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File: 26 KB, 446x421, EIKkleOXkAEbgrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11151078 No.11151078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If it take 1 hour to bake a batch of cookies and cookie monster has 15 ovens, working 24 hours a day every day for 5 years, how long does it take Cookie monster to make 6 million batches of cookies?

>> No.11151082

you can only bake 657,000 (batches) in 5 years.

>> No.11151093

Whoa, cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.11151106

>only 15 ovens

>> No.11151666

I think cookie monster only cooked a couple of hundred thousand cookies while the rest were cooked by starvation and disease.

>> No.11151673

>take 1 hour to bake a batch of cookies

>> No.11151674

they didn't bake all the cookies. many were buried.

>> No.11151718


>> No.11151724

Why do /pol/tards think anyone but them claims that every batch of cookies was baked and subsequently burned at a work camp?

>> No.11151726

not op but that's what they teach in schools

>> No.11151805

I highly doubt that and that most of you are just remembering wrong, they might just elaborate on that aspect of the great German bake-off as it does an exceptional job of highlighting the systematic dehumanization of cookies during the period.

>> No.11151965

literally false

>> No.11151968

>15 ovens
the nazis only had 15 ovens lol? I don't believe you.

>> No.11151969

no, they dont. this is a strawman you have constructed.

>> No.11151988

It takes two hours, source: three weeks ago, I was at my grandma's cookie baking party and they baked a huge packet of cookies for her.

>> No.11152002

Even Cookiepedia says that one half of the poor cookies were actually consumed during Biskuitler's campaign against the Red Army girl scouts.

>> No.11152021

Damn Biskuitler sounds reprehensible

>> No.11152063

Your grandma is retarded then, baking cookies takes 10 minutes

>> No.11152130
File: 134 KB, 463x663, What+about+the+death+toll+in+auschwitz+changing+a+few+_2bd07a781d83b6ea45bcf739876c6a5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rabbi! I posted it again!

>> No.11152135


>> No.11152143

>all victims of the holocaust died at Auschwitz

>> No.11152154

>I found two signs which were posted at a camp which are meant to apply to the holocaust broadly and not that specific camp
flawless logic

>> No.11152155

>don't get the reference at first
>start doing calc as a naive
>see replies
Does this means I am a pure person?

>> No.11152166

No these are actually erroneous early estimates.

>> No.11152168


>early estimate

That makes his case worse

>> No.11152175

>That makes his case worse
The point of these things isn't to make a case, really. He knows he's not going to win over anyone who knows the first thing about baking, he's advertising to people who already hate cookies. If you refuted his claim he'd just immediately drop it and switch to talking about how chocolate chips are bad for you.

>> No.11152190
File: 20 KB, 311x250, nitro3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they left a plaque up for 30 years with the wrong number on it
>therefore the revised numbers are even more correct
Daily reminder these expert liars are impossible to nail down to any fixed "official story"
Daily reminder "lampshades and soap" was consensus truth until the 80s
Daily reminder the one and only consistent feature of these fairy tales is the 6-million figure: all other arithmetic is constantly rearranged to accommodate it

>> No.11152211

>we didn't kill them
>we only kept people in close proximity while disease ravaged them
Still looks bad.
Truth more likely that ovens used for the diseased/dead, and perhaps the criminals.

>> No.11152241

>they left a plaque up for 30 years with the wrong number on it
Who? You are talking about historians and politicians as if they are a monolithic entity. The actual number of deaths at Auschwitz has been known and publicized since the 1950s. The Soviets put up the original plaque and exaggerated the number of non-Jewish deaths as propaganda. The Poles had no motivation to change it because it fit into their narrative as victims of Nazism rather than enablers. None of this has any bearing on the evidence presented by historians, which you will never address.

>Daily reminder "lampshades and soap" was consensus truth until the 80s
Daily reminder that urban legends are not "consensus" and have no bearing on historical research. All you have are association fallacies.

>> No.11152272

>The Soviets put up the original plaque and exaggerated the number of non-Jewish deaths as propaganda
Dude, you're like, 90% of the way there. If you have any intellectual integrity at all, it's time to take the final leap.

>> No.11152290

So you are not going to provide any argument against the 1.5 million number? Thanks.

>> No.11152314

Why should I? You don't believe that figure at all. And when the consensus shifts again to some smaller figure, you'll brush it off again as an "erroneous early estimate" due to (implicity antisemitic) Soviet propaganda that changes nothing.

But here's a brain teaser for you. How much mental gymnastics or creative accounting is required for the identity
>[math]6,000,000 + (1,500,000 - 4,000,000) = 6,000,000[/math]
to hold?

>> No.11152319

What the fuck are you talking about
What is your claim? Be specific

>> No.11152336

>Daily reminder these expert liars are impossible to nail down to any fixed "official story"
lol wut? As long as I can remember the figure given has been around six million. Ironically the only people blowing up the historicall accepted numbers are dipshit nationalists who are trying to argue that the numbers they are making up are ridiculous and that proves the holocaust was faked.

>> No.11152338

>Why should I?
You shouldn't, you should just keep on admitting it's correct as you are doing now. Thanks.

>> No.11152353

I was under the impression that our estimates of those Jews killed by Nazi Germany are taken from western documents, not soviet ones.

In any case, why would the soviets have any more incentive to lie about the deaths than literally anyone else in the war? If we only use western documents you'll start talking about the liberal western agenda which faked documents.

>> No.11152356

Nope, you actually can bake more... Just place more batches in one oven.

>> No.11152358
File: 318 KB, 761x532, Jew-soap-hoax-articles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly right. You need to have a nice long group huddle, and settle on exactly what the story is, come back and publish it. If after 10 years it hasn't changed dramatically, then maybe we can have a civilized discussion as disinterested people interested in history.
Correct, 6,000,000 is the only thing held constant in their story over the decades. Even when one day the death toll in Auschwitz was suddenly reduced by 2,500,000, the 6,000,000 figure remained.
I remember winning an argument like that... in 2nd grade. Thanks for the memories.

>> No.11152365

During World War II, a total of about 13.6 million soldiers se.rved in the German Army

This was a threat?

I guess that 6 milion jews DYED uniforms for armies on all fronts...

>> No.11152392

657,000 batches which adds up to 7,884,000 cookies.
Seems like a lot of cookies

So what's the problem OP? Can't into basic math?

>> No.11152397

>Even when one day the death toll in Auschwitz was suddenly reduced by 2,500,000, the 6,000,000 figure remained.
The 2,500,000 has no relation to the 6,000,000 figure. The former was created by Soviets, the latter was not. The former is alleged to include all victims and is made up mostly of non-Jews, the latter is only Jews. The death toll of Auschwitz was estimated by historians in the 1950s to be 1,500,000, so there was no revision to begin with, only removal of a plaque. Your pathetic attempts to conflate and misrepresent these figures is obvious.

>> No.11152400

>Correct, 6,000,000 is the only thing held constant in their story over the decades.

So then why are you trying to argue like people are shifting the holocaust death toll by factors of several million all the time? The only evidence you've given for this is TWO SIGNS (one of which was within two million of the accepted death toll).

It seems like this is a strongly uncontested field with near unanimous agreement from historians, and you are just trying to pretend like people are shifting it, so that you can try and convince stupid people to mount a crusade against (((them.)))

>> No.11152404

Also way to dodge >>11152353

>In any case, why would the soviets have any more incentive to lie about the deaths than literally anyone else in the war? If we only use western documents you'll start talking about the liberal western agenda which faked documents.

>> No.11152427
File: 416 KB, 530x307, 955ecfa128141f4d1291a9d6d747586c544e6c1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear what you're saying but it's false. Western pro-holocaust historians never reached such a lasting consensus.

Even the list of purported "death camps" has changed over the decades: whereas in the 60s and 70s it was the pro-holocaust consensus that Buchebwald and Dachau were death camps with gas chambers and crematoria of their own --- so uncontroversial, in fact, that Captain Beefheart wrote a song about it called Dachau Blues. Today all the pro-holocaust materials correctly identify these as regular internment camps. This is what I mean when I say there is no long-lasting, established consensus that you're defending: it changes with the decade, and when it does, suddenly either you won't remember how it was before at all, or you will brush the discrepancy off as fake, irrelevant, or (implicitly antisemitic) Soviet fabrication.

Incidentally, ALL of the modern 2019 list of "death camps", every last one, is in territory that fell into the hands of these Soviet fabricators after the war. Every. Last. One.

>> No.11152470

which means that with ten similarly sized "bakeries" (or some bakeries with up to 46 ovens)
you would easily be able to hit upwards of six million batches of cookies in those five years! wow! that's a lot of cookies!

>> No.11152506

>whereas in the 60s and 70s it was the pro-holocaust consensus that Buchebwald and Dachau were death camps with gas chambers and crematoria of their own --- so uncontroversial, in fact, that Captain Beefheart wrote a song about it called Dachau Blues

This was only a decade or so after WWII ended, so it's not suprising that there would be discrepencies. People are still finding burial pits around East Germany and Poland when they dig foundations, roads, etc.

>Incidentally, ALL of the modern 2019 list of "death camps", every last one, is in territory that fell into the hands of these Soviet fabricators after the war. Every. Last. One.

Poland had one of the largest Jewish populations in Europe. In fact Eastern Europe in general had a huge Jewish population. Why it suprising then that the Soviets came across the camps?

And again, >>11152404

>> No.11152524

Look at all those Polish death camps

>> No.11152534
File: 10 KB, 259x194, chimney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was only a decade or so after WWII ended, so it's not suprising that there would be discrepencies.
It's 15 to 35 years after the war, but let's ignore that for now. Are you sure there should be unresolved discrepencies (sic) past the 50s? This is at odds with what our friend was saying in >>11152241.
>Why it suprising that the Soviets came across the camps?
It isn't, really. Much more curious is how the list of "death camps" contracted over time from places like Dachau and Buchenwald, down to exactly the area of Red Army occupation. And our friend is right that the Soviet propagandists took certain liberties with the sites. For example, the large "human smoke" chimney on the site of Auschwitz, a must-see on every pro-holocaust tour, is now admitted to be a Soviet postwar construction. For "illustrative purposes", I'm sure.

>> No.11152537

>Western pro-holocaust historians never reached such a lasting consensus.
Where did I say there was a consensus? Western historians disagreed on the death toll but the range of disagreement was nowhere close to the 4 million figure. Raul Hilberg, for example, accurately estimated the number of deaths at Auschwitz but underestimated the total number of Jewish deaths in the Holocaust by 1 million. This debunks both the claim that the removal of the plaque was a "revision" by historians and the claim that the 6 million figure has remained constant.


You're just arguing against a strawman and not actually disagreeing with the mainstream historical account.

>> No.11152545
File: 25 KB, 219x344, 1572882017956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where did I say there was a consensus?
Here we go again.
>Raul Hilberg, for example, accurately estimated
Until the number is revised again. Then you'll trot out the next no-name, literally-who pro-holocaust historian who accurately recorded that particular figure (after another frenzied google search).
Buzzwords won't save you here, my friend.

>> No.11152552

45.66 years
or 400,000 hours

>> No.11152553

>be Oscar
>it's 1946
>"Yes your honor. Cookie monster baked 2m cookies in Majdaneks ovens alone!"
>70 years pass
>scientists do research, counting the sacks of wheat
>turns out a mere 70k maximum were baked
Why did Oscar lie? Why does he hate cookie monster so much?

>> No.11152558

>>>/pol/ >>>/b/ >>>/trash/
also kys

>> No.11152604

>It's 15 to 35 years after the war
Yes, that's why I said "a few decades"
>This is at odds with what our friend was saying in
Not really. From what has been presented in this thread most estimates since the 50s have ranged somewhere around 6 million, with 4 million being the accepted lowest point. Befor No historic analysis I've seen presents the Jewish death toll at being far beyond or below these amounts.

His point is that historians are not changing the death toll willy nilly because of some (((conspiracy))) and his evidence is that changing estimations lead to the removal of an outdated plauqe. The death toll was eventually stablized at 6 million and is now undisputed by holocaust scholars. None of which I argue against.

>Much more curious is how the list of "death camps" contracted over time from places like Dachau and Buchenwald, down to exactly the area of Red Army occupation.

Because the Reds came from the East, the same direction most Jews around Germany lived?

If you don't trust Soviet numbers, then who's numbers do you trust? Just about everyone hated the Nazis, but we can't just assume everything the Nazis ever did that was bad was therefore enemy propaganda.
>For example, the large "human smoke" chimney on the site of Auschwitz, a must-see on every pro-holocaust tour, is now admitted to be a Soviet postwar construction

Citation needed.

>> No.11152616

I don't understand why Whigger nationalists pretend like the Holocaust didn't happen, it was the logical conclusion of the fascist project in the early 20th century and had been foreshadowed by the early founders of that political theory for decades in the late 19th century. Everything that Jewry had been doing in the West would have necessitated a confrontation with homogeneous european populations as the demographic transition was already bound to happen due to the expansion of mechanized agriculture and international markets in the third world. Colonialism was never equipped to permanently suppress or contain those populations, Jews were never going to fully assimilate into some form of patriotic secondary junior bourgeoisie aristocracy while in the face of racial chauvinism and militarist power expansion so there had to be a final solution it was anathema to the survival of those peoples were that not to happen.

>> No.11152634

Very few of them deny the Holocaust to have happened. What they deny are the excessivley exaggerated death toll figures. You'd be aware of that had you actually engaged with this topic in a genuine manner instead of being an artifically offended tranny fucker.

>> No.11152636

Do the upper and lower bounds matter? Cookies were baked. Is the argument that at a certain magnitude of cookies, cookie monster becomes cookie dude, or cookie saint?

>> No.11152643

Guys it's over Jews won ok? Join reality

>> No.11152659
File: 441 KB, 1400x1300, redcrossreport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, that's why I said "a few decades"
You said "a decade", as you can easily check, but let's move on since even one decade is a hilariously long time to take to decide whether Dachau and Buchenwald were gas-chamber-equipped mass-murder camps or not.
>The death toll was eventually stablized at 6 million and is now undisputed by holocaust scholars.
Does the name David Irving ring a bell?
>If you don't trust Soviet numbers, then who's numbers do you trust?
I might trust captured German numbers if they existed, but they don't, outside a short, captured (ambiguous and unauthenticated) Einsatzgruppen message about anti-partisan actions, with some numbers in the ten- or hundred- thousand range. In a pinch, I might also trust pic related, international Red Cross numbers from the 70s and 80s, "a few decades" after the war.
>Citation needed.
You can consult the Wikipedia page on Auschwitz. (Their source is the Nobel Peace Prize announcement materials for pro-holocaust revisionist Elie Wiesel. Make of the what you will.)

>> No.11152660
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1573336940682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would take way more time then. Think of difference one minute has on one strip of bacon and what one minute has on 8 strips.

>> No.11152675

>The death toll of Auschwitz was estimated by historians in the 1950s to be 1,500,000
You should ask yourself: How accurate are these numbers really? Go ahead. Google the concentration camp of Majdanek. Estimated death toll of, huh, 1.5m people. 70 years later, research has shows there were no more than 70k victim. It's even on wikipedia. Ask yourself: If they over"estimated" a death toll by 2000% once, what are the odds they didn't do it multiple times? We all know there were no estimations. Numbers were as big as they had to be to make a difference. Had they said the Nazis killed 500k people in camps then nobody would have fucking cared. The US barely even participated in the war and even they lost more soldiers than that.

>> No.11152683

>cooking 8 strips of bacon takes 8 times longer
Anon, we need to teach you how to cook.

>> No.11152700

>Think of difference one minute has on one strip of bacon and what one minute has on 8 strips.
A better comparison would be roasting one 5lb Thanksgiving turkey in an oven designed for that size of turkey, or stuffing eight 5lb turkeys into the same oven and trying to roast them all at once.

>> No.11152701
