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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11150114 No.11150114 [Reply] [Original]

are those free iq tests accurate? i took one and it said my iq was 121

>> No.11150166

Yes and congrats your slightly above average, now fuck off and become a lawyer. Please, waste your life.

>> No.11150167

Usually what happens is that they report your iq but in reverse because they want the dumb people to think they're smart

>> No.11150171 [DELETED] 

>are those free IQ tests accurate

What they do is this, they have a bunch of questions and a max score, if you get 100% you get like 130 IQ or something if you get like 90% then they give you like 125 etc. etc.

it's just lies.

>> No.11150175 [DELETED] 

really? This post, there's something familiar about this post and a lot of my posts recently today... I don't understand. Just a coincidence though but I don't get it.

>> No.11150196

yea that kinda makes sense since i only answered like 20 questions. i may have gotten the easy ones

>> No.11150202

Conversely there are also "free" IQ tests online which artificially deflate your score and try to sell you the breakdown for fifty bucks. It's a scam, don't fall for it bros.

>> No.11150225
File: 294 KB, 1984x1134, srank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://sp.shonenjump.com/j/sp_neverland/#/iq-test/ take this instead

>> No.11150359

IQ is bunk anyway

>> No.11150448
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11150484

Why do you say it's "bunk"?

>> No.11150498

I have a secret for you:
- paid iq tests are fake
-free iq tests are fake

>> No.11151540

i heard the best way to use internet iq tests is to just subtract 15 points once you're done and there you are

>> No.11151709
File: 384 KB, 1004x941, SmartSelect_20191114-211405_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is pseudoscience. Taleb refuted IQ a year ago and people still have dick measuring contests over IQ.

>> No.11151755

Yes, it's possible you can compare one to one, but usually the one giving the test have disadvantage.

>> No.11151756


According to my imaginary "moraly normal parrents" it's easier to teach somebody how to make pancakes, by giving him recipe.

Testing infinite times if he can make a pancakes, if he doesn't even know what pancake is obviously doesn't help.

>> No.11151800

no, sex is also part of iq

>> No.11151958

IQ tests don't account for dyslexia.

>> No.11152372

No. Go to a testing site and answer the questions at random as quickly as possible. It will give you a high score because even though you got most of them wrong, the ones you got right, you got right incredibly quickly and speed factors into the IQ calculation.

>> No.11152413

Depends on the test.
Mensa . dk test is accurate, but it is a test only for spatial intelligence.

>> No.11152451
