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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11143223 No.11143223 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11143228

atleast it's self aware

>> No.11143461
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11143794


>> No.11145465

Well, let's see, we'll select and ship the bigest, strongest and controllable (read: dumbest) cohort of African continent's population to this other continent, let them breed, and a few centuries later measure the IQ of the offspring.

How on Earth could the average IQ could possibly be lower.

American blacks are race manufactured by selective breeding of the strong and dumb. And Americans deserve exactly what they're getting for ever allowing it to occur in the first place.

Blacks are penance for slavery.

>> No.11145477

american blacks are on average smarter than africans genetically.

>> No.11145485

Cite I could read?

>> No.11145486

Not him but it’s probably because they have 20-30% Euro admixture on average

>> No.11145488

That would make sense.