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File: 294 KB, 880x1310, 1570888950534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11100265 No.11100265 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard people online say that (female) child sexual abuse victims tend to speak in a child's tone when they grow older. I don't really know how to describe it. I thought this was just common fact, but I can't find anything online about it. All I got were articles on rape trauma syndrome that don't mention language acquisition or speech.
Anyone got any info?

>> No.11100315

Fucked up post OP, ruined my day.

>> No.11100322

That's some pet theory of Dr Drew Pillpusher (got kickbacks for pushing wellbutrin)

>> No.11100323
File: 63 KB, 640x1153, 1568593036031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, impressions are made and people cant deal with the trauma.
I think it has to do with shame, more so than being traumatized by the experience.
What youre looking for is regression, in psychology.

>> No.11100347

Psycho bitches talk funny
Psycho bitches make shit up
Correlation isn't causation

>> No.11100422

I heard this from Dr. Drew on love line back in 1992.
I did date a girl who had a lot of stories about her step dad, and she did have this weird kind of tilt to her voice and it always reminded me of that.

>> No.11100595

>got kickbacks for pushing wellbutrin
oi fuck off m8 niggas gotta eat

it's true that a lot of girls calling into loveline with high pitch voices got molested

i knew a girl with a high pitched voice and she wasnt molested so it's a phenom that is at least somewhat independent

>> No.11100625

Very nice picture, saved. Growing up being young, this is exactly what I was irrationally scared of the most. Scared is probably not the right word, because it was images like that which formed who I am today. An unfamiliar face, peeking from somewhere, smiling. I think your picture captures this exact feeling I felt as a child the best I've yet come across. I would look through the window at night and would imagine someone creeping up to me. Slowly at first, peaking their head, with this exact eye expression, as well as a subtle smile. I don't know why, but it seems to me like there is something very primal and fundamental about this picture which cannot be captured by words. I think we should show it to children in schools and ask them to analyze it. Maybe they would become better at introspection.

>> No.11100632

do you have more pictures like this?

>> No.11100637
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, 1568592648740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11100639

Nah this one just doesn't have the same effect. It's too obvious.

>> No.11100641

google reverse image search either

>> No.11100675

I know two chicks who speak in a very high pitched voice, they're both into me. Should I try to bring this subject up?

>> No.11100681

You should rape one and see if her voice changes. Gently make love to the other one as a control group.

>> No.11100700
File: 184 KB, 897x1200, watching over you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11100715
File: 2.34 MB, 1280x536, communion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11100733

Not enough data
although I would humbly volunteer for control research

>> No.11100743
File: 60 KB, 588x432, 1572205092190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok bend over

>> No.11101413

I could see being abused that way by the people they should be able to trust the most (their family) arresting their emotional development, leading to what you're talking about.

>> No.11101513


>> No.11101590
File: 1.83 MB, 321x186, 1569685229554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a girl anon, what's wrong?
raped as a kid?
I am interested in the reaction to 4chan users getting raped in the ass, I think i'll test it out on 4chan users.
yeah but make it really uncomfortable and as a joke. like "jesus, your weird. what did your uncle rape you as a kid?"
I knew a girl in high school that was getting raped and beaten by her father
me and her became really good friends.
then I raped and beat her...a lot.
lost my virginity to her, it was pretty cool. honestly I ended up loving her.
she started living with her aunt and getting weird ideas like how I treated her was unhealthy.
but she was a psycho bitch and hated it when I talked other girls. I mean we weren't even dating.
:( perfect women don't exist bros.
>tfw when no rape victim gf that loves you because you remind her of her abusive father.
life is unfair. fuck it all.

>> No.11101621

Our ancestors used to always paint their faces when going to war with a neighboring tribe. This is their genes trying to tell you that the enemy is here and that you should fuck off right now before you get slaughtered with the rest of your buddies, especially considering that it's trying to hide behind the wall which implies malicious intent
This is also why every single scary picture is trying to have eyeliner, huge expressive eyes as if they're artificially drawn around the original eye or blood that looks like warpaint. People keep thinking that our inborn fears are based on beasts lurking in the shadows, no, these became outdated quite fast with the advent of consciousness, what didn't get outdated however is fellow humans who scaled exactly proportionally to our ability to avoid threat by becoming even more threatening than anything else

>> No.11101680

eyes. eyes will fuck you up. something about creepy eyes fuck me up.
teeth too.

>> No.11101777
File: 150 KB, 1000x354, ancient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like pseudoscience in my experience, I worked as a youth grief counselor for a couple years. The most common thing that happens to sexually abused children is homosexuality or promiscuity in general and ultra religious. The reason why they are fucked up isn't purely the sex act itself, the thing that really fucked them up was that often its a family member and it was physically forced or violent. For instance we got a lot of young girls that were forced by their parents to come, but it wasn't the girl being abused like the parents thought it was them pursuing the men. As in 10 year old lily had a crush on the 20+ year old neighbor, coach, teacher or dads friend. They made the heavy sexual advances (flashing, grabbing crotch, walking in on them all done repeatedly)and some of the males gave in eventually or got blackmailed.

The sexually abused lesbian girls often said they only become gay or bi because having attraction to men triggered fear , that it felt like they lost their control and felt like a prisoner at the the same time, so the thought of men just terrifies them. These are the same ones who become militant lesbians.

The girls that just became promiscuous had very similar answers but, to them sex was a weapon to help them feel in control and be able to hurt the other person emotionally when they arbitrarily cut ties especially with men. These are the ones who develop in to sociopaths.

The ultra religious feel extreme shame, so they become very against sex all forms of homosexuality, and use God as a cope that there is something worth their suffering at a young age and that it was someone that was suppose to protect them that abused them, so they only trust God now to watch over them.

The most well adjusted and normal child sex abuse survivors were the the ultra religious.The lesbians became trans or drug addicts. The promiscuous usually became single moms.

>> No.11102012

Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.11102024

It's interesting how something that only someone in your position can understand is spread so correctly over 4chan up to these stereotypes being known by default and you kinda wasting your time explaining them. Yes, it's masked below incel rage, but most of the roastie posters still get all of these things without even having experience themselves. It's almost like this place has become the ultimate experience transfer medium where all of us come together anonymously to dump our experience into this common pool of 4chan culture which then forms distinct memes and propagates them around the site and eventually the entire internet, almost like a tribe where some guy encountered a new beast for the first time and they made a legend around it so his experience is burned into the tribe's culture and as long as that culture is stable, so will the experience of that encounter propagate everywhere. On one hand, we have the book medium to transfer experience, but before we invented writing our entire transfer along generations was done by mouth, and the only way to maintain all the stories is to turn them into small packages of legends, "memes" if you will, which makes it obviously logical for us to evolve receptiveness towards that common pool of tribal culture and soak from it, hence why this place is behaving in such a hivemind manner as if it's the same poster with different personalities.

sorry for the random rant

>> No.11102031

>oi fuck off m8 niggas gotta eat
Go back to /biz/, you jew-loving trash.

>> No.11102041

Its nothing strange, usually you just call it a culture. Just nowdays you can have a culture with people you never met