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11120661 No.11120661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don’t want any bs about trying to not do it.
From what I’ve heard a nitrogen tank, a regulator and an oxygen mask is a relatively painless way to go. I Want to make sure I do it right so just double checking.

>> No.11120663
File: 27 KB, 746x450, no shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont do it

>> No.11120665

Don't do it, anon:
Also, what is?

>> No.11120670
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>> No.11120678

U still here anon?

>> No.11120686

Try moving to another country and starting anew before you do that.

>> No.11120696

There is no need for suicide when you will die at one point anyway. Just try to fix everything by then. If not, you still die. So it's a win-win scenario

>> No.11120706

(It’s OP)
Yes I’m still here, I’m open to other ideas. I just want to make it painless, is biotrauma a common side effect of venting/inhaling nitrogen into my body?

>> No.11120711

Every single method of suicide is painful. Don't be fooled. If you want to magically be removed from existence, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

>> No.11120714



>> No.11120715

>Yes I’m still here, I’m open to other ideas. I just want to make it painless, is biotrauma a common side effect of venting/inhaling nitrogen into my body?
Unless you can carefully manage the pressure differential? Yes.

>> No.11120719

Also, don't do it, we care for you. Just talk us through your problems, we'll see if we can help.

>> No.11120726

Shotgun to the face sounds pretty safe and quick. Maybe youre alive for a few more seconds who knows, but at that point your body releases so much adrenaline and most likely any area in your brain that could register pain is already damaged enough to not feel anything.
Other than that either nitrogen or carbondioxide for hypoxia which in theory should kill you and shut off your brain in the process to the point where you dont have the mental capacity to realize youre dying.
Either way sounds fine to me, but really you gotta ask yourself why you would even care about those few minutes of pain at all compared to an eternity of peace and nothingness. Just do seppuku or something else cool or interesting.

>> No.11120733

Don't do it. The world is better with you. <3

>> No.11120808

OP again,
Thanks for the kind words, I’ll look at that slideshare page. Yes I assumed that regulating the pressure would be an issue. Additionally acquiring the materials needed may be a bit of a hassle. It’s basically just a combination of failing at everything my whole life and every girl I manage to get betraying me (cheating) it’s a shit roll of luck and it’s hard to live at this point.

>> No.11120814

Every problem you described can be fixed with some effort. I would be very sad if you killed yourself.

>> No.11120817

Bro every time I've done something stupid over a girl I've regretted it, I know you can't really regret successful suicide but seriously, wait this out.
Also talk to a bro if you have one around you, call any bro you know and just have a good talk with them, bros before hoes.
Don't become an incel shooter though.

>> No.11120857

Anon if you want to die it's okay to kill yourself. There's no duty to live.

But if you have the courage and determination to end your own life, that means you have what it takes to change it. And you have nothing to lose either. So why don't you go out and do something extraordinary?

As for your suicide method, I suggest going out with a bang.
Mixing acetone with hydrogen peroxide and acid creates a powerful (and unstable) explosive substance once filtered and dried.

>> No.11120860

Just the fact that youre talking about it on here makes me think youre still a good way away from suicide so I think you still have some time to overcome your problems.
Just remember that every problem like that is your own responsibility to fix. Try finding your actual weaknesses and work on overcoming them. What are your hobbies or things you like to do? Youre on sci so you cant be that hopelessly unitellingent so theres gotta be something you can get better at!

But if you actually feel like your life is that useless, no matter what people tell you, suicide can be a very sensible thing to do at one point. This existence is there so you can enjoy it and achieve something you can take pride in for yourself, but if it turns out that there is actually nothing you can find, no existence is preferable to a genuinely miserable existence.

>> No.11120880


Nitrogen is the best way to go.
BEFORE doing that, sell everything, buy a ticket to a tropical island and spend at least a year on that interacting with the natives, exercising, and enjoying the whether and scenery.

>> No.11120922
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dont do it anon, seek God and follow him

>> No.11120926

It's probably the best way, yes. The other one is probably OD'ing on something that will make you pass out before you die, heroin could work if you are willing to put the cash. I'd say the latter is probably a more interesting experience, but you'll be gone anyways so I doubt you care much about that.

>> No.11120943
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Bruh, N2 is a bad way to go. More than likely you would bust a lung, feel like you're suffocating, or fail and be crippled. If you want an easy out to life, OD on painkillers and liquor. You will fall asleep and not wake up. I'm not gunna be like "life is worth living, you just gotta be appreciative of the small shit that brings you joy however little!" or "it gets better". I have been there. Tried hanging myself, but like a pussy tried to "ease into it". Got pretty close. Told myself just look at the pretty clouds in the sky while tunnel vision set in, my neck arteries nearly bursting, and suffocation set in. In that moment, I stopped to think...why? Why am I doing this? Because someone else hurt me so bad the depression and humiliation won't go away and nothing will ever be the same? I realized that I should be angry and revenge was enough reason to live. Who cares if they are family? Who cares if they are a loved one? The reality is no one truly cares like you think. I'm not saying go stab someone to release that hatred, just return the favor. Even if it's slow and takes awhile to work up the balls, make them suffer!

>> No.11120944
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this faggot has a point, sell your shit and have a fun time, dont kill your self buddy.

>> No.11120949
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listen to this nibba, also enjoy your free (you)s

>> No.11120957
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You do not even have to leave USA, just get to Hawaii and LIVE.

>> No.11120981
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>That feel when you realize they don't allow you to commit suicide not out of compassion but because they don't want to clean up the mess afterward

>> No.11121000

Listen idiot, here's the facts:
The easier and less painful/violent a suicide method is, the greater chance it'll fail.
If you fail, here's what's waiting for you:
>potentially going through life severely impaired, perhaps to the point of being a vegetable
>perhaps being aware enough to know you failed, but having to live out your life in a mental health facility because you tried to kill yourself, failed, damaged yourself severely, and are deemed a 'danger to yourself' and therefore not allowed to live on your own anymore (if you even can).
>potentially having to put up with the people you hate the worst in the world gaining complete control over you
You want to REALLY kill yourself? No take-backsies? Here's some examples of how you should do it:
>Jump off a building tall enough to reach terminal velocity -- HEAD FIRST.
>Jump off a freeway overpass during rush-hour
>Shotgun. Be sure to get your entire head in front of it.
>Douse yourself with gasoline and light yourself on fire.
>Point a gun at a cop and make sure he's sure you're going to fire on him (even if the gun is empty)
>(I don't recommend this one unless you really hate cops because he'll be in therapy for YEARS if you make him kill you)
Those are just the low-hanging-fruit examples.
>b-b-but they all sound violent and painful and I'm a weak pussy!
What did I say above, OP? Violent/painful=effective. Easy/painless=high risk of failure.

..and finally, there's this:
>REAL suicides don't shitpost on imageboards about how they're going to become An Hero
You're an attention whore. You're the worst kind of troll.
>b-b-but I'm not I swear!
Then post Livestream of your real, painful, violent, irrevocable suicide.
Otherwise APOLOGIZE, and fuck off.

>> No.11121021

Suicide is not an option for me, for I know that what follows death is much of the same, if not worse.

>> No.11121025

putting your head on train tracks is not painful

>> No.11121031

It's rather uncomfortable though and hearing a train come would be very painful.

>> No.11121036

>It's rather uncomfortable
Just put a pillow on the track and listen to loud music with earpods

>> No.11121044

Hello >>11121025, >>11121000 here,
>train tracks
Psychological pain. High terror factor. Even if you were stone drunk you'd still hear it coming and be terrified. If your head was on the tracks you'd feel the vibrations as it approached.

Also a considerable failure factor. If you got caught your life would become orders of magnitude worse after that.

>> No.11121049

>the carrot-and-stick mentality of religion
"Behave, or you'll suffer for ALL ETERNITY!"
"Do as we (Prophets of God, yes we're TOTALLY LEGIT) tell you, and you'll be ETERNALLY REWARDED (TOTALLY LEGIT)

Oh, please.

>> No.11121062


>> No.11121069

>putting your head on train tracks is not painful
So you're advocating emotionally damaging for life the train operator, perhaps passengers if it's a passenger train, or maybe (outside chance) causing a rail accident if the operator goes to extreme measures to try to stop the train in time?
How selfish.

>> No.11121078

I don't believe in religion though

>> No.11121085

Then you can't believe in any 'afterlife' either. Pick one you can't have both.
We're here, then we're not here. You die, everything you ever were dies with you, that's it.

>> No.11121093


>> No.11121095
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Considering that what happens after your death is similar to what happened before your birth, I can't help but wonder if that doesn't mean that we constantly get reborn as other people.
That would be kind of terrible, don't you think?

>> No.11121098

KYS then report back, I'm too busy. xD

>> No.11121100

Really don't care, too busy to worry about nonsense like that.

>> No.11121103

XD lmao

>> No.11121104


>> No.11121108

what word in specific triggered this spergout

>> No.11121134

jumping seems like it has a high chance of failure

probably gonna go with gasoline/fire + shotgun, can't go wrong there