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11140559 No.11140559 [Reply] [Original]

Will our reality be augmented or virtual?

>> No.11140609
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Our reality is the one that is augmented with a superimposed computer-generated image, whereas virtual reality acts as a sub-reality within our own, with true reality acting as a meta-reality containing many virtual realities.
Both already exist.

>> No.11140617
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>> No.11142453

Two realities overlaid on each other is better than just one

>> No.11142478

Augmented because you can do it with any phone. Virtual is still 100 years away from not making your barf.

>> No.11142486 [DELETED] 

Augmented reality100%.

Vid related is a guy got married in virtual reality to Japanese virtual idol Hatsune Miku. It was such a paradise he refused to come out... police found him in this state when neighbors complained about the smell.

Real VR tech will never be allowed to go mainstream. Big Business needs its little consumers.

>> No.11142487
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Augmented reality100%.

Vid related is a guy got married in virtual reality to Japanese virtual idol Hatsune Miku. It was such a paradise he refused to come out... police found him in this state when neighbors complained about the smell.

Real VR tech will never be allowed to go mainstream. Big Business needs its consumers.

>> No.11142491

Only in retarded ways like """""vr""""" oculus rift and dogshit cellphone AR in the near future. By the time real AR and VR will exist you'll be long dead.

>> No.11142492

How long did he stay in rig like that for?

>> No.11142496

>Vid related is a guy got married in virtual reality to Japanese virtual idol Hatsune Miku.

source on that?

I found links of a japanese guy marrying the vr idol but no related video. Prove it or you're just a lying faggot.

>> No.11142594

That guy is a bear victim, you fucking schizo. Do you seriously have to make up fake stories?

>> No.11142679
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Eh, fuck both options. Just give me a open world game like gta or elder scrolls where the game world is being operated and ran by npcs that can perform accurate-ish human-imitating behavior. This means that every npc I come across has an identity, personality, aptitudes, family, friends, job, and interacts with all those things in a human convincing level.

Even me the player can walk up to them and hold a convo with my mic, and based on their personality or the current circumstances, the npc responds in a way that seems aligned with the real world. Which means if my character is a thuggish looking negro male and I walk up to a white blond female npc in the rich part of the city in a GTA like game that fits my description during the night and say on the mic, "Want to suck my bbc white bitch.", she should most likely respond by telling me to, "fuck off, i'm calling the cops, nigger.", because that's what most white women when would do in that sort of situation in the real world.

>> No.11142717


>> No.11142721
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>got married in virtual reality to Japanese virtual idol Hatsune Miku. It was such a paradise he refused to come out
Someone, please tell me how to sign up. Just tell me what to do.

>> No.11142732

It never happened, that retard made it up.

>> No.11142768

With dark screens it's possible to walk around with both. Using nano receivers we could even jam a polarized contact lens with all the bells and whistles of an Iphone.

>> No.11142771

So you are saying the future is virtual because it's eventually superior to augmented?

>> No.11142777

Augmented reality in the sense that your brain is running a simulation of the observed stimuli received by your senses.
You can create mental constructs that are not aligned with the world to your own detriment.
or you can create further mental constructs that help you interact with the world in useful ways like in data processing.

>> No.11142790

It would have to be an AI that is sentient. Making that would take a million rand operators and inputs that I am not bothered to spell out right now.

"Perfection, like a statue within a stone block, is within imperfection."
-Paraphrasing Michael Angelo.

>> No.11142797

We could just take the perfect woman and crystallize her mind in an AI. This is already how Miku's voice was made, they found the perfect singer and built her voice into a neural net.

>> No.11142813

Yeah cause a voice program is the same as an AI. Maybe stop watching so much shitty anime and playing bideogays, then you won't have retarded ideas like "lol just just someone's mind to make an AI".

>> No.11142817
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He could use a cat scan of a brain after sufficient research has been done on input/output and reconstruct an effigy of the mind through reverse engineering the electrical feed into the brain through a simulation. In short.
*simulate it dead*
*breathe into it life*

However, humans are imperfect. Miku is an anime character. She would have to be simulated from scratch. We could use an average "picture" of thousands of brains to get an average one, then reset it from birth and let it loose on a simulated anime world.


>> No.11142862

Augmented reality is more difficult than virtual reality. One difficulty is camera latency. Camera's only run at about 60 fps and when you combine that with a screen running at 60 fps, you get nasty beat frequencies. Event cameras solve some of this because they don't operate at a fixed FPS, but they can only be used for figuring out relative position and orientation they can't be used to recognize what things are. Some other issues are making see through head mounted displays with large viewing angles, making a good amount of computing power wearable, and getting people over the dork factor. The last one is going to be pretty killer. Normal people probably care more about how they look rather than having an omnipresent simulated hatsune miku around.

>> No.11142938
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Why choose when you can take both?

>> No.11143085

> Real books will never be allowed to go mainstream. Big Church needs its attendants.

>> No.11143293

> Normal people probably care more about how they look rather than having an omnipresent simulated hatsune miku around.
Top kek

>> No.11143311

probably a mixture of both until the machines completely infest our homeworld and solar system

>> No.11143316
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Too late.

>> No.11143326

imagine the screeching when AR glasses allows for realtime deepfaking walking down the street

>> No.11143876
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>> No.11143994
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I don't understand your question. We are already inside many deep augmentations and virtualizations. Meat augmentation, cyber virtualization, language virtualization, techno capital augmentation, etc.

>> No.11144037

AR vs VR

>> No.11145590

You mean like a tulpa?

>> No.11145608

So what exactly is "real" AR? Is it stuff like holograms you can interact with?

>> No.11145614

Augmented and virtual are both big failure for the moment, look at the shitty google glasses and the ugly/retarded VR.

All my child dreams, gone.

>> No.11145632
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Jesus fucking Christ. He deserves it for trying to steal my girl.