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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1110809 No.1110809 [Reply] [Original]

Round 2

>> No.1110819

>the world is at peace

And this is why the dumb bitch in the comic is still a dumb bitch.

>> No.1110834

HIV equals love

>> No.1110836
File: 435 KB, 493x2730, 1275665427058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The round 1 fixed by an anon
So this dumb bitch is still a dumb bitch

>> No.1110843

>any manmade model barely scratches the surface of what lies beyond the odd signifier of "love"


>> No.1110847

Wow, they couldn't have missed the point more.

>> No.1110853

ITT: Butthurt virgins

>> No.1110864

>implying that "love" isn't simply an ancient manmade construct to explain the chemicals in our bodies that cause us to behave the way we need to behave to reproduce and successfully raise offspring

>> No.1110871

It's really too bad that a woman could never have the balls to say all that to a man.

>> No.1110881



inb4 traps

>> No.1110886

It's too bad women are RETARDED.

>> No.1110899


That's not love. The modern idea of love is to maintain a sustainable cycle of excessive dopamine and agonists of said chemical release in the brain to maintain a psyche of "happiness."

Happiness is relative, this is why bipolar disorder exists. Happiness exists in the transition between states of mind, if you're headed towards a positive outlook, you'll be happy.

Love is the serendipitous nature of maintaining a relationship that adheres to one's social environment's involvement in "happiness" while maintaining this cycle with another human being (or whatever)

>> No.1110903

Round 2 is retarded. Like women. Imagine that.

>> No.1110910

whoah so edgy xD

>> No.1110918

>hurrdurr look at me i'm denying basic human physiology to support my irrational beliefs

>> No.1110930

what is love?

>> No.1110944



>> No.1110953

I can't for the dozens of prequels where the guy is really needy, or creepy, or clingy, or subservient...

>> No.1110957

Never underestimate the power of teenage hormones and strange fetishes for unattractive father figures.

>> No.1110959

true, but these comics were specifically engineered to hurt their butts.

this is not how the world really works.

>> No.1110964

Which is why I like "round 1" as it was posted here.

Round "2" is retarded though.

>> No.1110972

oh shit its getting even more edgy xD ^_^
ur so cool

>> No.1110981


your use of emoticons makes me uncomfortable, please stop.

>> No.1110992



>> No.1110985


You need a emotihug

>> No.1110996

no love <3 for me? ;_;

>> No.1111005

>I like it when I fight with my boyrfriends. It shows that the aren't afradi to voice their true opinion about me
What the fuck?

>> No.1111006
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1268488234248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is butthurt virginfags around here.

>> No.1111015

Is it wrong that I'm falling in love with Sarah?

>> No.1111018

I wish I could meet a girl who could speak so eloquently and honestly.

>> No.1111019


>> No.1111024

Palin? definitely wrong

>> No.1111029

90% of 4chan is butthurt faggots who swoon over girls they can't have. Why can't you have them? Because you don't take care of yourself, play WoW for 8 hours a day, and are generally photophobic. Get up, get out in the world and fuck some bitches.

>> No.1111030

The fucking awesome Sarah in the op pic

>> No.1111031

troll, or most ironic post ever?

>> No.1111033

Enjoy your aids and meaningless existence

>> No.1111039

Enjoy your obesity and meaningless existence.

>> No.1111048

>Implying I don't enjoy my life more than you

>> No.1111049


no more.... (delay)

>> No.1111060

See, that's what I don't understand though.

I'm not a douchebag, but I'm not a social shut-out. I take care of myself. I'm not fat or even chubby by any means, and I'm not skinny either. I'm not the most social guy, but at a party with new people, I usually end up saying hi to a cute shy girl. Hell, every month or two, I usually end up hooking up with a new girl. Problem is, after that, they start to distance themselves from me, and end up basically saying "Yeah, that was just a hook-up. Not looking for a relationship. I'm a bitch."

>> No.1111067

Try washing you smelly jew

>> No.1111070
File: 125 KB, 295x210, 261-cosby-night-at-the-roxbury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1111072

I've had the same problem. When I figure out what the solution is, I'll let you know.

>> No.1111078

You're boring

>> No.1111084

Dude, same bullshit happens to me, I'm slightly underweight, I take care of my hair and skin, I'm healthy I'll go out drinking with people but still have social problems. I think we nerds on the internet need to get a grip (especially /sci/) girls do NOT like smart or nice boys, if you are popular with girls GTFO because you are obviously a dick, sure women might be different but to all teenaged boys on this board who are sweet and smart, DO NOT BOTHER WITH RETARDED BITCHES, teenaged girls are all together too stupid to feel love for someone worth loving and too shallow to get with a smart guy, also losing your virginity isn't that great, just pursue some decent fucking hobby and remain open to socialising, everything will be fine in university and after.

>> No.1111098

Which is weird, because they themselves aren't particularly fun, but that's not what I'm looking for. They're the right kind of down-to-earth, cute, shy type that I FIND interesting.

Twice in the past 4 months that has happened, and I imagine it happening another time because I just met a girl at a party last night. She's a similar type of cool, down-to-earth, easy-to-talk-to-easy-to-joke-with type of girl as the others...

>> No.1111096

Can anyone link me to the genuine round 1?

>> No.1111101

Isn't the genuine number 1 just the same but with the bottom couple frames cut out?

>> No.1111107


Me too. It's probably because I'm unlikeable for some reason I am not aware of.

I speculate it has to do with the fact that I make people nervous because I am neurotic and, much like the girl said I don't let my mind think the world is at peace.

She's dumb to assume people should always be in a state of ignorant bliss, but she's right about not trying = being confident.

Being confident means that...stop worrying about what you're doing. Stop thinking what she might be thinking. Stop thinking if someone thinks your dumb or gay or retarded and just say what you want. Point in case, be reckless and fix the damages afterward, rather than trying to prevent anything bad from happening because that funnel ironically keeps ANYTHING from happening, even the interesting stuff and no matter how smart you are will you be able to manipulate the things around you to happen perfectly the way you plan it too. So if you're afraid and uncomfortable you should simply go with the flow, embrace the panic and just do what you like.

>> No.1111108

Yeah, it was posted here yesterday. Same thing but last two panels were added.

>> No.1111109

round 2 will never occur after round one i was a kill :))
or if they meet it would be somthing like this:
she: hi
he: shut up stupid bitch!


he: lol that stupid bitch again..
she: [cry]


she: why did you talk to jason you wanna ruin my life don't you
he: he's bad but not that bad he deserved the trught about you, now step aside you low life
she: he left me becouse of you stupid jerk why why... [cry]

>> No.1111110

Cut off the panels after her massive wall of text

>> No.1111112

Take it to r9k, guys.

>> No.1111117


>> No.1111118


>no matter how smart you are, you will not be able to manipulate the things around you to happen perfectly the way you plan it too.

Sorry, fix'd

>> No.1111119

>Point in case, be reckless and fix the damages afterward, rather than trying to prevent anything bad from happening
But wouldn't this simply be extremely dangerous and stupid? I mean, generally reckless teenagers and young adults are the type to drive drunk and get themselves and/or others killed.

>> No.1111120

Oh, thanks.

>> No.1111123

None of those "slays" would cause anyone to break into tears.

>> No.1111130

But "being reckless...fixing damage afterward" would just make me the same asshole as the asshole that gets the girls all of the time!

>> No.1111134

You've obviously never spoken with a woman, then.

>> No.1111138


That's too extreme. I mean be reckless in a social sense. Don't be self conscious. Like yourself, if you don't, change until you do. Don't change for someone else.

>> No.1111142


>> No.1111147


Once you like yourself, well then, there's a reason you like yourself and you should try to share this trait with others because they might like it too.

Ask yourself if you'd wanna hang out with yourself and then KNOW, not think, but know that others will too if you let them in on how you are (cuz no one is going to come up to you and want to know everything about you)

>> No.1111148

it's just a continuation of round 1
so she'll have lots to think about and maybe she has realized how many stupid illogical arguments she gave in round 1 it will be the tears catalyst :)

>> No.1111159

enjoy your loneliness and WoW. pussy maybe meaningless but you can't buy it at Game Stop
Do you really want to date some girl that just sleeps with a guy she meets at a party? Those are closet whores. Try going after the cute/shy girl that's in your favorite class, you all already have something in common especially if its a 200 and up level class.
Every girl is essentially the same. They want to feel like the guy their with will protect them conversely that means that the guys they want are more aggressive. Stupid whores mistake Mr. McAsshole for socially aggressive, when really that guy is just a McAsshole. You want to be aggressive (read: confident motherfucker) and not be a McAsshole, then will bitches be begging for your dick and maybe love if they're good enough.

>> No.1111165
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>> No.1111169

>Does the world seem unfair? Try generalisations!

>> No.1111181


fuck no, I like where I am in the world

>> No.1111179

Problem is, I'm suspended from Uni because my first semester was horrible (took too many hard classes, didn't understand the process of everything, etc). And now I need to take a break from that to get a job and money. Fuck.

You're right though.

It's just going to take more time than I would prefer.

>> No.1111199
File: 14 KB, 497x501, 1274617486362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if thats the case hold off on a girl, you don't need/want that extra effort. get your shit straight in life.

>> No.1111211
File: 1.10 MB, 1769x1973, xray2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to top it off, my foot is broken at the moment. Which means that I have to hold off on job-searching for a few more weeks. This is just one giant cluster-fuck of awesome.

>> No.1111228

Trew dat.

>> No.1111241

at least you have (hopefully) some fun painkillers?

>> No.1111245


>> No.1111279

Yeah, Vicodin, good stuff. It doesn't hurt anymore, just a pain to get around in.

>> No.1111338

Are we to expect a round 3 tomorrow?

>> No.1111360

Why is the 'douche' always called Jason?
Is Jason an inherently douchy name?

>> No.1111359


This is so unrealistic it hurts my arms

>> No.1111366

Artist best change it to chad eh?

>> No.1111375


Jason seems to be a bro-name. You know, Jason, the Fratbro with his douchebag hair, douchebag shoes, douchebag clothing and douchebag beer in his douchebag hands while he talks about his wacky douchebag adventures on his douchebag college.

>> No.1111419
File: 58 KB, 650x228, 1274146102953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get it

pic always related

>> No.1113027


>> No.1113038


That's ridiculous, Piplup would lose to Pikachu because he is weak to lightning.

>> No.1113041

great but last panel is pointless

>> No.1113052

What the fuck does this have to do with /sci/?

Fucking underage banned and their teenage-day-care school drama.

>> No.1113077

late to the party here, but

>love cannot be comprehended
only if you think the feeling in your uterus is love can it not be comprehended

>> No.1113119

Wait wait wait what the shit? A fucking baww thread on /sci/?