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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11150291 No.11150291 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, 4chan.
My name is Henry Benjamin Williams. I have taken a psychologist assessed IQ test (approximately 3 weeks ago). Recently, my test results returned and my IQ score lies in the 160s (about 162-163), which is most definitely the higher end of the spectrum.
I am visiting different online science boards and offering my experience and knowledge as a very intelligent individual. Please post any questions you have, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thank you for participating, 4chan.

>> No.11150393

do you have any proof that you have this IQ?

>> No.11150405

Hey Henry! Pleasure to meet you. This board welcomes another high IQ poster. What are your thoughts on triple integrals?

>> No.11150416

how does it feel like existing inside your brain

>> No.11150430

I have been emailed to me by the organization an in depth analysis of my IQ test online.

>> No.11150443

Hmm, it's been quite a long time since I last saw triple integrals. I took calculus when I was 15years old back in high school. I found the concept of them easy to understand, unlike my peers (many if who were older than me), who had much trouble understanding the concept of multiple integrals.

>> No.11150447

If I had to describe something like that, I imagine myself as a blue sphere of blurriness sitting in the dark, emptiness of my brain and looking through my eyes, much like one watches a movie at a theater.

>> No.11150468

how do we solve the toxic university problem?

>> No.11150474

>if who
>of whom

>> No.11150476

Do you understand the subtle humor of Rick and Morty?

>> No.11150478

why are you such a humongous faggot? also why can't you stop sucking cocks on a daily basis? finally, can you show that all nontrivial zeroes of the riemann zeta function have a real part 1/2?

>> No.11150482

My solution? Make colleges stop acting like businesses.
Unfortunately most of us are not in any power to enact something like that. Vote into power those concerned with improving the current state of our colleges.

>> No.11150491

I unfortunately do not watch Rick and Morty. I do however enjoy watching Family Guy in my spare time. It may receive criticism for it's immaturity but I manage to see past all this, and can assure you that there is, in fact, a deeper meaning to it's humor.

>> No.11150503

Sorry. I don't think I understand either part of your question. I am not a mathematician

>> No.11150504

in order to do that we'd have to reign in the mass ideological subversion by external actors.

>> No.11150511

What do you know then? You claim to come onto a Science and MATH board, with such a ridiculously high iq, and say you would impart scientific knowledge upon us. Yet, you know nothing about math, which is the language of science. So please, inform not only me but the rest of the board exactly what it is that you do know? I will allow you to have your "high iq" without questioning it, so enlighten me please. Show us your accolades.

>> No.11150514

I work as a botanist, sir. I believe that the beauty and the diversity of plant life is much more fascinating than equations and mathematics can ever be.

>> No.11150515

lmao you mixed up the name field, samefagger

>> No.11150517
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If you're so smart, why don't you join the Machine Intelligence Research Institute in order to solve the AI alignment problem?

>> No.11150519

In my opinion politics is the greatest field of study. To quote Albert Einstein: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." and this, in my opinion applies to math.

>> No.11150527

I'm a huge faggot please rape my face

>> No.11150543

are namefags or tripfags worse?

>> No.11150545

Unfortunately, some users are impersonating me by using my name and replying to this thread.
I suspected that such a problem would arise due to the structure of this website. To distinguish myself from ant imposters, I have placed a % symbol next to my name. Any other posters below my post "Sorry...mathematician" without a % sign in their name are not me. I apologise for any inconveniences caused.

>> No.11150549

Unfortunately, some users are impersonating me by using my name and replying to this thread.
I suspected that such a problem would arise due to the structure of this website. To distinguish myself from ant imposters, I have placed a & symbol next to my name. Any other posters below my post "Sorry...mathematician" without a & sign in their name are not me. I apologise for any inconveniences caused.

>> No.11150554

I humbly request you to cease these jokes, for the sake of the quality of this thread. Thank you.

>> No.11150558

if you are so smart you should be able figure out how to distinguish yourself from the samefags

>> No.11150563

Sadly, I am too retarded to do any sort of research on the places that I intend to communicate on. Yet, I have an IQ of 160+ so what does that tell you about the quality of those who claim to have high IQs? In conclusion, I am a huge faggot please rape my face.

>> No.11150564

Lol your iq is Low retard

>> No.11150570

can you talk about the practicalities if the test? were there any parts you enjoyed or found more challenging?

>> No.11150577

I have several:
1. Do you have any kids? Why or why not?
2. What is your opinion on GMOs?
3. What fetishes do you have?

>> No.11150578

Finally another individual of the "big brained" variety! I am also one who is an advocate for the advancement of intelligence and have obtained a score of 158 on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and have made quite the observations relating to what exactly intelligence is within humans! Although the human brains development is dictated by the genetics present within the fetus, and humans share a similar cognitive architecture with the various lobes and "pipelines" of the brain, intelligence is influenced by ones environmental exposure as a small child, for an environment which is lacking in creativity and simulation, and consequently is one which fails to utilize the senses such as vision and hearing to their fullest extent, is an environment which often results in stunted growth. For all humans share the same memory and functions such as remembering and formation, but to go beyond the simple faculties of the mind one must be as introspective as they are questioning and observant, constant learning not limited to the fields of school or predefined paths but learning of a massive net of information which shall be strung together by the webs of the mind and employed in daily life.

What are your observations and thoughts on the matter Henry?

>> No.11150590

I think that all children everywhere should be entitled to a nurturing environment where their skills can grow and flourish. As a child, I remember going outside to find insects, dig holes, grow plants, etc. Environment is really important and I believe we should have more emphasis on providing safe learning environments for all children so that they may success to the fullest extent. I myself was lucky to have been able to interact with such an environment but many other kids, sadly don't.

>> No.11150597

1. I have no kids. I don't even have a current girlfriend. I do not see a need for having a woman in my life.
2. There is nothing wrong with GMOs. The same idiots creating fear about harmless items has lead to the anti-vaccine movement as well.
3. A strange answer to this, I enjoy women dressing up as Jesus Christ.

>> No.11150599 [DELETED] 

Your to stupid too do that then what do you extra iq points give you of any value?

>> No.11150603

How many dimensions do you see in?

>> No.11150608

3 like everybody else

>> No.11150610 [DELETED] 

test comment #fortune

>> No.11150617

I see in 3 dimensions like everyone else but I can visualize 4 dimensions. I must clarify this wasn't a God given gift, rather more than a months work of dedication. In fact, I suppose many of you may be able to do the same. But 4-D is my limit. 5-D blows my mind. It hurts my head trying to think about it.

>> No.11150618

That's weird, I only see in 2, seeing as vision is a 2D projection onto my retinas.

>> No.11150621

I find the lack of criticality of genetic modification to be of major concern. Consider one of the popular genetic modifications known as gene knocking utilized by researchers to determine the functions of various areas of an animals genome. If our understanding of biology(and more specifically, the macro and microscopic operation of organisms such as humans and bacteria) was advanced enough that our tests could be performed within a computer simulation, we could be certain what effects certain modifications would have. Consider the possibility of modifying an apple tree experimentally and creating the unwanted side effect of increasing fruit cyanide production by 1000%. This would have catastrophic effects on any organisms, including humans, which would be consumers of this fruit. This of course is a largely exaggerated example, but still represents the problems which might occur with genetic modification. Plants could become parasitic in nature perhaps, becoming resilient and multiplying beyond control via asexual means, or they could produce unknown compounds that could be potentially harmful if consumed. While the FDA and CDC are likely to test genetically modified foods for unintended compounds, and to observe the plants for any modifications in their growth and behavior, we cannot expect the tests to be rigorous enough to predict ecological and microscopic events.

>> No.11150622

Ah but you see, my 160+ IQ grants me super vision. Unfortunately since your IQ is too low, you wouldn't know about such things.

>> No.11150623

I see in 4

than your brain is stupid couse mine can recombile 2 2d images to 1 4d image.

>> No.11150626

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.11150628

You need at least 160 IQ.

>> No.11150634

You are not me. Stop.

>> No.11150636

Ah but I am, but are you me?

>> No.11150640
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Yes you need just to learn relativity theory and then you realize 2d is merly a illusion.
and then you can do this trick pic relate

>> No.11150643

You offer very thoughtful insight on the state of genetically modified organisms. Perhaps I should have clarified: my criticism was focused towards those blindly rejecting genetically modified organisms because they are "unnatural", while being completely oblivious to the fact that humans have been genetically modifying plants and animals for thousands of years by artificial selection. Now, in a more technologically advanced society, we can selectively pick which genes we find attractive in our products, rather than relying on natural mutations and randomness.

>> No.11150650

Being this smart, I feel qaulified to comment on the topic of abortion, specifically, it's a womans right to chose only if she passes an IQ test proving she is intellectually competent enough to make the decision. Obviously someone like me would be allowed to get an abortion, but I am a man.

>> No.11150653

OP here, I finally learned how to use a trip code. Does this mean I am a tripfag? Do you have any homosexual porn imagery I can utilize in this case as I do not own any from beforehand.

>> No.11150654

Please stop spoiling my thread. I do not want this discussion here.

>> No.11150655

I understand this would lead to a explosion in the stupid people demographic, but we need more people to work fast food, as you can see I have thought this through. that's what a 160 IQ gets you.

>> No.11150662

satan get

>> No.11150663

reroll for satan

>> No.11150665

no one on this entire board posted for an entire minute? slow board.

As a 160 IQ indidvual I think we can resolve the problem of having a slow board by advertising this board in scientififc jouranals.

also satan get

>> No.11150666

Satan gives this post number for 160 IQ people like me

>> No.11150670

excuse me but acutally I am henry b and satan gave you digits because you are stupid satan likes stupid people everyone knows that.

>> No.11150678

Why are you doing this on 4chan?

>> No.11150692

I plan on doing several ask me anythings on several science based forums. I started with this one because I thought it would be a simple way to begin this journey.

>> No.11150700

How accurate is the queendom classical IQ test to your real measured IQ and if you do not know, could you take it and give us your thoughts? https://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3108

>> No.11150716

Yeah, you're on the spectrum all right.

>> No.11150728

Ah, I see you all are high IQ Henry Benjamin Williams individuals as well

>> No.11150735

You are all too mean, so I will be leaving this place of discussion soon, but not before I remind all of you that I have 160 IQ. As a matter of fact, the organization that administered this test was so surprised by my results they proclaimed me as a genius that which that world almost never sees. So please make sure you all never forget about my 160 IQ, because you will never see one as high as that again ever in your lives.

>> No.11150747
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11151005 [DELETED] 
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I like to suck elephant cocks.

>> No.11151821

Cure aging.

>> No.11151930

What is your view on increasing in a training camp for the brain

>> No.11151949

I think that having a high IQ means nothing because you cannot have a personality as wonderful as others since everyone is their own unique personality. I bet that in 45 days you can become much more intelligent than this guy. Note that “intelligence” here is how the brain processes information and how clear it is when introspective of oneself along with the ability to grasp any kind of information no matter how old within a short amount of time. I could also improve sensory perception allowing you to feel a much more alive world than you are used to.

>> No.11151952

Eat my dick faggot

>> No.11152083

You violate rule 7 of the rules of the internet. You must be punished as per the law.