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11118125 No.11118125 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to know if anyone has any scientific insight on the (from what everyone has told me) extremely adverse effect it had on me when I took it last month

(feel free to post whatever you want about LSD though)

>> No.11118131

I tried it once and it was much shittier than I expected.

>> No.11118145

>extremely adverse effect it had on me when I took it last month
>don't even explain what was your experience


>> No.11118149

its probably different from person to person.

>> No.11118152

I took LSD the first time last month, and from my research into both personal accounts and the physiology of how it works, my experience with it was completely unique.... I'll explain in detail if anyone would like to know but here's the rundown:
I took 2 tabs, and felt the effect around 20/30 minutes in... shortly following, I experienced countless blackouts/unconciousness that would last anywhere from minutes to hours... the part I wanted to know more about was blindness. after blacking out on and off for hours, I suddenly awoke with complete blindness... no sight whatsoever, and this lasted for about 1-2.5 hours until I awoke from another one of my blackouts with sight back

>> No.11118156

sorry I didnt know anyone would respond this quickly, it took me a while to type. check my latest comment

>> No.11118164

Height and weight? Have you experienced psychedelics (including cannabis) before?

>> No.11118166

Cannabis is not a psychedelic. It is only one insofar as it is a dirty drug, that has very weak 5-HT*ergic effects.

>> No.11118168

5'9" 160 lbs. I used to smoke marijuana and eat edibles a few years ago, smoked way too much at one time once and found out that you can in fact hallucinate with THC

>> No.11118178

Cannabis is on its own "branch" of drugs but can have psychedelic effects, that's why I explicitly mentioned it.

Sounds weird, 2 tabs shouldn't give you such effects so that's why I expected you to be either a turbomanlet or a skeleton. Maybe your dealer fucked up.

>> No.11118181
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OP: this was me in the hospital after police found me laying on the ground unconscious and an ambulance rushed me to the ER

>> No.11118185

my buddies had taken it as well the same day, my buddy had 3 and was perfectly fine (although he is fairly experienced with it)

>> No.11118198

I recommend you to read erowid and psychonaut wiki then try to figure out for yourself. I'm only experienced with the drug so I have no clue how does LSD work on a biochemical level.

>> No.11118205

I'll look into thanks, thats why I wanted to know if anyone had any scientific input for it, because no where I looked had any accounts of users having blindness while taking it

>> No.11118224

shameful self bump

>> No.11118263
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Residual visuals after the trip for months to a years are the only verified side effect I have heard of from proper dosing but, those go away after some time and personally I have had it, its not random its induced by boredom in a plain room so I actually thought it was rather cool but, it went away even after taking more LSD many times after that.

Their is a lot of pseudo-science and plain made up shit about psychedelics in general left over from the 60s. So be very wary and other designer chemicals that have similar effects but have deadly or serious side effects that have been sold as LSD like 25I-NMBOE.

As far as if you did entire sheets thats entirely something different but, I have never met anyone that did because its too hard to get for people already but I always heard of rumors of someone they knew going "crazy" but again at those dosages the equivalency in water would of killed them. Along with age they legitimately might of developed their psychosis anyway by that age or that they realized after the trip the person was "crazy" because it removed the prior nepotism experiences bias barriers.

Read about Gary Fisher if you want to read about controlled experiments with LSD and severe trauma. Otherwise Erowid.

>> No.11118268
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it was synthetic acid. good acid is so much smoother.

for me lsd will close my fronal lobe and open my sunconcous from where my pineal gland is and into my surival mode. like amphetamines, it shoots seratonin into your brain but not quite the same one: amphetamines close r3ceptors to your pineal gland, increases dopamine, and adrenaline. low doses of acid hit a seratonin link that helps open your pineal, however indirectly hits dopamine because you are aware and can feel more. if you take enough youll exit your pineal and have an out body experience.

i say primative parts too because i find myself more prone to fuck, fight, kill, etc on acid

i recommend getting xanax or kpins for the comdown of any trip. also if you get bad shit, in this case is what happened.

>> No.11118277

any idea why I might have had temporary blindness for a couple hours? Im thinking something along the lines of over stimulation but from what I've read that wouldnt really be the case with LSD

>> No.11118283

you would need to take at least 30 hits with no tolerance to have this experience on clean acid.

do you take any medication?

>> No.11118285
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Mass produced LSD (the kind you would receive) doesn't even exist anymore. The DEA shut down the last mega lab in the early 1990's. Some chemists can "get close" to LSD, but it is still basically just a research chemical equivalent.

I would highly recommend not doing modern LSD. It is dangerous and NOT REAL LSD.

>inb4 hurr durr I have a good connection bro
No you don't. Just do mushrooms if you feel the need to get psychedelic.

>> No.11118287

Not that anon, but you for sure did a research chemical. Don't do it again.

>> No.11118291

no, no medication. just the two tabs (I was told they were fairly high concentration but who knows)

>> No.11118294

really? if true thats pretty fascinating (albeit terrifying) but really goddamn interesting

>> No.11118296
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Brooooo, you gotta try LSD bro! It changes your life, man. You know, I used to be depressed like you, but then I tried a tab of acid with my friends while we were out camping in nature. Bro, I felt so connected to nature, earth, the universe, and everything! I felt stronger love for my friends and girlfriend than ever! It was in that moment I had a mystical experience of contacting the entity of nature, who told me the point of life is to live, laugh, and love. Dude, ever since that experience, I've found meaning in life, man. LSD isn't even bad for you, man. Did you know steve jobs tried LSD once, and he said it changed his life!

BROOOOO HAVE YOU TRIED MICRODOSING?? Everyone in silicon valley is doing it, it totally makes you more productive bro!!

>> No.11118300

Then do not include it as a psychedelic but rather make use of "or" prior to its mention in that sentence.

>> No.11118307

I took LSD the first time this year and it was awesome, deeply troubling and freeing.

>> No.11118333

are you telling me between every chemist in the world none are capable or have knowledge of the secret krabby patty formulur

>> No.11118335
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>> No.11118338

I took acid last year and had legit full blown synesthesia for the duration of the trip, never happened again on any subsequent trips though. Then again i never took the same amount that triggered at after that one time. I wish i could have kept the synesthesia

>> No.11118341


You were given a random designer drug they told you was LSD theres quite a few that mimic LSD at first but, can OD you or cause other side effects because they are also far more potent.

Real LSD makes its so you can't go unconscious for how much it activates the brain let alone fall into one its hard enough going to sleep after a trip the day after so we can rule out that it was not LSD. The fact you went blind and didn't give you visuals tells me you definitely did not take LSD . Sounds like you nearly OD'd on some random designer drug.

What country are you in?

>> No.11118345

You didn't take LSD you took a random designer chemical that can somewhat mimic LSD that are far more potent and can kill you from ODing.

>> No.11118349

What about 1p lsd? Everyone keeps saying its lsd but minus some inconsequential bond

>> No.11118358
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Why not just get a legal LSD analogue like 1P-LSD or 1cP-LSD? You probably took some shitty NBOMe instead of actual acid.

>> No.11118369

OP: I didnt consider it could have been some imitation shit or something along those lines
I coincidentally was born with synesthesia, so it made the pleasant part of much trip very interesting

>> No.11118395

You are full of shit about fake LSD the only people who tell you its all fake LSD will also tell you you will see unicorns and rainbows everywhere and end up in a perpetuating bullshit from zero sources then ignorant false ideas that have been said since the 1970s. You just come across as a major dumbass to people that do know about psychedelics.

Fake LSD is not rampant because no one consistently takes it , its obvious you have no idea what you are talking about suggesting magic mushrooms instead which most people find uncomfortable and far harder to identify for a new person as legit magic mushrooms. Testing kits are available and easy to use along with at any festival they have bunk police to test your drugs free.

How I also know you are full of shit is that LSD is not hard to make and its actually less work and less risky, then going through the hassle of designer drugs which come from China leaving a trail while knowing you are poisoning people and will end up in prison. At the point its also cheaper to buy it from legit online vendors producing LSD instead of random Chinese chemicals.

Also the circles for dealers kinda small and you can easily find the original local sources.

No not really they are scare mongering and frankly don't know shit. You can get good LSD from drum circles or grateful dead concerts. Among many other places. Testing kits are common use one if you are scared or don't trust the person.

>> No.11118404

They are the wrong person to ask since they are straight up lying and scare mongering about something they know nothing about.

Anyway its best to stick to regular LSD, because 1p has not had nearly the same level of studying and effects even thought it seems harmless. Buy a testing kit. Otherwise magic truffles ordered from online.

>> No.11118413

>Testing kits are available and easy to use along with at any festival they have bunk police to test your drugs free.
LSD analog chemicals are not LSD. A $5 reagent test kit isn't especially accurate dummy.

>> No.11118420

Ya its not common to be given something other then LSD because its cheaper then the others they would replace it with. In my years I haven't ever really heard other then some douche spreading rumors that they had "heard" someone got fake lsd when its a safer scam to just give you blank paper at that point.

So they could of just dropped eye drops itself on a blotter which can cause the symptoms you described and there a rumor it was like LSD or were lied to themselves. Regardless find out the source and ask them an act like you want more, then ask what it is if they tell you its LSD, just call them out on it until they tell you.

If its from your friend who got it from you he might be the actual culprit in my experience.

>> No.11118428

Holy shit you are dumb, it won't show up for every exact chemical across the board but it will tell you if its LSD. The related LSD chemicals also will show up and tell you this. Its significantly more accurate then telling people to identify safe magic mushrooms.

You already proved you are retarded 13 year old and don't know about anything you are talking about by continuing your strawmanning and adding "what ifs". Stop posting its embarrassing how dimwitted you are that won't get another reply from me.

>> No.11118435

I think tripping on trailer park LSD has fried your brain a bit my man. Lay off it the next time you go to your degenerate dance festival, yea?

>> No.11118442

>A inbred weeb sperging out
kill yourself you are not needed

>> No.11118449

This why you don't drink or smoke meth when you are pregnant you end up with genetic dead end retards like this.


>> No.11118457

>self projection
You're pathetic

Anon you are talking to a
downsyndrome anime addict whose parents didn't care they birthed literal cancer , don't waste your time on them.

>> No.11118461
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Easy there butthurt samefag. I'm just giving a warning to every adolescence in this thread that thinks they are getting LSD when they in fact are not. I'm sorry that you cannot accept this since you would have to admit to yourself that those countless hits of "LSD" you've taken were not in fact real, but approximations that likely fucked up your psyche. Hopefully other don't make the same mistake you have.

>> No.11118462

Interesting so LSD is safe.

>> No.11118464

lmao 3 samefag posts in a row? What's wrong big guy?

>> No.11118468


Kill yourself do science a favor

>> No.11118489
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shiva came into my apartment and taught me how DNA worked (not kidding)

interestingly enough the structure of DNA was first visualized by X-ray crystallographer Francis Crick, while tripping on LSD

>> No.11118492


many of the analogues have been reported to be just as pleasant or more pleasant than the old LSD-25

that being said you are talking out of your ass and it's not 2005 anymore and there are many reputable sources

>> No.11118498
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>synthetic acid

>> No.11118510

Don't do hallucinogens, only dumb kids do acid. Usually naive young men in college who think they are "finding their place in the world", learning about "the meaning of life", "curing depression", while listening to pink floyd music and making pseudo-intellectual posts on /r/psychonaut. And the only reason they can do all that is because of supportive parents who protect their naive asses from the harsh real world.

>> No.11118511

Tin foil hat tier but kind of right.
If it has any taste at all, it's not "real LSD." Might be good or bad as a trip, but it's not "real," and the experiences are potentially scarier.
Legend says that if you take LSD you need to take it again a month or two later to set your mind back right again.
Personally I think this is the wrong decade for any type of heavy hallucinogenic.

>> No.11118519
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>Don't do hallucinogens, only dumb kids do acid.

Hey you know what's funny? You fantasize about other men controlling you, lol!

>> No.11118521

Imagine synthesizing LSD yourself, having a lab accident, and spilling it all over your skin. You'd have a few moments to get ready, but you'd know for sure that you were gonna be tripping monster balls and couldn't do anything to prevent it at that point.
I'd just go straight to a psych hospital.

>> No.11118539

imagine wearing proper protective clothing

also you could just take xanax and not be a fucking nerd about it? (although i officially recommend seeking medical attention for official reasons)

>> No.11118606

Cannabis can absolutely be psychedelic especially edibles

>> No.11118644

>would of
>might of

>> No.11118651

You're seriously retarded. This anon: >>11118395 is correct. I'd like to add that there is quite a black market for ergot infected rye from which LSD is synthesised. Also, the fact that testing kits are ubiquitous makes it so anybody can be sure they have real LSD.

You are fucking retarded. LSD analogs include AL-LAD, 1P-LSD, ETH-LAD, ALD-52 and are wayyy harder to synthesise than LSD. That's not to mention the fact that 1p and ALD are prodrugs of LSD and all 4 have a safety profile identical to LSD. If you're talking about knock off """LSD""", such as the NxOMe (e.g. NBOMe) or NxOH series, testing kits for LSD will definitively turn a negative. These drugs are structurally VERY distinct from LSD, or any other lysergamide or tryptamine. In conclusion, you're a fear mongering retard.

>> No.11118659

If you think you can just take a xanax after taking a dose that's larger than a thumbprint (when you stick your thumb in a bag of crystal LSD), you are retarded. Doses that large saturate your serotonin receptors and you are literally floored and catatonic for hours upon hours, and you will be tripping for at least a few days. A xanax is not going to help you here. What will have some effect is a serotonin antagonist (ketanserin).

>> No.11118664

You probably took illegitimate lsd. That shit can really fuck you up. Careful kids, reagent test your shit, spit it out if it tastes like anything, and swallow the tab immediately. Isn't foolproof but minimizes the damage

>> No.11118665

There arent supposed to be any teens here,thats against the rules. Right?

>> No.11118674

Sounds like OP got some fake acid. Stick to mushrooms people, you can't really misidentify them if you're not a retard, and they won't cause anything negative unless you're insecure or schizo. If you don't grow/synthesize/extract/test it yourself or don't know the supplier personally, don't fuck with it.

>> No.11118685

I can't imagine why anyone is fascinated with this substance and if you get into the gritty history of the 60s and 50s usage, it becomes clear that the whole thing is a disastrous meme.

>> No.11118862


Based retard

Take some "good" acid and jump off a cliff, free the world from your stupidity

>> No.11118980

this is highly unusual. were the tabs tested? could have been a completely different substance...

>> No.11119021

25I-NBOME is dangerous as hell, nothing like lsd but basically a bad trip waiting to happen.
Also if you have two tabs thinking it's acid you will have a very bad time.
You can tell if it's NBOME if the tab is bigger than normal and tastes terrible and leaves a plastic poison taste in your mouth.
Don't ever use it.
And all the misunderstanding around it is clouding our potential use of lsd for things like microdosing and more practical and responsible use of psychedelics.

>> No.11119167

the war on drugs was a mistake
I want my sandoz lsd goddammit

>> No.11119179

Nah, it was a miraculous good thing.

>> No.11119251

You probably took fake acid. You can't really blackout on acid, it's very hard/impossible to sleep during and after the trip.

Was your jaw clenched? Was the blotter tasteless? If no to both, then it was 100% fake and gay.

>> No.11119368

That's not an argument for why it's bad, some people that use it are annoying but people in general are annoying, like you

>> No.11119588


>> No.11119634

Straight outta the eighties.

>> No.11119654

Did you check to see if your eyelids were closed. Sometimes I experience blindness and it tends to be because of that.

>> No.11120024

Used 1p-lsd before, maybe 8 times
Can't tell what the difference is between it and legit LSD. But it certainly felt like the real deal, going by the experiences others had on LSD

Keep in mind that while it may be marketed as 1p-lsd it could be something completely different what you're actually getting. Kinda like OP.
Best is to educate yourself.

>> No.11120480

I don't know why your trip was like that but every time i tripped on lsd i couldn't stop laughing as synesthesia kicked in, and everytime i closed my eyes i could see an insectoid creature laughing at me and it felt like it was trying to have sex with me as i layed down in my bed. Also, hexagonal patterns everywhere and seeing symmetries where there where none before. Really cool, 10/10 drug.

>> No.11120522

It's not really a good drug for people with mental issues already, you probably just don't have the right brain for drugs. It's not for everybody.

>> No.11120630

I went blind for a while too when i took one too many fat bong rips when i was hotboxing a car

>> No.11121200
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Is it possible to make LSD from only store bought items, assuming the precursor used was LSA from morning glory seeds which is found in stores?

Here is rough idea:

>Grind seeds in electric coffee grinder
>Put in glass jar that can be sealed using no plastic/rubber.
>Add Acetone, sit 2-3 hours, filter through paper coffee filters on glass funnel/metal strainer over glass. Put in another bigger glass jar that can be sealed with no plastic/rubber. Repeat 2 more times.
>Filter collective Acetone LSA pull 1 more time into another sealable glass jar with no plastic/rubber.
>Evap on flat glass pyrex pan
>Add water slightly acidified with tartaric acid (isomer matters?), mix well for 10 minutes
>Filter into glass jar that's sealable with no plastic/rubber.
>Add small amount of Naptha, mix well, let sit for 30 minutes
>Extract just water with flavor injector, snip the highest eyelet hole on the metal so it only draws from one precise hole. Blow air out when submerging through non-polar layer. Only metal tip in liquid, don't let plastic flavor injector touch Naptha.
>Add enough ammonia to LSA tartrate water to basify, mix well.
>Add Xylene, mix well. Do x3 pulls of the Xylene, keeping it. I would drain water out saving each time, trash a tiny amount at the non-polar/polar border, and collect Xylene with all glass "sep funnel like" getto rig.
>Evap Xylene for LSA, dissolve residue in polar solvent like ethanol/water that's acidified with tartaric acid.

Here is the point I get confused hard.

>You need Diethylamine, which can be made from DEET but sounds like quite a bitch. I'm no stranger to HCL but this process sounds dangerous and smelly.
>Bind LSA and Diethylamine!? No ordering peptide agents, but can make them if it's reasonable. I imagine it involves bubbling something up through a solution containing both of these. No LiAlH or crazy pyrophoric substances. I guess inert gas box is fine.
>isolating just the LSD? Iso-LSD need to be converted to LSD too?
>testing purity?

>> No.11121552

It is very difficult to get LSD from LSA and it's obvious you know nothing about chemistry (let alone organic synthesis). You are not going to synthesise LSD from LSA. LSA extraction is incredibly simple and you're adding like 20 unnecessary steps. If you want LSD just order 1P-LSD or ALD-52 off the clear web (both are prodrugs to LSD, and are basically guaranteed pure if you order from a reputable RC source).

>> No.11121557

Led to a 2 month paranoia staring from a month after doing it.

>> No.11121660

It expounds your positioning to later compound it? You realize all that you thought and saw was just computated reflection of everything around you as you recognize it. The power of forethought or the feeling we give everything. I have a theory on why this is. rejects all that you believe for all that you sense. It somehow has a way to manipulate the most primal instinct of an organism.

>> No.11121708


>> No.11121713

If you're not retarded you can get actual lsd

>> No.11121736

would marry

>> No.11121759

Why risk buying illegal when you can just buy legal?

>> No.11121822
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>20 unnecessary steps

Most of it is derived from:


I assumed LSA would need to be incredibly pure to proceed to LSD. There are toxins in the seed material that should be rid of before extraction in a simple polar solvent like water. Allow me to detail why I think each step is necessary, but as you pointed out I'm clueless so correct me if I'm wrong:


Polar aprotic solvent so it has no hydrogen available for bonding. The toxins in the seeds are thought to be non-polar and/or cyanogenic glycosides as a lot of morning glory sickness symptoms align with acute cyanide poisoning. Another reason why it should be cyanogenic glycosides is several trip reports of LSA users adding garlic to their extracts, which ordinarily still cause mild to severe nausea, and receiving zero nausea after the addition. SWIM tested this, making 2 exact same ethanol/water extracts of equal potency. One was dosed with no garlic and had someone totally not me violently puking. The other was dosed later with garlic added to extract, found to be euphoric, and had no nausea at all. It has to be correlated to your body's daily sulfur [garlic] intake, which should help nuetralize cyanide into thiocyanate. Our bodies have this defense mechanism against acute cyanide poisoning, but more sulfur in the diet is necessary the more cyanide is consumed. There was a study on garlic diets on rats given variable concentrations of cyanide and it was found those with richer garlic diets had less mortality rates:


Ethanol has both non-polar/polar properties and extracts toxins fast. Beyond 3 hours in ethanol your extract WILL have you nauseous. It has an OH group, so hydrogen bonding can occur. Water has 2 H attached to an electronegative O, making it capable of hydrogen bonding. Continued...

>> No.11121849
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I assume the cyanogenic glycosides are Amygdalin, which is basically sugar bonded to a Mandelonitrile group. Once dissolved, the Mandelonitrile group is liberated. This breaks down into benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide in the presence of an acid or enzymes. This is why I believe most people go for a cold water extract: sugar doesn't dissolve in cold water very easily. Sugar also doesn't dissolve in Acetone. Acetone is volatile so it can be evaporated cleanly and quickly, so it is the solvent of choice.

>Naptha wash

This must be to remove any trace non-polars that could be sickening. I also believe that it helps to rid the extract of "microspores". Since the fungus that produces LSA for morning glories is seed transmitted, in theory there could be spores in the seed material. If these are left unchecked, given enough time and nutrients in the extract a mold/fungus will grow in the liquid culture medium that could be toxic. So, it improves shelf life of the LSA tartrate water solution if you want to stop there for only LSA.

>basify with ammonia

We need to have polar soluble alkaloids become non-polar soluble. Ammonia also kills any bacteria/fungus that could be alive. It might help convert any iso-LSA to active LSA as well.

>Xylene pull

Kash's tek calls for Toluene or DCM, but I figured the point was a volatile non-polar that evaporates cleanly. Xylene is only one more methyl group tacked onto Toluene's benzene ring, but varies in the ortho, meta, or para position. Toluene can just as easily be used. Pure Benzene could be used. All fall under the BTX category, but which is more carcinogenic should be accounted for. D-Limonene would be a less hazardous hydrocarbon and better for the environment, but more expensive and less volatile [might not evap completely clean and could have citric acid or other impurities].

>lightly acidify the final extract solvent [water/ethanol]

To help stabilize and improve shelf life.

>> No.11121888

>and swallow the tab immediately.

>> No.11121895

Not real LSD.

>> No.11121908

You are making out like the point of life being to live laugh and love is a bad thing.

>> No.11121917
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Not the anon, but he means AFTER taste evaluation follow with swallow entire tab. It just sounds contradicting the way it was put. You can choose to keep it on your tongue, but this doesn't matter much. It helps especially if you brushed your teeth recently, any fluoride/chlorine from toothpaste could degrade it.

>> No.11121925

as opposed to spitting the tab out?

>> No.11121933
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>> No.11121949
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Only spit it out if it tastes unusually odd or bitter. Hence the phrase "If it's bitter it's a spitter." After taste evaluation, swallow it (helps to wash it down with a drink) or keep it in mouth until it dissolves.

>> No.11123208


>> No.11123212

Are you a character of Naked Lunch?

>> No.11124300

Just take datura lmao

>> No.11124410
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Datura is a deliriant, which I consider a class of very unpleasant psychedelics. Ground up like 3 "Moonflower" seeds, put powder in tea ball, dunked in AMP energy thinking nothing of it for 10 minutes, added some peppermint extract. Must have made it super fucking potent because not even 30 minutes in felt fuzzy headache, blacked out, had a seizure, woke up, puked, then fell asleep. If I recall correctly the LD50 threshold is around 30 seeds. Never again.

>> No.11124418

I looked into making LSD once.
It's actually quite difficult, and requires access to a decent lab, if you wan't to do it correctly and safely.

>> No.11124422

Fuck me, I did it again with the apostrophe

>> No.11124427

The interesting thing is that PCP is easy to make and could be made with a shitty lab. This is the only reason why anyone makes PCP.

>> No.11124523

shipping lysergamides to your house from clearnet sites can be a lot sketchier than going to a trustworthy dealer. Sure, you're going to have a clean product, but many people feel there is higher chance of running into law enforcement by ordering drugs to your house.

>> No.11124568


>> No.11125036

Not if they are legal, obviously lol. Check your laws first - if they are not illegal then what can the law do? Worst case scenario they take it away, but that can happen with dark net too. They won't have any case against you, since you bought something legal from a legal shop that pays taxes.

>> No.11125325
File: 367 KB, 701x798, 1PLSD_VS_LSD_legality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1P-LSD is considered the same as LSD under the Federal Analogue Act. Regardless if it states "not for human consumption". Look at United States v. Washam (2002). Even with the "there are clearly different functional groups!" argument, it's still substantially similar to the parent scheduled compound with nearly identical pharmacological properties. Also, most RC vendors are outside the U.S. and ship international which must go through customs. Domestic darknet vendors are superior for enhanced security and encrypted addresses.

>> No.11125349

I've never tried LSD, but this thread makes me super cautious about it. I never knew so much fake designer LSD existed.

Besides the "if it's bitter" tip, what else can one do to tell if it's shady stuff?

>> No.11125372

did you test it to make sure it was LSD? if not you have no idea what you took, drug testing is cheap and easy

>> No.11125375

Perform the Ehrlich test. If the water turns purple, then you have real LSD.

Also, LSD ordered from the Dark Web will be higher quality and less suspicious than LSD from the street

>> No.11125651

I have had what I knew to be one of those 'research chemicals' that people sell instead of LSD. Same exact shit with the unconscious periods and all that. LSD doesn't do that.

Also don't do psychedelics

>> No.11126063


I went blind twice when i was on LSD and then took ketamine. It was definitely LSD.

>> No.11126199

>It was definitely LSD.
No it wasn't, but okay.

>> No.11126501

>interestingly enough the structure of DNA was first visualized by X-ray crystallographer Francis Crick, while tripping on LSD

You neglect to include the fact that Crick sued for defamation as a result of perpetuating this myth in pic related's article.

>> No.11126543

Loud kek

>> No.11126558

I took what I was told was LSD once, but a half hour after holding the tab I was told it was 1500 mcg of some shit called 25I. I felt like I was choking and I ended up in a psychosis on the floor for a few hours. Was pretry bad.

>> No.11126560

Find whoever sold the tab to you and kick his ass, jump him with your friends. He sold you research chemicals that without a doubt poisoned you. No idea what actually occurred in your body or if there are any lingering side effects, no way to know until you know what chemical he put on them.

As a pretty prolific drug user in southern california, I have to say that acid is a fucking no-go right now. Every single time it fails to be the real thing, it's just not worth it. It's just like buying illicit pain killers, it's spiked with poison. Stick to mushrooms until we can clear out all the chinese labs pumping garbage into our communities.

>> No.11126618

Were you taken to the hospital? I'm surprised you're still alive

>> No.11126778

I stumbled back to my dorm after ~4-6 hours of 25I mindfuck. I thank God I made it back alive and in reasonable condition. I stumbled across multiple streets where I easily could have been hit by a car or a bus.

I remember cilmbing into my bed with a very peculiar combination of noises going through my head. I distinctly remember random statements from high school teachers playing out unintelligibly, and then ended with a fucked up sound I dont know how to describe.

The best way I can think to describe it was multiple voices speaking in cacophony folllowed by a screaching noise and then a "thump". Totally indescribable in any meaningful way, but to myself.

Dont fuck with this shit unless you know what it is in the first place, and after you know what it might be, do your fucking research before injestion. The wrong substance can mentally destroy you, or even kill you. Be vigilant and take precautions.

>> No.11127300

Good luck stammering "b-but officer, it's legal! and besides, those perforated blotters are not intended for human consumption". Law enforcement will not give a fuck, and IF they go through the trouble of testing your tabs, it will test positive for LSD. Also, this: >>11125325