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11129418 No.11129418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't normal fags see adopting another race as creepy? It's like a pet and the child grows up with no racial identity

>> No.11129420

adoption is cucked regardless of race period.

>> No.11129425

Again why post this in the science and math board

>> No.11129426

>Why don't normal fags see adopting another race as creepy?

Why do you see it as creepy?

> It's like a pet

How is it any more like a pet than any other child?
I’d agree children are rather animalistic initially but that doesn’t last more than two or three years.

> and the child grows up with no racial identity

Who cares? We have no need of “racial identities”.

>> No.11129446

Cool. Lets end affirmative action and every over raced based identity group or movement on campus.
These groups are illegal for whites to form so they should be illegal for everyone

>> No.11129454

> Lets end affirmative action and every over raced based identity group or movement on campus.

Okay, we can do that when race loses relevance in the mind of man. Give it, uh.....about 50-100 years.

>> No.11129486

Just remember, active eugenics like this lead to male and female being segregated.
If you wanna live in some kind of "handmaidens tale" horror monoculture dystopia where you are basically in an all male gated community, reverse prison, this is the way to go about it.
I mean it's hot thinking about all those all girl school strait chicks fooling around because there are no boys, but you are gonna learn the hard way about how a frat brotherhood ensure solidarity ;)

>> No.11129622

>we can do that when race loses relevance in the mind of man.
Cool, you can start by resisting identity politics. Get ready to be labelled "alt-right"

>> No.11129627

>He thinks the "alt-right" don't play identity politics
Are you that lacking?

>> No.11129627,2 [INTERNAL] 

Dear admin, You are doing an excellent work through your content. After read your article I get lot's of useful information, Thank you so much for sharing this useful blog with us and wish you best of luck for upcoming post.

>> No.11129829

reminder that when you're buying a kid the white kids cost more

sorry I mean when you're adopting a kid the adoption fees are higher for a white kid

>> No.11129831

affirmative action is necessary because otherwise chinks and pajeets will take every available slot in every American college

>> No.11129833

Where did I say that?
Point it out, thanks.

>> No.11129850

>start by resisting identity politics. Get ready to be labelled "alt-right"
If you were not implying it, then you need to learn how to write.

>> No.11129928

Not science, fuck off to /pol/, you racist piece of shit.

>> No.11129948

If you have kids of your own already and adopt then it's fine.

>> No.11129954

You need to learn how to think.

>> No.11129968

Make a reasonable statement or fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.11129973

Actually it wouldn't usually be a problem. It's only a problem in AmeriKKKA shithole because your skin colour and racial identity is all-important because you're all the same identical mush so you need to invent not just differing cultures but essences. So the kid will be 'black' but not accepted by blacks (because apparently skin colour affects the way you speak). So they'll likely overcompensate, sullying real dialectal differences, falsely behaving 'black' and hating their parents.

>> No.11130010

I rest my case

>> No.11130017

>Why don't normal fags see adopting another race as creepy?
Not science or math

>> No.11130021
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Sociology confirmed not science by anon

>> No.11130022

Bad and retardpilled.