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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11101233 No.11101233 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/, you've almost roped me into your meme degree. I'll switch to pure math if you tell me what career I can get with it without going to grad school. Well?

>> No.11101241

Pretty much anything in finance, codemunkey (if you have some background), consultant.

>> No.11101250

>not going to grad school and actually learning REAL math
sorry bro but you don't learn shit with a bachelor's. Bachelor's are for retards.
seriously you won't learn anything that's non elementary in your bachelors.

>> No.11101253

lel my first year roommate in grad school was pure math, in comp sci grad program.
the answer is nothing. seriously. he was really fucking smart too, but not like... brilliant. Even he recognized he needed to switch to comp sci research.
He's doing very well right now, fit into that program really well, his math knowledge was definitely an advantage

>> No.11101255 [DELETED] 

How am I supposed to start a family to continue the white race in grad school

>> No.11101272

Yeah, having a daughter who'll get gangbanged by BBC will sure help the white race, faggot.

>> No.11101277


>> No.11101334
File: 52 KB, 811x811, tumblr_p9r4kkAOoc1xoyw8po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people get married during or before grad school loser.
also I'm not concerned with saving the white race, I'm giving my purity the fuck away, white women don't even deserve it. I'm having half black children with a black qveen
my kid will fucking reck your kid in sports, academics, and you'll have to address him by doctor cause my future children will definitely go to grad school.

>> No.11101339

no one addresses sciencefags as doctor outside of academia they get about as much respect as the local orthopedic surgeon or highschool principal.

>> No.11101348

>my kid will fucking reck your kid in sports, academics, and you'll have to address him by doctor cause my future children will definitely go to grad school.
Not with half black genes lol

>> No.11101376

pic says retarded but none of those things are actually retarded.

>> No.11101393

well it'll be more like a quarter.
since most black Americans are mixtures.
the strength of blacks who dominate in sports and the intelligence of my white blood, makes a perfect human.
you're kids will just be fucked since you'll take the worse pickings who'll accept you.

>> No.11101434
File: 250 KB, 905x911, loving_the_troglodyte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
