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11089124 No.11089124 [Reply] [Original]

Benjamin Franklin
>Theoretical Physicist
Top fucking kek not a fucking chance

>> No.11089134
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lmao where the fuck is this at?

>> No.11089144

the idea of "theoretical physicist" didn't even really exist until around Einstein's time. like the 1920's or so. before then, "physicists" were just physicists. maybe the earliest person who qualified as a "theoretical physicist" was Maxwell, but Franklin was well before the birth of Maxwell. Franklin was an important physicist and anyone who disagrees can eat a dick.

>> No.11089153
File: 74 KB, 850x400, Ben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The more you learn about Benjamin Franklin the more impressive he becomes.

>> No.11089181

a poster at hobby lobby lol

>important physicist
fucking wrong

theres no doubt he was a pussy slayer, but theoretical physicist is a god damn stretch

>> No.11089183

>fucking wrong
no, you're wrong. Ben Franklin was an important precursor to guys like Coulomb and Ohm and Faraday and Maxwell

>> No.11089192

He barely knew math. He was smart but he wasn't formally educated in math and was just a great experimentalist.

>> No.11089193

he was a "polymath" hobbyist, which means he knew basic science and how to apply the scientific method. thats fucking it. the lightning story about keys, kites and shit is just folklore and not even true. the only good thing he did with respect to electricity was promoting lightning rods. While he was the first person to correctly suggest the positive and negative nature of electrical charge, this smart dumbass thought it was a fluid that moved through the planet

>> No.11089199

sure. great experimentalists deserve respect. like faraday. faraday was never great at math yet Maxwell credited him for inventing the idea of a "field"

i think you are biased in your views. any modern person looking back on how science was in the 1760's probably doesn't understand the primitive state it was in. Newton's laws were still being worked out by the likes of Laplace. and Laplace was mathematical whereas what Franklin did was discoveries of completely new shit in his time. studying lightning, which Franklin actually did in a revolutionary way in his time, was outside the box and laid the groundwork for the scientists who went beyond newtonian mechanics into electromagnetism

>> No.11089208

>hurr he didn't use my autism numbers enough so he wasnt real science man

Fuck off, nerd. The day of the rope for mathematicians can't come soon enough. Humanity will only perfect science when the workings of reality are intrinsic to our thoughts and nobody needs to put pen to paper to determine cause and effect.

>> No.11089211
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none of my views are biased. theres tons of evidence of ben either ripping other people off in the science community or just not making very good guesses. to be a respected experimentalist (which is not a the same as being a scientist) you at least have to make good inferences, which he really only had one of (nature of electrical charge). comparing him to coulomb, ohm, faraday, and maxwell makes you a clown.

>> No.11089214
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it sounds like you ate a lot of paint chips as a kid

>> No.11089215

ITT: a community college sophomore thinks he's superior to Benjamin Franklin because he got a 75 on his Physics I midterm

>> No.11089220

>theres tons of evidence
well then cite some

as far as i know, Franklin did do seminal research on lightning and other electric phenomena that set the stage for all the future developments

if you live in europe then i can understand your cope

>> No.11089221

>ITT: a community college sophomore thinks he's superior to Benjamin Franklin because he got a 75 on his Physics I midterm

very baseless projection there anon. I have a math degree and enjoy US history, enough to know that Ben Franklin was very smart, but not a Theoretical Physicist. No one except this random poster calls him that. polymath =! physics

>> No.11089222

You're just BDE deficient. Newton died a virgin; you'll surely follow in his footsteps.

>> No.11089228

Big Dick Energy?
Anon you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.11089243

In his book, Common as Air: Revolution, Art, and Ownership, author Lewis Hyde explains that Franklin believed that any claim to own his ideas and inventions could only lead to the kind of disputes that “sour one’s Temper and disturb one’s Quiet.” It was for that reason, Franklin never took a patent or registered a copyright.

hmMmMMMmMm wonder why he never filed for a patent? stop sucking ben's dick. Ill come back with more later

>if you live in europe then i can understand your cope
im from the US

>> No.11089249

BDE is a relic and is at this point mainstream. It's more probable that you're just decrepit. You seem like the kind of person to print out a hard-copy of the thread and formulate your response in ink before you transcribe it to the reply field.

>> No.11089251
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>> No.11089254

oh, okay, you cite a guy claiming that Ben was epicly humble. seems fitting for Ben.

the fact he even tried to be humble about his research amounts to evidence he actually was a pioneer

>> No.11089256

Run out of paper?

>> No.11089257

No one knows what youre talking about

>> No.11089262

>oh, okay, you cite a guy claiming that Ben was epicly humble.
wrong. this means that ben would have been in hot fucking water if he tried to file any of those patents

>> No.11089269

Pussy King

>> No.11089270

>patent law in 1760 supports me
i would bet Ben knew better than to send his ideas up to the british courts of the time

and even today scientific researchers don’t patent things. because research on pure science does not have anything to do with patents

>> No.11089271

inventions =! scientific research, genius

>> No.11089278

i have published about particle physics and never in my wildest dreams did i think it would lead to a patent

>> No.11089285

wow great job, want a cookie? The point is that you are confusing inventions with scientific research. of fucking course your particle physics paper isnt going to lead to a patent, how the fuck would it?

>> No.11089290

lmao mutt seething

>> No.11089291

you're both making the same point btw. just a random observer. It's correct too. I am very much a "scientist", published a handful of papers including two first authors and a review, currently a postdoc. Nothing I do would warrant a patent, ever. It's basic discovery science

>> No.11089292

how would Ben Franklin have envisioned his work on electricity could have led to patents? he didn’t and couldn’t. but he laid the groundwork for centuries of advancements

>> No.11089303
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holy shit dude, he thought about more shit than electricity. he has claims to a lot of shit while never going out of his way to prove it since he knows it would cause controversy. dude didnt even invent the lightning rod

>> No.11089308

i am not arguing that Franklin's accomplishments in science weren't multiple. they were multiple, he did many things. but i was just arguing against the popsci meme that his main accomplishment (regarding electridcity) was fake. that smear against Franklin needs to be defeated.

>> No.11089313

An outsider to this discussion, but if the only evidence that he was shitty was that he went out of his way not to patent things whose attribution was in dispute, then it really isn't compelling. Where are the other things you were coming back with? With Edison it is very easy to do, Franklin seems like a stretch.

>> No.11089327

which electricity accomplishment could you possibly be talking about?

did he discover electricity?

did the kite story actually happen?

is electricity a fluid?

did ben correctly guess the nature of positive/negative charge?

was ben franklin just a popsci enthusiast of his time? yes, that's what it meant to be a polymath hobbyist

>> No.11089333

anon, let me tell you that you are based and the people you are up against are ideological trolls from outside north america that will say anything to discredit american scientists. be warned

>> No.11089334

>ben franklin
>american scientists
sorry anon but if polymath made you a scientist then everyone on this board is a fucking scientist

>> No.11089336

oh, okay, just cherrypick your modern views of Ben Franklin's work. you just distill it down into a few talking points and somehow that discredits ben franklin. i could do the same thing to Newton if i wanted. did Newton discover force? no. did newton discover optics? no. was newton right about light? no. was newton right about anything? no.

strawmanning is really stupid. learn to respect the pioneers,

>> No.11089340

I suppose it requires years of study of an esoteric topic and a lifetime of trying to milk as much federal money as possible to be a real scientist in your book.

>> No.11089341

hmmm, i think you are having some trouble with the english language. let me know once you learn how to post in a grammatically correct way

>> No.11089349

an attempt to form an argument was made but you clearly fucked up with the false analogy

the grammar is fine, what are you talking about?
I could make the same losing point about how you didn't capitalize the first word of your sentence.

>> No.11089355

>an attempt to form an argument was made but you clearly fucked up with the false analogy
how so?

i think anybody who tries to idolize any individual physicist is stupid. it is easy to make newton look like a brainlet if you want to be that pedantic. what is your point?

>> No.11089364

>how so?
the following sentence is entirely flawed and makes no sense:
>oh, okay, just cherrypick your modern views of Ben Franklin's work. you just distill it down into a few talking points and somehow that discredits ben franklin. i could do the same thing to Newton if i wanted. did Newton discover force? no. did newton discover optics? no. was newton right about light? no. was newton right about anything? no.

this is considered a false analogy

There hasnt been cherry picking or strawmanning. since your post >>11089308 was so vague, I asked what exactly you were talking about in >>11089327 however you have still failed to answer the question.

>> No.11089368

>you just distill it down into a few talking points
gosh, i wonder how else someone presents an argument in conversation

>i think anybody who tries to idolize any individual physicist is stupid. it is easy to make newton look like a brainlet if you want to be that pedantic.

these are good points however it's fine to be a fan of someone.

>> No.11089376

I think trolling each other was a better use of time than this convoluted discussion that is more about the manner in which people are arguing than the argument itself. Particularly since it will inevitably conclude with everyone just calling each other faggots.

>> No.11089377
File: 124 KB, 1200x505, Obverse_of_the_series_2009_$100_Federal_Reserve_Note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its unarguable that Benjamin Frankling was a great scientist and an extremely important figure in history. He's on the fucking $100 bill. Why people be disrespecting benny??
I don't see your favorite physicist on any banknote.

>> No.11089381
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can you predict the future? ive been using all of my power to not use that word so far lmao

>> No.11089382

That's because the only other one that wasn't a cuck was Feynman. Next best is Tesla because he was a 100% pure autist, and I'm certain he would be posting time-cube threads if he were alive today.

>> No.11089385

i would fucking love to see feynman on a bill, he slayed almost as much pussy as ben

>> No.11089393

He may make it to a coin at some point. Dollar coins started an American innovation series where they're doing famous inventions and the like. QM in some form seems likely to make at least one of the coins. NY is up in 2021 and California in 2026.

>> No.11089394

that's legitimately really cool and I hope he gets onto a coin

>> No.11089399
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>mfw realize Franklin was the one Ideas Guy in the right place at the right time

>> No.11090398

ben franklin's a gay nigger lol he only lived in one century. fucking faggot i was born in 1999 i've already lived in two millennia

>> No.11090988

you have to be 18 to post here, anon

>> No.11090992 [DELETED] 

Well over 100 trillion of the best party planets in Reality.

>> No.11091159

Gauss was on a Deutschmark

>> No.11091295

Well theoretically speaking isn't the first theoretical physicist Eratosthenes?

>> No.11091373
File: 79 KB, 500x300, Benjamin_Franklin_Liberty_Over_Security.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benjamin Franklin was far more than JUST a scientist.
We tend to think of the founding fathers of this nation as all being the same age. Most of them grew up reading Benjamin Franklin's writings. He was the one they all they looked up to. They wrote the constitution then gave it to him to edit it .

>> No.11092116

1999 is 19/20 years old

>> No.11092303

Only amerimutts would defend this niggerlover

>> No.11094176

>tfw 22
>only 3 more years and I'm "dead"

That's depressing