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11111165 No.11111165 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason that research into curing gender dysphoria is underfunded and censored?

>> No.11111176

Because it's politically incorrect to think that transitioning isn't the best option.

>> No.11111235


>> No.11111244

Does anyone remember when rosemary Kennedy got a bit promiscuous so the Kennedy's had her lobotomized and had the procedure done intentionally so she could never speak again ;)

Then in the 60s they were trying to "cure" gay people with chemical castration and imprisonment, then they tried gay conversion therapy and all the children suffered terrible mental health problems.

Can you imagine, just for a second, hownoitnof your fucking mind you have to be sent send your young daughter to an institution to try to reach her to like penis?
Like if you had a 13 year old daughter who was really into short hair and jeans and I was like "oh just drop her off at my house and I'll get her loving that dick bro"

Gay conversion never worked, anymore than me trying to convert you to embrace another sexuality.
Like if your parents forced you to stay at my facility So I could make you want erect penis,

This will never work because it's out of a horror movie, and just remember lots of normal sex acts like anal are illegal.

If you are one of those anons who are always hating on woman, like the low IQ thing, and claim to be heterosexual (liking woman)
Then you have gender dysphoria and need to be institutionalised because you secretly want penis, it's why you are so jealous of thots, because of all the penis they get.

If you wanna bring out gender dysphoria conversion camps then most of the people on 4chan are going.
Like they show you a pic of belle Delphine and you act discussed, "begone Thor, get that photo of that hot sexy naked girl outta my face"
If gender dysphoria is a disease you are all very sick. Put the government in charge of what's normal though and you are gonna have a bad time

>> No.11111293

I'm raising your dose from 1mg to 2mg daily

>> No.11111310

Lol thankyou,
Hey let's pretend I'm a psychiatrist and I'm interviewing you because your parents think you have gender dysphoria because they checked your porn search history ;) and they are very worried, watching lesbian porn? Do you have any other homosexual fantasies? Boys are supposed to have sex with girls anon ;)
Let me show you a pic of a sexy Instagram model
*Shows pic of belle Delphine*
*Anon reacts in disgust*

Now let's get started on that conversion therapy ;)
Because of your fantasies involving homosexuals and your obvious aversion to comtemprarily attractive woman ;)
Now I'm gonna give you a cocktail of drugs and get to work ;)

>> No.11111311

From 1996 too

>> No.11111317

Don't try to break out the restraints anon, I assure you they are more than adequate.
*Runs fingers through hair*
*Whispers in your ear*
"You can tell your parents if you want....they won't believe you"

>> No.11111319

It's simply not politically correct to research in the western world and it's little worthless things like this that actually make me want to move to china or russia

>> No.11111320


>> No.11111374

Holy shit you type so deranged.

>Gay conversion never worked, anymore than me trying to convert you to embrace another sexuality.
Of course not. People are pretty much set in their deranged ways sexually once they leave adolescents.
This is why gays have a child-molestation rate of 46% for males.
(Thats them being molested by the way, not doing the molestation. Although it stands to reason that number would be high as well.)
The remaining 60% is a factor of our hyper sexualized society.
A good example of what I mean by "hyper sexualized society" is your entire post here >>11111310. Ironically, yes, what you said about men addicted to pornography needing therapy is probably correct.

By the way, we also lobotomized schizophrenics until we realized we could treat them safely in other ways.
Sorry anon, it's not your fault, I know if you could be born as a nymphomaniac female you'd have been perfectly content in life. Unfortunately the reality is that you're sick, and the left with it's institutions are enabling your illness, much like a mother enables her drug-addicted son by being too nice.

For the record, I'm actually all for chemical castration of pedophiles.
In that regard, I suppose I do approve of "curing" gay people. Lmao

Lets stay on topic though. Were talking about gender dysphoric people, like you!
Ever hear the one about David Reimer?
After recieving a botched circumcision, his parents sought the guidance of a jewish psychologist by the name of John Money, a man developing a reputation as a pioneer in the field of sexual development and gender identity. He was an advocate of basically all the modern theories you believe in.
Anyhow, this poor kid was drafted as the lab rat to this sick pervert. It ruined his life.
>Reimer said that Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role.

>> No.11111397

I was typing like that for shock value ;)
I feel as if we are both agreeing lol,
I thought some contrast framing might put it in context.

>> No.11111402

Even ones on HRT and post OP will still sudoku themselves because they are still not right in the head. So glowing their minds out with pills and leaving them intact. Is just as viable as letting them mutilate themselves.

>> No.11111403
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please dont type about trannies anon. i thought this was /lgbt/. im trying to get my mind off of tranny

>> No.11111404
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This is why.

>> No.11111410

Transgenderism has always existed and is beneficial for society.

>> No.11111416
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>is beneficial for society
Yeah, the suicide rate keeps the population of mentally ill down, good work

>> No.11111424

Please excuse me, I am a retard.

Usually I add a trip to long posts like that, but in this case I'm glad I didn't. Yikes.

>> No.11111434

There's less reason to kill yourself when society doesn't hate you and recognizes you as "third gender"/honorary woman/whatever

Abrahamic religions were a mistake.

>> No.11111440

Oh look made up bullshit from a peasant culture.

2 types of genitalia, 2 genders, simple. Anything more than that is about as made up as the human concept of time.

>> No.11111449

Hermaphroditism is a natural phenomenon anon, what gender off male or female does a hermaphrodite define themselves as?
Or what about girls born with no vaginal opening ? What gender are they ?

I'm not sure I agree with what you said.

>> No.11111469

Bruh, eunnuchs have always existed in many societies. The only challenging thing about that wikipedia article is how far the author has his idealogy shoved up his own ass.

The existence of rare genetic disorders like kinefelters and complete androgen insensitivity, that almost universally result in sterility, does not make "male" and "female" sex somehow "not real"

>> No.11111486

We already spend plenty on depression and delusional psychosis to account for gender dysphoria, which is a combination of depression and delusional psychosis.

>> No.11111503

>Many hijras live in well-defined and organised all-hijra communities, led by a guru.[10] These communities have consisted over generations of those who are in abject poverty, rejected by, or flee, their family of origin.[11] Many work as sex workers for survival.[12]
sounds real progressive anon, wish the west was this accepting of transgenders

>> No.11111524

Anyone who types like this deserves to shot tbhq

>> No.11111536

So we have men being born with inverted penises and testicles instead of ovaries, that had the incorrect chemical signal to make them attracted to men instead of woman, and they look and act like regular girls except they have male DNA,

So are they a boy or a girl? They have testicles ? And a vagina,
Should they be attracted to males or females in your opinion ,
What sexuality should someone with complete androgen insensitivity be attracted to with your whole two gender but" exclude the outliers to make the data fit" theory?
They have semen and male DNA, should they be attracted to woman or other men?

>> No.11111567

>Hermaphroditism is a natural phenomenon
its an abnormality in mammals and i dont want use a fucking taxonomic three to explain that pal but we dont use that word because they didnt choose like gays.
No matter how much you change words, laws and shit, everybody knows whats real and gays are mentally ill

>> No.11111588

Hermaphroditism is a natural DEFECT. A mistake of nature as evidenced by the fact that human hermaphrodites are sterile and thus are not meant to pass on their genes.

>girls born with no vaginal opening
Another mistake of nature.

Is it some virtue of Gaia that people get acne? It’s jesus fucking up the RNG. You are delusional if you think every human born with a birth defect was meant to be and needs their own little gender word.

>> No.11111622

And yet today we are fine with men having their genitals being cut off and mutilated for life up to the point they neck themselves before 40 realizing they made a horrible mistake and reality will never lives up to their delusion.

In one century when neuroscience will be a vastly more understood they will cringe at how laughable, politically loaded and cruel our approach to gender dysphoria is.

>> No.11111624

Then what those genetic disorders should be recognized as?

>Klinefelter syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal disorders, occurring in one to two per 1,000 live male births.

>> No.11111637

>A handful of people are born blind, do humans have a sense of vision?
>A handful of people are born armless, do humans have 2 arms?
>A handful of people are born with 47 chromosomes, do humans have 46 chromosomes?

That's how you sound.

>> No.11111639

bruh, chemical castration of the gays is why we lost Alan Turing so early.


Has a pretty accessible review on the topic of homosexuality and pedophilia.

Also fuck off with that cure shit, I don't want you to "cure" me of being gay the same way you don't want someone to "cure" you of loving a nice pair of tits, a good ass, or a sweet girl.

God you are patronizing as fuck, stay in your own lane.

>> No.11111643

kill the gay is the name of the game regarding this topic. this has never changed. supporting and enabling people to become transgender and pack up on medications tends towards their own suicide.

>> No.11111656

Disphoria implies a diversion from normal, gender disphoria in the 1950s was girls claiming to have orgasms, also masturbation was considered a mental illness.

You cannot define normal behaviour in humans,

Try not worrying about it,
But the only answer modern psychiatry has is sexual torture camps. So maybe just leave it be.

>> No.11111737
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>chemical castration of the gays
Did not advocate that for gays in my posts, only pedophiles. I just didn't care if those things happen to overlap or not.

I don't give a heck if you suck penis or not. The Greeks did it, whatever.
However pretending to be a girl is not healthy, and no ucdavis article you can scrounge will convince me otherwise.

Also, I disapprove of LGBT adhesion to promiscuity.
I offer the same criticism towards straights that abide by "hookup culture": constantly engaging in sexual acts outside of a dedicated partner is not healthy nor conducive to a moral society.

>> No.11111754

wtf I love mental illness now
just b urself everyone :)

>> No.11111806

That's not what I meant, i was just pointing out that what we believe to be mentally ill versus normal changes every twenty years, and the methods we used to "cure" them are barbaric,

They still have "straight" camps, I was just pointing out that trying to get adult strangers who are also Christian fundamentalists and super right wing and hate gays, to educate young children in the ways of hetoresexual sex, by leaving them unsupervised at a mysterious culty ranch, and also factoring in the whole everpresent "priests sure do molest alot of kids" thing,
This is going to look insane in the future.
And the people who are involved will be labelled insane,

Just be careful letting the government decide what is normal, because at some point they will inevitably come for you.

So responding to OPs post, we can't look into it because we can't trust the government enough to do research like that.

>> No.11111818

Preference, like sexual orientation, may not be a disorder (in some cases it can be consequence of previous life experience).
Seriously thinking that you somehow have been born of a different gender or that there are more than two genders (sexes) is a delusion. Shit like this being normalized especially among the younger people and kids is destrutive to the overal health. Like those retarded anti-vacine movements.

>> No.11111919

>You cannot define normal behaviour in humans
Penis in vagina is pretty normal and standard behaviour

>> No.11111939

>rosemary Kennedy
Why are you comparing lobotomy with antipsychotic drugs? They're completely different
>send your young daughter to an institution to try to reach her to like penis?
Why are you comparing rape with antipsychotic drugs?

>> No.11111952

Take all that leftist garbage and shove it up your ass you disgusting freak.

>> No.11111953

>Is there a reason that research into curing gender dysphoria is underfunded and censored?
Since it's so widespread, there's a good chance that the cause of it is related to one big business or another, and that if it was identified, there'd be a big cost to fixing whatever contamination is responsible. On the other hand, "curing" it with surgery and pills is itself a business, so that's additional reason to not rock the boat.

>> No.11111961

Are you retarded? The west doesn't consider it a disease, hence a cure isn't required. Have you been living under a rock? The current goal is for culture and traditional values to be assimilated and for borders to stop existing. That's why the EU is doing what it does. Governing 27+ nations is a pain in the ass, so you try as hard as possible for them to be similar to eachother and, eventually, give up domestic borders on their own. Gender studies, transexualism, gender dysphoria or whatever garbage people come up with was invented for the same reason: Get people to throw away their values, be accepting of everybody else and dance around a campfire while holding hands and singing songs.

>> No.11111972

are there any pimozide studies with negative results?

>> No.11111981

>Also fuck off with that cure shit, I don't want you to "cure" me of being gay the same way you don't want someone to "cure" you of loving a nice pair of tits, a good ass, or a sweet girl.
Why not? Gays will never have 100% acceptance because for many people there is a gut disgust which can't be indoctrinated out of them. And what if you want to breed? Even if you don't, your "no I'm perfect the way i am" solipsism is preventing other gays who may want to breed from doing so

>> No.11112316

How much do you want to bet that the guy in that case study was back to sucking off random men in a pink sarong the monent the doctors turned their backs?

>> No.11112325
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Amazing how conservatives are genetic determinists when it comes to intelligence and criminality, but go full tabula rasa the moment sexuality gets involved.

>> No.11112369

2 types of genitals, 2 types of sexes, you idiot.

>> No.11113261

I have evidence but I don't want to explain it and can't even muster a coherient sentence in a scientific manner


>> No.11113277

I think there should be a case study to verify that
>linking to the mobile version of wikipedia
is a 100% surefire way to detect the mentally handicapped

>> No.11113284

>During her birth, the doctor was not immediately available and the nurse ordered Rose Kennedy to keep her legs closed, forcing the baby's head to stay in the birth canal for two hours. The action resulted in a harmful loss of oxygen.

If this is correct then she ended up disabled because of a spectacularly stupid nurse

>> No.11113295

A disorder, something that can be be treated to improve patient outcomes. Cured hopefully someday. (Of course our diseased culture is going the other way and starting to treat shit like downs syndrome as "identities")

There is such as thing as "alien hand" syndrome. Our treatment for it is not chop of the persons hand, that would be absurd. (though judging by that crazy furry who's being posted, maybe it is going in that direction) Why is it not like that for transexuals?

to build on what
>>11111637 said
there's such an idea as "the exception that proves the rule". I hardly think its a good idea to treat pathology as normative.

>> No.11113319

>There have been numerous studies showing Pimozide can be used successfully to treat Delusional parasitosis
Perhaps it will work as effectively on gender dysphoria? They both are in the same general category of delusion.

>> No.11113785

>Is there a reason that research into curing gender dysphoria is underfunded and censored?
Because pseudoscience typically doesn't get grant funding. This "article" does not provide any information on subject history or diagnostic procedure or even how "success" was reported. How anyone can take this seriously is beyond me.

>> No.11113758

Dedicated partner and moral society really gave you away bud. Just say god hates fags and stop wasting everyones time.

>> No.11113770

>The existence of rare genetic disorders like kinefelters and complete androgen insensitivity, that almost universally result in sterility, does not make "male" and "female" sex somehow "not real"
No one says they're not real.
>there's such an idea as "the exception that proves the rule".
That's not how logic works. If you say "all apples are red" and I show you a green apple, even if that is the only green apple in the universe you thesis is still disproven. If you said "most people can be categorized as one of two sexes based on their genital configuration and/or chromosomes" no one would argue with you. But maybe that would defeat the point, because then you'd have to find some other topic to be smug and condescending about.
>I hardly think its a good idea to treat pathology as normative.
No one says it is normative. I don't think you know what that word means

>> No.11114080

>If you are one of those anons who are always hating on woman, like the low IQ thing, and claim to be heterosexual (liking woman)
>Then you have gender dysphoria and need to be institutionalised because you secretly want penis, it's why you are so jealous of thots, because of all the penis they get.
I'm thinking based

>> No.11114120

Nobody is mentally ill, everything is just an expression of the most intimate personal freedom. GOD BLESS LIBERTIES AND FREEDOMS TO DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT WITH NO RESTRAINTS GOD BLESS BOOMERS AND 18TH CENTURY IDEALS

>> No.11114132


>> No.11114165

suicide rates are still horrible compared to other actually persecuted groups

>> No.11114169

lmfao op posted a shitty ass n=1 study from 96 hoping to own the libs