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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 251x251, stem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11092861 No.11092861 [Reply] [Original]

don't study stem. physics and mechanical engineering double major here. stem shortage is a meme. you will be severely underpaid due to no overtime payments(salary agreements). work is high stress because of unreasonable deadlines, so you have to pull overtime to finish stuff and you don't get paid for those. if you can't finish it you get bullied & fired and replaced.

there is no shortage of stem people either. the only shortage is for 5+ year experienced STEM people who wouldn't work for scraps. if you want a real salary good luck getting a job.

study business,finance,law or medicine instead of STEM. all of them will pay better unless you are really a dumbass. people often compare average salaries of a "business" major and an "engineer" but if you are smart enough to be an "average" engineer than you'll be in top 10% of business majors anyway. most people seem to overlook that.

i think STEM has the lowest ROI for any degree. people compare 4 years to 4 years as in investment(as if studying STEM and non STEM requires the same effort) but in STEM you grind your ass to get your degree while non-STEM people do fuckall and enjoy their lives and at the end of the day the salary difference(speaking for us) is around 20000~ / yr.(max). but the amount of stress and autism you endure is worth way more than 20000$.

dont fucking study stem. its horrible.

>> No.11092880
File: 26 KB, 210x210, watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are terrible ideas. Automation is fucking these jobs up pretty good. Law school will give you as much debt as medical school, but you graduate with no entry level jobs. Unless your dad is partner at a law firm, stay the fuck away.
This is a good idea if you can make it as an MD, but even then you might only have about 15-20 years to work, at which point you might find yourself like the factory worker who is just shy of retirement and has his job replaced with a robot and is too old to do anything else. You won't have the life they promised you when you started--retiring with lots of money, traveling the world--but you should do okay. Anything below MD--pharmacist, most of nursing, radiology tech--is already being eviscerated by technology. You can expect to be a highly trained temp worker, changing jobs every 6 months for $15 an hour and no benefits.

You are either an electrical engineer who graduates at the top of his class from MIT or you are a human cockroach who will spend the rest of his days scouring garbage for something to eat.

>> No.11092893

>money as the sole motivator
Yeah, you’re fucked.

>> No.11093474

>the only shortage is for 5+ year experienced STEM people who wouldn't work for scraps.
Syntax error?
>if you want a real salary good luck getting a job.
First off you need a PhD if you want to get ahead in Physics. Also you can get a well paid job as a patent attorney or patent examiner with such a background.

>> No.11093651

what if you study stem at a good uni like eth Zurich? I heard that people who finnish there make a lot of money

>> No.11093658

You're american, correct?

>> No.11093671

I just want a comfy job in a factory.
I'm studying mech e.

>> No.11093675

88% of the people in the top 10% income bracket have a STEM degree.

Only 5% of the people in the bottom 50% income bracket have a STEM degree.

Therefor getting a STEM degree is the most likely way to end up as a high earner.

>> No.11093820

Wrong. The way to go now is studying stem, then changing to economics.

>> No.11093846

OY VEY! Delete this post immediately! GOYIM! Do not listen to this man. STEM is so GOOD for you. Oh, my small brain is sooo stupid, I can't do a calculus integral! That's why we need you! AND WE WILL PAY YOU GOOD GOYIM! Oh, I WISH I could do what you do? Instead all I do is sit at office counting all the money you made for me. IT SUCKS.

>> No.11093856

While I love the smell of fresh asshole from your statistics, even if we take them to be true, we still need to remember that most people are retards who don't even go or finish college. If you want your statistics to make any impact on anyone with more than 3 brain cells, you better have comparative stats for business, law and medicine.

>> No.11093864

>Step 1. Gain knowledge of machine learning
>Step 2. Create software that automates a repetitive job
>Step 3. Sell it as a service
>Step 4. Earn money without doing any work

>> No.11093870

OY VEY! Delete this post immediately! GOYIM! Do not listen to this man. Instead of making your own company, come work for me! Oh, my small brain is soo stupid. I can't do a machine learning! That's why we need you! AND WE WILL PAY YOU GOOD, GOYIM! Oh, I WISH I could do what you do. Instead all I do is sit at the office counting all the money you made for me. IT SUCKS.

>> No.11094450

>high stress because of unreasonable deadlines,
My experience as an office cuck was that they usually schedule about 6 to 12 weeks for each 4 hours of work required to complete a project.

>> No.11094516

100% agree with OP
The world doesn't value value it values dominance and that means devaluing what you aren't more than conglomerating what does have value because newsflash most of your shit is worse than useless to the rich ass fucks that make science an unworthy hellish pursuit. I would also suggest foregoing stem, its becoming the same thing as mental menial labor. Would rather not torture myself with it and end up self medicating like dumb wahmen with degenerate sex / booze or stupid consumerism. Wisdom merits the simplicity of doing what works and working for psychopaths does no one any good when the net effect was you treading water to inflate their positions in society.
Buy Crypto instead it's happening anyway and you can't change it.

>> No.11094674

Op you posted your major but not your actual career, what're you working at right now? I have a degree in Civil and work as a traffic engineer and I get paid straight time overtime (meaning when I go over 40 hours, each additional hour I get paid my regular hourly pay). Are you in the public sector? Or did you get cucked with a "no overtime but work reallyyyyy hard and you might get a bonus !!!" deal? Shop around for a nice consulting job, we love overtime here at my company.

>> No.11094764

In hindsight, once the news started hyping STEM, you could have guessed that it was too late to get in.
When everybody got persuaded by media/counselors to pursue STEM, it just flooded the labor market and pushed wages down.

I would recommend getting into any market that receives money from loans, government, or insurance.
The inflated purchasing power of the buyer allows such markets to charge more.

>> No.11094803

You think I don't know that?

I'm a fucking NEET and the only jobs I get offered are for working some shitty desk job making the same wages as your average apprentice. Graduated with a first class in Math and that's all I get.

Maybe it's because I live in the UK and the wages here are shit.

>> No.11094856

should've went into IT

>> No.11094921

>just be in the upper quartile of IQ bro
Do you realize how stupid you sound like? Ofc it's a business major saying stupid shit

>> No.11094928

I like doing science and engineering for fun.
I chose to steer clear from school and just work retail and live with my parents. An important part of this decision was realizing that I'd never be able to get a gf no matter what I do.
So yeah I'm on here because this is one of my hobbies.

>> No.11094931

So whats the new meme carrer to get in according to you

>> No.11094935

>money shouldn't be your primary motivator, goy

>> No.11094941

Your assumption that a college degree leads to money is a meme, boomer.

I expect to make mcdonald's wages when I'm done with my degree. Anyone can have a love of money, I have an autistic love of my field so that's what I'm doing. It's cheaper and faster to learn in an academic institution than it is to youtube, read textbooks, find other autists, and find knowledgeable people to question on my own. In the end no amount of money is going to make the grueling bullshit of advancing the field worth it. And you're right, it's not a lot of money anyways. I could make more as an HVAC mechanic or trimming weed.

Pursue a business major if STEM doesn't wouldn't hold enough interest for you without the paycheck.

The smart thing to do is advocate for free college, so retards don't take STEM just for a ticket out of poverty. Poorfags will still be poorfags but stop drooling that a nation that doesn't invest in its citizens is somehow good for the economy once they've taken Critical Thinking Skills in their first semester.

>> No.11095467

>study business,finance,law or medicine instead
Stopped reading

>> No.11095494

So I take it I made the right choice to do CS at university instead of physics?
And yes to be honest, I do value a well paid job over academic research. However, if I was going to be paid peanuts anyway, I would much rather work in a field like physics.

>> No.11095537

Watch the goyim ITT defend stem.
The only good major is CS

>> No.11095768

Automation cutting into the legal field is the biggest fucking meme ever. What will happen is that it makes paralegals obsolete, but not actual attorneys. No human will ask a bot to represent them infront of court. It will never be legalized, either. Same in regards to drafting contracts etc, since a robot can't be held liable for malpractice. You people need to stop talking about shit you have no clue of and simply read of Buzzfeed.

>> No.11095977
File: 322 KB, 680x697, thisisyourhomejillette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only thinks being a lawyer is what you see on Law & Order SVU.
What a retard.

>> No.11096008
File: 52 KB, 736x552, Harlequin-type-ichthyosis-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the UK such a shithole. Every time I see these stem depression posts, it's some european or Brit poster. It's like you guys still live in feudalism

>> No.11096013

The vast majority of lawyers has client contact. Lawshop corporate lawyers make up for a fraction of the industry. However, given how those get paid for their ability to find loopholes in massive corporate contracts, they are equally likely to keep their jobs as the aforementioned ones. A paperpusher isn't a lawyer, you retarded incel.

>> No.11096462

>Da Joos, the creators of money and reincarnations of greed, don't want you to dedicate your life to something trivial such as money so you could be their slave
Glow harder

>> No.11096464

>dude it just gets rid of the entry level position that everyone who wants to be a lawyer takes, how will that change things

>> No.11096487

Paralegals aren't lawyers. They never even went to lawschool.

>> No.11096488

>Only 5% of the people in the bottom 50% income bracket have a STEM degree.
that's gonna be me.

>> No.11096536

>Doesn't know what an entry level lawyer job entails.
Holy shit dude, you are just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.11096918

A stem degree is like having a hard working attitude; it won't guarantee you success but everyone successful has got it.

>> No.11096951

You're quite frankly retarded if you think basic contract drafting or client consultation tasks etc. are taken over by machines when they are required to groom people for advanced positions. You should stop playing so many sci-fi games and come back to reality.

>> No.11096962

>mechanical engineering
your field is ridiculously oversaturated by the same basic bitch reddit nerds.
same for the oversaturation but you get a bit more variety - still lots of reddit nerds
Dude you sound fairly bitter, as if this wasn't something expect - yes, it's not the 70s anymore, and having any stem education doesn't automatically put you into a high paying job, but if you know the gamble and what you need to do stand out, it'll hoist you up. If doing a specific subject, either in research or industry, is the only thing that satisfies an itch to know more, then no amount of money is gonna really scratch that itch. Yes, we all know you can 'autodidact.' but you won't really make contributions past Tooker-tier shit. The world is very different from 100 or even 50 years ago - a single person cannot revolutionize a hard problem or a field because it's all buried under deep specialization. So yes, if you want to learn and contribute to research, the PhD is the way to go.

If you wanted to do money, certainly; you must have heard from others that there ae easier ways to get there - quant, finance, etc.. But money. at some point (imo, the six figs in an area of medium cost of living) doesn't give you more than you want - at least, that's my experience. Who gives a shit past being comfortable?

>> No.11098578

What the fuck is pic related
Is that a harlequin baby?

>> No.11098788


>> No.11098826

>if you are smart enough to be an "average" engineer than you'll be in top 10% of business majors anyway. most people seem to overlook that.
You seem to underestimate the power of autism. Some STEM people are absolute genius in their fields while being an absolute retard in other areas, specially one that involves managing people.

>> No.11099489

>just graduated masters in computer science

>absolutely no job offers

CS is a total meme

>> No.11099801

What country and what tier uni/program?

>> No.11101441

cry more

>> No.11101622

use sage dumbfuck

>> No.11101666

richest man in the world is an soviet atheist