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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11096661 No.11096661 [Reply] [Original]

If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about programming, what would you say?

>> No.11096665


>> No.11096670
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where should I start?

>> No.11096676

It's fun. But instead of making those gay video games for years and years, get into contests and get into Linux. Sysadmin your own slackware or whatever build, then start studying the kernel source code

>> No.11096682

Beginner advice:

start with python, it's basically a toy compared to other languages. It is to other languages as making a Lego house is to making your own clay bricks and building a house from them.

In other languages, types are more important and they make a world of difference when considering memory efficiency.

>> No.11096691

By starting with what interests you the most.

>> No.11096699

I would say to myself to ask >>>/g/ for advice instead of /sci/

>> No.11096716


R, python or both, I get tired of people using libreoffice calc or excel for everything that is not about to be published which creates problems in the long run.

>> No.11096752

This is so true, it hurts. I always had issues sticking to practicing because I diverged from this strategy. What I would add to that is to think of the projects you make along the way as part of some evolving journey where there's always something you're doing that could be reevaluated and improved upon.

What kind of long term issues did you encounter?

>> No.11097135

Don't become a trap.

>> No.11097154

start with books and edx/coursera, do NOT visit 4chan, you'll be addicted despite not enjoying a minute of it, ignore meme sites like codeacademy

>> No.11097160

that one who guy who takes his garbage to the dump in his personal vehicle and starts shrieking if it takes him 45 minutes to get there instead of 30.

>> No.11097215

Monads can cause cancer in your neural linguistics if you use them for too long and don't talk outside of circle.

>> No.11097252

Pro advice:
Start with C++ and work your way down until you're at python

>> No.11097270

This is good advice. C or C++ really isn't any harder than python, and realistically everything you learn is written in them.

It's like asking: should I learn Esperanto because it's so simple and easy, or should I learn English? Obviously you go with English. So also you go with C or C++.

>> No.11097276

>put on the programming socks and bend over

>> No.11097283

>it's basically a toy
A toy that can do everything the "real" languages can do and more. Hence, if your toys are fun, stick with it, especially if there's virtually 0 incentive to switch since your "toy" is more reliable/robust than any other "real" language.

>> No.11097287

dude, i would kill myself, to see if paradox and split of dimensions is real

>> No.11097409
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>being a python fanboy

>> No.11097427 [DELETED] 

Programming sucks because it's the tech changes all the time. It's just a never ending hamster wheel.

Learn math instead.

>> No.11097431

Programming sucks because the tech changes all the time. It's just a never ending hamster wheel.

Learn math instead.

>> No.11097434

Shit advice. Start with C. And after learning about computer arquitecture if you really want to understand what you're doing.
Making people's first lang Python is a recipe for bad habits and disaster later on.

>> No.11097435

You're gifted at it. Give up on being a doctor, being a programmer is funner

>> No.11097450

C doesn't change. C will always be by your side. C is love.

>> No.11099074

That's a really bad analogy.

>> No.11100616

Keep playing video games, but cut that to 50%. Use the free time to build stuff. Read much and build much. Learn how to deal with your ego and shitty bosses. Otherwise good job.

>> No.11100657

Actually make stuff. Don't just do practice problems

>> No.11100662
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fuck off back to /g/

>> No.11101324

It’s actually a lot easier than you think it is. You’re a low IQ brainlet though. The sooner you accept this, the better you manage.

>> No.11101762

"Development fucking sucks learn enough python to automate shit and re-enrol in physics"

>> No.11101767

No it isn't. C is the British English and C++ the American English of the programming world. All serious business is conducted in them.

>> No.11101793

I second this.

>> No.11101804

Would there be any point in starting with Java?

>> No.11101814


to just do it and get started, and to ask my school for learning resources

>> No.11101854

Java is fine. It has some annoying features for a beginner (e.g. you have to start your first program with a class declaration and some keywords like "public static void") but if you can look past that it's not appreciably different, at the beginning levels, from other C-like languages. You could seamlessly switch to another one after a few weeks if you wanted to.

>> No.11101887

What would be the ultimate benefit of starting with C rather than say Java?

>> No.11102010

The syntax is a little more bare-bones in C: a "hello world" program is about half as long. And you might have an easier time getting the compiler to work. The differences are very minor at the beginner level, so if you have access to Java resources just give Java a try and see if you enjoy it.

>> No.11102051

What I’m trying to get at is, would it be better to understand C first for my long term prospects as a programmer or does it not really matter?

>> No.11102055

>tfw computer engineer

>> No.11102059

Learn numerous languages. Start with C. C java and python are the most common so learn those.

>> No.11102069

As I tell everyone - it doesn’t matter what language you learn first as long as it c-based. C-based languages dominate in nearly every field.

-web front end: Javascript
-web back end: php
-Windows: C#
-Mac: Obj-C
-Linux: C++(idk)
-embedded systems: C/C++

Once you learn one C-based language it’s fairly easy to pick up on another. But if you learn say, python or swift, you’ll pick up habits that don’t transition into any other language.

>> No.11102075

Are there any highly regarded books for tackling C?

>> No.11102112

Bump for this, or any beginners advice in general.

>> No.11102122

Take CS50. It'll probably kick your ass but you'll learn a fuckton. Join the discord and slack for the course, and also the general programming discords. If you get stuck just ask and someone will help you. Read K&M if you want the text written by the dudes who more or less created the language. Good luck

>> No.11102135

Thank you.

>> No.11102646

above me: shit advice

good advice: start with how to design programs 2nd edition

>> No.11102696
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There is only one. Short, simple, to the point, and written by the creators of the language. Start here

>> No.11102710

I would have told myself to read the sticky of the Dominican Santeria cultist forum’s science board before making an off-topic thread

>> No.11102728

No, C is much faster to learn. Maybe today, maybe, but certainly not any advice I would have given myself.

>> No.11102754

Learn about strings, integers and floats. Learn for <init>;<condition>;<iterator>. Learn how to google how to make the previously learnt techniques work