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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11136986 No.11136986 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me how to study efficiently.
I want to know every possible thing that could help me.

>> No.11136994

Relax your brain and have fun with information.
You have to have fun in the respect to brain activity. You need more neurons firing in order to help create more pathways. Being actively engaged in the information as if it were a game helps to excite those pathways. If you are chronically depressed you will likely have a harder time learning new things.

>> No.11137016

the thing that i do while studying that helps me the most is trying to explain it to somebody.
doesnt have to be an actual person tho, a teddybear or something else works fine too

>> No.11137025

What if I'm studying math

>> No.11137035

At least 7 hours regular sleep

>> No.11137037

It's very important for math I think to understand how the terms are expressed in verbal communication. It is basically a mixture of values and short hand notation. Understanding the words is going to be important. Unfortunately many math text books don't cover it this way.

>> No.11137078

So is Teddy best study partner in the world?

>> No.11137094

(guy who posted the tip here)
when i solve a math problem i talk aloud (whispering when its during an exam/test) as i solve the problem and explain to some imaginary person why im doing what im doing.
its very key in math to truly understand what it is that you're doing.

>> No.11137117

Meditate for 20 minutes every day

>> No.11137122

Repetition over time. Cram before the exam, but periodically and leisurely study the whole way once or twice a day, for weeks.

>> No.11137337


>> No.11138038

Repetitio mater studiorum est
Repetitio mater studiorum est
Repetitio mater studiorum est

>> No.11138162

Posting reddit frogs on /sci/ instead of putting in the work is a good start!

>> No.11138305

THIS holy shit

>> No.11138333


>> No.11138334

Delightfully wholesome

>> No.11138335

you mean spaced repetition? that only works for memorizing formulas and words

>> No.11138448

depends on where you go what you do but usually doing what the prof tells you to is a very good way to learn stuff
keep at it
diligence and perseverance will bring you further than talent/genius or your presumed "intelligence"

>> No.11138489

I specifically mean leisurely studying for the whole semester, and then cramming right before each exam. Once or twice a day take a minute or two to discuss or review or talk about what you learned that day, and then use the exam cram to review what you've already been studying at a lazy pace for weeks.
You can't consolidate everything in a night, but you can totally recall that thing you learned once, then repeated a few times.
This, by the way, is what homework is supposed to be.

>> No.11138495

Wrong. Ruins studying ability.
Yes and nothing dude or LMAO about it.
Yes and nothing dude or LMAO about it.

>> No.11138606

What helps the most for me if I'm studying math is to rewrite all the proofs (if applicable) and definitions. Rewriting them and making sure I can explain it helps more than just reading it over and over. Rework previous assigned problems. And honestly I can never study well if I'm just exhausted or too stressed out, so taking a break every 2-3 hours to go for a walk or watch something shitty on YT helps me.

>> No.11138621

so I was one of 8 people that passed our final exam in physics II. Actually all of my study group passed. We're not geniuses by any measure. The only thing I can say we did different was we did the homework and then we did extra homework.

If you know anyone who took the same class before, see if they saved any old tests.

>> No.11138628

Chewing the same gum or lollies while you study helps re-trigger the same synapse pathways in your brain when you are sitting the exam. Same goes for almost any sensory stimulation.

>> No.11139063

>Explain to Tulpa
I second this

>> No.11139066

to an extent

>> No.11139132

What works for me is studying enough to keep up with weekly assessment but doing a massive cram about a week or two before the exam. I usually make a couple of big ass Anki decks for my subjects (the making of which is also good study) and then I just run those twice a day every day leading up to the exam. Works every time.

But obviously this method won't work for stuff like math and chem where you need to solve stuff rather than regurgitate information or critically think.

>> No.11139369

Stop browsing 4chan and study

>> No.11140938
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Me personally? I study in hour blocks after a 20 minute subject-related warmup of my own creation while under the effects of a good nights sleep, big breakfast (including blueberries for neurogenesis), rich chocolate, bacopa, tyrosine, omega-3, multivitamin, choline supplement, chewing gum, listening to mozart and maintaining enough human contact for optimal oxytocin levels and spending no more than 4.5 hours a day on mentally draining activities and sipping green tea instead of water

>> No.11140955

devour the nervous tissue of a powerful Ashkenazi in possession of the Phenotype

>> No.11141071
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Coffee, lots and lots coffee.

>> No.11141116

Find motivation, and don't let your motivation be exploited by others.

Motivation is important while you study.

>> No.11141339

Search “pomodoro technique” in google. I have presented an important exam recently and I had it easier by following that thechnique.

>> No.11142348

Won't drinking too much actually make things worse?

>> No.11142511

7+ hours of flashcarding, thats how females get through university

>> No.11142521

Studycising. Read, take notes, then do a couple of push ups, and squat jumps. Go back to studying. Repeat for as long as you can. The increased blood flow will ensure more oxygen travels to your brain which will help you learn and concentrate better. I passed my anatomy test thanks to this method.

>> No.11142533


If you are doing first and second year math just cut through all the bullshit, look at the key definitions - then just practice.

If you get proofs just memorize them all.

I managed to study each semester in less than 3 weeks doing this

First and second year math exams are just plugging in shit or repeating a process.

Then read over lecture slides/notes over the summer break. You will easily understand the concepts due to the practice you done and how it all links together.

For third and last year. Take your time and go slow. Only take notes on shit you don't understand at all. Then once again just practice.

I got a first class in Math doing this. We weary of your professors - mine made things more complicated than what they had to be. One of them wrote a proof that took 7 pages but in a cheap textbook it took 3 sentences.

>> No.11143213

>drinking too much

You answered your own question.
Do not drink too much, if you are rested but you can not seem to concentrate on your work then use coffee to focus your mind.

>> No.11143313
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Shitskin posting

>> No.11143353

Scientist are the number one consumers of coffee by profession:

Coffee and tea both are safe non-addictive stimulants, easily tolerated by the body, with an almost impossible amount to be consumed before lethal dosage.

So grab a coffee or tea to drink while you study.

>> No.11143635


>> No.11143654

Search on Coursera "learning how to learn", it's a good course imo you might get some incipit

>> No.11144207

Wait so do you need to chew during an exam?

>> No.11144217

Do nofap

>> No.11144556

Level of degeneracy.....zero

>> No.11144558


>> No.11144559


>> No.11145829

You have one? Would you recommend making one?

>> No.11145853

>TFW no qt anon to explain math to me

>> No.11145945
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practice questions
active recall
spaced repetition
talk about the study material with someone

>> No.11145948


Like most of this site or the internet as a whole

>> No.11146516


>> No.11146518

Yes. Try sunmoning a celestial one from the outer stars. They are very intelligent. I'm gonna try to summon one from the Aryan star peoples.

>> No.11146574
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a neet

>> No.11146614

>Deflection away from the fact he posted a reaction image from a children's cartoon unironicly