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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 756x820, Screenshot_20191113_010618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11140510 No.11140510 [Reply] [Original]

How did he do it?

>> No.11140528

He solved many Newton's laws problems involving blocks sliding on planes and pulleys.

>> No.11140531

Max INT.

>> No.11140666
File: 13 KB, 236x333, 1491097881204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. he never complained when the prof asked him to always draw an FBD. some say he can apply the quotient rule IN HIS HEAD

>> No.11140839
File: 91 KB, 417x547, 1547432461042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post unsaucable wittens

>> No.11140903
File: 83 KB, 400x587, 1501475984857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

file is too big so here's a link:
would smooch

>you know what they say about big feet, anon?

>> No.11140983

why do people post this guy on /sci all the time

what is he famous for?

>> No.11141018

he is gestating a new sim admin in the recesses of his cerebrum

>> No.11141279

He has the highest head circumference/body length ratio since the racording of such data in 1848.
Also, please inform yourself on the rules of /sci/ before posting here. Not knowing about Witten is a bannable offense

>> No.11141308

he is the greatest living string theorist, and one of the top living theoretical physicists. he has basically been the leader of string theory for decades, he was the discoverer of M theory, and he made important contributions to quantum field theory in his early days. he is also unquestionably a genius, plus he had a Fields medal.

>> No.11141359

holy shit bros. THAT FUCKING PHENOTYPE. it's not fair. how can goyim ever hope to compete?
can you even satisfy ashkenazi girls without 1600cc brehs...

>> No.11141363
File: 1.80 MB, 745x1320, 1491101985567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is posting wittens

>> No.11141570
File: 132 KB, 764x508, 06540012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a rare witten but not unsauceable.

>> No.11142820

>he has basically been the leader of string theory for decades
dubious honour in that

>> No.11142829

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.11142910

imagine being cranio mogged this hard by the PHENOTYPE himself

I'd drop out of grad school and get a job at McDonald's immediately

>> No.11143928
File: 199 KB, 825x540, hawking-communicator-825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]