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11125444 No.11125444 [Reply] [Original]

The Education system is holy inefficientt , we could trim 4 years from it and start teaching calculus to 14 year olds.
And college is an even bigger joke , it's piss easy we should adopt the prépa system and start pushing adults to their potential

>> No.11125449

>The Education system is holy inefficient
why would the bourgeois want it to be efficient? they just want we worker bees to besmart enough to pull the lever

>> No.11125475


>> No.11125490

don't forget school's function as daycare
>Sen. Kamala Harris introduces bill to lengthen school day by three hours

>> No.11125525

It's all in all wasted time of your life. People are forced to learn a bit of everything there without learning anything properly.

>> No.11125737

>teach calculus to 14 year old
Did you not take calc 1 freshman year?

>> No.11125838

Why don't you take all four years in one semester if its so easy fagit

>> No.11125864 [DELETED] 

I could do it in 2 years if they allowed me.

>> No.11127397


>> No.11127451

Fucking Bump. In world war 2, students graduated college at the age of 20. Its sad to see how much we've regressed.

>> No.11127456

>education for the aristocracy vs for the masses

>> No.11127464 [DELETED] 

Tye average middle-class member today has better quality of life than the average lord 300 years ago

>> No.11127501

Lol what? The WW2 accelerated program was created so officers could deploy at the ripe age of 20. We just became pussies after we won the War.

>> No.11127523

>we won the war
imperialist shithead

>> No.11127532

OK boomer

>> No.11127558

Just use online tools. I'm pretty sure if I had started on Khan Academy when I was 8 and had assistance when required I could have been doing all AP subjects quite easily by 14. Instead I was forced through a shitty school system that taught me next to nothing

>> No.11127561

>t. German or Jap

>> No.11127563

Things would improve if they segmented pupils.

>> No.11127585

Things would improve if you had GEDs for general education requirements for colleges. That would probably get rid of a years worth of bullshit. College degrees are basically a certificate of attendance nowadays.

>> No.11127621

We should also make physical fitness mandatory for school, It should be 50% of your grade. Too many fat fucks in school nowadays. Truly intelligent people work out, and school should demand taht as a habit of its citizens.

>> No.11127634

Also Military Academies are the last true Liberal Arts colleges in America

>> No.11127648

Time to bring back national service?

>> No.11127662

> Mandatory physical fitness.
This , so much of this , healthy body healthy mind.

>> No.11127679

A heinlein style "service guarantees citizenship" democracy would fix most of the problems in this country.

>> No.11127737
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The Roman- or Anglo-Saxon-style ruling classes have always emphasized physical fitness. I say let the ruling philosopher-kings evolve in aryan gods, but let the very high-octane logical thinkers who stay behind the scenes (engineers, programmers) evolve into fish people or whatever

>> No.11127744

>éyo, où les femmes blanches à?

>> No.11127828

That's what you get when your society is full of incapable ni-... eh, I mean, "different people"

>> No.11127851

if you're gonna have the government raise your children, at least utilize the parts of government with high IQ individuals, ie the CIA,FBI, NSA, DOD, etc, rather than have low IQ losers dumb down the future generations of your country.


>> No.11127912
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it's not meant to educate people but rather condition them for compliance

>time to line up

everything can be learned for free on the internet.. the free market provided global free education

>> No.11127941

> we should adopt the prépa system

The prepa system is such a nightmare that our country is in the process of getting ride of it.

>> No.11127988

Because you're pussies , people are becoming stupidet

>> No.11128005

The number of credits required to graduate high school where I lived made it possible to have enough at the end of your junior year. But senior English was a graduation requirement so a few families started sending their kids to summer school to get ahead in English courses and to accumulate other course credits. As a result some kids were able to graduate midway through 11th grade and start college spring semester. The school system was pissed at losing their best students early so they refused to issue diplomas mid year. The local colleges didn't care about the diploma once it could be shown that all requirements for high school graduation had been satisfied. The school system responded by refusing to let anyone take summer classes for a class they hadn't previously failed. It's amazing the lengths some schools will go to keep the best students from getting ahead.

>> No.11128007 [DELETED] 

>why would the bourgeois want it to be efficient
Because efficiency => less expense => more profit

>> No.11128022
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>> No.11128039
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My idea is to move all the material from high school into primary school, then get rid of high school, then have the very young adults ho would have attended high school if it still existed as a civic core of workers doing menial jobs that people don't like for a few years. Like right now, for instance, we usually have the ethic minorities cleaning toilets but I would give those humbling jobs to the young people (who would then grow up knowing that it is not nice to spray diarrhea all over someone else's bathroom.)

>> No.11128214

This is too much

>> No.11128493

The prepa system is a nightmare for anyone wanting to change formation.
Almost no one has it in the world aside from our former colonies.
And turns out taking a bunch of autist who don't have much social skills to begin with to make them do only math/literrature for two to three years straight isn't that much of a good idea for their development.

>> No.11128586

> Changing formation is hard
How ?
> Not good for development
Only if you're a brainlet

>> No.11130146


>> No.11130171

Should not the philosopher kings be logical engineers in addition to governors?

>> No.11130183


Philosophers make the shittiest leaders. Most of them are fucking pussies.

>> No.11130825

How many people would be able to learn this so quickly though? Would this be a math only program? would you still have history, and english classes?

>> No.11130833

Just get rid of all the wasted time in school. Looking back on my education, teachers definitely tried, but they were quite inefficient.

Also, get rid of summers vacation.

There, I just saved you 4 years of your life. Now everyone can have an undergrad education finished at 18/19.

>> No.11130942

the CIA is too busy selling drugs

>> No.11130991

I think this is why we need an education system independent from government that's effective yet accessible. Government doesn't want efficiency as that means taking power from itself. Administrators of the system becomes a power hierarchy to climb.
Ideal system is efficient in teaching and does not need to be overburdened with management.
Solution? Probably an AI teaching mathematics.

>> No.11130999

You're all talking as if we have enough qualified teachers to put this in practice. We would need a radical shift in the economy - teaching becoming a profession more sought after than lawyers and doctors, with even more years of schooling at least at the start.
And that would be a lot harder to do because in that we would need many more teachers than we need doctors and having such a vast new "upper class" would probably shift the equilibrium in unforeseeable ways.
Yeah, the upper classes would just skip right through this - making this useless because middle/lower class kids are not so sociopathic and detached from reality that they think shitting on a public floor is ok.


Maybe 5%. It would just make the vast majority of student stop giving a fuck after 6 months or school because they would be so behind it would make it impossible to recover.

>> No.11131020

That's why I proposed AI teachers>>11130991

>> No.11131029

> Not enough qualified teachers
How ? You'll just be shifting highschool teachers down to middle school.
> Only 5% will succeed
This is why we have evening classes for the slow kids , 75% will eventually understand the material given enough time

>> No.11131041

I unironically mastered calculus at 15

>> No.11131045

Plus grouping students by ability not age will help

>> No.11131105

I mean, if we're talking a reasonable speed up of learning (e. g. bringing school subjects "down" to middle school) it might be possible but i was mostly resonding to >>11128022; and even then, it takes a degree to teach in high school, I doubt teachers would be fine just being "downgraded"

And there's no amount of "evening classes" that can make the average individual understand Quantum Mechanics in middle school - like, have you ever gone to school? Even if all kids were smart enough (which they aren't - if you went to public school you'll know it's a miracle if people can learn Calculus in high school) you'll know that even if you managed to force them to come to an evening class they would not be motivated.
I'm fine with the idea of speeding the program up but let's be realistic. This program may be possible if we get rid of all the other subjects, but if you think we should do something like that you're the reason STEMfags are ruining society.

Yeah I can propose cloning Jon Cena as a PE teacher doesn't mean it's not sci fi

>> No.11131108

>holy inefficientt

>> No.11131124

Of course Quantum mechanichs in middle school is unplausible , maybe if you do it with little math where you teach them about the Bohr model and quantum numbers.
I think an average middle schooler can learn calculus if we gave the a solid foundation in primary school, we can shave 3 years from the system

>> No.11131161

Shut the fuck up you absolute pseud, the middle class ARE worker bees.

>> No.11131171

>trying to contextualize imperial japan or nazi germany
There is no perspective by which they were anything other than straight evil. You dont get to systemically kill millions of people in horrific ways and retain the "one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter" angle. Which is why war criminals were being put on trial from both regimes decades after the fact well into their senior years.

>> No.11131193

I think there is an interesting social and philosophical discussion to be made here.
Sure, we can assume hat at least some individuals in all those regimes were just straight evil - whether we consider evil as "biological" (e.g they were sociopaths or something) or a metaphysical concept.
But then, how did they "turn" so many others into war criminals? Were all the nazis naturally evil people? Was it social/environmental conditioning? Was it rhetoric and propaganda?
Was the system build in such a way that those people were totally alienated from what they were actually doing? Did the leaders manage to simply change the definition of humans in their subordinates head and that was enough for them to commit atrocities?

All these, and more questions that STEMfags can't answer on his own but will not prevent them from shitting on humanities.

>> No.11131211

how to fix the education system

>replace schools with libraries
>individual booths for students
>free curriculum
>yearly testing, give extra resources to top 10%/2%

>> No.11131300

Yeah, i'm sure that stress levels won't skyrocket even higher than they already are. Seriously imagine thinking that kids who are unable to understand a graph will be able to understand calculus at the age of 14.

>> No.11131308

>holy inefficient
The problem is tards like you holding back everyone else.

>> No.11131371

>3 years from complex variables to real analysis.
>Special functions listed separately from PDEs.
>Advanced mechanics before variational calc/optimal control.