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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2 KB, 270x187, JCTI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11138911 No.11138911 [Reply] [Original]


Average the max and low score and add 7 points for the final result. Example: 130 max and 120 min=125+7=132 = your range is Between 127-137 with 95% confidence.

*The 7 points added are due to the webarchive version lacking the adaptive feature the original one had, so the scores here are deflated.

>> No.11138959
File: 98 KB, 583x482, daerht QI rehtona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11139036

*Correction:Add 5 points for your overall score

>> No.11139590

you can find raven's standard/advanced progressive matrices on the internet

>> No.11139913

>tfw got 129
thought i was 140 my whole life.. fuark

>> No.11139972

this is a spatial test and lacks the verbal section and others

if you had drawn more rather than read so much as a kid youdve done better

>> No.11140004

i thought i was relatively good at math, that's why i held the notion for such a long time
feels like my dreams of becoming a worthy mathematician have been crushed..

>> No.11140133

how do you know it's reliable

>> No.11140136

Stop coping. Just do more math.

>> No.11140195

how is it coping
it's true that the higher your iq, the better you can understand abstract concepts which is the key to new/profound discoveries in math or even just creating work that is worthwhile in this day and age

>> No.11140259

Brainlet here: How am I supposed to solve it when there are 5 images? Between which one is the relation? Is that also part of the test?

>> No.11140454

You're leaning on not being good enough to start with, to justify your lack of virtue. No one thinks they're good enough. Everyone wishes for that little extra, and only then would they have tried. Truth is you're lazy, and in coping.

>> No.11140524
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11140934

Spatial ability isn't all there is to math. I've seen some studies show a stronger link with working memory. Anecdotal evidence, but I've always tested extremely high verbal and moderately high spatial. I suck at writing but can do math just fine.

>> No.11141144


>> No.11141241

131, I skipped like 12 questions though because it was taking so fucking long.

>> No.11141245

I prefer to shoot for the stars and land on the moon rather than wonder what could have been.

>> No.11141274

Yes, it's hard test. There's more than 90% correlation between the score here and the WISC V

>> No.11141286

Sorry it's the WAIS-III Matrix and it's 89% correlation. So it likely your score in an actual IQ test will fall between your RIX score (the min and max score you get after finishing this test).

>> No.11141388

wrong its this,

>> No.11141434

I got 87 which I don't think is right
But I only answered 15/30 questions before time ran out

>> No.11142157

shit test

>> No.11142164

Verbal IQ is cope

>> No.11142265

I score 116 on every other test consistently. This test says 95. Pretty sure the test isn't right chief.

>> No.11142346

Got 26/30 - 120
Usually get 130-140 on others

>> No.11142559

How much you got on JCTI?

>> No.11142564

how many questions are there

>> No.11142574

I think Proofs are a far better IQ test desu

>> No.11142585

just got 123.. Whole life i thought i would be at least 100 or under.

>> No.11142589

I think mathematics involves 3 things: spatial sense, number sense, and language sense. All of these, except spatial (idk), can fail to develop correctly. There are some people incapable of arithmetic but good at higher mathematics. I think this is because higher mathematics is more about language sense than number sense, in the cases where number sense has failed to develop correctly. It's no that they're incapable of comprehending arithmetic, they just lack the number sense to do it easily and naturally.

>> No.11142593

50 i think

>> No.11142604

No I think you misunderstood my question: I was asking if there is a proper method to decide between which images I am supposed to find a relation and I missed where it said it or if determining between which images the relation holds true is is part of the test.
Example: usually, in raven matrixes tests, even mensa one, you can read them in any direction and the relation still holds true between all members.

>> No.11142713
File: 26 KB, 483x564, good boy points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considerting I'm uni dropout and I've blind guesed some questions (mostly tumblingsquare ones) because I'm tired after work I think it's ok

>> No.11142781

All I see is a white screen chief

>> No.11142785

how many questions are there? i dont feel like doing 50 fuckin untimed iq questions

>> No.11142793

that's part of the iq test, this is why this one is accurate. gotta give your best theory to every q

>> No.11142800

part of iq is being able to tune out red herrings, its not "find as many connections as possible to every little thing", sometimes it's being able to sift out extraneous details and know what you can ignore. similar to reading large complex programs

>> No.11142883

aight nigga

>> No.11142887

>part of iq is being able to tune out red herrings, its not "find as many connections as possible to every little thing", sometimes it's being able to sift out extraneous details and know what you can ignore. similar to reading large complex programs
yeah maybe, but shit like this is VERY RARELY part of any test, so it isnt even logicall to assume there are red herrings in a test like this one without prior notice

>> No.11142982

>so it isnt even logicall to assume there are red herrings
its not particularly logical to assume anything here, maybe every single one does make perfect sense by some logic i have no idea. but a high iq person would know their limitations and make a best guess rather than get flustered and insecure about not knowing an answer and quit halfway through (not saying that's what you're doing but i mean in general)

>> No.11143045

oh I wasnt even the same anon, I was just stating my opinion about red herrings in tests

>> No.11143216

Oh no I didn't quit, I was just thinking that maybe there was a prefixed "direction" in which to search realtions as in the raven matrixes and I missed the sticky since I had some trouble accessing the test. Because sometimes you can find a relation between all four, sometimes you find "coupled" different relations and I get a little stunted deciding which one the last figure is supposed to hold and with which previous one.

>> No.11143623
File: 29 KB, 480x475, oscar-wilde-would-be-proud-of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11143643

IQ is pseudoscience, you absolute morons. The only thing IQ explains is how well you can complete IQ tests.

>> No.11143646

>IQ is pseudoscience, you absolute morons. The only thing IQ explains is how well you can complete IQ tests.
massive cope. iq is strongly correlated with better outcomes, dilate retard

>> No.11143648
File: 103 KB, 1071x387, 1573680877721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taleb already debunked this, imebcile.

>> No.11143753


>> No.11144541
File: 12 KB, 501x432, 2019-11-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add 5 to the max and min
>my IQ is between 142 and 152
well shit

>> No.11144572



The top tier scientists have on average IQ in the top 0.8%.

Did you take official IQ test ?

>> No.11144590
File: 72 KB, 602x150, nobel prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually surprised by the relatively low spatial ability here, even nobel prize theoretical physicists had on average only 130 spatial IQ (reduce 16 points to convert to stanford-binet 1986 scores).

>> No.11144593

how did you answer the Qs with the large boxes? Like 2 large 1 small and then 2 large and so on

>> No.11144603

>muh verbal
>if you didn't memorize a dictionary as a kid, you're dumb

>> No.11145463

what's you score