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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11097770 No.11097770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was a huge brainlet in high school and now I'm attending a mediocre university. How can I redeem myself?

>> No.11097772
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Kill self and hope to be reborn as a flamboyant baboon.

>> No.11097776

Get a phd in physics, phaggot.

>> No.11097777
File: 44 KB, 500x477, tumblr_pe2rup4zqk1wnu232o6_500.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray, with a genuine hope of forgiveness, to the one and only true lord, the BLOAT LORD, Kyrriakos Grizzly. May he bless you with the MOGG.

>> No.11097778

Those quads don't lie.
Pray. Pray for your life.

>> No.11097779
File: 35 KB, 400x227, Luffy Thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay luffy-kun you can still be pirate king.

>> No.11097789

This now a Bloat kino thread, for scientific purposes.

>> No.11097922

i just found out i have adhd and it explains so much, go to a therapist to learn what kind of retardation you have and see how you can deal with it. if they say it's depression DO NOT take SSRIs

>> No.11097948

Ah, happy ending =)

>> No.11097953

i found out i had adhd too and believe it or not, Dr. Rabbi Goldstein's recommendation of taking Medical Grade Speed has made me better at sitting still and doing a bunch of autistic near work for 8+ hours a day. yes, my legitimate disability was treated with a safe medication and now I'm highly functional :)))

>> No.11097972

i know you're memeing but not all psychs prescribe high doses of meth/speed as soon as they find out you have it. inattentive ADHD can be more or less managed with CBT, mindfulness meditation, coffee and weed if it's not too severe. That's what i'm trying minus the weed cause it's expensive where i live. It's funny how the science board is as full of skeptics as /pol/ and /x/

>> No.11097984

same, im hoping graduate school will fix everything
dont dwell on the past too much, the only thing you can do is work hard now

>> No.11099130


>> No.11099272

Trade School

>> No.11099472


>> No.11099509


>> No.11099514

>ye best believe in /sci fit/ threads
>yer in one
Where are you isley, you little twink. I know you browse /sci/