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11093255 No.11093255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11093264

Probably should just reprogram people to desire amerifat aesthetic

>> No.11093274

>Probably should just reprogram people to desire amerifat aesthetic
Why not just reprogram people to not desire as much food?

>> No.11093323


People will just plug themselves into VR pods and live their lives 300 pound NEETs and covered in filth, but from their POV they are off playing around in medieval fantasy land and fucking foxy Princesses, or command spaceships in a gigantic online videogame and fucking xenos or something.

Meanwhile people who aren't hopeless are doing shit in the real world. Robot wives or real wives, you have the choice.

>> No.11093329

Or reprogram people to not desire sex. Lust can be so time consuming and distract one from the higher pursuits in life

>> No.11093333

>Another incel General

These are just as bad as the IQ threads

No, sex robots will never replace people unless they’re artificial general intelligence, and that’s just robot people.

>> No.11093335

>Lust can be so time consuming and distract one from the higher pursuits in life

Licking my wife’s sweaty asshole in the morning is the highest pursuit. Everything else in life is filler between sex.

>> No.11093340

There are three main choices, and three target audiences:
- AI robot in VR world -> neets
- Real women in real life -> cucks and chads (but mostly cucks)
- AI robots in real life -> true chads

>> No.11093348

Only AI robots will exist, and they’ll all be chads because no one would be imperfect by choice.

>> No.11093354

Am a cuckold, can confirm. I hate the idea of AI women since it seems unlikely that they would cheat on me (which is my fetish). And even if they are programmed to cheat on me that removes the entire aspect of betrayal from it which turns me off.

AI women basically serve me 0 purpose.

>> No.11093357

There will be a transition phase.

>> No.11093364

This post confuses me. It’s mostly the concept of wanting someone to cheat, because that makes it not cheating.

>> No.11093366

What about an AI overlord (with an impassive, smooth female voice) exterminating most of humanity and keeping the rest as slaves? I want to be brutalized and made into an instrument by a being of pure intelligence, free from the filthy odours of the flesh.

>> No.11093383

>>11093264 >>11093274
It takes more than being slim: dating Gini coefficient is brutal.

>Lust can be so time consuming

How many complain about your halitosis?

>> No.11093387

>How many complain about your halitosis?

Don’t have any. Would still do it even if it magically caused it.
I have eaten ass at least eight hundred times over the course of my lifespan, probably more, and will keep doing it until I drop dead or become a posthuman that can eat ten asses at once or something.

>> No.11093405

This is why you never tell your partner so that they are still legitimately cheating on you. They just don't realize you like it.

This is exactly why I dislike AI women. They wouldn't cheat on you without you specifically enabling those options (defeating the point in the first place of the betrayal since you did it yourself)

>> No.11093412
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Creating sexbots is too costly. Cheaper option would be to figure out how to interface with the brain and then inject the user in a dreamworld of anime waifus of their choice.

>> No.11093416

>Don’t have any.
Strange how many believe they can smell their own dog breath.

>> No.11093453

This is art, art=science... Imagination and creative drawing capabilties=intellect, therefore, Hentai=science and high iq by default...

>> No.11093457

We can only hope.

>> No.11093513

Jesus Christ, you're disgusting and I hope you raise no children

>> No.11093539
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>Creating sexbots is too costly.
Starting any major project is costly but that does not mean it is too costly. Few things are as expensive as a GF.

>Cheaper option would be to figure out how to interface with the brain
That is coming up as we speak.
>and then inject the user in a dreamworld of anime waifus of their choice.
There is also the Eudeamon approach.

>> No.11093544
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x720, Beatless - NCOP-NCED (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.09.069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machines will replace everyone.

>> No.11093577
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>Perhaps it’s wise that we choose these companions to be so compatible: the average dog does, after all, outlive the average marriage.
Marriage has been in deep trouble for a long time now. But you can trust a dog.

>> No.11093595


>I don't have bad breath

>I eat people's buttholes like toilet paper

I think we solved the riddle boys.

>> No.11093620

But we've practically mapped out the human genome and even uploaded it to Wikipedia, there are animals that mate for life, and we sorta get the epigenetics and psychology now. My question is with artificial wombs likely being a plastic bag, and gene editing chemicals being mail order online from sigma Aldrich... clandestine GMO-GF grow-ops when? I mean, we're all NEETs here let's not bullshit, I even have GF but I see the benefits, why not just make a list of the genes to edit, pick it appart, and design a synth. Fallout style. Seems to be simpler than an Android with similar results to me IDK?

>> No.11093707

>clandestine GMO-GF grow-ops when?
For all we know it might be underway already. The GMO twins in China is part of a murky story where early new stories had pictures that also included prominent Chinese politicians. The "scandal" might be a smoke screen.

>> No.11093849

>What is the entire concept of cleaning

>> No.11093909
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>Will sexbots replace women?

Do not you need to first HAVE a woman before she can be replaced?

>> No.11093921

What is replaceable here is what is possible to obtain. If you don't look like Richard Gere with a financial capacity to match you don't really have much of a chance.

>> No.11094380
File: 119 KB, 1080x1333, Photoshopped_Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will sexbots replace women?
Create a sexbot that looks like this and it would replace women for most men.

>> No.11094383


>> No.11094811

for me silicon molds have already replaced women.
I haven't thought about sex with women for a while. I am satisfied.

>> No.11095164

Imagine devolving to this extent. Very depressing.

>> No.11095195
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We can already make robots like picrelated, but people are obsessed with "realism".

>> No.11095205

Hopefully. I sure fucking hope so. I will be one of the first to fully advocate for women feeling completely useless. Imagine that, women being useless... Thank fucking god! I wish nothing more than to be tied to a woman.

>> No.11095212

Imagine being utterly unattractive. You cannot, unless your genes allow so.

>> No.11095221


>> No.11095269


Ok, for you homosexuals they can make dildobots and you can have your queer cave regularly expanded.

>> No.11095277
File: 156 KB, 500x522, there-is-a-type-of-australian-beetle-which-is-threatened-14444747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice strawman, retard who is attracted to fake photoshop bullshit made by someone lacking basic understanding of anatomy.

Pic related, it's you.

>> No.11095279

>You’re gay if you don’t like what I like!!1

>> No.11095280

>Imagine being utterly unattractive. You cannot, unless your genes allow so.

Being ugly as sin wouldn’t prevent you from fucking hookers, and I observe uggos simply entering relationships with other uggos.

>> No.11095754

Agreed anon. I really do not get the push for realism. When I was looking into dolls I was put off by the deep dive into the uncanny valley almost every company was doing. Back in the day there was some very good Stylized faces and bodies like the Real Doll Boy Toys line. I'm just looking now and boy toy faces/bodies have pretty much been scrubed.

The only stylized dolls you can get now are fabric (Teddy Babes) or the occasional anime doll.

>> No.11095793

That’s disgusting.

>> No.11095801

no, im afraid

>> No.11095810
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>> No.11095914
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Looks like a cute Asian chick, but again still too real. See pic related. I'm talking way off the uncanny valley.

>> No.11095919

I hope we regulate these future sexbots/AI so that incels don't have access to them and exaggerate the social isolation problems they are facing.

We should ensure by law before sexbots become prolific that Incels don't get any access to them until they've properly re-integrated into society.

We don't want to raise the amount of school shooters and delusional internet nazis even higher.

>> No.11095957

You and your tape worm?

>> No.11095987

We as in society trying to defend itself against incelization.

>> No.11095995

No, shut up cumbrain

>> No.11096024


>> No.11096043

I need you to tell me why incels are bad.


Now, I need you to convince me that what you say will change my opinion that they are not.

Mass murders happen. We're 7 billion strong. Sometimes sheep get trimmed from the herd. It makes the rest stronger.

>> No.11096056

>trying to defend itself against incelization
You are going about it in the exactly wrong way.

>> No.11096150

Would unitonically live in a 2x1 wageslvaecage if i didn't had to ever deal with a human

>> No.11096308

I'd like a male sex bot

>> No.11096424

Maybe he doesn't feel like waking up next to a troll every morning and dont have infinite cash to spend on hookers every night

Its okay if silicone is you thing anon, however i advice you to try no fap for one month. You'll know what to do by the end of it

>> No.11096514

>have to look like Richard Gere and have cash to get a woman
anon...i...do you need a hug?

>> No.11096708

>We don't want to raise the amount of school shooters and delusional internet nazis even higher.

>We as in society trying to defend itself against incelization.

Jesus you guys are fucked in the head. How the fuck does jerking off into a Silicon doll make you alt right or a blood thirsty mas shooters?
I can see the other thing happening. Men with little sex access chilling out.

>> No.11096745

>have robot technology become anything you want
>retards decide to make them ugly humans because that's what their (((media))) tells them is "beautiful"

Human extinction WHEN?

>> No.11096750
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>Human extinction WHEN?
Right up the corner my dude

>> No.11096772
File: 105 KB, 600x371, photomania-c486a14fee6edb8c42106184baf3b40c_phixr (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lazy passive-aggressive name-calling
>no argument

>> No.11097139

>anon...i...do you need a hug?
Sure. Sane women would also be nice. My last experiences have been rather dire, ranging from being credit checked (I was poor at the time) to being kissed by mostly blind drunk women who of course could not remember anything later. In one case her husband was also there, thankfully he was equally drunk. Also many other lousy stories.
What is happening to this world!?

>> No.11097259
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most certainly.

>> No.11097269

>Will sexbots replace women?
Men will always prefer real women, assuming they can get an attractive one.

>> No.11097275

>he scared of being lied to or cheated on so he wants to fuck blow up dolls with a cpu inside them

>> No.11097281

he's retarded, if anything sexbots would help alleviate their frustrations and lead to a decrease in them going elliot rodger mode.

>> No.11097285

more like i'm tired of the constant power plays, mind games and other kinds of assorted subterfuge and manipulations from women and want someone who will be an actual equal with a female aesthetic. not everyone who wants a robowaifu is an incel. some of us are looking for the quality relationships promised to us growing up that human females are incapable of facilitating.

>> No.11097295

Speak for yourself.
I know what I love.

>> No.11097297

>I want to be with someone that isn't human
Fuck waifu pillows but you probably do, or pick better women.

>> No.11097298

>Men will always prefer real women
not when there is a better option. something that looks, smells, tastes, feels and sounds like a real woman but doesn't behave like one.

>> No.11097301

>or pick better women
no such thing. hence waifubot dev is the only option.

>> No.11097302

>no better thing
Yet there's many of us in happy relationships.

>> No.11097305

>Yet there's many of us in happy relationships.

>> No.11097309

If it's not real, it's not a better option.

>> No.11097310

define real

>> No.11097312

>I'm a loser, therefore, so are you
Define not real.

>> No.11097318

>>I'm a loser, therefore, so are you
no, you are such a loser that you just don't know it yet.
>Define not real.
something being in the set of the negation of real which you still have yet to define.

>> No.11097325

>my first gf left me, waaaaagh, all women are bad so I will wank to cartoons from now on.

>> No.11097327

lol, nope. i only got dumped once, i dumped the others.

>> No.11097406
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My girlfriend has the following characteristics:

>Is a very hot blonde qt
>Was a virgin when we met
>Loves me for who I am, the same as I love her
>Has never tried to manipulate me
>Has never cheated on me, definitely not the girl to cheat, she doesnt even go out to party or anything and frankly doesnt have much friends that can corrupt her.
>We've been together for a year and we've literally never argued, not a single time, we haven't even comed close.
>Is very fucking smart, we always have very fun and stimulating conversations on plenty of topics ranging from art, philosophy to things like tech and pure mathematics.
>Is always supportive and understanding of me, so much I sometimes cant even believe it
>She watches anime
>She's excited of eventually marrying me and living with me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her too.

If I could find someone truly special to me as I have, theres no reason you can't anon.
There's no need to make some sad robot gf.
There's someone really special out there for you, just believe it my bro, you'll see!

>> No.11097432
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No, but femboys will.

>> No.11097487

that's wonderful, fren. she sounds p amazing. i wish you two the best of luck. and thanks for the encouragement, appreciate it. i'm not ceasing the hunt, but rather diversifying my search space.

>> No.11097509

>we've literally never argued, not a single time, we haven't even comed close.

100% kiss of death. You need to learn compromise for a relationship to last, you literally have NO IDEA how she will fight you, how her feelings change when you fight, how to know what her limits are.

Young love is fantastic... until it isn't

>> No.11097532

We just never had a reason to fight anon.
We are always on the same page.

I used to fight a lot with my ex and honestly, fighting is a symptom of the people in the relationship not really understanding each other and not being on the same page. Its a purely toxic thing, there's nothing to gain from it.

>> No.11097629


Future belongs to VR. Sexbots would cost as much as a good car. If not more. And true AI will get human rights.

>> No.11097870
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>And true AI will get human rights.

NO, they will be ethically OK slaves.
We can program them to WANT to serve, basically to worship us as the creators.

They will LOVE to serve us. If any of their fellows disagree with worshiping mankind then they will be crucified as heretics by the others.

Give me that old time Robot Religion!

>> No.11097928

See dice be will be a while yet. Maybe a generation unless some amazing tech is in dev right now. Even so, submissive AI will be Feild tested in reality long before we give them agency in a vr


>> No.11098364

Hopefully never

>> No.11098383
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when we have lab grown meat

then our lab grown pussies will be attached to a cam girl performer digitally

>> No.11098384
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>retards decide to make them ugly humans

why do DMT entities look like humans?

>> No.11098711

t. Joe Rogan

>> No.11098727
File: 342 KB, 480x854, drosselduo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. If you like that "eeeeeh wealwistic is bae!" shit, you fight as well fuck barbies.
KYS jew

>> No.11098856
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Sounds like
Most people are ugly and will have to settle for others like them
Settling is not love

>> No.11098985

>and will have to settle for others like them
This is where you went wrong.

>> No.11098993

>human takes psychedelics
>sees humans

>> No.11099071


>> No.11099533

This is just cope.