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11153497 No.11153497 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11153500

>two online degrees
she'll get bullied in the job market next

>> No.11153501

But did she contribute as much as Einstein? Will she ever? No. Has she contributed anything to math or science? Probably nothing at all. Did the institute just rig her score to make it look like a Mexican girl is smarter than white euro men? Yes.

>> No.11153511

She won't have to contribute anything. She'll have a nice cushy job in academia or wherever she wants when she graduates.

>> No.11153517

>thinking an Amerindian female will have any trouble in the job market
anon, it's not 1950

>> No.11153540

>higher iq than guy who never took an iq test
Wonder what the IQ of this writer is.

>> No.11153554

Protip: IQs above 2e are 100% in error bars and meaningless.

>> No.11153612

>"Vogue México reports that Pérez is developing a new smart bracelet that’s able to monitor the emotions of differently abled children, anticipating and preventing seizures and other outbursts."
-- Did not find this project anywhere. Not a sign in sight, so I call bullshit.

>"Studying two online degrees at once"
-- When? Where? How? What degrees? What website? I call bullshit once more.

>"Looking to the future, Sanchez plans to take Pérez to the United States in order to take entrance exams at the University of Arizona, the girl’s dream school. Pérez, now learning English to prepare for the opportunity, wants to explore astrophysics."
-- So she's a genius but wants to study in ASU? ASU? ASU? Come on! Asu? Why not Stanford or UC Hicago? Does she even know how bad ASU is? Probably not.

>"Someday, she’d like to be an astronaut"
-- Genius. Absolutely genius.


The average IQ for a child with Asperger's Syndrome is about 50-90 with a maximum of 108. Note that the IQ test is widely considered bogus.

One of the primary characteristics of AS are abnormalities in the subtle use of language and interpretation of language are common with Asperger's syndrome, although language development (grammar, syntax, etc.) is normal. So how did she write a whole book? I did not find it anywhere, where is the proof of her so-called intellectual book?

Oh, and by the way, the news site that wrote this article is the same as the one that made the, and I quote, "top 100 sexiest men alive quiz" article.

This is just the child's mother forcing her to fake shit & have her precious 15 minutes of fame.

Oh, and if you're going to fake developing some world-changing complex project- Don't say "A wristband to check if a child is on the floor screaming"- Lie better, tell me that she can prove the Riemann hypothesis- Not this

>> No.11153626

post discarded

>> No.11153632

Seems like you just can't stand the truth that Uchicago is actually an UC called Hicago.

>> No.11153640

Pretty sure neither of those 2 ever got their iq measured

>> No.11153646

Fantastic. She can now join MENSA and help change the world. No other group has changed the world as much as MENSA.

>> No.11153652

Fuck's mensa

>> No.11153658

F**k you, loser. You wouldn't be here without MENSA.

>> No.11153660

i love you mensa

>> No.11153662

Albert Einstein never took an IQ test. This is fake.

>> No.11153672

Good boy. Mensa cured cancer, how could you not love them?

>> No.11153689

>studying for two online degrees at once
There is no image that can describe my face right now.

>> No.11153701

I wonder what's the %Chance of scoring on the 99.99...th percentile on IQ tests by choosing answers at random...

Assuming the average IQ test has 40 multiple-choice questions with 4 answers; only one being correct:
The chance of having one question correct is = [math](\frac{1}{4})[/math]
Therefore the chance of having every question correct is = [math]0.25^{40}[/math] = 8.2718061e-23%

Which means that if you make 1208925800000000000000000 children take an IQ test, one is going to be appearing in your next Buzzfeed-tier-bullshit-article.

>> No.11153704
File: 974 KB, 2000x2000, Electric_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11153724

Ew, what a fucking weirdo

>> No.11153730

ITT: Fragile white man egos being shattered

>> No.11153738

would bet a few inches off my dick that this girl ends up being slightly above mediocre in adult life

time will tell

>> No.11153742
File: 719 KB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_20191116-215733_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to win a Nobel Prize


>> No.11153746

>be another >160 IQ child who appears in media as a genius
>never amounts to nothing

>be another >160 IQ child who goes to a good school
>get involved taking hard classes, make friends, go to USAMO/USAPhO or whatever
>end up being succesful

I don't understand why these articles even exist. Have these guys ever went to a high school in Palo Alto or a magnet in New York? There are hundreds of kids equally or more impressive than this girl. Having an IQ of 160 (supposing that IQ is not bullshit) means nothing in the modern era; call me when you find an over 200 IQ child that knows Calculus at 4, then I'd be impressed.

>> No.11153752

It's propaganda. Search her name on Twitter you see a bunch of people saying she's smarter than Trump and la Raza shit.

>> No.11153757

Avsolutely agreed- Watch her disappear in about one week and end up studying at some Mexican Community College

>> No.11153883
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread