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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 350x261, scary dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1111275 No.1111275 [Reply] [Original]

The man that ruined science

>> No.1111282
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>> No.1111385

How did he ruin science though?

>> No.1111390

The man that ruined this board.

>> No.1111392

(meant OP)

>> No.1111398

>make a statement
>don't give a reason for it

>> No.1111412


He cemented the link between atheism and science within the popular imagination.

Now every debate related to science ends up descending into religion vs. science nonsense as I'm sure this thread will.

>> No.1111415 [DELETED] 

If by link you mean how both science and atheisism require logic and evidence, then sure.

>> No.1111417

If by link you mean how both science and atheism require logic and evidence, then sure.

>> No.1111421

If you believe every science debate turns into a debate about God, you are simply a faggot underaged ban with stupid friends. GTFO.

>> No.1111423

That's right. Like yesterday in my physics lecture we were talking about electromagnetism and suddenly the professor started talking about science vs religion. Oh no wait, that didn't actually happen. You are an idiot who thinks what the media says about science actually matters to real scientists.

>> No.1111425

Or you post on /sci/.

>> No.1111426

>>derp why do my friends and tards on 4chan keep debating about god and sience wtf dawkins

>> No.1111427

>>oh noes how dare Dawkins call religion unscientific

>> No.1111432

>>Now every debate related to science ends up descending into religion vs. science

Just goes to show that you haven't actually debated about science. How you even been past high school?

>> No.1111438

hint: debating with your friends on what created the universe is not a science debate, it is a debate about opinions because you tards know shit about physics.

>> No.1111440

God = First made up super hero

>> No.1111456
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The other day in physics, teachers show us how to demonstrate integrals.

Random feminazi fag in the class:

"But if x tends to infinite then does it mean that god doesn't exist?"

One hour later in biology class, on a lecture on the nervous system, random faggot asks:

"But, if there is a 2ms delay between our sense and our brain's interpretation, then does it mean that we have a soul?"

>> No.1111464

>>implying they wouldn't have said that if Dawkins didn't exist

>> No.1111465

This so much. /thread

>> No.1111466

I wouldn't say he ruined science, but he did damn near ruin trying to have a proper argument about science v. religion.

>> No.1111476


It's not related to the educational system. Basically it's like the greenfaggotry. Every time you're having a nice diner, you have pro-green fag bringing the "WE'RE ALL DOOMED ARGUMENT", then you have uncle pro-denial fag bringing the "BUT SCIENTISTS ARE ALL LIARS AND CORPORATE WHORE SO THEREFORE GLOBAL WARMING DOESN'T EXIST".

And you, as a /sci/ fag are in the middle of this, you're trying carefully to explain that both of them have misconception about the whole thing. And then they both shit storm on you. Because people can't have a non emotional debate about such topic.

Dawkin is a trollcow feeding other trollcows. He doesn't contribute to anything relevant to science.

>> No.1111478

>implying in highschool class you have serious discussions about science anyways

>> No.1111479

Fuck man one time I was talking about teh science in 1900 and this guy was like "God created the universe". WTF DAWKINS Y R U RUNING SCIENCE EVEN B4 UR BORN????

>> No.1111483

>He doesn't contribute to anything relevant to science.

You do realise he used to publish original research? He is simply retired now. So he spends his old days trolling religious people, nothing wrong with that, at all.

>> No.1111489

>>He doesn't contribute to anything relevant to science.

Wow you're an idiot.

>> No.1111495

>>implying people didn't debate about God vs science looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng before Dawkins

>> No.1111493


All of them are reading religiously "The GOD delusion".

If they wanted to troll religious people then they should have chosen politics/philosophag class.

Religion has NOTHING to do in science. Neither has atheism. It's irrelevant.


But I can't avoid going to high school before going to SUPERIOR COLLEGE where people will actually know about their shit.

Actually, my sciences teacher is a pretty cool guy and knows how to counter troll them. But seriously, that's learning time lost because of fucking idiots.

>> No.1111505


Do you know the difference between past and present tense?

Yes he contributeD, now he doesn't anymore. He's just trolling.

So basically you're happy that someone you consider has a brilliant scientist, is now spending his time trolling instead of doing a more relevant job where he actually had talent?

>> No.1111508

x publishes y.
People talk about y because of that.
Thus x is a fag.

For x enter:

Anyone who has ever contributed anything significant to society.

For y enter:
All significant contributions to society


Everyone who is important is a fag.

According to OP.

Well done.

>> No.1111510

>>implying he doesn't have talent trolling religionfags

>> No.1111513


List of retired scientists:


All faggots. Amirite?

>> No.1111516
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And people will keep debating this useless debate till the end of time. It's useless getting in such debates, leave it to the "philosophers" so they can justify their useless degrees. While we, the superior /sci/ people BLOW SHITS UP AND REACH THE STARS.

>> No.1111520


Mendel was a catholic priest.



>> No.1111521
File: 38 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: there was no debate about science versus God before Dawkins.

>> No.1111531

ITT: whether a super sky daddy exists who controls everything in the universe which he created and who send his son to earth where he broke several laws of physics is COMPLETLEY irrelevent to science

>> No.1111533

>>named one example out of millions of other religionfags

You people should really learn to debate.

>> No.1111540
File: 20 KB, 300x450, 2233-004-89AB11C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, a week ago. When another religious debate started in class to the point that the teacher just gave up on giving his lesson, I watch everyone getting into this stupid "debate" (not really a debate because they were all agreeing anyway) and say nothing because it's just irrelevant.

Then a classmate point at me and say: "You say nothing, are you offended, ARE YOU A BELIEVER?"

I had to carefully explain them that I was an atheist, and thus not giving a shit. It still rose some suspicions though.

Feels good bro, now I know how political opponents felt in communist countries.

>> No.1111551

>implying anyone cares about your highschool calss
>implying you know what communism is

>> No.1111552

Religious people are the new witches.

>> No.1111554

>>I hang around with idiots (blame Dawkins) and it's not like religonfags didn't hate atheists and burn them at the stake before, it's all Dawkin's fault.

>> No.1111555

This. OP is the biggest faggot ever.

>> No.1111556

>>implying there are college students on /sci/

>> No.1111564

>implying I am not a college student

>> No.1111577


You don't chose to hang around your classmates actually. That stupid debate existed before Dawkins, but as said earlier, he's a trollcow feeding other trollcows.

Now you have people thinking they're scientists because they've read a book about how religion is dumb. As if you had to read a fucking book to realize that. But it's still ok. Just, stop, talking, about this shit, nonstop, when I'm around.

>> No.1111583

>>implying other pop-sci books don't make people think they're scientists.

>> No.1111585

>I don't like trolling religion
>therefore no one else can


>> No.1111587
File: 44 KB, 479x340, militants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1111596

wow, at we never even talked to each other about what was taught. Then again, we're English.

The difference between being religious in a communist dictatorship and a science class is that one uses evidence directly to explain its view, and the other uses a philosophy loosely based upon the general perception of science, ergo one is more justified. Also, don't act as if you don't know what peer pressure is, you sensationalist faggot

>> No.1111619


raged, because implying islamist = muslim

>> No.1111659

>implying implications

>> No.1111686

1)Islamist equals Muslim for all intents and purposes

>> No.1111757

So is this comic supposed to be supporting atheists or making fun of them?

I really can't tell.

>> No.1111774

>implying science is a ruin-able construct
>implying it's not a usable process