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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 1024x767, mint-light-backgroud-favlor-cue_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11104872 No.11104872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

go on. Can this act as a genuine meal replacement and provide all/most the nutritional and caloric intake I need?
I seriously hate eating. It is so time consuming and boring, the idea of a drink/pill that could replace eating sounds amazing.

>> No.11104881

It can't replace a proper nutrition.
You need vitamins, metal ions, essential amino acids and tons of other stuff.

>> No.11104883
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It claims to provide all the essential nutrients.

>> No.11104898

Onions provides all that. You literally don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.11104908

I also hate eating. It fucking sucks. If I never had to eat again, I'd take that pill in a second.

>> No.11104910
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Although it DOES provide some nutrition, it doesn't provide enough for critical thinking. There is a reason why numales all act submissive and shit, they're all feminized zombies with empty souls.

>> No.11104923

Orrr. Maybe you dont have any critical thinking and desperately feel the need to hide you loser life behind a veneer of smugness and being abusive towards some "others".

>> No.11104941
File: 152 KB, 797x697, 11 (1)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do whatever you want OP.

>> No.11104946

Right but I want to know if it's healthy or healthy-enough.

>> No.11104951 [DELETED] 

I feel like the six million dollar man. My physique has noticeably improved, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my hair thicker and my dandruff gone. My resting heart rate is lower, I haven't felt the least bit sickly, rare for me this time of year. I've had a common skin condition called Keratosis Pilaris since birth. That was gone by day 9. I used to run less than a mile at the gym, now I can run 7. I have more energy than I know what to do with. On day 4 I caught myself balancing on the curb and jumping on and off the sidewalk when crossing the street like I used to do when I was a kid. People gave me strange looks but I just smiled back. Even my scars look better.

My mental performance is also higher. My inbox and to-do list quickly emptied. I 'get' new concepts in my reading faster than before and can read my textbooks twice as long without mental fatigue. I read a book on Number Theory in one sitting, a Differential Geometry book in a weekend, filling up a notebook in the process. Mathematical notation that used to look obtuse is now beautiful. My working memory is noticeably better. I can grasp larger software projects and longer and more complex scientific papers more effectively. My awareness is higher. I find music more enjoyable. I notice beauty and art around me that I never did before. The people around me seem sluggish. There are fewer 'ums' and pauses in my spoken sentences. My reflexes are improved. I walk faster, feel lighter on my feet, spend less time analyzing and performing basic tasks and rely on my phone less for navigation. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and alert and never feel drowsy during the day. I still drink coffee occasionally, but I no longer need it, which is nice.

>> No.11104952
File: 93 KB, 1242x1007, 1498204371268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the six million dollar man. My physique has noticeably improved, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my hair thicker and my dandruff gone. My resting heart rate is lower, I haven't felt the least bit sickly, rare for me this time of year. I've had a common skin condition called Keratosis Pilaris since birth. That was gone by day 9. I used to run less than a mile at the gym, now I can run 7. I have more energy than I know what to do with. On day 4 I caught myself balancing on the curb and jumping on and off the sidewalk when crossing the street like I used to do when I was a kid. People gave me strange looks but I just smiled back. Even my scars look better.

My mental performance is also higher. My inbox and to-do list quickly emptied. I 'get' new concepts in my reading faster than before and can read my textbooks twice as long without mental fatigue. I read a book on Number Theory in one sitting, a Differential Geometry book in a weekend, filling up a notebook in the process. Mathematical notation that used to look obtuse is now beautiful. My working memory is noticeably better. I can grasp larger software projects and longer and more complex scientific papers more effectively. My awareness is higher. I find music more enjoyable. I notice beauty and art around me that I never did before. The people around me seem sluggish. There are fewer 'ums' and pauses in my spoken sentences. My reflexes are improved. I walk faster, feel lighter on my feet, spend less time analyzing and performing basic tasks and rely on my phone less for navigation. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and alert and never feel drowsy during the day. I still drink coffee occasionally, but I no longer need it, which is nice

>> No.11104959
File: 90 KB, 512x694, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eeeeeh you're just a mean smug bully who's insecure
Ah yes, nothing says insecurity like NOT having to worry about the nigger my wife is cheating on me for beating my ass for asking to get sucked off.

>> No.11104964

Truth and proper /sci/ answer is that no one knows for sure, because its not as if there has been a large double blind study feeding people nothing but onions.

You probably can live off it for quite a bit because humans are quite resilient. (a healthy fat person could go for months on just water fasting + vitamins/electolytes)

My suspicion is that there may be substances in the world which may not be "nutritional" per se, but be helpful in other ways and which we may not know about. Think anti-oxidants, flavonoids etc. These may not be necessary in the sense of running out of calories if you don't get then, but may help with stuff, which in the long run may effect cancer rates etc. I am quite a bit suspicious of the carb and added sugars content since based on everything I have read carbs and especially sugar = pretty naughty.

Compare and contrast with substances like curcumin, which we have no idea what it actually does, but it seems to be vaguely "anti-inflammatory" and help regulate insulin. None of those functions may be "nutritional" or have anything to do with "calories", but may explain why Indians have, say, the lowest rate of Alzheimer in the world.

Similar stuff about substances in green tea, fish oils etc. And fuck if we know what most of them do, but when you see 90y olds in Ikaria or Okinawa having the health/mobility of 70y Americans you suspect that there may also be substanes in one's diet with "mechanical" properties (ie, triggering autophagy? protecting about degenerative effects?) that go beyond nutrition.

Best thing. Is to just try to copy the eating habits of those that live healthy. Duh. So. Lots of Fish and no sugars I guess.

>> No.11104971

Okay to supplement meals especially for convenience. But to completely replace all your meals? No. I've tried. Too boring and you don't feel as full.

>> No.11104985

A CEO (in the "health" and "supplements" industry no less), promoting his own product? Nowai!

More likely, he got a lot of benefits just due to having stopped eating junk food.

If you subsist on red bull, mars bars and pizzas then yes, basedent is probably "healthy' in comparison. But then again, so would probably have been eating nothing but potatoes & multivitamins.

>> No.11104986

>too boring
What could possibly be more boring than having to eat food?
But yes, I will likely use it as a meal-supplement, until there are studies saying it is sufficiently healthy to act as a meal-replacement entirely.

>> No.11104989


It's why you hear a shit ton of people recommend "whole foods". Some of the things that we know of, but are not obvious, is that some substances help absorb some other ones. So they are not directly helping you, but they are helping those that ARE directly helping you, to put it in retarded terms because I can't speak properly.

Go watch Vitamania, a documentury on micro nutrients made by the guy from the Veritasium channel. Long story short, we have no idea how to make proper onions yet because we don't know what substances are needed in which amounts yet. Protein/carb/fats is pretty clear, some of the vitamins and minerals are a bit less clear, and "other" is a complete mystery still.

>> No.11104998

>Onions provides all that.
No it doesn't, basedboy.

>> No.11105002

it fufills your micro and macro nutrient needs but if you're only slugging back 5 or 6 of these a day and not eating anything else you're gonna be miserable

that being said I like onions, I feel good on it, maintain a healthy weight, and it feels very "clean"

>> No.11105015
File: 120 KB, 1082x796, Portrait_of_a_Manichaean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All biotic matter -- animal and vegetable --contains traces of the life essence. The life essence comes in two forms: light, and dark. Light essence is necessary to health, long life, a sharp mind and good moral character, and at high concentrations can confer (seemingly) superhuman abilities. Dark essence is the essence of illness and death, caused by and feeding into the wickedness of Man, Animal, and, more recently, Machine.

The earthy aspect of Man and Animal is thoroughly tainted with the darkness of the flesh. This must not be consumed.

The earthly aspect of a plant is a mixture of light and dark. Through careful preparation the darkness can be removed, but some is inevitably absorbed by the preparer. Therefore it is recommended to have all harvesting, cutting and cooking done by a servant.

May your steps be wise and light, and your life everlasting.

>> No.11105093

It's overpriced. Huel and plenny shakes provide the same thing for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.11105104

>eeeeeh you're just a mean smug bully who's insecure
I'm so tired of these freudian 'arguments'.

>> No.11105112

Have you had experience with either? If so, how was it?

>> No.11105128

Just google "Cosmo Wright"
Do you want to end up like him?

>> No.11105159

Holy fuck, why is Wikipedia calling him "her".

>> No.11105169

Try it and you will see if you don't believe me. It makes life more dull. Makes me thankful I have access to a variety of food. 1-2 a day is fine.

Also, I haven't tried the mint, I only buy the Chocolate and the Coffee flavor is terrible I threw it all out.

>> No.11105172

Then how do I know what to eat (besides macros and vitamins) in the first place?

>> No.11105175

Anything other than chocolate BasedIent tastes yucky

>> No.11105186

Chocolate mint came out recently. You should try it, it actually tastes really good.

>> No.11105340

You don't. Not exactly tho. That's why general advice like "wide variaty" and "whole foods" is very common and true, albeit unstasfying as an answer.

>> No.11105342

Not exactly anyways*

>> No.11105710

>What could possibly be more boring than having to eat food?
Maybe you just need to learn how to cook like an adult

>> No.11106211


>> No.11106215

>folic acid
oh nonononono

>> No.11106520
File: 107 KB, 880x767, thonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who lack critical thinking
>parrots memes and takes them seriously

>> No.11106544

>Redpill me on S O Y L E N T
It's CRAP. You should not consume it, ever.

If you must replace real food with something, then go find a military surplus store and buy up a bunch of MREs. At least those were real food at some point.

>> No.11106550
File: 2.00 MB, 800x450, soylent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better get a robogrip, because if you start drinking that shit you'll start yourself on a downward spiral of increasing body weakness.

>> No.11106572

The fatty acid composition is probably not ideal. Its better to have lots of omega 3 and also some short chain in the mix. And there are some omega 3 acids that are only in fish and not in canola. There is also some evidence that furanic fatty acids are beneficial, which are also in fish. There is some evidence that dietary sources of silicon are beneficial for skin bone and hair health and silicon is sometimes considered an essential element. There are also a lot of things in natural food that are not essential nutrients (absoluely necessary for survival) but probably beneficial, like antioxidant flavonoids, lycopene, zeaxanthin, lutein, sulfur compounds in garlic and phenolic compounds in olive oil.

TL;DR this is probably not as good as a good natural diet

>> No.11106846

Right on. I genuinely hate that I have to sleep as well. Such a waste of time.

>> No.11106864

I'll add living as well. There's this alkane nitrile pill that takes care of that.

>> No.11106889

God, that's depressing.

>> No.11106912

>you'll start yourself on a downward spiral of increasing body weakness.
What if you already can't build muscle?

>> No.11106941

in a thread on /ck/ a Canada bro said it's illegal in his country because it doesn't meet their definition of 'meal replacement'.

>> No.11107157

this is the most ridiculously over engineered thing i have ever seen, please tell me it has some actual purpose.

>> No.11107161

t. not a 90 year old arthritic woman

>> No.11107166

>Onions is a phytoestrogen, or a plant based estrogen. It contains two isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, which act like estrogen
Is it true these block actual estrogen at the receptors?

>> No.11107168

>transgenic corn
>canola oil

Enjoy your cancer.