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11144129 No.11144129 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to smoke pure tobacco with no additives, would it be any worse than smoking cannabis?

>> No.11144140

It's better than smoking cannabis because it doesn't turn you into DUDE WEED moron with reduced memory capability. In fact, tobacco is a nootropic so if anything, it's infinitely better than smoking cannabis which the low IQ person's drug.

>> No.11144144

Ever had a TA? chances are they smoke weed, or have smoked weed. Grad students are all druggies dude lol

>> No.11144147

>midwits use cannabis

>> No.11144153

who do you think becomes professors who then do research which then causes technological advancement?

>> No.11144160
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>midwits love to quote from Process and Reality after all

>> No.11144179

no, it would be worse because unlike cannabis, the tobacco plant naturally accumulates polonium. of course organically grown tobacco with no additives (like turquoise american spirits) have less polonium in them because most of the polonium comes from decay products of elements found in the fossil fuel fertilizers used for standard agriculture tobacco, but they still get some out of the atmosphere from the decay products of radon.

tobacco cultivators tried for years to get rid of this polonium-accumulating feature of the tobacco plant, but to no avail so far. cannabis flowers do not have this same tendency

>> No.11144183

>holding professors in great esteem
Second-rate mind detected. The only drugs responsible for true advancement are stimulants and psychedelics. Cannabis has made more people dullards content with masturbation and Taco Bell meals than it has inspired any sort of greatness. James Watson used LSD but never touched the stink weed. Your "professors" are nothing compared to his intellect and greatness.

>> No.11144185

All plants contain polonium in virtually insignificant levels, brainlet.

>> No.11144191

whatever kid, I smoke daily and am smarter and more successful than you, you have no idea what you're talking about, with 0 experience with any sort of drugs or life in general I imagine. The fact you idolize watson as the only name you know just proves you have no idea what you're talking about and don't belong on this board.
people who do drugs daily are smarter and more successful than you. cope.

>> No.11144192


>> No.11144198

>I'm smarter than you, ad hominem, projection, cope
The absolute retardation of DUDE WEED users.

>> No.11144208

true, but nicotine accumulates it significantly more than most other human-consumption plants. this is well known -- sauce https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polonium#Tobacco

>> No.11144214

do you think you made a point or argument here? I hope you're an undergrad, you literally pay my stipend to buy drugs with.

>> No.11144232

not gonna lie, i got my phd in a hard science and now work in academia and used to smoke weed regularly through undergrad and during my first couple of years of grad school. i went through a period of not being able to smoke it (due to studying abroad and no hookups there) and i realized that my motivation actually did increase. i gave up smoking regularly because i realized that it makes me lazy, like for 2 days after or so. now i only smoke weed on fridays and saturdays every couple of weeks, because if i do it on sunday or weekdays i just get fucking lazy during work for the next 2-3 days. even if i have a hangover from alcohol it doesn't kill my motivation as much

>> No.11144233

"Nicotine" accumulates nothing. The polonium 2-10 does not covalently bind to the nicotine. From your very language, it's clear I'm dealing with a retard. As to your link, this is outdated pseudoscience from the 1960s looking to establish a causative agent responsible for tobacco's carcinogenicity, that refutes nothing of what I said; the reason you take it as any authority because some mouth-breathing imbecile who writes wikipedia articles made strong claims stemming from it. To repeat: all plants uptake very trace amounts. There is no greater instance in tobacco relative to other plants. It is merely the association of tobacco with cancer that invokes confirmation bias in brainlets like you when you selectively see this in isolation with tobacco.

>> No.11144235

>first post was ad populum (dude success); ad hominem
You made no argument in the first place.

>> No.11144241

good on you for that realization. I'll be honest, I smoke sometimes before going to school, especially on experimental days (lots of imaging), it helps motivate me in a weird way, like being stoned makes me appreciate science and my opportunity and playing with expensive instruments and shit. I'm slowly getting an alcohol problem too though, I need to check myself. I dunno, my nights are so fucking boring though, I basically just kill time waiting to go to work/school tomorrow, I'm kind of in a weird rut where I am obsessed about my work and it's unhealthy...
The good thing is I've gone to conferences and shit where I don't smoke and nothing really changes, even not smoking long periods of time (3 weeks or so) just makes me bored and want to do science stoned. I guess it also coincides with vacations, which are also "boring" for me in a way...

>> No.11144242

oo are you the dude who doesn't know what ad hoc is? you sound like him. Go ahead, completely ignore the argument because you think you won it because you called out some fallacy. Guess what buddy. Successful people smoke weed. Where's the ad hom there?

>> No.11144245

You have the stylometry and the thought-process of a brainlet.

>> No.11144248

ad hom*

>> No.11144250

>Successful people smoke weed
Ad populum

>> No.11144252

Just smoke a pipe like youre support to, without inhaling it.
Get a nice aromatic and enjoy life.
Even einstein said pipe smoking is the secret to intelligence.

>> No.11144258

I'm not talking to you kid.
again i'm not talking to you kid. also your fallacy doesnt really apply if my statement directly argues against yours, which is "midwits smoke weed". successful scientists are not midwits.

>> No.11144264

tobacco is far more addictive

>> No.11144266

>successful scientists are not midwits.
They are.

>> No.11144267

i feel like you are arguing against wikipedia and plenty of published articles (some are referenced on the wiki) without citing anything in response. please try to cite better sources, because i suspect you are just talking out your ass. we can continue the discussion once you make your argument better than "just trust me bro"

>> No.11144269

who is not a midwit according to you?

>> No.11144271
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>> No.11144273

are you going to answer the question without some idiotic internet meme? who is not a midwit according to you?

>> No.11144277

See the intelligence range in the meme.

>> No.11144280
File: 371 KB, 1080x1350, 8F43842C-3F62-470C-A79B-854D4F125CDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It’s more carcinogenic, and nicotine alone is strongly associated with many serious diseases such as heart disease and emphysema.

Tobacco is very bad for you, and you can easily research this.

>> No.11144282

Bioaccumulation of trace elements is well known, and if you're going to be incredulous at a simple fact, then you're incapable if discussing anything advanced.

>> No.11144290

PS: i meant tobacco not “nicotine” . more specifically tobacco leaves. you are right on that nitpick but i stand by my claim that cigarettes and other tobacco leaf products are much more rich in polonium than cannabis flower products

>> No.11144291

Am I to interpret it as "people with high and low IQ are successful, everyone else is not"? I don't know how that relates to my question. I've never tested my IQ and no one I know, in upper level research both in industry and academia has either. Can you maybe answer my question with words, not memes?

>> No.11144294
File: 9 KB, 213x237, retard alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i feel like you are arguing against wikipedia
>without citing anything in response.
>please try to cite better sources

>> No.11144295

but you can’t deny that tobacco bioaccumulates polonium more than most other human consumption plants. significantly more. this is well supported in the literature

>> No.11144299

Any one of middle-range intelligence, is a midwit. Most 'successful' people are indeed midiwts.

>> No.11144300

I've read this entire thread and I'm just here to confirm that OP is a massive faggot.

>> No.11144303

It isn't supported in the literature; this is a conclusion based off a single paper looking at tobacco alone. Again, al plants uptake trace elements.

>> No.11144308

I didn't say successful people, I said successful scientists. People who do research in STEM.

>> No.11144312

then cite a source. i can google it and i see many studies related to high levels of polonium in tobacco leaves. if you claim it has been debunked then show me one sauce to support that

otherwise i will trust the abundant literature corroborating my position

>> No.11144314

>I said successful scientists. People who do research in STEM.
Predominantly midwits. I would know. I work with them every day.

>> No.11144316

Imagine being this fucking stupid unable to follow a basic line of reasoning and expecting to be spoonfed on a source that debunks a 1960s paper examining tobacco in se.

>> No.11144317

There are lots of dumb people in stem.

>> No.11144318

So who isn't a midwit according to you? Please try not to post IQ memes this time, like I said, no one outside of this board really cares about IQ in the real world.

>> No.11144319

>otherwise i will trust the abundant literature corroborating my position
A single paper and a wikipedia article and several alarmist google articles written around it? Shocking.

>> No.11144320

Just 1 source is all you have to provide. You have 1 job.

>> No.11144321

sure, and yet technological progress marches on, because the vast majority of people in STEM are not dumb. If the majority was, no progress would happen, no?

>> No.11144322

can confirm this

>> No.11144324

1 single source.

>> No.11144325

Anyone with an IQ over 90 and under 140.

>> No.11144328

See thousands of articles published on the bioaccumulation of trace elements.

>> No.11144329

is this controversial? it's not like we've gone stagnant, every STEM field is constantly making minute contributions to technological progress everyday...

>> No.11144331


>> No.11144332

I just said IQ really is not a factor here, because only people on mensa and circle jerking IQ threads care about IQ in the real world. You are not accomplished because of your IQ. you are accomplished because of your accomplishments. Scientists who are well established in STEM industry and academia make progress. I still have yet to see a substantial argument against this statement.

>> No.11144333

1 source

>> No.11144334

Should I post a link to pubmed's primary research articles published in 2019 or something? What is it you want? Research is happening whether or not you choose to say it is or not.

>> No.11144335

your basic line of reasoning is "oh radioactive isotopes in trace amounts can be found in lots of plants". no duh. but "therefore tobacco isn't much higher in accumulating polonium isotopes" is not a good conclusion. that is basically like saying "oh lots of chemicals don't expand when they freeze, therefore water doesn't expand when it freezes". see how your logic is wrong?

you need to give evidence to back up your claim that the well-established result that tobacco accumulates polonium at a much higher rate than other common plants consumed by humans is debunked. as far as i know, that is true and you claiming it is debunked based on your shit line of argument is just as unjustified as many of the other idiots on the internet making nonscientific claims.

(just to disclose my own biases: i smoke cigarettes and i just face reality. the whole "partially combusted hydrocarbons" is equally bad with cannabis, but the polonium thing is real. i just accept it. and probably the radiation we get from inhaling fossil fuel fumes is on the same level of harmfulness. but you can't deny the polonium-tobacco connection.)

>> No.11144336

Imagine being this braindead.

>> No.11144337

good argument. how much does your IQ pay you per month?

>> No.11144338


>> No.11144339
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There you go, midwit.

>> No.11144343

1 source.

>> No.11144344

I mean, ok....
halfwits right? people who get paid by the government to study cutting edge molecular biology research, which helps form drugs which have provable efficacy of their effects?

>> No.11144346

This is a source! Now I'm not the guy you were originally arguing with, but I wanted you to know that a source is has citations and this is what I was looking for. Just some link.

>> No.11144347

See the previous image, imbecile.

>An assessment of the (210)Po ingestion dose due to the consumption of agricultural, marine, fresh water and forest foodstuffs in Gudalore (India).

>> No.11144348

Dude I have 2 3rd author and 2 1st author publications, I mean... making me prove that I know how to search research articles didn't have a point.

>> No.11144349


>> No.11144353

your source doesn't include tobacco? how does this have anything to do with the discussion then?

find a real source.

>> No.11144356

>An assessment of the (210)Po ingestion dose due to the consumption of agricultural, marine, fresh water and forest foodstuffs in Gudalore (India).

>> No.11144358

I know. I just like typing the word source. Its a nice word. None of the matters and weed is better than tobacco.

>> No.11144363

uh, this is a link to an search of the word "advancements" and has nothing to do with polonium-tobacco or anything else ITT

>> No.11144364


>> No.11144368

Your source doesn't include anything but tobacco. The range of (210)Po in other plants is equitable if not higher than that of tobacco.

>> No.11144369

I'm not arguing with you about your stupid polonium shit. I'm having the other argument.
eh tobacco is worse but only because of the processing, I'd smoke tobacco the rest of my life if i knew I wouldn't get negative symptoms, that being said I'll smoke weed the rest of my life even knowing I could get the negative symptoms.

>> No.11144370

That's because this thread is a bunch of retards trying to out-tard each over by screaming "muh IQ" and "muh sources". I started trolling it while high, by making both idiots provide sources.

>> No.11144372

An assessment of the (210)Po ingestion dose due to the consumption of agricultural, marine, fresh water and forest foodstuffs in Gudalore (India), Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2014 Nov;137:96-104. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.06.019.

>> No.11144373

>I'll smoke weed the rest of my life

>> No.11144374

I thought potheads weren't supposed to get so angry

>> No.11144376


>> No.11144378

so you post an image that leaves out tobacco completely and refuse to post a link to whatever study it is from?

sounds like you are a complete shill trying real hard at sophistry since you failed at finding any good sources you could post links to

>> No.11144379


>> No.11144381

See >>11144368

>> No.11144385


>> No.11144386
File: 63 KB, 542x475, 1567251558447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

>> No.11144392

this article is not open-access and it's written by some shitty saudi arabian single author and it doesn't even mention tobacco in the abstract (which is the only thing available openly)

i think this is a completely irrelevant paper, and even if it were relevant, i discard single-authored papers from meme saudi universities out of hand.

btw saudis love cigarettes and their funding all comes from completely biased funding agencies, so i discard this even if it were relevant.

find a real source

>> No.11144399

>offers study only with tobacco
>gets called out that other plants have (210)Po
>no they don't
>proves that they do
>no this isn't good, you need a study that explicitly uses tobacco and other plants and if you cant find it, that means the pseudoscience written around some shit-tier 1960s studies is right
You need a lobotomy. It's fruitless to discuss anything with you.

>> No.11144401

I'm just happy that the retard couldn't provide a source because some anon kept typing "provide source" over and over again lol.

>> No.11144402


>> No.11144403


>> No.11144410


>> No.11144412

The study had nothing to do with tobacco brainlet. It showed that other plants uptake polonium. If you compare that to the tobacco study, it's similar if not higher.

>> No.11144415

everything you said is completely trolling, since nothing you said relates to anything in any of your fictitious "citations" whatsoever.

please, if you aren't completely trolling, be very clear and post a link to a study about tobacco and polonium with a relevant quote from that study that i can verify by clicking your link. so far you have posted completely random shit that has nothing to do with anything and claimed victory, in true troll form, and then acted like you're trustworthy. if anything, everything you have posted has proven that you are the epitome of a troll posting nonsense that should be ignored

>> No.11144416

One was indeed provided.

>> No.11144422


>> No.11144426

i don't think that you can compare two different studies apples-to-apples like that. if someone is claiming that the well-established fact that tobacco plants accumulate polonium more than most comparable plants, then i hope they have _one_ study that says that. cross-referencing different papers with different methodologies is definitely not going to be reliable versus the dedicated one-paper studies that DO exist and which disagree with what you would conclude from naiive cross-comparison of non-comparable studies

>> No.11144430

You're the one who made the extraordinary claim that tobacco has a "polonium-accumulating feature" and that "nicotine accumulates it significantly more than most other human-consumption plants", both of which make little sense at face value alone. That aside, this hypothesis was contested with the simple fact that all plants bioaccumulate trace elements and substantiated with a paper showing respective levels, which if extrapolated, are comparable to the trace amounts listed in the 1960s studies you found on Wikipedia. You're not very smart.

>> No.11144431

>well-established fact that tobacco plants accumulate polonium more than most comparable plants
This isn't a well-establish fact.

>> No.11144433

yes, it would. youd still get cancer.

see: chewing tobacco gives you mouth and throat cancer

>> No.11144435

no, your extrapolating your lame ideas is something i already addressed:
the polonium-tobacco link has not been debunked and is in fact corroborated by many studies that are much newer.

the burden of proof is on you, since you claim the tobacco-polonium connection is debunked. you have 0 citations so far to support that. even if the wikipedia article and the citations therein are too "1960s" for you, that's still better than 0 citations from your side

>> No.11144438

it appears in the literature and on wikipedia. i cited it above. if you disagree, then post something to back that up

>> No.11144439

>well-established result that tobacco accumulates polonium at a much higher rate than other common plants
This is not well-established.

>> No.11144442

The papers do not examine Po content of other consumable plants.

>> No.11144448

well then find a citation to compare them. i’m sure it’s been done but you like to deny science instead of reading up

>> No.11144456
File: 116 KB, 487x376, luigis_chinese_cowboy_impression_is_so_terrible_that_mario_s_stomach_ulcer_practically_explodes_and_he_is_unable_to_ask_luigi_to_stop_being_so_fucking_racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click on thread vaguely hoping for a discussion on the health effects of nicotine itself
>autistic screeching about weed and polonium

>> No.11144461

Its the low IQ poster of /sci/. He's the same guy who makes all the anti-nuclear posts.

>> No.11144565
File: 18 KB, 275x183, keep digging that hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony here...

>> No.11144565,2 [INTERNAL] 

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