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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11141461 No.11141461 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't gotten a good night's sleep during the entire year, not a single one. How fucked is my circadian rhythm and how can I fix it without resorting to sleeping pills?

>> No.11141505

If you don't sleep at least 12 hours per day you will suffer immense brain damage.

>> No.11141539

OP, go camping for a weekend. Do not turn on any artificial lights unless absolutely necessary. Ideally, you stay out in the wilderness for three days or more and operate solely under the light of the sun and moon. Your circadian rhythm should reset. All the artificial light and electronic distraction and noise pollution in our modern world really fucks our sleep time.

>> No.11142192

My entire life has been like that, I get like 2 hours of sleep every night, doctor never prescribed me drugs because I would become 'reliant' and wouldn't be able to sleep without it (But I never slept anyways). Nowadays I just take tons of herbal supplements like valerian + melatonin and have a much better sleep.

>> No.11142216

turn off your phone and computer once in a while

>> No.11142424

stop taking melatonin, fucks your body's natural production of it when you don't have access to it. My dad used to try and give it to me when I'd have to be up early the next day, but I realize his sleep was fucked because of it. He would sleep 3 - 5 hours and just wake up all times of the night. Have a strong feeling his melatonin production was fucked from taking much more than his body was supposed to have. I sleep fine now, on the other hand. Always get 6 - 8 hours of sleep.

>> No.11142435

Your circadian rhythym is controlled by light exposure, mainly. Fix that.

As far as sleeping pills go, melatonin is a good way to brute force yourself back onto schedule. It’s your brain’s natural sleep signal and it doesn’t have significant side effects.

>> No.11142437

>Do not turn on any artificial lights unless absolutely necessary.
Sounds he will have to go back to he real world

>> No.11142678

One thing is to use a nightlight program on all your devices set to sunrise and sunset.