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1114066 No.1114066 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the top 10 scientists of the world according to the significance of their contribution to science

Here are some people that should definitley be in:


Who else?

>> No.1114082

Dmitri Mendeleev maybe? Definitley some chemistry needed here

>> No.1114086


>> No.1114088

Neils Bohr for atomic theory

>> No.1114089


>> No.1114091

Maxwell's equation are well important, so I guess he aswell

>> No.1114093

and Fourier

>> No.1114099



>> No.1114106

Robert Trivers, E. O. Wilson.

>> No.1114107

Need some QM In there aswell heisenberg and possibly schrödinger

>> No.1114108

Do ancient philosopher/scientists count?

If so Archimedes.

>> No.1114115

OP here, while I am a physicist myself I am afraid we should probably have a few non-physichists aswell ...

Anymore chemists / biologists / psychologists?

>> No.1114116

Fucking ridiculous thread.

>> No.1114119

Gregor Mendel

>> No.1114121


>> No.1114124
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I.C. Posse for his work regarding magnetism.

>> No.1114129

Neils Bohr
(no particular order)
Are these so far acceptable to everyone?

>> No.1114135

can Da Vinci be considered a scientist?

>> No.1114136

No Planck or Leibniz?

>> No.1114141

I am for Planck, cause he invented quantum theory, but Leibniz, while being important, doesnt belong to the top 10

>> No.1114142

Those that I'm sure to be on this list:
John von Neumann
Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Max Planck

Other possibilities:
Ernest Rutherford
Galileo Galilei
Nicolaus Copernicus
Michael Faraday

>> No.1114149

Faraday for fucking certain

>> No.1114150

Who is the most important chemist?

>> No.1114152

Fair enough.

>> No.1114154


>> No.1114155


>> No.1114158

Stephen Hawking

>> No.1114159

Boyle? Dalton?

>> No.1114161

I'd rather place da Vinci with people like Isambard Kingdom Brunel

>> No.1114163


I thought heisenberg made crystal meth?

>> No.1114167


Dmitri Mendeleev, IMO. First one to truly understand and organize the concept of the periodic table, and his understanding of his own novel take on it allowed him to correctly predict with stunning accuracy the existence and properties of quite a few elements which hadn't even been considered/isolated yet.

>> No.1114168

lol einstein front and center

fucking drama queen

>> No.1114171

Dawkins is the most important scientist in the past 100 years.

Any true atheist would know this.

>> No.1114176
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>Nobody mentions Leonhard Euler

>> No.1114180
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Fuck it, I'm only ranking Solvay '27.
Red = God Tier
Green = Demigod
Blue = Major Player
Purple = Significant Player
Yellow = Average Player

>> No.1114189

You mean YOULER

>> No.1114190

I had great respect for Dawkins until I've seen
That showes he is quite a hypocrite

>> No.1114196


Dawkins is a PR man, scientist only in profession and title. His real job and influence comes from his outgoing and vocal nature. He hasn't done anything profound or new, hasn't helped expand any ideas - only has repackaged and distributed stuff to the masses. Which don't get me wrong is an important part of helping science march forward, but he is not an integral part of profound works. Not even close.

>> No.1114199

1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Darwin
4) Planck
5) Maxwell
6) Faraday
7) Bohr
8) Mendeleev
9) Heisenberg

Just a suggestion for now

>> No.1114202
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this guy>Euler

>> No.1114214

Planck is God tier
Heisenber is almost God tier

>> No.1114236


Sure, but being better at PR than at Science always makes you more well-known among the public.
Hence you see a lot of Dawkins, Sagan, Hawking, Kaku and (most recently) Venter around here, all the while 99% the /sci/ crowd couldn't predict a Nobel Prize winner to save their life.

>> No.1114237

He expanded upon the idea that selection occurs at the level of the gene, and also helped it to become more accepted among biologists.

>> No.1114247


Please re-read thread concept. No one argues with your point, it's just not the point of the thread. Dawkins doesn't belong.

>> No.1114254

But isn't gauss just a theory (a geuss)?

>> No.1114277


Without him we'd still be using greek science and medicine

>> No.1114289

I'd appretiate it if you'd not only make suggestions about whom to put in, but also about whom to take out. I know there are a lot of important scientists, but they can't all be top 10

>> No.1114292 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck did it take that long until someone mentioned Galileo

>> No.1114293

Kent Hovind for contributions to Creation Science.

>> No.1114299


>> No.1114305



>> No.1114306

the fuck including Newton but not Galileo

>> No.1114311

Galileo isn't actually that important, they don't even mention him in most physics lectures

>> No.1114314


>> No.1114315

Robert Trivers

>> No.1114324

Chinese, Russians, Arabs, Indians, etc.. never had an important scientist?

>> No.1114331

He didn't do much and was too chickenshit to stand by his beliefs

>> No.1114332

what kind of physics lectures did you go to?
And newton's first two laws were Galileo's anyway.
Galileo was the person who finished with the lame "durr we must all memorize Aristotle's works" and made people think and experiment.
And he was the first person to give actual reasons to believe that Earth could orbit the sun

>> No.1114338


And Galileo just ripped off Kepler!

>> No.1114339

No. Inferior races.

>> No.1114341

Nicolas Steno anyone? Father of geology and stratigraphy as well as the greatest anatomists of all time.

>> No.1114352
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>inferior races..

>> No.1114358

that makes no fucking sense

>> No.1114360

Okay if you want me to take Galileo in tell me at which place and whom I should kick out

>> No.1114361
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Yves Rossy for inventing the jetpack!

>> No.1114362


As much as I love feynman his actual contributions are not as great as Heisenberg, Einstein, Bohr, etc.

What we may see though are generations after generations of students inspired by feynman so in the long run his influence may be phenomenal.

>> No.1114368

You might as well note that there aren't many important scientists pre-1500. The scientific revolution took place in the West, and that's why most of the most important scientists were Western.

>> No.1114375

Kepler was insane and his writings are 95% garbage anyway. It was a merit to discover something worthy of being mentioned in the middle of all of Kepler's shit.

>> No.1114379

or no female scientists cause feminism is mid-late 20th century

>> No.1114388

>Can't understand simple sentences

>> No.1114391

1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Darwin
4) Planck
5) Maxwell
6) Faraday
7) Bohr
8) Mendeleev
9) Galileo

This better?

>> No.1114396

"Galileo isn't actually that important, they don't even mention him in most physics lectures"
Alright this is my mantra from now on.

Pointless thread otherwise, already full of bad bad sad bad stuff.

>> No.1114399

For some reason it seems like Fermi and Feynman should slot in there somewhere...

>> No.1114401

Einstein is fine too, but in terms of impact on society I would say Watson and Crick.

We can now find out which nigger did the rape

>> No.1114405

>top 10 scientists

why do you want to compare pears with apples?

>> No.1114406
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>No paracelsus

>> No.1114415

>no Faraday
>no Pauling

>> No.1114420

Stop throwing out names without suggesting who they should replace. There are plenty of important scientists.

>> No.1114421

yes, the top scientist in history should always be an alchemist

>> No.1114424

Impact on society doesnt matter

>> No.1114430

Faraday is already in there,

Pauling might have to go in, but is he more important than Mendel?

>> No.1114439

Walter White and maybe Jesse Pinkman

>> No.1114440

Well biology is a low tier science so I say yes.

>> No.1114442

My short list for greatest scientists would include Newton, Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger for devising the wave equation, Richard Feynman for his contributions to QED, I'd put Copernicus and Kepler on that list as well since to do what they did WHEN they did it, required a level of audacity and genius that most people who aren't well versed in the political and social conditions of the time (middle ages) would simply be oblivious to.

>> No.1114445


Then what's the point of science if we can't use it for good?

inb use it for bad

>> No.1114448

Biology: so simple a woman could do it

>> No.1114459

1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Darwin
4) Planck
5) Maxwell
6) Faraday
7) Bohr
8) Mendeleev
9) Galileo

Everyone agree?

>> No.1114460


Check out how much the "inferior races" contributed to math, before many of them were rediscorered by scientists you know:


>> No.1114464

Paracelsus as 1 bump others down a place. Advanced chemistry and biology hundreds of years and gave medicine it's first real advancement since the greeks 1,500 years earlier. Was the first to mention the sub conscious, advocate cleaning wounds, tell people that outside forces could influence the body, treat people that needed treated instead of who could pay. Had many attempts on his life for his rejection of the methods of his peers and published some of the most influential works of the next 300 years. He also revolutionised the magic and alchemical worlds but they don't matter.

>> No.1114466

>implying maths is a science

>> No.1114469

There are women mathematicians and physicists.

>> No.1114483
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>my face when nothing you have mentioned is a significan scientific discovery

>> No.1114486

No love for Linus Pauling?

>> No.1114490

As well as female car drivers.

>> No.1114491
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>My face at your troll attempt

>> No.1114493

Well where do you suggest I place him? You have to make constructive suggestions

>> No.1114494


Pauling = Most significant chemist, or at the very least, theoretical chemist, of the 20th century. Hands down.

>> No.1114495

Mendel deserves a place. Fuck Galileo or Pauling.

>> No.1114497

Science: clean wounds

>> No.1114499

1021 intromission theory of light, Alhazen

>> No.1114500

>Implying they weren't pouring boiling oil on wounds to stop the bleeding before

>> No.1114505

9) Pauling
10) Mendel
11) Galileo


>> No.1114506

I meant that Galileo was anything but a coward

>> No.1114517

>nothing you have mentioned is a significan scientific discovery
>gave medicine it's first real advancement since the greeks 1,500 years earlier.

Oh you

>> No.1114519

Maybe you could throw Marie Curie there too, but I have no idea about who should be replaced

>> No.1114521

Then why did he withdraw his statement that the earth revolves around the sun?

>> No.1114524

She didn't do anything any other human being couldn't have done

>> No.1114526

>implying medicine is science

>> No.1114528

hippocrates for his researched use of opiates to alleviate pain back in acient Greece

also for being a son of Zeus

>> No.1114533

Na, she is definitley not more important than any of the ones in the list

>> No.1114542

John Paul the II for his contribution to the Vatican.

>> No.1114543


1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Darwin
4) Planck
5) Maxwell
6) Faraday
7) Bohr
8) Mendeleev
9) Pauling

This is now the absolut truth.

>> No.1114544

Fuck Galileo, Nicolas Steno did so much more. He was the first real geologist and discovered the defining principles of stratigraphy. He was also an awesome anatomist and made shitloads of discoveries in that field as well.

>> No.1114548

I'm sure you must be a high school faggot

>> No.1114554
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>Implying it isn't
>Ignoring his contributions to chemistry, biology, toxicology and psychology
>Implying if it weren't for his advances the modern world would exist

>> No.1114555

5) Feynman
10) Einstein

>> No.1114557
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>No paracelsus

>> No.1114561

Economics -> Adam Smith

>> No.1114566

Go back to dead Paracelsus.

>> No.1114567


>> No.1114570

Geofag here. Any top scientist discussion by default should include Alfred Wegener and/or Charles Lyell.

There would be no theory of evolution without Lyell, the father of uniformitarianism, which gave evolution time to progess.

Alternatively, the theory of plate tectonics is to geology what evolution is to biology and ties together all subdisciplines of geology. Without Wegener and plate tectonics we would still be in the fucking bronze age.

>> No.1114574
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>> No.1114578

how is geology more important than physics anyway?
physics was a subsector of philosophy with no math whatsoever until Galileo's methods were accepted. Religion, science and philosophy depended completely on each other and actually paying attention to natural phenomena was considered practically heresy for contradicting Aristotle, whose works were memorized

>> No.1114584


>> No.1114586



double tripples

this list is truth

>> No.1114588

>This is what highschool children actually believe

>> No.1114590

Wait nobody mentioned Nikola Tesla? Man invented wireless electricity for god's sake!

>> No.1114592

Your suggestions are very reasonable, but would you seriously say either one of these is more important than Mendel, who discovered genetics?

>> No.1114593

You can't really ignore Galileo if Newton makes the top 1 in the list anyway.

>> No.1114596

As a geofag you shouldn't fail to mention Steno!

>> No.1114598


geology has actually done shit in the past 50 years (mining, oil, plate tectonics, history of mars/moon, plus anything not grown is mined), while physics has remained stagnant and is a collective circlejerk of wasted time and minds.

>> No.1114599

turns out I can

>> No.1114604

Mendel FTW

>> No.1114608


point taken good sir. however, i feel that wegener and lyell are more important in the big picture. however, stenho was highly influential nonetheless.

>> No.1114610

exactly what is wrong there?
of course there were some exceptions, like Tycho Brahe, but esentially Galileo and Newton were both the main protagonist of the great scientific revolution. Copernicus only started the problem in a philosophical way using terrible experimental data and mimicking greeks as much as possible, and Kepler was... Kepler...

>> No.1114618

Anyone who just mentions a scientist without stating whether he is actually more important than Mendel or Pauling will now be ignored

>> No.1114624

Gregor Mendel.

>> No.1114625

wtf Pauling?

>> No.1114631


>>implying that science hasn't progressed since the enlightenment

>> No.1114632

Marie Curie amirite

>> No.1114634


Motherfucker was all like Genetics man.

>> No.1114640

The great scientific revolution that couldn't have taken place without paracelsus so publicly rejecting the greeks (book burning rallies) and the elitist establishment in favour of facts and the scientific method

>> No.1114642

Not only economics isn't a science, but also Adam Smith was a philosophy professor who fundamented economics in anglicanism

>> No.1114648


>> No.1114652

Lyell at 9, Mendel at 10.

>> No.1114655

>Doesn't know what science means

>> No.1114656

Tesla? Edison?

>> No.1114660

>Implying edison did anything note worthy

>> No.1114661

>implying influence on the societies attitude towards science is actually a criteria
>implying anyone before galileo used the scientific method and could thus be seen as a scientist

>> No.1114663


>>implying that he knows what science means.

>> No.1114676

1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Darwin
4) Planck
5) Maxwell
6) Faraday
7) Bohr
8) Mendeleev
9) Mendel

>> No.1114678

This thread is an insult to all those people who devoted their lives to science.

>> No.1114684

Implying the significance of a scientist's contributions is equivalent to their celebrity.

>> No.1114692

>Implying such public displays of rejection didn't inspire others to reject falsehoods and accept discernible facts.
>Implying Paracelsus wasn't methodical in his research and didn't apply the scientific method to his work

>> No.1114693

During that period, the dilemma of how much knowledge can really be achieved by mankind didn't even start really, Copernicus and Paracelsus were pretty much the precursors of modern science, but didn't really give much validity to their claims.

>> No.1114696
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>No paracelsus

>> No.1114698



>> No.1114699

Darwin did not just come up with the mechanism of natural selection, he made many important discoveries in biology, geology, and psychology. Darwin should be moved up.

>> No.1114709


No because Einstein and perhaps Newton to an extent were plaigerists. Darwin was a moron, he's elevated over mendel who knows why.

>> No.1114710


stfu faggot.

Though they may all have celebrity, these men, without a doubt, have revolutionized their fields that still resonates today. /drunk

>> No.1114711


>> No.1114713

...No, I'm implying the exact opposite

>> No.1114714

>still implying that this is a criteria here

Also: Can you list a simple hypothesis which he stated, from which he then derived testable predictions and then sucesfully tested?
I am not very familiar with his work, but I can't imagine he did that

>> No.1114726

I would move Mendeleev down to 10. His main contribution was the periodic table, which I would place below genetics certainly and probably Lyell's ideas as well.

>> No.1114727



>> No.1114733

you can't really compare a physicist/mathematician with a biologist/naturalist.
Just attempting to make this list is something stupid and oh so american like pretty much every "top X".

>> No.1114740

good point

1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Darwin
4) Planck
5) Maxwell
6) Faraday
7) Bohr
8) Mendel
9) Lyell

>> No.1114743

Mendel wrote an essay on peas and had a cool idea. Darwin spent decades making grand contributions to biology, geology, and psychology. He discovered plant hormones, wrote volumes on geology, drew up much of the currently accepted theory on evolution of emotions, for example.

>> No.1114748

>He doesn't know paracelsus was the first to determine that quantities have an enormous impact on the body.

"The dose makes the poison."

His work on miners lung and other afflictions of miners was the most important on the subject and was always mentioned in other works on it for the next 150 years minimum.
His prediction that outside force influence the body e.g. coal dust causing miners lung or that pouring boiling oil on a wound to stop the bleeding caused infection

>> No.1114749


This list is ridiculous, it doesn't mention Archimedes, Davinci, Avicenna, Shen Kuo all of whom trumped half the people in this list in their own way.

>> No.1114754

>not making constructive criticism

>> No.1114759


>> No.1114760

Darwin was a first-class scientist. He didn't just theorize the most important idea in biology, he spent decades working to prove it through careful empirical research and compilation.

>> No.1114761

Boltzmann was pretty tight, too.

>> No.1114763

This thread needs to die. Please put "sage" into e-mail fields every time you post.

>> No.1114766


At least take Einstein off it then. Darwin may have been a plodder and a plaigerist too but Einstein is a joke. Besides being accused of being a thief his work has started to be debunked to an extent although I admit I haven't looked into the details.

>> No.1114778
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>> No.1114779

Einstein discovered special and general relativity, effectively proving newton wrong and forming the foundation for modern cosmology. He also discovered the photoelectriceffect, and thus contributed significantly to our understanding of light.

>> No.1114780

i like boltzman because he killed himself when he realized he was surrounded by idiots.

>> No.1114782

>Besides being accused of being a thief
being accused =/= actually being a thief
>his work has started to be debunked to an extent
lol wut? how so?

>> No.1114784

Darwin is too high

>> No.1114789


Ok I retract what I said about Darwin then. I was under the impression he just smoked some hash and guzzled a lot of booze on some island and rolled over one day realizing what evolution was.

>> No.1114793

does anyone here knows anything at all about the history of sciences?

>> No.1114794


yeah, it was either that or his suspected bipolar disorder.

>> No.1114795

>>1114779 He also discovered the photoelectriceffect
Nope, that's the first Becquerel.
Just let this thread die..

>> No.1114797

who gives a shit about darwin. I beleive in evolution, but who actually gives a fuck. Newton for the win, darwin for the loss.

>> No.1114809


He's accused of stealing that from others though. From what I understand he worked in a patent office as a clerk which sort of makes one think about plaigerism too. He was also supposed to be quite a dimwitted student and physically abusive towards his sister according to records.

Also, Newton himself had written about mass being convertable to energy long before and others were working on it before Einstein was.

>> No.1114816

Galileo Galilei. The father of science.

>> No.1114820

It was Hertz, sorry my bad, but Einstein explained it and thus gained a lot of knowledge about light

>> No.1114822

One thing is for sure:
Einstein could never have stolen General Relativity from anyone.
As for Special Relativity, that's another thing.

>> No.1114836

At a science symposium, one scientists presents a revolutionary new theory and has lots of evidence to support it.

An other scientist response: Ah this might be very well, but as I understand it you hit your sister, so your theory is invalid

>> No.1114852

true there

>> No.1114871

What's newton doing on top? Einstein should be there, newton maybe 3rd-4th

>> No.1114877

Galileo helped revolutionise the societies attitude towards science, but that is not a criteria here.

He did also made a lot of discoveries, but I wouldn't say more than Mendeleev. If you convince me otherwise, that would be fair enough

>> No.1114879

Woops you're right. Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, not quite the same.
Now this thread remains pointless and I'm afraid it will be bumped forever..

>> No.1114886

richard dawkins

>> No.1114888

Newton wrote down most of classical mechanics, gravity, and did a lot of work in optics and thermodynamics. I am afraid Einstein has no chance here

>> No.1114895

I posted a new thred on /sci/

the top 10 scientists of the world according to the significance of their contribution to science

1) Newton- Anglican
2) Einstein- Jewish
3) Darwin- Anglican, Unitarian
4) Planck -Christian
5) Maxwell- Christian
6) Faraday - member of Sandemanian Church (a christian sect)
7) Bohr- Jewish Lutheran
8) Mendeleev - ??
9) Mendel - Augustinian Priest
10)Lyell- ??

>> No.1114901

> Doesn't know special realtivity is 90% maxwell's work
Einstein just put c = const into them, that's it. takes no amount of stealing

General relativity on the other hand is Einsteins ACTUAL work, and blows every scientist before him and after him out of the water so hard it's not even funny.

>> No.1114918

Newtons shit would have been done anyway by someone else, its so basic. Only thing he has going for him is gravity.

>> No.1114930

Marie Curie

>> No.1114939

Einstein and Darwin were both Atheists for most of their lifes, including death

>> No.1114941
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Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

>> No.1114943

>Newtons shit would have been done anyway by someone else

>> No.1114945


ALso calculus

And he invented paper money

>> No.1114962

Any theory in science would at some point have been discovered by someone else, that doesn't matter. Also you are forgetting things like Newton's law of cooling and his work in optics

>> No.1114996

Most of that is just simple mathematical methods to solve rather basic problems. especially in optics. Only real discovery he did was gravity. It's on par with relativity, I'll give you that. But the rest... not nearly on the same level.

>> No.1115011

The significance of a scientific contribution is not determined by how complicated its maths is

>> No.1115027


>> No.1115035




>> No.1115053



>> No.1115055

One woman to be fair, Curie :O

>> No.1115081

And I wasn't implying that either. You don't agree that his biggest discovery was realizing what gravity is? It's really simple mathematically. But the significance is there.

The optics shit is just straightforward equation solving. There was pretty much zero understanding of thermodynamics, and classical thermodynamcis was a dead end field anyway, first real insight into that came with Boltzmann. Newtonian mechanics is just... meh.

>> No.1115090


Basic problems to somebody who already has the maths and the Newtonian framework, something he did NOT have.

Coming up with the present day definitions of work/energy, force, acceleration, etc is not trivial. Assuming objects in motion stay in motion (despite 'common sense' saying the opposite) is not trivial.
Anybody who dismisses Newton as lightly as you just did only proves that you're taking what he did for granted.

>> No.1115097

How would that be fair? That would just be positive discrimination

>> No.1115106

I do agree that gravity is his greatest work, yes

>> No.1115112

In no real order

Top 10:

Honorary Mention:

>> No.1115121

lol, copernicus

>> No.1115125


>> No.1115131


>> No.1115138

True, but radioactivity was cash anyway

>> No.1115142

>no Darwin
>what the fuck am I reading

>> No.1115147

yes, but Lyell contributed a lot, too, don't forget that

>> No.1115168


Galileo should have had his head cut off by the Pope. All he did for science was steal the looking glass as his own and saw some extra stars while watching undressing woman in upper story buildings.

>> No.1115191


Why not? To be considered a scientist you have to discover something unknown and optionally put it to practical use. Davinci, Archemedes and Avicenna should be in this list somewhere because they were giants in their own time and more importantly nobody even came close to approaching them.

People like Einstein just barely beat others in their sub-fields and just barely got away with stealing the work of others while well lol Darwin didn't even have the braincells to discover what Mendel did independently yet he is on that list partly because of his religious rivalry with religion. Oh and the kicker is that Mendel as I understand it was some sort of a priest? lulz

>> No.1115205

>>1115142 Stop worshiping your atheist god

I don't class Biology with the other mathematical sciences. Name one thing Darwin did for science that was later built upon and further mankind's scientific knowledge? (Historical knowledge doesn't count as science) "Hey, this bird look like this on. Oh wait, everything has two eye. Eureka!"

>> No.1115213

davinci? lol no

well yeah, he drew a lot of designs and inventions, too bad they all sucked donkey cocks...

>> No.1115221


Copernicus used awful observations from different sources and badly translated works, including stupid epicicles to justify them.
And believed that the sun should be in the center of the solar system because it was prettier than the Earth

>> No.1115234

>And believed that the sun should be in the center of the solar system because it was prettier than the Earth

Your point?

>> No.1115239

Darwin first purposed evolution by means of natural selection on which the modern synthesis is build

>> No.1115256


Archimedes then, he actually built a lot of functional war machines for the greeks and pissed the romans off so much that they killed him the first chance they got. So theory + practice.

Avicenna's canon of medicine ruled supreme until 400 years ago. Theory and practice once again. Scientists + engineers rolled into one, that's no small feat.

>> No.1115267
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>> No.1115268


Speaking of Eureka why isn't Archemedes in there?

>> No.1115279

as you said yourself, he build warmashines, which makes him more of an engineer (a faggot). This is however about science.

Also sage cause this is starting to bore me

>> No.1115283

>natural selection

Big fish eat little fish
The retarded/sick/malformed are fucked
Smart people get ahead

Really? Darwin, you so smart!

>> No.1115299
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Designing and building warmachines is not science?
War is faggotry?

>> No.1115302

>implying the theory of evolution by natural selection isn't the centerpiece of biology
>implying biology is somehow less important, or less a science, than the 'mathematical' sciences

>> No.1115304

You obviously don't understand what Darwin actually did. He didn't simply discover natural selection, he explained how natural selection can drive evolution, and how this can lead to common descend. He spend years gathering evidence for this. I do agree with your general point that a lot of what he did seems quite obvious to us now, but still no one before him grasped it.

>> No.1115305


His contributions are no longer that important to modern science.

>> No.1115307

Designing war mashines is engineering. You obviously don't even know what science is.

>> No.1115312
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>> No.1115322

>>implying biology as important, or as a science, as the 'mathematical' sciences like Physics or Chemistry...

>> No.1115326

Guess you don't need antibiotics or medicine in general, then.

>> No.1115328


Yes but they were a quantum leap at the time. If you were to whisk them away someone else like another Newton would have had to redo all that work from the ground up before people could build on his work again. The man was a pillar and so was Avicenna if you accept biology as a science. In fact if you want to think about practical applications that were implemented in the same timespan as theoretical works rather than just pure theory which is what Darwin's "contributions" boil down to then Avicenna should replace Darwin. I mean Avicenna introduced modern surgury ffs...now surgery isn't science?

>> No.1115332

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." - Theodosius Dobzhansky

>> No.1115338

No, OP is right. Building machines is engineering (faggotry).

>> No.1115341

>quantum leap
I hate it when people use that word...

>> No.1115347


I know it's engineering. But he didn't just design the war machines he also created some of the science behind his own designs. Back in those days the division between theoretical scientist and practical engineer just wasn't the same as it later became partly because of the exponential increase in the number of people connected to science/engineering.

>> No.1115348

All advances is medicine have been the work of chemists.

Do you think biologists know anything about targeted synthesis of organic compounds?

>> No.1115360

Newton, Einstien, Hawking, Dalton, Darwin, Galileo, Oppenheimer, Planck, Copernicus, Watson & Crick (together)

>> No.1115361
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>> No.1115365

he did discover the archimedian principle and the principle behind a lever, but you can't compare that to what people like Mendel have done, who founded genetics

>> No.1115379


Mendel should replace Darwin then or Darwin should be taken off. Why do I get the feeling Darwin is only on there because fundies pick on him?

>> No.1115380

Watson and Crick reproduced the results of Franklin and took credit for a new idea. And how can all you bitches be ignoring Lavoisier?

>> No.1115389

Mendel didn't know about genes. He studied heredity. All he did was formalize what farmers had been doing for centuries with seeds and livestock.

>> No.1115394

You are right, Laboisier is very important.

But here is the current list:
1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Darwin
4) Planck
5) Maxwell
6) Faraday
7) Bohr
8) Mendel
9) Lyell

Would you say he is more important thatn Mendeleev? I am skeptical

>> No.1115408

Mendel did know about genes, he simply didn't know about DNA. Back in those days heredity was actually a big problem. It was the best argument critics had against the theory of evolution. Unfortunatley Darwin never read Mendel's paper

>> No.1115428

Pfft. That's not true. This thread is bad and you should all feel bad.

You don't realize how insightful was Darwin but you're right, upset fundies inflated the whole thing.

>> No.1115431

My science teacher.

>> No.1115434

1) Newton
2) Einstein
3) Bohr
4) Darwin
5) Pasteur
6) Galileo
7) Lavoisier
8) Kepler
9) Copernicus
10) Faraday

>> No.1115436

The better way to make this list would be to name the 10 most important fundamental contributions to science and then find out who made them.

Laws of motion
General Relativity
Natural Selection
et. al. et. al. et. al.

>> No.1115450

Galileo Kepler and Kopernic. there can be only one.

>> No.1115455

Gimme Hawking and list is fine.

>> No.1115471

Hawkings contributions, while cool, are not that significant to science as a whole.

>> No.1115492

That would be a different list though, because it doesn't take into account whether a scientist just did one thing, or lots of things.

>> No.1115499

I will never be on a list like this ;_;