered) as a solution to an unsolvable problem, so is the solution to [math]\frac{\mathbb{x}}{0}[/math] the set that is "outside" the complex numbers
Quaternions and everything above them is a huge meme and about as valid as using a second Euclidean plane to indicate the second dimension. What quaternions are doing is just that - they're using a second complex plane to indicate rotation in the 3rd dimension and humanity refuses to even think of the idea that the square root of -1 isn't the last frontier of mathematics because implying that there's something of equivalent magnitude out there waiting to be discovered pretty much renders any current effort absolutely useless and triggers anyone who's dumped a decade into this subject with the belief that he's coming out as cutting edge in this field for the rest of his life. Imagine the resistance of academia back then when Euler began applying [math]i[/math] in his solutions, it's about the same thing except our Euler hasn't come up with the solution yet and he might as well not even be "our" Euler but one from a century later, depending on how stuck up we are with enforcing the standard dogma.

>> No.11155138

>what is frobenius thm
You are either retarded or undegrad

>> No.11155144

Those venn diagrams are always misleadingly drawn, the irrational subset of real number should cover almost the whole set

>> No.11155197


>> No.11155198


>> No.11155271

>Anything useful is isomorphic to R, C, or H
what the proof of this

>> No.11155399

Don't worry; you wouldn't know :).

>> No.11156684


The proof is very simple, surprisingly.

>> No.11156763

Do you fuckwits actually not know what words mean?

>> No.11157297

But they actually spawned from attempts to solve third degree polynomials. Stop running your mouth.

>> No.11157428

It's a nitpick regarding the definition of "spawn".
Historically, it is indeed that they spawned from attempts to solve third degree polynomials.
But one can also say that they spawn from the definition of i being a solution to x^2+1=0. In this case, "spawn" meaning something along the lines of following through with the implications of such a definition, so we see that multiplying i by any real number, we get an imaginary number.
Learn to expand your mind.

>> No.11157465

t. /lit/