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11153074 No.11153074 [Reply] [Original]

>my the entire college campus is within 300 meters of a highway.
I do not want to go now for this sole reason.





Go on Google Earth/Maps and measure how far your college is from a highway. I'm actually considering not going now.

>> No.11153111


>housing is cheaper near highways
>poor people are forced to take what they can get
>IQ is correlated well with income

Did you know living in penthouses makes you more intelligent?

>> No.11153112

>living in cardboard boxes turns you schizophrenic

>> No.11153148

BDNF level is very low in people who exercise in urban areas relative to people who exercise in rural areas and exercise rooms with very clean, filtered air. We know that air pollution is the cause of this phenomenon.

>> No.11153150


>> No.11153166


Still have to parse out IQ differences by causes. And heritability owns the lionshare in places where people do not regularly starve to death.

>> No.11153184
File: 687 KB, 2000x1970, Tetraethyllead-3D-balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean finely dividing particles of lead isn't safe?
>Surely making them more volatile and bioavailable won't ever be an issue

>> No.11153208

Actually a lot of cities always put trains and highways near poor areas so those areas property values get wrecked by city planning.

>> No.11153213


>laughs in urban chinese IQ

>> No.11153217

just imagine the IQ of the chinaman if he didn't have 1000x the pollution and water full of lead

>> No.11153218


And that changes the correlation between income and IQ how?

>> No.11153382

We don't have to imagine. Just go to Canada.

>> No.11154019

>go to literal best public uni in usa
>it's in the middle of downtown fucking ghetto
>no on campus housing
>smelly homeless good for nothing stoner beggars litter the streets
>gunshots and armed robbery every other week
>live in rent control housing with violent thugs in the same building
>fucking neighbors down the street throw house party every night
>no noise ordinances
>can't own a car because parking is literally illegal and it's at least a year for any private parking wait list
>nobody respects the smoking ordinances
>have to walk 5 blocks from campus home late at night past all the crack heads
>cops? nah. more like meter maids.
>fights and public intoxication in broad daylight, nobody gets arrested
>le hipster restaurants can't even follow basic food safety
>it's a 3 mile walk to any real grocery store, yet somehow I don't live on any public transport line
>if I want real food I have to go to the Jap store and buy frozen octopus dumplings from China
>half their store is literally ramen and poki variants anyway
>guns are illegal
>brothels are illegal
>natural gas is illegal
>criminal background checks are illegal
>yet there are 3 weed shops, liquor stores, and smoke shops all a block away from each other
>muh clean air vehicles, yet the state literally catches on fire for 3 months every year
>I saw a bum taking a shit on campus
>campus police do nothing to get those christian doomsday fucks with megaphones to fuck off
>keep walking or they'll get right up in your ear with that shit
liberals need to be thrown into a boiling well

>> No.11154026
File: 820 KB, 1080x494, Screenshot_2019-11-17-06-41-18~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change action now
>we will not be gay

>> No.11154077
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11154110

city basically just lets the area rot.

>> No.11154131
File: 331 KB, 854x480, that's_a_fact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's another IQ post because /sci/ is an IQ board.

>> No.11154544

I will live in California

>> No.11154907

Classrooms should have a plant inside them

>> No.11155251

UCLA is in a nice neighborhood though

>> No.11156193

Plants do not increase indoor air quality.

>> No.11157012

You know that italians, slavs, spaniards and other non whites are considered white in the US?

>> No.11157051

Just ban cars already.

>> No.11157073

Dont you have to pick up some kids from soccer training, Karen?

>> No.11157179

UCLA or Berkeley?

UCLA is higher on US news now but is in a relatively nice area