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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 595x393, IQ of 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11148212 No.11148212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is the IQ of /x/, /int/, and /k/ at the top? Why are they so smart?

>> No.11148218

because they are average

>> No.11148221

Now remove the meme subs.

>> No.11148223

This graph is wrong.
/sci/ clearly has the highest IQ on 4chan.

>> No.11148224

Because they know how to read a normal distribution

>> No.11148225

>/sci/ clearly has the highest IQ on 4chan.
More like most religious.
>we have theories
Nice word for 'religion.'

>> No.11148229

>no >>>out
u wot m8
Only an conspiritard would say this.

>> No.11148230
File: 20 KB, 609x308, bell curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't tell if you are trolling but let's say you aren't:
As shown a bell curve measure distribution from the average. The middle peak has the highest concentration as it is the average. Further to the left is below average and further to the right is above average.
So in this graph, /sci/, /lit/, and /jp/ would have the highest intelligence; /x/ and /int/ would have average and /r/, /v/, and /b/ would have the lowest.

>> No.11148233

>reading op's argument
>responding to it
>asking whether bait/idiocy
>me responding to you

>> No.11148235

Eh, practice my explanation skills.

>> No.11148236

/x/ is the only board to summon succubi

>> No.11148242
File: 431 KB, 770x500, iq test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a smart man.

>> No.11148248

>discussing IQ
How about the JQ.
Where my anons at?

>> No.11148271

/mu/ is not smart. I refuse to believe this is based on anything meaningful due to that reason alone

>> No.11148288

Let me hop on you and let's discuss any question you'd like, big boy.

>> No.11148290

Jews facilitate, not direct.
Reality is not a conspiracy.
Jews simply hold the mirror up to weak Whites.

>> No.11148291

i love my jewish boyfriend

>> No.11148304
File: 38 KB, 595x393, iqchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better?

>> No.11148315

/sci/ is not smart. I refuse to believe this is based on anything meaningful due to that reason alone

>> No.11148318
File: 1.86 MB, 340x204, joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say the IQ on this board is barely a few points past /b/, mostly trained seals, you just have better training than /b/ not more intelligence

>> No.11148327
File: 3.42 MB, 326x183, dogging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11148335


>> No.11148344
File: 21 KB, 595x500, titled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting the latest one

>Jews are the system's most efficient whore

>> No.11148361

>r9k that high
doubt, they're on par with /v/

>> No.11148409

>>>11148290 (You)
>>Jews are the system's most efficient whore
Jews are the most efficient facilitators- that's why the market prefers them.

>> No.11148540

I've had better science-related conversations on /b/ than here.
Then again, that was many years ago. Guess the constant porn-posting and moot's betrayal did make it so your graph is correct.

>> No.11148546


>> No.11148554
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548810236506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11148561

Gauging people's IQ's on this website can be difficult as people say retarded things on purpose.

>> No.11148837

I think /sci/ has basically become a refuge to escape porn, /pol/tards, weebs, etc. There are still schizos but they’re manageable. As dumbed down as it might be /sci/ feels like the one of the few places you can talk without diving into some obscure sub-culture.

>> No.11149119


>> No.11149123

The jewish quotient is probably the highest on /pol/. I heard jews are self hating.

>> No.11149282
File: 45 KB, 635x665, 1565906878085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone get this guy outta here

>> No.11149556

This is a bell curve my friend, given their placement on the bell curve they are average.

>> No.11149566

This. For a board reportedly full of well educated people where everyone's a whiz a lot of people here seem pretty stupid

>> No.11149589

/lit/ is much smarter than /sci/.

>> No.11149607

I doubt it.

>> No.11149615

>Pretentious faggots being smarter than scientific faggots
Yeah right.

>> No.11149619
File: 652 KB, 1838x729, 1-PmCgcjO3sr3CPPaCpy5Fgw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, I might be wrong.

I'm on /sci/ since 2008 and on /lit/ probably 4 years less, but I mostly find longer quality posts there. But I have a STEM PhD so it's less likely to be impressed on /sci/ than on /lit/.

I'd still guess my estimation is correct, though. /sci/ is a lot of people asking for solutions because it's a sort of (last) resort on how to get homework done. On /lit/, if people read 5 books with a philosophically minded angle per year, I'd say they are more interesting people to talk to than the Engineering undergrads here.

>> No.11149638

I must be on drugs. I keep reading "lowest" as "highest" lmao

>> No.11149772
File: 97 KB, 741x926, 1565124276799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From what SOURCE, data and collection METHOD have you obtained this SHIT graph?

>> No.11149781

>zero evidence behind the graph
oh so ad hominem, gotchya

>> No.11150925

I put pol above co, mu, and tv.

>> No.11150929

nuh uh, i'm a genious irl fite me faget i am so smurt u cant believe it haha bro

>> No.11150931

This is some 10/10 bait lol. I actually laughed.

>> No.11151017

Because that chart is completely made up, pull out of thin air.

>> No.11151058

/int/ is the only smart board

>> No.11151151

/mu/ needs to be between /b/ and /pol/
YLYL is the only reason /gif/ is that high

>> No.11151155

>high IQ
they're more retarded than /sci/ and /v/