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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11125070 No.11125070 [Reply] [Original]

> The Earth is round. (Yes oblate spheroids are round.)
> The Moon landings happened and space travel is real.
> Newtonian Mechanics is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> Quantum Mechanics is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> Special and General Relativity are accurate and incomplete descriptions of reality.
> The Standard Model of particle physics is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> The Lambda-CDM model is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> Faster-than-light communication is impossible.
> Perpetuum mobiles, over-unity devices, energy-from-nothing generators, propulsionless drives and the like can not and will never work.
> Likewise, it is impossible to extract work from the zero-point energy of the vacuum.
> More generally, if you disagree with thermodynamics, you are wrong.
> Climate change is real, is happening right now, is a real threat and is mostly caused by humans.
> Approved vaccines are effective and much safer than the diseases they prevent.
> "I don't understand this" or "this doesn't make sense to me" are not legitimate criticisms of established scientific theories. The fact that the universe is not simple enough for you to understand is your failing, not the universe's.
> Anyone claiming to have an alternative theory to established science should be able to explain why established science seems to give accurate answers and be able to give a concrete prediction that can be checked by experiment, where it should outperform the current theory.

For those who will start arguing about "accurate and incomplete":
"Accurate": The theory accurately predicts the outcomes of experiments and does not differ appreciably from reality within the theory's domain of validity, which is large enough to be useful.
"Incomplete": The theory's domain of validity does not encompass the entire universe.
If you want to argue this, first read > http://chem.tufts.edu/answersinscience/relativityofwrong.htm

>> No.11125091

> OP is a fag

>> No.11125134

Wasting your time with /sci/copaths

>> No.11125207

>"Accurate": The theory accurately
imagine being so pleb tier you define a word with the word itself

If something "accurately" predicts something it's not a theory btw. It's a model.

>> No.11125215

>If something "accurately" predicts something it's not a theory btw. It's a model.
Fair criticism. Let's say a theory is reliable if it allows for accurate model building.

>> No.11125249
File: 1.20 MB, 1400x933, 1431630665-15-morrigan-mccarthy-trans-2015-elle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another roastiepost

>> No.11125327

this, op's post would be fine otherwise.

>> No.11125346


>> No.11125397

>Climate change
So what's the ideal climate for the earth?
Most biodiversity occurred with higher carbon parts per million in then atmosphere then today.
Humans contribute to climate change only so far as carbon is concerned but it's only a small portion of the whole system. With no foreseeable negative effects.
The Cambrian era had 4000 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Today we are only at 400 parts per million.
What is the ideal parts per million of carbon dioxide diffused in the atmosphere?
If the goal is biodiversity you need more carbon. If the goal is maintaining the same biodiversity you are setting an unrealistic and unnatural expectation.

>> No.11125416

You have to ask ideal for whom.

The reason why people try to reduce anthropogenic climate change is because an instable climate (i.e. a change) is bad for global economy and the social fabric as natural disasters, resource availability changes (fresh water, land,...) and the resulting mass migration movements, civil unrests and so on have an obvious negative impact.

Biodiversity is good for stability because with a more diverse and interconnected network a biome can buffer disasters and loss of a few species much better as each actor has more alternatives for food/shelter/etc.

>> No.11125426

a climate where refugees don't shit on my lawn because their homeland is inhabitable

>> No.11125440

many of the issues with those regions of the world is due to the lack of biodiversity of plants that can survive those habitats. Those areas could be some of the most reliable for natural resources including vegetation if the carbon was higher in the atmosphere. Therefore your proposal is counterintuitive to the ideal state for economy and human habitation. Especially since the principal ancestor of hominids and apes developed during the Cambrian era.
Therefore the change that you are seeing as bad is just that a economic unpredictability not because of the environmental issues. long-term effect would making the areas more viable for human civilizations just like they were when hominids developed in Africa.

>> No.11125446

>long-term effect would making the areas more viable for human civilizations just like they were when hominids developed in Africa.
It's not about long-term improvements for human civilizations or for any other species, it's about avoiding short-term economic instability.

>> No.11125581

Global greening has been great for the economy and agriculture and there has been no noticeable increase in natural disasters. fresh water has actually increased as greening causes more transpiration and rain which leads to more vegetation.

>> No.11125588

I agree with you but primates didn't evolve until the PETM

>> No.11126330

Bump because more people need this.

>> No.11126434

>especially since the principal ancestor of hominids and apes developed during the cambrian era
You know dinosaurs weren’t even around yet in the cambrian right? Like we are talking over 100 million years before dinosaurs. Very rapid changes to the environment are never good for the majority of species so just stop.

>> No.11126693

Do you want to back up those claims?

>> No.11128078
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>guys I read the sci-sections on newspapers and have a broad sense of things I have no proof for, but I read it so it must be true and you are dumb if you try to figure stuff out BECAUSE IT'S RIGHT THERE IN THE NEWS AND THEY SAY IT WITH MOST CERTAIN PROBABILITY SO STOP LOOKING INTO IT CAR FARTS WILL MAKE EARTH URANUS

Pozzed and fagpilled. Necc

>> No.11128119


>> No.11128144

>If I whine about how terrible it is that no one takes me at face value when I spout obvious nonsense, they might actually believe me when I tell them that my Elixir Extraordinaire™ is a cure for cancer and acne which they didn't hear about because {«¡tHeY!»} have been suppressing it with HAARP's mind control rays!

>> No.11128356

>spout obvious nonsense
Is limited to (You). Everything you wrote, you regurgitated from msm without even reading between the lines. It even says:
-most likely
-scientists agree (without quotes or names)
-we have come to the conclusion
-almost certainly
-figures show (without said figures)
And so on. You just eat it right up. What's infuriating, is your proud mongoloid ass regurgitating that bullshit and on top of that feel smarter and better than everyone else with a shit eating grin.

Pozzed and faggotpilled confirmed

>> No.11128381

Ok faggot, I'll bite. Tell us your theories.

>> No.11130162


>> No.11130498


It hardly needs the effort of adding to the list but of course:

> Nobody will be winning a Nobel prize for string theory.

>> No.11130547

>faster than light communication is impossible
What is quantum entanglement?

>> No.11130567

A non-local correlation. You cannot use it to transmit information faster than light.

>> No.11130629

Clown world.

>> No.11130641

Daily glowposting always loses to daily shitposting. You are underestimating the autism, OP.

>> No.11131250

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11131264

Your daily indoctrination thread thinly veiled as a public service announcement.

>> No.11131337

reality presents itself as different things to different people
reality is like a big house of mirrors

>> No.11131791

>fake news
how can i predict the outcome of experiments using quantum mechanics then?

>> No.11131801

you know nothing faggot keep coping

>> No.11131865

>The theory accurately predicts the outcomes of experiments and does not differ appreciably from reality within the theory's domain of validity, which is large enough to be useful.
Cool. Now I can justfy anything.

>> No.11131872

>does not differ appreciably from reality within the theory's domain of validity, which is large enough to be useful
Anything that satisfies this rather difficult condition, sure

>> No.11131877

>flat earth is an accurate and incomplete description of reality

>> No.11131898

>Perpetuum mobiles, over-unity devices, energy-from-nothing generators, propulsionless drives and the like can not and will never work.
>Likewise, it is impossible to extract work from the zero-point energy of the vacuum.
>More generally, if you disagree with thermodynamics, you are wrong.
I had forgotten nineteenth century thermodynamics was uncontestable science for no particular reason, thanks for reminding me.
>Faster-than-light communication is impossible.
Special relativity too, of course. Silly me.
>approved vaccines
Approved by who?

>> No.11131899

Clever, but the flat earth theory is about the overall shape of the earth, and it is not accurate on that scale at all.

If the flat earth theory was simply that you can treat the surface of the earth to be flat as long as you don't consider too large of distances, then yes it would be an accurate and incomplete description of reality

>> No.11131946


>> No.11131950

I agree

>> No.11131953

Who are you talking to and why? This isn't reddit, there is no upvote button. Why did you attach an image of some random girl?

>> No.11131968

All diuscussion of climate change is as worthless as discussing abortion because the only two sides available are complete and utter caricatures. You've got ben shapiro pilpul snake logicians spouting "global greening" shit on one end:

and the other side is "let's pay a retarded child to go on TV and tell people to ban all actual attempts to modify our impact on climate change(nuclear power, regulating international industry, carbon capture and so on) and that instead they need to eat bugs and send more free money to africa."

>> No.11132014
File: 5 KB, 250x184, 1571431972327s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you accusing OP of being a Jew?

>> No.11132917

thank you for your service

>> No.11133503
File: 80 KB, 717x1024, 1571778999075m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. This should be fixed.

>> No.11133507

Greta is funded by the oil industry to discredit the anti climate change movement.

>> No.11133510

Esoteric fags BTFO. An absolutely excellent post. (even if it's probably copy-paste) I saved this.

>> No.11133515

Obviously to pull in more participants for the thread.

>> No.11133518

The point of such discussions isn't to convert the other side, it's a present your case and refute that of your opponent for the crowd of bystanders.

>> No.11133521

Based boring but necessary thread

>> No.11133536


>> No.11133540
File: 1.14 MB, 3664x3516, JIDF and Jew lies everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot one.

>> No.11133556

Well, you can easily thank politicans for that. Before it went viral, it was actually a legit scientific topic to discuss on. Nowdays, it's being portrayed as there was an actual consenus, whereas the facts and studies do show that there indeed is no consenus at all. However, everyone likes to use the common logical fallacy of argumentum ad populum (aka because 10000 scientists, whereas half of them aren't even specialized in climate topics, agree that human-made climate change by CO2 is real) to validy their argument. But obviously that doesn't work that way, at least in actual science.

>> No.11133576

>Race is a scientific concept. There is an entire field of medicine based on the study of racial difference without which diagnoses and treatment of diseases like sickle cell anemia would be virtually impossible.
>Most green energy technologies have a lower CO2 production rate, but higher nett entropy production that coal power stations.

>> No.11133656

>Race is a scientific concept. There is an entire field of medicine based on the study of racial difference without which diagnoses and treatment of diseases like sickle cell anemia would be virtually impossible.

I agree. It should be added in the next update.

>> No.11133808

From certain point of view, light communicates instantaneously....

>> No.11133824

No. Let's stick to hard science here. Whether human races exist or not is a much more blurry question.

>> No.11133881

not too long ago they said it was impossible to extract energy from the atomic nucleus for the exact same reasons

i don't disagree with anything in particular but taking a dogmatic approach is limiting yourself and i would be willing to bet at least one of the facts you're so proud of will be broken within a hundred years

>> No.11134000

Who said that? Based on what? Do not confuse technical limitations with fundamental limits.

>> No.11134443

Yes but the important thing about everything you said is that those systems are all incomplete. That is the heart of my criticism.

>> No.11134458

>> Climate change is real, is happening right now, is a real threat and is mostly caused by humans.
Okay what is the point of this? Nobody really thinks humans can't effect the environment. Obviously we have destroyed the environment in a myriad number of ways. You are not arguing anything interesting here you are just pointing out an obvious thing. What you really want to say is vote for my political party. Seriously just say that instead of this BS.

>> No.11134658

It's not about the immediate environment. It's about destabilizing the global climate. The danger is that the effects are so far removed from the causes that by the time we'll actively be confronted with issues it'll be too late to fix the problems.

>> No.11134685

I haven't seen projection this hard since those 1984 rallies

>> No.11134745

So what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.11136160

Is their any peer-reviewed research or anything that really supports the ‘destabilising the global climate’ point, with the key word being destabilise.
Is see it mentioned a lot in arguments, but the examples are always short-term consequences.
You obviously can’t predict specific consequences in a macro-climate event- but I just don’t see where the ‘destabilising the global event’ point comes from

>> No.11136163

Sorry, I’m phone-posting, this reads like shit

>> No.11136164

This is an accurate and complete description of reality.

>> No.11136346


>> No.11136425

I'm on my phone, but here's a well-sourced book chapter: https://www.nap.edu/read/13111/chapter/6#64

And a fairly recent paper on planetary boundaries: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/347/6223/1259855

>> No.11136582
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>> No.11136583


>> No.11137912

>The Earth is round
And the universe is flat
>Quantum Mechanics is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
If nothing is random in the universe, why does being able to predict quark patterns matter?
>Faster-than-light communication is impossible.
How do you know?
>Climate change is real, is happening right now, is a real threat and is mostly caused by humans.
People have been saying climate change is going to kill us since the 80's and even earlier have they not? Yet here we still are.

>> No.11137935

> Approved vaccines are effective and much safer than the diseases they prevent.
Yes, but the people administering them and any drug insert additional, predatory substances

>> No.11138079

OP, not that anything you've said here is necessarily wrong, but really you come off as a tedious, pedantic fuck, buzz-kill and party-killer, no fun to be around, and I bet you talk too loud and interrupt people constantly. Please fix your shit.

>> No.11138496


>> No.11138501

Aren’t the additional chemicals the real worry?

>> No.11139188

> cannot and will never work

Imagine not believing in the capability of man.
Once we could not and would never be able to fly.
Once we could not and would never be able to leave the earth.
Once we could not and would never be able to do a great number of things we can do now.

The universe does not chain us. We chain ourselves by the limitations we set.
We are the masters of all we set our minds to mastering.

Humanity is God.

>> No.11139327

Nigger you literally can't. Quantum mechanics literally only gives you probabilistic estimates because superposition doesn't allow for a deterministic system. On top of that YOU specifically don't know a fucking thing about QM so any "experiments" YOU would run would give little to no information about anything.

>> No.11139335

The existence of physiologically distinct racial categories is significantly more sound science than either the "approved" vaccines or climate change. Get the fuck out of here you faggot.

>> No.11139344

Look it up on wikipedia. It has a section on why it doesn't allow for FTL communication.

>> No.11139347

Those were technical limitations. What I am talking about are fundamental limitations in the nature of reality.

Technical limitation: we cannot construct a space elevator because we do not have the right materials to do so. But it is not impossible. If we are able to construct the right materials, we can build a space elevator.

Fundamental limitation: we cannot transmit information FTL because that would break causality. We cannot break causality. The end.

>> No.11139355
File: 60 KB, 700x497, aGKedjB3_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Moon landings happened and space travel is real.
True, but the Television broadcast was probably faked.

>Climate change is real, is happening right now

>is a real threat
Possibly. There a lot of threats. Clean water and birth control are bigger issues for most of the world.

>and is mostly caused by humans.
We don't know.

>> No.11139446
File: 74 KB, 1500x644, paleo_CO2_2018_1500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True, but the Television broadcast was probably faked.
Probably faked? Alright, I'm convinced.
>Possibly. There a lot of threats. Clean water and birth control are bigger issues for most of the world.
Climate change affects clean water availability and I fail to see how birth control is a big issue when many countries are below replacement level birth rates. Africa and developing countries, yes, but those are also some of the regions determined to be least prepared for climate change.
>We don't know.
Your picture is a lame appeal to authority. You are suggesting this incredibly rapid increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the last 200 years has nothing to do with the industrial revolution, the medicine revolution, the green revolution or the information revolution which all happened also within 200 years? You are a fucking fool that wants to hold onto a dying and incorrect viewpoint.

>> No.11139469


>> No.11139934

The results being random doesn't mean you cannot predict more likely outcomes. Experimental results correspond closely to the probability distributions from quantum predictions.

>> No.11139940

This is a baseline post. "You must be this sane to participate in the conversation." I wish it wasn't necessary, but here we are.

>> No.11142383

Based OP

>> No.11142536

things not even worth argument are that faster than light is in fact real, and the pharmaceutical industry is in fact horrible and inefficient.

Human space travel seems reasonable, but at the same time there isn't enough evidence that they've actually properly figured it out yet. Which, for as easy as they make it look, is really quite fucking sad.

>> No.11142544

>faster than light is in fact real
You must be misinformed.
>the pharmaceutical industry is in fact horrible
No argument there, it truly is.
>and inefficient.
Not convinced, but I don't know enough to argue against this.

>> No.11142553

i've personally witnessed faster than light, but really what i mean is faster than the human concept of the speed of light, which is actually a made up number - purely fictional.

i know a guy who went in for an allergy scratch test and died during the procedure because of it. medical industry is completely full of shit, doctors are retards. it's quite amazing they can figure anything.

>> No.11142561

>i've personally witnessed faster than light, but really what i mean is faster than the human concept of the speed of light, which is actually a made up number - purely fictional.
That makes zero sense. The speed of light, c, is a universal constant. There is nothing human about it.

>> No.11142568

the value is significantly faster than 300 million meters per second. I'd be happy enough to just say speeds faster than that are possible, but i also know enough to know that the "speed limit of light" setup in science around 299 million meters per second is pure bullshit - especially withstanding that number was snowballed and invented hundreds of years ago in the era of retards dying from common colds, and built on extremely flimsly reasoning that is inherently unverifiable according to their logic - in relation to the observed motions of jupiter.

just a random arbitrarily large number that they figured no one would ever be able to test.

>> No.11142579

>just a random arbitrarily large number that they figured no one would ever be able to test.
Except you can measure it yourself with a microwave oven: https://wonders.physics.wisc.edu/measure-the-speed-of-light/

>> No.11142586

aight this is somehow even more retarded of an experiment than looking at jupiter.

>> No.11142588

>i know a guy who went in for an allergy scratch test and died during the procedure because of it. medical industry is completely full of shit, doctors are retards. it's quite amazing they can figure anything.
Incompetent doctors are nothing new. Doesn't say much about the pharmaceutical industry though.

>> No.11142617

You complain there is no way to measure the speed of light. I give you a simple experiment you can do at home to measure it yourself. You dismiss it as "stupid". I can lead you to empirical evidence, but you have to be open for it. If you can't do that, this conversation is no longer useful.

>> No.11142625

Daily reminder that science is a hoax to trick you into consensus reality, logic is chains invented by aliens to control you, and that the only way to fight back is to never EVER doubt or question what you believe.

>> No.11142688

We call them technical limitations now because we worked out how to do it.
People used to consider it as fundamental a limitation as you consider causality. Flight was impossible because humans cannot fly. Space travel was impossible because because the firmament was fixed and painted on as it were.

Just because it seems fundamentally impossible by our current understanding of the universe meamns NOTHING.
We are the shining light of the universe. Anything humanity wants to do, it will do eventually.
We want to explore the universe, so we WILL explore the universe. It is only a matter of time.

>> No.11142706

>Flight was impossible because humans cannot fly. Space travel was impossible because because the firmament was fixed and painted on as it were.
None of those were convictions that resulted from science. Do not conflate pre-scientific hunches with well-founded scientific conclusions.

>> No.11142719

>> The Earth is round. (Yes oblate spheroids are round.)
>> Climate change is real, is happening right now, is a real threat and is mostly caused by humans.
I told you guys that "Flat Eathers" were a psy-ops meant to discredit anybody who questions the Western science dogmas. It's been patently clear from the beginning of their dubiously meteoric rise in "popularity".

>> No.11142875

Who is she?

>> No.11143921

your retarded link made impractical assumptions. It was flawed by assuming the value of c was axiomatic. You're literally a fucking retard. kill yourself.

>> No.11144211

No clue, sorry.