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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11141622 No.11141622 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the mastermind behind all of it?

>> No.11141654

Checked, based redpilled and .thread.
OP won the internet.
No one else needs to reply. OP is already a genius.

>> No.11141711

There's no mastermind. It's the natural evolution of things that the resources industry will fight tooth and nail to protect their racket, the media will act so as to protect their power and governments will do what they're paid to.

>> No.11141771


Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11142235

>Who was the mastermind behind all of it?
Burn coal. Make money. Avoid consequences.

>> No.11142340
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James Watt (by inventing the steam engine)

>> No.11142378

Well, in the 70s, Exxon did a study that showed their industry's actions would fuck up the environment through global warming. They kept it secret of course, so they could continue operating.
The documents proving this were leaked roughly three years ago.

I'd argue it was childless people in power position's fault.

>> No.11142734

110 IQ take

>> No.11142735

The (((kaiju)))

>> No.11142761

G*d (pbuh)

>> No.11143388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11143390

there is no mastermind, polar bears spend there time planting trees and removing carbon dioxide, when we increase emissions we ruin the landscape for the polar bears which kills them and this is why we should save the polar bears in order to save the planet

>> No.11143810
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>the mastermind

>> No.11144472
File: 30 KB, 684x342, co2_nuclear_powr_plants_climate_change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nuclear power lobby.

>> No.11144597

BASED group of jews
wasted get

>> No.11144610
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Rich companies who wanted to stay on top thus trying to introduce "climate quotas" which they could use to sell to smaller companies as to keep their own profit afloat as well as keep those new companies down. These quotas were to be expired and resold every year so the bigger companies could keep their positions while new companies died out and never got to be as big as the ones existing now based on guilt and false science.

Typical subversion tactics. Glad most of us didn't fall for it.

>> No.11144727

Is this kind of like how net neutrality was hurting ISP competition because only large ISP companies could afford to exist with those types of regulations being placed on them?

>> No.11144830

explains why big ISP's hated it so much they captured the FCC to get rid of it.

>> No.11144858


God created man and the Earth, and man used the Earth to create excess CO2. That's why far-right environmentalists call it Godmade global warming.

>> No.11144887
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>> No.11145801

Not sure about that, so won't comment on it. It's basically big companies sell ledgers to smaller companies so as to keep them down and non-competative.
Stop trying to be funny, retard. Co2 is record low for this planet. It also creates more biomass thus more things that are alive. Car farts won't make the world Uranus

>> No.11145840
File: 180 KB, 908x1120, der-giftpilz-1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the evil white male capitalists, who would gladly blow up the world for money for no reason. I know this because I said so.

>> No.11145868

>Co2 is record low for this planet.
What does a record low for the planet have to do with what parameters are good for humans? Most of the planet's history had been spent as a barren lifeless rock; is that good for us because its "normal" for the planet? Not to mention that current CO2 is not even closer to a record low, it's mor than double the record low.

>It also creates more biomass thus more things that are alive.
And it creates rapid warming that ecosystems don't have time to adapt to, leading to less things that are alive. You're a human, not a plant, right?

>> No.11147089

Ok I'll bite. What proof do you have for the Co2 levels:
A) Being bad for humans, and
B) Changing the climate.

>> No.11147554

You can literally demonstrate the greenhouse effect yourself with a simple experiment.

>> No.11147642

I can fill a small greenhouse with co2 and choke to death, yes. The co2/ppm would surpass anything we could ever hope to achieve on this planet by driving cars that are constantly made to release less co2. The planet has ways of dealing with this (oceans and trees among others) as well as a decreasing co2 in and of itself. We will not die by choking to death, nor will the climate change because of us. One medium size volcano erruption will cause more co2 than any human activity since the 1700's till now. It still wouln't wipe us out.

In addition, closing down or heavily taxating co2 emissions will drastically change our way of life to the point that it's almost better to have a climate change than starve off billions of people. Nature has its ways and we WILL face a near-extinction, but it would not be because Greta said so.

>> No.11147664
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>The planet has ways of dealing with this (oceans and trees among others) as well as a decreasing co2 in and of itself.
not fast enough pic related

> nor will the climate change because of us
citation needed

>One medium size volcano erruption will cause more co2 than any human activity since the 1700's till now.
completely wrong volcanic activity is an insignificant source of co2 compared to human activity. An eruption large enough to release more CO2 than we do would wipe out a continent, and is a one in 50 million years event.

>starve off billions of people.
climate change WILL cause billions of people to starve when agriculture collapses across the globe, transitioning to renewable energy wont.

in summary basically everything you said is nonsense, either you're a literal shill or incapable of basic critical thinking and fact checking.

>> No.11147668
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>> No.11147670
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>> No.11147672

Thread smells like those UC retards are posting again

>> No.11147720

>can fill a small greenhouse with co2 and choke to death, yes
Did you seriously not consider you might be able to see the results from *outside* the greenhouse?

>> No.11147727

>nor will the climate change because of us
You don't think the hole in the ozone layer or destruction of the Amazon rainforest might change the climate a little?

>> No.11147732


>> No.11147747

>Co2 is record low for this planet.

Citation needed.

> It also creates more biomass thus more things that are alive.


>Car farts won't make the world Uranus

Uranus is very cold. This has to be a troll post.

>> No.11147751

>One medium size volcano erruption will cause more co2 than any human activity since the 1700's till now.

Humans produce orders of magnitude more CO2 than all volcanos in the world.
Why are you lying?

>> No.11147839

I bet he heard it on /pol/ and liked the idea so much he didn't even research it.

>> No.11147990

>Being bad for humans

>Changing the climate.

>> No.11148018
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>I can fill a small greenhouse with co2 and choke to death, yes.
Greenhouses don't operate via the greenhouse effect. How fucking stupid do you have to be to attempt to argue in a topic while lacking any knowledge of it? Do you have any sense of embarrassment or are you just going to move on to the next thread to repeat your incredibly retarded lies?

>> No.11148033


>> No.11148038

Reality is not a conspiracy!

>> No.11148437
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this, also nuclear is the only solution until somebody fix Fusion

>> No.11148444

Don't tell him about co2 generators that don't make the green house hotter but is used as plant nutrients

>> No.11148450


>> No.11148581

A study doesn't prove anything. I too can tell you i have a study that proves the earth is flat, that doesn't mean it's correct.

>> No.11148605

>And it creates rapid warming that ecosystems don't have time to adapt to, leading to less things that are alive. You're a human, not a plant, right?

Wrong, the warming in the past was the reason for the increase in biomass, which is ALSO good for humans. There is no proof that life ecosystems do not have tome to adapt, if that was the case there wouldn't be already life on earth

And for 1millionth time there is no proof that co2 causes warming, in fact it has been proven that co2 causes slight cooling but it doesn't matter because co2 is so fucking rare on the atmosphere.

>> No.11148606

So the only way to prove anything is by pure math? I agree.

>> No.11148611

There is no greenhouse effect in the atmosphere because the atmosphere is not a closed system like it would be in your experiment. On a side note, people use greenhouses to grow food faster and bigger, what they do is pump co2 in the greenhouse, because co2 is good for plants and humans.

>> No.11148615

>the atmosphere is not a closed system like it would be in your experiment
How not?

>> No.11148618

>that the resources industry will fight tooth and nail
They are the ones who are embracing it the most. Or do you think it's a coincidence the Volkswagen Group went all out on e-cars? They wouldn't do that if the government hadn't assured them for fossil fuel cars to get banned by 2035.

>> No.11148619

>Volkswagen Group
>Resource industry
Based retard.

>> No.11148626

By mondern standards cars are commodities, faggot.

>> No.11148632

Go be mondern somewhere else you stupid mutt. Resource industry means mining.

>> No.11148638

So cryptos are, eh? Fuck you!

>> No.11148641

Point stands. Go be american somewhere else.

>> No.11148645

Everything you said is wrong.
There is no proof that co2 causes warming or climate change, consequently the speed at which co2 rises and falls is not a problem, but even if, there is no proof that the speed at which co2 rises and falls causes problems to the environment or climate. And stop intentionality using climate change instead of anthropogenic climate change, the first is a real thing the second just a hypothesis that has been proven wrong and that you support, so yes climate change will cause billions of people to starve because we are entering a grand solar minimum and its effect on agriculture. In a time like this we should be using co2 to secure our food production, since co2 is known to be beneficial and indispensable for growing food, instead it's being demonized, hmmm i wonder why, it's almost as if it is all according to a plan to the benefit of some powerful people.

>> No.11148648

>There is no proof that co2 causes warming or climate change
We've understood the greenhouse effect for more than a hundred years. If you can't be bothered reading about a subject don't pretend to be knowledgeable about it.

>> No.11148649

No,but a study isn't necessarily correct it always depends. And people seem to forget that people can lie and deceive and scientists are just humans too, also there is no reason to trust any company especially not exxon.

>> No.11148656

So what can you trust? People on the Internet you agree with?

>> No.11148662

There is no greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, the atmosphere is not a closed system. I don't know who "we" is but you do not understand.

>> No.11148669

>There is no greenhouse effect in the atmosphere,
Yes there is.

>> No.11148673

You misunderstand. Not the study proves something, the fact Exxon withheld it from the public proves something. Can you wrap your head around that?

>> No.11148685

I don't trust anyone. But it's very simple actually, i know that psychopaths exist and i know they like power, now one has to think tactically, a government is a power concentrating system so you have to assume it's controlled by psychopaths even if you didn't have any proof. Same thing goes for the media even if i didn't have any proof i have to asume that it's controlled by psychopaths and everything the media tells is to their benefit, that includes anthropogenic climate change.

>> No.11148694

>Uhhh exxon witheld it but somehow now we have it, now everyone thinks anthropogenic climate change must be real.
If you think that wasn't on purpose , then you are naive.

>> No.11148696

>I don't trust anyone.
Then what's the point of posting on science board? In order to do science you need a lot of trust. Trust in institutions to teach you stuff correctly, trust in peer review, trust in experiments etc. Do you trust teh gubrment, when it tells you that electrons have spin or do you need to independantly come up with the theory yourself ab initio and then construct apparature for Stern Gerlach in your garage to verify it?

If you don't trust anyone and operate on the level of pure conjecture, there's other board for you.

>> No.11148698
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>If you think that wasn't on purpose , then you are naive.
>Guys, let's do a fake research that our product is harming the nature. And hide it, so we can be forced to disclose it after 30 years.

>> No.11148713

Me, James.

>> No.11148752

The climate changes everyday
It's called the weather

>> No.11148762

You are assuming that making money is their sole motiv, the people that run exxon are probably part of a secret society, their true motiv is retaining or gaining power and like in a game of chess they wouldn't hesitate sacrificing any pieces if it means they can get what they want. Also, why would exxon make a study in the first place if it could harm them when they didn't even have to make one in the first place, since there are already studies and other people making studies on the same subject.

>> No.11148780

>In order to do science you need a lot of trust. Trust in institutions to teach you stuff correctly, trust in peer review, trust in experiments etc.

Lol that's literally retarded, we use science because we don't trust, we don't trust anyone because we know that huamns aren't perfect and can make mistakes and we don't trust anyone because we know that some humans want to deceive other people for their own profit, that's why one core aspect of science is to test things.

>> No.11148819

>the people that run exxon are probably part of a secret societ
Yea, that's >>>/x/

>> No.11148828

>Lol that's literally retarded
Reality is retarded, get used to it.

Also answer the question. Do you believe that electrons have spin? If so, why?

>> No.11148835


>> No.11148850

Whoever he is we need to know how he made the technology to harness the weather and change it to suit his climate change agenda.

>> No.11148851

I don't have an opinion on electron spin because it's not important to me right now.

>> No.11148883
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>Wrong, the warming in the past was the reason for the increase in biomass, which is ALSO good for humans.
Please explain where this great benefit we're already experiencing is.

>There is no proof that life ecosystems do not have tome to adapt, if that was the case there wouldn't be already life on earth
Rapid warming has caused mass extinctions in the past: https://www.phys.org/news/2018-12-biggest-mass-extinction-global-ocean

>And for 1millionth time there is no proof that co2 causes warming
You were provided with proof but you ignored it for the 1 millionth time. See >>11147990

The greenhouse effect is necessitated by fundamental chemistry and thermodynamics, and can be observed directly with radiative spectroscopy. You have to be mentally ill to maintain this level of delusion.

>in fact it has been proven that co2 causes slight cooling
Why are you lying?

>but it doesn't matter because co2 is so fucking rare on the atmosphere.
What does rarity in the atmosphere have to do with its effect? If there were no other gases in the atmosphere its effect would be the same. The effect is determined by number of molecules, not its percentage of the atmosphere. Once again uppity prince yourself completely ignorant on this topic. Get off the science board.

>> No.11148897

>Lol that's literally retarded, we use science because we don't trust
I don't trust you're baseless claims and I used scientific evidence to disprove them. You should try it sometime.

>> No.11148907

It's yes/no question you stupid mutt.

>> No.11148908

No, Freemasons exist therefore science is wrong.

>> No.11148918

Uhh someone didn't get the answer he wanted. You don't determine if it is a yes/no question.
Whatever constitutes reality just is, i don't have to worry about electron spin only aboute the loose psychopaths.

>> No.11148920

Hey stop pretending to be me, Freemason psychopath. The government is trying to silence me by making stupid posts.

>> No.11148927

Is it you, dude? I have a feeling this post is the goverment.

>> No.11148945

Are you the government? Now I actually believe he's me since the government is trying to get me to not believe it. I can heat the black helicopters coming for me, gotta go.

>> No.11149057
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Put you in there and watch you choke to death? I wouldn't do such a racist thing, Anon. What do you take me for?
The ozone layer is affected by CFC-gasses which we forbidden by law since the 80's. Co2 has no effect on the ozone layer.
Citation in pic. The dots are hearsay from the likes of (You). We are entering a cooling, if we are to believe your studies. Uranus can be heated up by friction if I find you.
You are saying this because you can't tax volcanoes. Why are you shilling?
Other anon took a poo on you.
What the FUCK do you know, cityboi? Co2 is constantly used by farmers to enhance biomass hence the greenhouses you happen to see on the way to your cousin Cleetus. That's where your buzzword comes from, not the other way around.

The pic is helping your cause, but if you are semi-literate you can see a pattern and where we are headed (protip: dots are shills)

>> No.11149152

>You are saying this because you can't tax volcanoes.
Deniers like you scare the shit out of me. Being wrong is one thing, but you clearly don't care about what's true at all.

>> No.11149172

Club of Rome.

>> No.11149191

Based and retard-pilled

>> No.11149204

You experiment also wouldn't be a closed system you unbelievable retard.
Seriously, it's amazing how climate change deniers all exhibit this same flavor of just-not-quite-smart-enough-to-grasp-all-but-the-most-basic-concepts idiocy, which is remarkably difficult to differentiate from the arguments of dishonest actors.

>> No.11149418

It's amazing, I've literally seen someone claim CO2 can't cause warming because they use CO2 in fire extinguishers

>> No.11149419

>Co2 has no effect on the ozone layer.
Way to miss the point.

>Citation in pic.
This shows CO2 has been higher than the record low for about 20000 years. Not only are you wrong, you proved yourself wrong and incapable of reading a graph.

>The dots are hearsay from the likes of (You).
Every classroom you've made is hearsay, retarded hypocrite.

>We are entering a cooling, if we are to believe your studies.
Which ones?

>Other anon took a poo on you.
The only other post replying to that one is me referencing it. Did you even read it before lying about it?

>That's where your buzzword comes from, not the other way around.
What does the source of the name have to do with anything? Do you think an Apple computer is edible? Again, greenhouses don't operate according to the greenhouse effect, so basing an argument against the greenhouse effect on what happens inside a greenhouse is pure retardation.

Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness? You're certainly delusional enough.

>> No.11149430

from you're graph it certainly looks like we're heading toward a period of extreme warming

>> No.11149437

>Who was the mastermind behind all of it?
Was it Karen Franks' husband acting as the mastermind with the blessing of Helene, a blessing without which his plans never could have come to fruition?

>> No.11149729

So is climate change fake/true/harmful?

>> No.11149862

Al Gore. How young are you people?

>> No.11149913

> We will not die by choking to death
Indeed we won't, we'll kill each other for the last food that grows unless epidemics kill us first.

>The planet has ways of dealing with this (oceans and trees among others)
By absorbing, the oceans grow more acidic and lose oxygen. When marine life dies, we're totally fucked.

>> No.11151648

There is no proof co2 causes warming or climate change.


>> No.11151682
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Apart from basic photochemistry, of course. But let´s ignore that.

>> No.11151758

>Claims one of the most foundational ideas of a scientific field is wrong.
>Supports that claim with a youtube video where a non-expert rambles about newspaper articles.
Good work. Between you, creationists, and the flat earthers, modern science is going to be declared finished ANY day now.

>> No.11151980
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Climate alarmism rests on the absurd fallacy that climate models are simultaneously well conditioned and accurate, while the system they are modeling is sensitive enough to perterbation that a change of 200 parts per million will throw it off onto a new attractor

Just a bunchof loser teenager tier people that think the world is going to end, mixed with quacks that are surprised when you forecast expenential behavior when fitting an exponential function.

>> No.11152158

>Climate alarmism rests on the absurd fallacy that climate models are simultaneously well conditioned and accurate, while the system they are modeling is sensitive enough to perterbation that a change of 200 parts per million will throw it off onto a new attractor
Those two claims aren't mutually exclusive.

>quacks that are surprised when you forecast expenential behavior when fitting an exponential function.
Please read anything at all about how climatology actually works, rather than just throwing terminology together and hoping it sounds coherent.
And no, the climate response to CO2 forcing is not exponential.