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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11130174 No.11130174 [Reply] [Original]

Why are frogs so good at math ?

>> No.11130184

I've heard they also have the most Nobel prices in math.

>> No.11130186

Some of the highest Jew per capita ratio and Jews are the predominant people that make breakthroughs in mathematics.

>> No.11130187

I honestly can't tell if this is trolling, baiting or stupidity

>> No.11130198

it's always been this way, may have something to do with a real good public funded education

>> No.11130266

French here studying maths at uni. My math teacher which was also my PE teacher raped me when I was in middle school.

>> No.11130270

did you like it?

>> No.11130273

cuz they count weird

>> No.11130275

I didn't like it when it happened obviously.

>> No.11130297

but today, you are glad it happened?

>> No.11130304

prizes and medals are political stunts
alot of field medalist go people who've contributed to math with close military applications

>> No.11130307

But of the elitiat educational system funded by the governement. Since it's free everyone has a chance and you can find hidden gems. It's a meritocracy. Also the ENS, escapially The ENS (ulm).

>> No.11130309

I don't know. I loved that part of my life because I was younger and way more happier.

>> No.11130341

Name a country that has more.

>> No.11130361

1st redpill: French geometers and french number theorists dominate the panel, and they give the medal to their friends
Redpill 2: same, but replace "French" with "jewish"

>> No.11130362

you do realise there is no such thing as nobel prize in math, right?

>> No.11130558

Exactly. Nowhere has more than France.

>> No.11130569


>> No.11130580

Because algebraic geometry is the overhyped subject of math since the 60's.

>> No.11130583

is it though?

>> No.11130589

Look at ancestors that won it in America and other countries. Franks common theme. Rivals to Rome. Never the same after revolution.

>> No.11130596

By that logic shouldn't the Belgians and southwest Germans be smart instead of being useless retards?

>> No.11130618


>> No.11130780
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Because frenchfags literally worship maths when it comes to education and not in the cool, relaxed and passionate way but in the "if you can't easily absorb this needlessly dry maths course be ready to join the slave caste".

You want to be an officer? Here is a military school with a lot of maths.
You want to work a high position in the administration? I'm afraid you will have to take a ranked test with a fuckload of maths.
Med school ranked exam? Maths (and it's not even statistics).

If you are one of the mathematically gifted however you will be allowed in palaces called "Grandes Écoles" where the state will spend tens of thousands of bucks a year on you so you have the comfiest material conditions and the brightest professors teaching you (probably the highest density of professors per student), they even go as far as PAYING salaries to the students.

This leads to most of the country hating maths because the topic is used to select people (weed out) and not to be really taught, let alone enjoyed.
If you cruised through it upnto high school you can do whatever you want however.
Unlike american or british colleges you don't have to be part of clubs or associations or whatever in bonus of your high GPA, as long you nailed your maths exams (and at a lesser extent chemistry/physics) you can go anywhere.

This all comes back to Napoléon thinking he was a maths genius because knew how to do basic trig with his artillery and decided that maths should be the core component of "higher" education when he reformed it, before that it used to be latin (for many reasons).
Ever since maths have been institutionalized as the "hunger game" discipline of french education and parents spend an absurd amount of money on tutors so there kids don't fall back in class, especially since most middle-high school maths teachers are pure garbage.

t. frog

>> No.11130802

Explain Israel

>> No.11130807
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>> No.11130808

Honestly sounds very based to me.

>> No.11130809

Israel is actually very strong in some areas, especially those related to discrete math: CS, logic, combinatorics, geometric group theory etc.

>> No.11130812

As this guy points out

Also keep in mind Frank distribution to other countries. A lot of advances by Frank descendants in other countries as well where they are a minority to the population would not be reflected in a prize per capita chart.
Rule of Franks assured Frankish descendants through most of the old world and the new.

>> No.11130868

That sounds exceptionally anal to the point of inefficiency.

>> No.11130979

It is, really.
Aside from the people who actually want to become professional mathematicians, or at least work in scientific research or engineering, not many people have a positive view of mathematics, and many are literally traumatised by it.
In fact, there is a very sharp divide between the STEM people who actually have a reasonable understanding of math, and a good portion of the population who actively despises it (instead of being merely indifferent to it, as is the case for the other sciences).
I have never seen any other intellectual discipline where people are so proud to claim how bad they used to be at it. You would never hear a French person claim that they never read or have no knowledge of history or geography. They would sound like uncultured peasants.
It is very fashionable, however, to loudly flaunt how bad one was at math because, to the vast majority people, it is an arcane, boring and confusing topic that serves no purpose other than to discriminate people.
It does not help that our pre-university math education is dogshit. I cannot really blame the people who hated their experience of math. It is like people are playing a game without knowing the rules, and have their entire career depend on the outcome.

>> No.11131003

This is based if you want only good mathematicians or engineers (which french arguably are in many domains), the problem is that you have a mathematically crippled population outside of this elite.

French kids today are the last in the EU in maths and the quality of teaching is ranked among the lowest. The worst part is that it's generational at this point, kids with parents who are clueless can't help them so it reinforces the handicap over time.

I went through the grind myself and it took me 10 years to come back to maths after getting my Bac S (well helped by programming) and begin enjoying them again. I found that american,/english ressources are really much better than what is done here, probably because their approach to pedagogy is much less centralized than ours.

>> No.11131021

Aren't there other humanities focused bacs ?

>> No.11131025

Italy is never first in anything and people here keep on circle jerking the school system, it's amazing

>> No.11131053

Aside from the actual humanities-specific bac, all other curricula used to require math.
They have now changed the system and made math (and most other subjects) optional

>> No.11131072

Israel is literally world leader in R&D to the point where Microsoft, Apple, Google, IBM have their R&D headquarters in Israel. They have low average IQ but that is because more than half of Israel is inhabited by Arabs. Once they get genocided away the IQ would slowly rise towards 115 which is the average for Ashkenazi Jews compared to 102 for germanic and nordic whites and 105 for east asians.

>> No.11131097

>Still using these same, played out IQ stats
The same study puts the average IQ in Somalia at 69, making it a country of literal retards. So, do you believe the results of said study and that/pol/ is right in wanting their white ethno-state in part because of the vast difference in intelligence, or is /pol/ wrong and Ashkenazi Jews are likely overrepresented on the high end of the bell?

>> No.11131111

sounds like heaven
> american,/english ressources are really much better than what is done here, probably because their approach to pedagogy is much less centralized than ours.
>approach to pedagogy
??? You must be a Jew. There is no approach since they dont teach.

> the problem is that you have a mathematically crippled population outside of this elite
natural selection, the weak will slowly die out
10% do 90% of the work so you don't even need the rest of the population.

>> No.11131190

>what are books

>> No.11131198

Also believing that average I.Q un china is 105 , half the country is rice farmers for god's sake

>> No.11131201


>somali IQ of 69 making them a nation of literal retards

Checks with chart.

>> No.11131202

Also when he says crippled , he means pretty good
I am from a french colony and average students in my country can get A and B in an american calculus test

>> No.11131203


This is the dumbest post I've seen on /sci/ ytd.

>> No.11131205

Lol the Fuck kind of math is the military investing in, we already have calculus and that's all you need to guide a missile to the civilians in aljeharistan

>> No.11131208

good post

>> No.11131213


Such a limited imagination. Game theory entails probability, and "cyber warfare" necessarily entails CS-related math (discrete math). Optimization...

>> No.11131215

I'm exaggerating but there is no way the average Chinese I.Q is 105 at most it's 98

>> No.11131216

Quelle école ?

>> No.11131222

>thinks calculus is all the military needs

>> No.11131229

The whole thing is embarrassing. The people who unironically reference it always pick and choose which pieces are more valid than others, depending on which ones better support their beliefs.

>> No.11131239


SPBP, it's both French Jewish nepotism and real, hard intelligence of the cohort. Multiple medalists were either direct Bourbaki contributors at some point in their lives or were closely associated with the group (Schwartz, Serre, Grothendieck).

>> No.11131241


Not the point I was making. I also suspect that the number is inflated, but the way that you arrived at your conclusion (they're rice farmers so they must be dumb) is invalid.

>> No.11131496

>brainlet doesn't understand correlations

>> No.11131502


This is a deeply ironic post.

>> No.11131666
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>banana of diminishing returns

fucking ded

>> No.11131689

they invented the standard, btiches

>> No.11132772

>the weak will slowly die out
10% do 90% of the work so you don't even need the rest of the population.
Now this is dumbass edginess of the highest order. If neither the general population, nor the people in charge care about what you do and what happens to it, then guess what ? You are likely to be the one to die out.
That is precisely what is happening in scientific research.

>> No.11132872

>there are people in here who unironically fell for the Ashkenazi Jew meme
Imagine comparing a group of religious sociopaths to an ethnic group making up for 400+ million people.

>> No.11132897

wtf i love france now.

>> No.11132923

>they're rice farmers so they must be dumb
This is correct. Only brainlets do manual labor.

>> No.11133028

but why do you suck at engineering so much?

>> No.11133384

Precisely because the engineering students spend all their formative early undergrad years solving linear algebra and real analysis puzzles, then spend their engineering school days partying and only occasionally study some engineering.

>> No.11133499

Protip: we don't.

>> No.11133567

salty universitylet

>> No.11133584

Math is literally an IQ test and this is a good system though.

>> No.11133594

Because their best engineers (Ecole grads) go straight into political careers or management positions in industry. The only real engineering in the world is done by povo American, German and Japanese grads who are still working in the trenches for 3-5 years until they also go into tech management or graduate and start writing grants/doing operations research work.

>> No.11133984

I think their engineers are pretty good, it shows in telecom, aeronautics, energy, pharma or weapons.
French aren't really good at doing business however from experience, the ones who want to launch a startup always come in the US.

>> No.11134222
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Frog start-up founder here.
Def want to move in the US asap.
AMA I guess...

>> No.11135618

1 All French women are whores
2 therefore incel due to fat and lazy is not a thing
3 Much fewer Incels
4 Only incels left are Master race wizards
5 Master race wizards do math
6 incel Ecco chamber is smaller, echo chamber is louder, math ideas bounce faster
7 critical mass
8 Fields Medals

Frogs are sluts

>> No.11135645

Because the way engineering is taught here is very math focused, and I mean REALLY math focused. Many people complain about how many things you learn in classe prépa are useless.

>> No.11136198


>> No.11136218

Umberto Ecco-chamber

>> No.11136467

>Med school ranked exam? Maths (and it's not even statistics).
Is that so? In my chemistry class, one girl who was in PACES (premed basically) the year prior had never seen a matrix before.
>they even go as far as PAYING salaries to the students.
That really only applies to ENS and Ecole Polytechnique and you forgot that they get paid in exchange of working for the state for like 10 years or so after graduating, otherwise they have to pay it back.

>> No.11136494

alors arrête de profiter de nos structures sociales et casse-toi plus vite que ça. Et rembourse ta formation

>> No.11136745


>> No.11136805

As well as the least

>> No.11136820

>Once they get genocided away the IQ would slowly rise towards 115 which is the average for Ashkenazi Jew
Wrong. Fuck off Peterson.

>> No.11136823

Why did you tell us?
Im sorry annon. I hope he pays a steep price.

>> No.11136893

you heard him right

>> No.11136921

Can't you read the graph? Kiwis and Norwegians are better

>> No.11138631


No, it isn't. Intelligent people are frequently born into circumstances and lifeways from which they cannot feasibly extricate themselves.

>just move lmao

Not an option if you're poor.

>by definition smart people figure out how to escape this shit so your argument sucks

No, it doesn't. Figuring out the requisite steps and being able to perform those steps are two different things. The smart poor are frequently unable to massively improve their situation (small improvements can always be made if one's intelligent, of course, owing to economics. Try harder.

>> No.11139079


>> No.11140056


>> No.11141854

My friend (who got a full ride scholarship) only got to where he is because his mom married his well off stepfather and his stepdad invested in him and his nephew heavily for many reasons.

Mainly when he got divorced his ex got his smart daughter and he got his 2 sons who were borderline retarded, total hell to be around and both died utterly stupid deaths later as adults.

>> No.11142928
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btw, why are they called frogss?

>> No.11143304

A western version of the Lands of the Locusts (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong) isn't it?

>> No.11143455
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