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11095582 No.11095582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fall for the STEM meme
>required to take a full courseload of difficult classes, commit 20+ hours/week to research lab starting your freshman year (if you want to ever use your degree after graduation), and also take general education classes on top of your science courses.

>Humanities chads get to have sex and build muscle, while not needing to commit to anything difficult
>Humanities chads/stacies become your boss in the future because they put their stats into CHA instead of INT.

>> No.11095584

>Not finding "difficult" courses enjoyable
Yup, you don't belong in STEM

>> No.11095587

this webm, I just can't. what the fuck.

>> No.11095592

>commit 20+ hours/week to research lab starting your freshman year
how does this work?

>> No.11095593
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Nigga, I'm a junior and salty that my entire Sunday is going to be spent writing a paper on slavic folklore and taking a quiz on slavic folklore. I don't get a single day off because I also have to go into the lab on weekends/evenings because science is a 24/7 thing. My life would be so much easier if I didn't need to commit so much time to humanities courses.

>> No.11095595

You're supposed to email professors/grad students/post-docs to see if they'd be willing to take you on in their lab. Generally, the PI doesn't even step foot in the lab, so grad student/post-doc is your best bet.

>> No.11095597

>Actually having to do any work outside of labs and lectures
Again, maybe you don't belong in STEM

>> No.11095603


>> No.11095613

Quite depressing.

>> No.11095614

Labs/lecture/tutorials should be all you need to do to get an A in any undergrad STEM course. If you need to do anything outside of that you should consider a liberal arts degeee

>> No.11095615

is everyone expected to do this?
Why isn't it a part of the curriculum?
I've tried but all the professors are ignoring me

>> No.11095619

You are probably from some country in Eastern Europe where students at universities have so called "general education classes" apart from the subjects which are most relevant for their specialties. Yes, that's actually pretty shit. In most western countries students don't have many of those "general education classes" or don't have them at all.

>> No.11095624

eastern europe isn't like that. america is

>> No.11095625

Philosophy Chad here. Can confirm, had sex and much fun. Now going back to uni to study STEM because it's based and I want a job that isn't working in a fucking call center.

>> No.11095626

Imagine the smell

>> No.11095627

Maybe he is from some country in Eastern Europe (Russia or Ukraine, for example). University is generally harder there than in the western countries.

>> No.11095628

The smell in that room must be heavenly

>> No.11095629

why do you think so?

>> No.11095633

any country with a 4 year bachelors is like that

>> No.11095639

>that webm
Fucking white people...

>> No.11095660
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Everyone is required to take general education classes if you're in a STEM.
4 courses in lower division humanities
2 courses in upper division humanities
1 upper division arts course
1 year of English (usually done first year)
As well as learning a language.
Mathematics and physics are technically general education, but it's integral for being a scientist I guess.

Basically 50% of my degree is what I want to study. 50% other shit. Now that I'm in my upper divisions, the workload of the upper division humanities courses has increased.The worst part is the instructor thinks/expects you to actually give a fuck about their bullshit.

If I studied humanities/lib arts, I'd only need to take some shit-tier basic science course for a year and maybe rudimentary algebra.

>> No.11095676

It's a bit lowkey implied if you go to a big research university. I did say try to get in touch with graduate/PhD students. They're more approachable and are the ones who will be showing you the ropes anyway until you're able to independently function in the lab without their assistance.

>> No.11095680

Snakes mating have more elegance

>> No.11095696

>Humanities chads get to have sex and build muscle, while not needing to commit to anything difficult
Pretty sure being a competent attorney and guiding multi billion dollar businesses as well as mediating in diplomatic conflicts in an attempt to preserve the stability of modern society is more difficult than being a secluded STEMrat who works on a worthless theorem maybe 3 people are ever gonna bother reading about. But go ahead, continue telling yourself for your field to be complex. I'll be over here, dealing with humanity's most pressing questions you wouldn't be able to wrap your head around in 500 years time.

>> No.11095705
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Exactly my point. I should've became a humanities chad.

>> No.11095767

>You have to take a million humanities classes to “communicate” better
>grad student Zhang doesn’t have to take a single one even though his English sucks

>You have to be educated not to be racist and to accept diversity
>Zheng won’t talk to anyone who isn’t Chinese

>Zhang will be a million times more qualified because he took all the advanced classes he needs
>I’ll have to take online python courses

It makes me seethe with fury

>> No.11095803

True that big brain anon! The degradation of white people has been TOTALLY organic

>> No.11095807

>>Humanities chads get to have sex and build muscle, while not needing to commit to anything difficult

I can say that it is the exact opposite in the philosophy department.

>> No.11095815


they look like they're trying to shake loose a sticky turd that hanging on after going poop

God i am so disgusted with humanity and the stupid shit people do

>> No.11095842

What's it like being an underage virgin?

>> No.11095847

Tell me

>> No.11095851

Its coz whitey bad, especially in the US.

Thankfully here in the UK we havent been forced to take these types of classses yet and its all subject focused. Our student unions are a fucking cesspit though.

>> No.11095853

What's it like being a nigger?

>> No.11095868

not a nigger, by my bf is~

>> No.11095942
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>80s black culture slut dance

>> No.11095994

I'm in America and my degree requires about 4 humanities semesters total in 4 years.

>> No.11096440

As someone studying the humanities who regrets it completely but it's too late to change, I can guarantee you there are no Chads in humanities. Most people are blue haired freak women who always whine about muh feminism

>> No.11096453

This retarded wave of useless humanities graduates being in middle management will pass, anon. As long as you're doing practical STEM like Engineering you'll be fine

>> No.11096479

>tfw shitton of AP credit
>tfw went to a CC that accepted it
>one year later transfered to a university that normally doesn't take give that much AP credit for humanities but accepted my CC transcript anyway

Feels good bros. Getting a 5 in AP English Lang and Lit was the best thing I did in HS. The university versions of those classes would have been a billion times more annoying and time consuming

>> No.11096768

god I hate women so fucking much

>> No.11096775

Anon you did exactly what I did, and currently in a PhD program with 0 debt. It's fucking amazing how well the plan worked if your end goal is graduate school. Everyone should do this, especially if CC credits are mandated to be accepted by state schools

>> No.11096782

Nigga Americans go to school like two days a week and take 4 classes a semester. In eastern europe they have school 5hrs a day for 5 days a week and you have to take literally several years worth of humanities classes from a variety of subjects to get a STEM degree

t. anon who s studying math in the US and who's brother studied economics in Moscow

>> No.11096819

I'mm planning to do something similar. Just wandering about the order: would it be better to get a stem degree first and a phil degree later? Or the opposite^

>> No.11096833
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this, women's rights are the downfall of civilizations.

>> No.11096854
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Do you work full time? 15 hours of class plus 25 hours of study is 40 hours a week. This is perfectly doable to have a social life and get good grades in stem.

Unless you have to work a full time job and go to school full time, then stay strong