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11146752 No.11146752 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11146775

>kid is interested in some topic
>parents support him
Holy shit, stop the presses!

>> No.11146783
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>> No.11146791


I mean Incels, not uncles

>> No.11146793
File: 265 KB, 1262x846, muh iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is pseudoscientific quackery invented by conservative psychologists in the early 1900's to justify arbitrary discrimination, and most "geniuses" on this board conclude so from shoddy online tests, after taking them reiteratedly to memorize the patterns.

>> No.11146842

Then how come this child is doing something 99,99% of his peers are unable to AND is predicted to be of the same caliber by the IQ test?

Surely, the IQ tests are not accurate to the T, but they certainly are good at predicting outstanding people on both ends.

>> No.11146843

145 is high, but it isn't absurdly high, tho.

>> No.11146848

>his parents are hoping for
what is the kid hoping for?

>> No.11146855

That's ok, I'm both.

>> No.11146859

Prove it's something intrinsic to the child and not a product of his education instructions.
We need education reform period. Not advancement by age but by ability.

>> No.11146898

parents that don't divorce and imbue him with latent anger at his mother for making his father leave, causing a teenage drug habit and ending with him wasting his talents at a blue-collar job and seeking solace in backwards online communities

>> No.11146917

im rootin for him

>> No.11146960

This child is doing something seemingly much more impressive than what is expected of a child with an IQ of 145. By definition, a bit more than 1 in 1000 people have an IQ of 145 or higher. You could never predict this from his IQ alone.

>> No.11146986

linked in accomplishments: genius child

>> No.11146997

the graph would literally prove how iq relates to education, thats not even pol

>> No.11147070

That is far from being a sensation

>> No.11147106

Good for them, but
Looks like a her to me.

>> No.11147112

who gives a shit? cool, another phd to watch the world end with everyone else

>> No.11147120
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china got us, don't worry. They'll save the world. ha-ha-aaa

>> No.11147121

Reminder that the teenager with the highest I.Q. ever recorded committed suicide.

>> No.11147124


>> No.11147130

Low intelligence is also linked to suicide later in life

>> No.11147140

>one in a hundred people is as smart as me according to iq statistics
i've met probably five hundred people in my life and they were all morons, checkmate iq

>> No.11147142

I‘m sorry bud, hang in there

>> No.11147143

>Inb4 no one ever hears from this "prodigy" in one month and later ends up going to Community College/Very bad Uni/On of the lesser UCs

>> No.11147148


>> No.11147155

What happens with these "child geniuses"? You hear about them on the news, but they don't say what happens 10-15 years later and where they are.

>> No.11147159

They go to UCLA.

>> No.11147164
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Not to brag but:

My mom has 2 brothers in which one includes a verified genius with a masters degree from Columbia wasting his life on art in berlin, while the other has some BA from Yale and is wasting his life as a mechanic.

My dad has 11 siblings doing fuck all.

Religion is retarded.

>> No.11147174

IQ scores are directly related to how old you are. If an adult did the same score as the child on the test, then the adult would have a lower iq than the child. These tests don't really show anything besides how ahead the child is in test taking abilities.

>> No.11147180
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>> No.11148559
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11148602


>Laurent Simons is studying electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) -- a tough course even for students of an average graduate age.
>He then plans to embark on a PhD program in electrical engineering while also studying for a medicine degree, his father told CNN.

what were you doing when you were 9?

>> No.11148634

They can be genius, but how can they attend university if they haven't already done all the math and science required to start?

>> No.11148652

Going to the maintains with my grandpa and hunting shit, enjoying my life, and I am still doing my PhD only 20 year later, so what?
childhood is one of the most precious things in life, all that other shit you can do later as well but you can never be a real child again at 28+.

>> No.11148655
File: 237 KB, 596x628, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I know people who are studying electrical engineering at TUE and constantly complain to me about how hard / how much they struggle
> Degree takes 3 years officially yet the average completion time is 4.5 years
> That is the figure for people who persist in continuing
> Harsh selection in first year where you must pass a number of courses / mandatory credits otherwise you're booted from the uni

I'm genuinely curious how the discrepancy in knowledge was handled though. You must know the year 1 courses to pass the year 2 courses, so he couldn't have done everything at the same time. I'm a bit skeptic at the conduct of TU/E I think he very likely got some kind of special treatment.

Nah there's something fishy going on. Also I wonder one thing you used to always see articles about child genius's who complete their masters at 12-14 and so on. Yet I can't think of a single prominent researcher in my field who wasn't in his late 20's (or older than that) when attaining his or her phd.

>> No.11148684

>Yet I can't think of a single prominent researcher in my field who wasn't in his late 20's (or older than that) when attaining his or her phd.

Well of course. It takes time to really get the experience to come up with significant original research and successfully execute on that. Unless you're Galois you're unlikely to do really amazing shit at 20.

>> No.11148687

>verified genius
>wasting his life on art in Berlin

You have very warped views. If he's genuinely good at art and is smart enough to understand the significance of this, he has every reason to do this.

>> No.11148812

What the fuck, I had my IQ tested when I was 6, 138iq, when I was 12, 134iq, and when I was 17, 142iq, and I still feel like I'm retarded or something, I don't feel as smart as other people with an IQ lower than mine.

>> No.11148966
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>people keep telling me i'm smart
>why don't you go to uni anon
>feel underachiever and retarded instead
>don't really know how smart i am because i never really tried
i'm 26, and i decided i'll start uni next year
i'm scared because i don't know shit about how universities work
i'm gonna study for this shit, mostly because the salary looks decent (now i'm a regular blue collar worker, been working for 4 years) and i'd get 45 days of paid vacation / year
i don't know how to feel
one side of me is scared it will be too hard
the other side of me thinks i could do better than that, and is scared people will judge me because there's someone with a better job around
i was thinking of starting a thread for this attention whoring but it doesn't seem appropriate

>> No.11149014

This is an animu. There are many like it, but this one is mine. :O

>> No.11149129

I thought age was used in the equation that calculates ones IQ score?

>> No.11149957

Jealous, snow nigger?

>> No.11149962

They probably make some minor innovations, not enough for plebs to understand. Paradigm shifts are rare in most fields.

>> No.11151658

Sorry mate but this job won't exist in 10 years time due to automation.

>> No.11151662

>open thread to see if someone replied to me
>first reply right now
thanks anon
should i be actually worried about automation or is it a meme?

>> No.11151692

IIRC it said (in some german articles), that he got private tutoring from one of the professors and could write the exams alone and without waiting.

Also sometimes he had to do lab with the older students.

>> No.11151714
File: 29 KB, 285x287, 1573816270799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is pseudoscientific hogwash. Please stop having dick measuring contests over something that doesn't accurately measure intelligence.

>> No.11151868

Based Augustus Taleb.

>> No.11151893

I feel bad for these kids. Yeah this is the way to go if you want your child to turn up into terrence tao, but a large majority of these children end up without any social skill or childhood.

>> No.11151897

IQ is only slightly irrelevant after 120IQ and almost completely irrelevant after 130IQ.

>> No.11151922

ITT people with exceptional IQ's thinking it's completely normal being able to do that with just a bit of parental support.
You really need to get out of your cave and learn how fucking stupid the average human is.

>> No.11151967

Automation is not a meme. Maybe some time estimates are way too early, but it is inevitable in the near future.

>> No.11151997

IQ tests don't account for dyslexia and some other quirks.

>> No.11152028

Isn't it ironic that IQ threads are the most shallow and uninteresting ones, completely missing the point at all?

>> No.11152038

Based, but are you the same anon who's been doing this for years?

>> No.11152040

Sick of all these imbeciles boasting about their IQ

>> No.11152046


>> No.11152085

I have a once measured IQ of 132 and I'm just starting specialists in math at 23. The hell.

>> No.11152126

cute kid