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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 761 KB, 608x739, awakening2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11129372 No.11129372[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The people on this board are hacks that barely understand their own field of study let alone being presented with anything outside of their dogma. This place is worse than a mosque you anons disgust me and why the west is shit and science is nothing but commerce now

>> No.11129551

This is true. But why post it here?

>> No.11129585

the board is mostly hacks but not because of what you say. it's because of pseuds like you who go "hurr durr science is a religion, i learned this argument from my evangelical priest so HAHA btfo". we get shillers like you virtually constantly

>> No.11129604

k bro, come back when you have something substantial.

>> No.11129617

Somehow this board exclusively attracts autists who are mediocre in their studies and can't find a real world application for their work. These people are all delusional, it's amazing how you guys wank on data that serves no utter purpose. Science is a tool, not entertainment, what the fuck.

>> No.11129620

>science is a tool, not entertainment
Completely subjective, I don’t give a shit about the applications of my studies but I still learn

>> No.11129635

You're a fool.

>> No.11129643

When I saw all the "scientifically speaking" off topic threads that don't get removed

>> No.11129670

To read the responses


My website hack, learn some real science

>> No.11129688

rofl holofractal idiot

back to >>>/r/holofractal the most retarded corner of the internet

>> No.11129706

>hur dur mock and donk
kys you pseudo-intellectual hack. Anytime you want to try and refute anything in that article you feel free to do it point by point so WE CAN ALL point and laugh otherwise drink some bleach and stfu

>> No.11129716

how about i point out that you guys worship an absolute pseud Nassim Haramein? nothing he ever says is remotely close to true nor even plausible nor even numerate. it's a bunch of gibberish for stoners.

>> No.11129725

>how about i point out that you guys worship an absolute pseud Nassim Haramein

you are a hack and a clown

>> No.11129727

oh, okay. sure. holofractal is true then, physics BTFO, the fact Nassim can't get any of his "important revolutionary physics" published in any real physics journal and engages in pseud shit like paying to have it hosted on non-peer-reviewed """"journal"""" websites is totally respectable.

anon, seriously, haramein is a total pseud and reddit/holofractal is a bunch of stoners and schizos

>> No.11129730
File: 21 KB, 480x360, jolson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu and fuck off this thread is specifically about hack morons like you

>> No.11129736

i have posted nothing hackish. you are the one posting confirmed hack Haramein. he is a legit pseud

>> No.11129743

bitch all you are talking about is some dude named Nassim Haramein that has nothing to do with this conversation. You are a fucking moron desu you are the pesud you fucking hack sperg take your add medicine

>> No.11129746

he is the main pseud pushing holofractal. how can it not be related to your shit?
it’s in the URL and linked on that website. not to mention that website is full of other schizo stoner shit

>> No.11129751
File: 105 KB, 960x720, argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no refutations
>I-I'm not a hack desu y-you are a schizo

kys you fucking donkey you can't even make a comment without showing what a low IQ drooler you are you are like a child

>> No.11129756

OP is right you are a cringy hack and should stfu you look like an imbecile

>> No.11129761

fuck off back to stoner reddit. hilo fractal is unanimously known as pseudoscience and the idiots like you who shill it are pathetic. learn some real science

>> No.11129765

*holofractal not “hilo fractal”

>> No.11129865

Prove that you're not a hack.

>> No.11129895
File: 73 KB, 581x726, 6F0FD0D1-3955-4199-9319-7BAE864C7766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about systems of equations

>> No.11129906
File: 39 KB, 320x257, 855-8550729_-pepe-the-frog-smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you too anon, you're a little passive agressive bitch and obviously a mediocre individual since this OP is your contribution to this board now.

I wish you could have just shut the fuck up instead of posting this 15 yo tier drivel complaining about how everyone is bad and everything "commercial".
I think we would all be grateful if the next time your brain farts a "thought" about this board you would just keep it to yourself, thank you.

>> No.11129912

4/10 cus.
OP 1, you 0

>> No.11129922

There is the same amount not evidence for holofractal as there is for all quantum mechanics.

So people posting about how some aspects of science are hacks posting circle jerk "peer reviewed" data with pay to play publishing websites,
Then hitting some arXiv self published word salad abstract maths gibberish on QM and worshipping it like a god.

Science has always been like this.
It's full of hacks no matter where you go.
Remember when they gave that 12 year old boy a pHd in quantum physics because he had a photographic memory and his mum made him read all those textbooks.

The reason it's like this because the industry is fullnof charlatans and hoaxters, look at quantum computing, 80 years strong with no results?

Everyone has a god, and every god is a lie.
Science changes all the time and people don't like change.

You know how they are bringing out regulations to stop old doctors prescribing unnecessary antibiotics because that's how they did it in the 1960s and causing antibiotic resistance but they just refuse to stop because they don't believe in peer reviewed medical journals because they have to admit they have killed quite a few patients.
Its how then world works.
You gotta rise above.

>> No.11129945

kek stop smoking weed bro

>> No.11129963

Can I be more like you and assume something is true because the Google corporation said so?

>> No.11129965


>> No.11129969

yeah, fucking google dude, those fucking dudes are like... like man, man
*bubble bubble bubble*
m- *COUGH COUGH COUGH*man like fucking capitalist pigs man, like fuckin weak bro

>> No.11129974

And sorry if I don't think 12 years old autists are smarter than I'll ever be.
You can think that though is you want.
It's probably true.

"Well I don't understand QM but I know it's real because I got raised in society that heavily enforces the existence of God to justify its warcrimes so I cherry pick pop sci articles with no substance so I can one day prove all the people wrong that disparriaged Jesus christ my lord and saviour"

Have fun reading peer reviewed quantum mechanics papers by children about how God is real and thinking you are a scientists rofl

>> No.11129976

>dropout cope

>this is your brain on drugs

>> No.11129979

We all hate you even more now

>> No.11129986

So yes or no is the white Christian god real?

Yes or no is quantum mechanics real?

Yes or no am I hack?

The answers are the same for all questions.

Yes. You are a hack and can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

Debating with Christian scientists is always challenging.

>> No.11129990

nom nom bait yes jesus wonderful science bad me like jesus earth 6000 yrz old evolution fake muh trump awoo

>> No.11129991

not the same person as OP
you suck at this, probably because you're fucking retarded.

>> No.11129992

What the actual fuck? You are a stone cold moron. The only thing you have commented in this entire thread is lowest common dominator nigger tier shitposts. Fuck OP is right this board is a bunch of LARPing Burger king fry cooks majoring in gender studies

>> No.11129996
File: 903 KB, 1920x1080, IronKek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd anon here have a rare Pepe since I triggered your autism so bad

>> No.11129997

great science reply bro. nassim idiots are so good at countering shitposts with shitposts and never actually talking science

>> No.11130003

>Projecting this hard after deflecting at levels never thought possible

I know this is a meme around here but you are a legit cluster B schizo. I would bet everything I own on it