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11153417 No.11153417 [Reply] [Original]

Humanities (philosophy) major with a clinically verified IQ of 97 here. What does the future look like for me, /sci/?

>> No.11153423


>> No.11153426

Sorry, but there are not many jobs out there related to Phil.
Change your major to STEM ASAP

>> No.11153439

>Humanities (philosophy)
not science or math

>> No.11153483

His IQ is 97, he's not gonna make it

>> No.11153490
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11153502

p sure that is 2 SD up from the mean for nonSTEM majors.

>> No.11153533

That's average. He's not gonna be a theoretical physicist but he can study applied math or electrical engineering or something

>> No.11153555

>(philosophy) major with a clinically verified IQ of 97 here

Let me guess, post modern continental is your fav

>> No.11153575
File: 76 KB, 713x734, fuuuuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mcdonald's meme is overused

>> No.11153774

McKinsey probably

>> No.11153839

Get a PhD and become an academic, given some of the retards I've studied under you'll be on the upper half of the bell curve with your 97 IQ.

Honestly if I were you, I'd become a pastor/imam/etc. Unless you're in a real tight-knit religious community where you can succeed the current leadership, you'll have to go to some church's theological schools. It's not true work to some people, but it can be a very meaningful life.

>> No.11155329

OK, you want an honest opinion?
Being closer to the average level (100) is actually more beneficial for a person than having an extraordinary high (≥130) or extraordinary low (≤70) IQ. Most dweebs on this board think that IQ is like getting an achievement in their vidya - the more you get, the better. It doesn't work like this in real life. The closer you are to the average, the more opportunities you have, because there are more people of your level who can offer you something in exchange of your abilities. Being extremely dumb or extremely smart is both disadvantageous from the evolutionary point of view.

>> No.11155441

Post-Modernism requires very high iq to understand, probably more so than almost any other area of philosophy (though it obviously depends on author). The problem is that its very hard to misunderstand stem concepts, especially more mathematical ones, where as philosophy is very easy to misunderstand. This problem is confounded by that fact that its very hard to tell whether someone understands concept from a second person pov, so idiots who misunderstand philosophical texts wont get it sortet out because they can pass classes writing regurgitative essays without understanding anything.

>> No.11155478
File: 20 KB, 220x250, 220px-Punishment_sisyph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if teoretical philosophy: you are gonna make it
if practical philosophy: honestly try to end it all earlier rather than sooner

>> No.11155485

Explain the transcendental unity of apperception to me and I'll tell you whether you'll make it.

>> No.11155512

>clinically verified IQ

>> No.11155543

>I can't get a job because I'm *too* smart!

>> No.11156354

Most people are nothing more than a sentient ape.

You'll just be a slightly less sentient one 5 years from now but things will be normal otherwise.

>> No.11156562

Graduate and go to business school

You will make millions with the rationality you have developed from your training in philosophy.