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11095431 No.11095431 [Reply] [Original]

Are introverts for real or is it just cope?

>> No.11095571

it's insecurity. They could be average if they weren't intimidated by extroverts. As it is, they're crippled by this.

>> No.11095576

It's possible to cope with being a gunctionaly alcohkc

>> No.11095598

talking to people is actually mentally taxing for me, though I might unironically have autism

>> No.11095601

>Posting on 4chan
You're already diagnosed anon

>> No.11095610

Extroverts are so full of shit. I'm more of an introvert and I'm not scared of loud-mouthed assholes. It's just fucking tiring to talk about same shit and bullshit over and over again every fucking day with stupid extroverts who say every stupid thing out loud like children and never stop to observe and think like most introverts.

Introverts just like to think and observe more and are happy to just be with themselves more. Neither being introvert or extrovert is better. People just like different things and find some things easier and comfortable than others.

>> No.11095612

we live in a society and in a society extroversion is better

>> No.11095636

I bet we have a society, science, technology, arts, etc. thanks mostly to introverts.
A society without extroverts would be boring, a society without introverts would die.

>> No.11095666

serious question: is talking a lot a sign that you are stupid? in general, are people who talk less more intelligent?

>> No.11095673

No.. quality, not quantity some people are just more introverted and observant.

>> No.11095674

I'd say from experience talking a lot is orthogonal to intelligence.

>> No.11095675

Sorry didn't give a counter example, others like Peterson are able to speak highly intellectually and logically get across what they're saying even over an hour straight.

>> No.11095688

>A society without extroverts would be boring, a society without introverts would die.

Reverse those two statements.

>> No.11095692

i mean in general, "talking a lot" as in willinglessness to start conversations, being a main participant in them and keeping them alive in normal mundane life. about anything that people talk in their normal lives, if you are giving a lecture or being a guest in a podcast obviously you talk a lot but i'm not referring to that

i've noticed some people just won't shut the fuck up, every single minute where they are not doing anything that requires their full conversation they say something, anything to whoever is around them, and coincidentally those same people i definetly don't consider smart although i'm not too sure i would call them dumb either

>> No.11095699

Maybe they're on drugs or inebriated. Otherwise they have a self worth issue especially if they're not saying anything useful

>> No.11095703

>being able to understand human interaction, forcibly continuing conversation, approaching topics from multiple angles, means you're le dumb
Heres your answer, OP >>11095431. It's cope. Some people simply happen to be autistic. The guy above is the perfect example.

>> No.11095711
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Stop shaming us =<

>> No.11095714

>that requires their full conversation
i meant that requires their full concentration

it's just chatter, everyone does it. it's a social thing to not want to be silence when around other people, and to keep yourself from being idle (although there are other ways of not being idle). i also do it to an extent

>> No.11095733

i won't answer your questions.

>> No.11095742

I am an introvert when i´m sober, drunk i turn into the worst extrovert imaginable, really talkative

>> No.11095755

Being introverted is too often used as a crutch for a lack of social skills.
>haha there's no way I could do that risky, hard interaction I'm such an introvert xdd
You're not introverted, you're a courage-deprived anxious wreck

Being excessively shy, incapable of taking charge, initiating interactions, being nervous and inassertive are character flaws, not characteristics of introverts.
Instead, intro or extraversion is the effect social interaction has on your energy: Depleting is introversion, energizing is extraversion.

It varies greatly within the same person depending on mood etc and shouldn't be thought of as black and white

>> No.11096612

>Are introverts for real
Yes, there are people who do not thrive on constant attention.

Variation exists on pretty much any trait you can define, so this has to be expected.

>> No.11096763

>has a universe in his head
literally me.
I started writing fiction at 14 and now 11 years later I have a pretty cool fictional universe.
however I dont call myself an "introvert"
I'm autistic

>> No.11096773

>Are introverts for real

>is it just cope
Many use it as such

>> No.11096780

Cope for what? interacting with most people drains my mental capacity, like there is only a finite amount I am capable of. Some people don't take away from this, like my roommate, but that's super rare. But overall I'd rather be alone than in a room with people, and in silence than in a conversation. Socially I am completely normal and have to give presentations regularly and speak with people, it just takes its toll on me. Usually sleeping resets it but not always.

>> No.11096795

I think about this exactly the same.
I honestly don't know if I'm an extrovert or introvert - when I took test I always fall in the middle.
That said, social interactions can tire me, but so do long periods of loneliness.
All of this to say that I absolutely despise all the reddit/social media hipsters who make jokes on depression or social awkwardness just to hide the fact that they are too fucking coward to talk to a stranger or walk up to a stage.

"LPT: if you have an introverted friend, message him first! He will appreciate it!" - how about my "friend" gets off his high horse and stops waiting to be spoonfed once in his life.

>> No.11097014
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>bro like socializing take away my energy, that why I charge myself with videogames

>> No.11097056

I don't know if most people can even be classified as an "introvert" or "extrovert". In situations where you don't know anyone, you can often be seen as shy. But watch the quietest bookworm become a loudmouth when they're surrounded by friends and familiar places.

One thing that is annoying is that most people don't know when to talk. This happens in the classroom all the time and it's really irritating. Ask a class a question and watch as they sit there on their stupid asses watching you with a blank stare. I'm in grad school and this happens with my classmates, I'm always the one to answer the prof's questions or say "no, please explain that". Why are so many people spineless?

>> No.11097087
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it's small dick paranoia. They fear being humiliated because they are particularly sensitive to minor things.
Me a normal guy getting pants and having his dick exposed would laugh because that's a hilarious prank.
an extrovert would be extremely self conscious and probably cry and kill themselves.

>> No.11097231

This is an awful example, Peterson is a complete hack and has absolutely nothing of value to say

>> No.11098091

im chubby with a 3.5 incher and i walk around naked in the locker room i dont give a fuck

>> No.11098253

are you an introvert?
are you paranoid about people seeing your small peepee?
and more importantly are you talking about soft or hard, because if you're a grower you could just be confident about what you are really packing.

>> No.11100098

I’m sure glad I’m not an epsilon

>> No.11100117
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I could forgive you for everything. Except being a weeb.