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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11088505 No.11088505 [Reply] [Original]

>IQ has literally nothing to do with how successful you are
>My IQ? I dont know, people that want find out their IQ are idiots lol
>I became a professor and get payed out the ass because I worked hard, thats all
>The only reason people are poor is if they dont do anything. I just work harder then everyone else
>You just got to be smart to be successful. Not literally, of course, but metaphorically
>By the way, vote socialism so I can solidify my power position in my ivory tower haha
is there anyone more despicable then rich liberals that deny IQ

>> No.11088512

Yes, failed /pol/kiddies that post IQ threads

>> No.11088514

IQ is all that matters if you want to pursue anything in this world, IQ and looks. And it just so happens that both go hand in hand so if you've got the looks it's likely you've got the brains too.

I wish I was smart, it makes me so mad to wake up as a fucking brainlet every day.

>> No.11088518

I agree, unfortunately these cancerous people have a grip in the academic culture of civilization, far more so than any /pol/ retard could hope to imagine. It is literally mainstream opinion that IQ is an "aesthetic" measurement

>> No.11088520

>t. lazy layman

Work harder.

>> No.11088524

This. OP you're just making up excuses for being lazy.

>> No.11088526


There's no reason to work hard when you don't have a high IQ. It's like working out when you can't gain muscle, pointless.

>> No.11088528

Im pretty high IQ, at the risk of sounding like the OP stereotype, i dont know my IQ but i knows its around mid 120s. The only difference is I dont lie to lay people about how Its vastly easier for me to understand things, and how my creativity and drive is always coming up with ideas for software/my buisness etc etc. Most high IQ people are fucking snakes and deny they have an advantage

>> No.11088530

>It's like working out when you can't gain muscle, pointless.

Oh? You're THAT guy?

>> No.11088532

>and how my creativity and drive
Doesn't make sense. Creativity is actually negatively correlated with IQ because working memory, a subset of IQ, is correlated with less creativity.
As for your drive, it's an entire different trait that is indepedent from IQ.

>> No.11088540

Dosent matter, I couldn't conceive of these things in the first place If i didn't have high IQ. I can't even explain to lay people what simple programs do. Yet im positive any one with 110+ IQ could understand. In the field of software alone you are given the keys to free money basically if you have 115 IQ. Its literally just applying knowledge. unironically learn to code

>> No.11088558
File: 39 KB, 375x523, 9B5CA4A5-2E63-4887-A14E-0DB87A8620AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who cannot use “then” and “than” properly

>> No.11088583

The average IQ, 100, is actually borderline retarded. It pretty much is retarded to be honest.

The real "normal" IQ, where people are actual people and not stupid animals is around 130.

>> No.11088616
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But that's only a small fragment of a population?

>> No.11088650

Increase your IQ then.

>> No.11088656

IDK if you're that guy, but if you are, read "Scrawny to Brawny" by John Berardi and Michael Mejia on libgen.

>> No.11088661
File: 552 KB, 745x563, dsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just change your genetics and upbringing bro, it's easy

>> No.11088665

It's spelled "paid" not "payed", you illiterate fuck.

>> No.11088677

> free money

How do you mean? Knowing to code doesn't make one an entrepreneur.

>> No.11088713

Working hard with low IQ is akin to using a pickaxe to dig a tunnel through a mountain when you could use a drill that makes it way easier. But yeah, besides that example, I agree with you.

>> No.11088802
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11088824

You dipshits say "muh IQ doesn't matter" but it FUCKING DOES. People with higher IQs can learn concepts and implement them faster than people with low IQs. Low IQ people have to work twice as hard to create something that minutely resembles a creation of a high IQ mind. And once your brain fully develops in adulthood you are fucked for life, you can't really change the structure.

>> No.11088838

so it matters at the society level, but not for the individual because you're pretty much stuck with it.
just focus on making best use of what you have and turning them into children

>> No.11088847

you sound like a lazy incel who refuses to improve

>> No.11088884

It matters for me because I can't become an engineer. It matters because I will never be as smart as you faggots who can program and code. I won't ever be able to get friends decently, get a good income, get a good job, etc. I will always be that fucking gullible tard who will never amount to anything. I'll have to work in the trades and shit jobs, I'll be working HARD while you work SMART and reap the benefits, until you create robots that do the shit jobs and leave us genetically dead end specimens in the past. Sure, I can all of that through hard work. But it will just as easily be taxed and fucked over by intelligent buearucrats, and if I ever lose it all, I'll have to start all over again. My mind fog will never go away. Oh, and if I ever have children, THEY'LL HAVE TO GO THROUGJ THE WHOLE FUCKING CYCLE ALL OVER AGAIN. No way I'm having children just to get them raped by intelligent beings.

So sure, you can say "make the best of it" cause you're in your ivory tower of intellectualism, but down here I'll always be that peasant/pleb who, for some reason, might advance upwards a little, but will have to do it through tears and blood.

>> No.11088905

bud i ain't exactly a smart guy here, I'm just stating facts that it matters at the society level and the fact that the leftist cunts are lying about or don't want to face reality harms our society deeply
same with the anti-intellectualism but equally the privileged nobs are a bunch of dismissive faggots that ought to step out of their sage uni environment if they're really so superior.

>> No.11089168

Holy mother of incelposting

>> No.11089169

>t. college professor that denies IQ while raking in the cash

>> No.11089345

This is cope, you are probably like me and spend 8+ hours every day browsing 4chan and start having anxiety fits if you have to concentrate on something for longer than 15 minutes.

>> No.11089390

It's human nature
Just like chads who deny that looks matter

>> No.11089403

Stop being poor, you literally live in the country with the most opportunities. Why are conservatives so dumb

>> No.11089486

Being intelligent is the worst thing that happened to me, simply because I have none of the traits to make it worth a damn. It's like a stand-up comedian tale I saw once, about his friend's brother born with one of those horrible syndrome named after someone Germanic who shouldn't even make it past early childhood. He manages to keep on living, and it turns out he has a monster donger. Ten inches attached to an immobile, skeletal body, going completely to waste.

Yeah, yeah, fedora tipped and 1st world problem voiced, I know.

>> No.11089825

oddly disconcerting post...I need to leave this place

>> No.11089828

>is there anyone more despicable then rich liberals that deny IQ
Frog posters and ESL faggots posting on /sci/.

>> No.11089861


>> No.11090034

>IQ and looks. And it just so happens that both go hand in hand so if you've got the looks it's likely you've got the brains too.
I really doubt this is true.
Perhaps only if there were all races represented then you could find some relationship since white people are rated as most attractive and have pretty high IQ but if the analysis was restricted to white sample only there would no meaningful relationship.

>> No.11090284

That's not comparable

If you have some $100 to burn and about 4 weeks of free time, you can hack your way to grow muscle.

The same can't be said of intelligence even you spend $1,000,000 and years

>> No.11090336
File: 28 KB, 564x399, mal malloy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb ass peckerwood is lucky to be born white and in the midwest
>goes to work on the oil fields of ND and Texas
>comes out very rich, which anything he wants, he just has to work very hard

>poor little anon
>from surburbia
>high IQ but did not do well in high school
>finds it difficult to make friends/find romance irl
>no job
>but at least he did really good in calculus!

>> No.11090348

Smart guys get rich and marry beautiful women?

>> No.11090362

Pretty much this, compounded over a few generations.

Although in today's dysgenic climate, that relation does not hold as true anymore. Degenerate roasties would rather ride Chad's dick despite his IQ of 80, instead of becoming the caring wife and mother of the children of a high IQ man of culture (such as myself).

>> No.11090386

not quite right, she'll seduce you, marry you, divorce you and take half your hard earned fortune then raise chad's subsaharan tier IQ children with the money she "earned"

>> No.11090406

>instead of becoming the caring wife and mother of the children of a high IQ man of culture (such as myself).
>I want attractive women to marry an ugly loser like me!!! REEEE, they like attractive men
There's plenty of ugly women, why don't you have children with them?

>> No.11090419

I'd settle for a 1/10 obese pink-haired one-legged one-eyed one-breasted bald smelly hambeast if I could, but in today's tinderized society even that is out of reach ;(

>> No.11090430

IQ is real, but it doesn't hurt to work hard in any case. After all, what better plan is there for a life? An average-IQ person working their ass off will go a lot farther in life than a high-IQ dude who plays video games all day.

>> No.11090432

You must be really hideous, because I have no issue finding attractive women and I'm balding.

>> No.11090442

It is true and makes sense because if someone develops well on the outside they would probably be well developed on the inside too.

Childhood stress, malnutrition, neglect etc can make you uglier(stunted growth, asymmetrical face) and less intelligent. It's also true that someone who grows up in a good environment and has adequate nutrition will be more intelligent and more symmetrical.

>> No.11090457

Also sometimes having higher iq is a detriment because you understand the world but it also shackles you
Id say people who fall between 125~140 iq suffers from this the most depending on their temperment
Smart enough to see the bullshit but too dumb to do anything about it
As they say ignorance is bliss

>> No.11090473
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Good posts

>> No.11090509

What? 125 is more than enough to make contributions. In fact the threshold of creative genius has been empirically calculated to be around 120.

>> No.11090517

oh cool, I'm borderline but at least I'm above 120.

>> No.11090535
File: 75 KB, 712x949, 8FFB022A-4418-4C5C-A16D-A32B7DD8038E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about getting an actual trusted IQ score? Iqtest.com came up with 136. I want to see if I can actually get a verifiable score.

>> No.11090553

its all dependent on the persons temperament along with their iq
sometimes not being that smart lets you navigate the world easier since you are blinded from certain information
intelligence can be a burden

>> No.11090592

>tfw my IQ is in the 110s

I just fall short... fuck

>> No.11090611

Contact Mensa? or some psychological assessment firm? a couple of guys on here have apparently taken tests often for curiosities sake so they can give some pointers on how to apply.

>> No.11090640

i just took the iqtest.com one and scored 145 and other iq tests ive taken i score 140+ but im pretty sure im more around 130 as 140+ seems a bit too high for how i view my abilities
you can only get a broad idea of where you would lie on the curve from tests as actually quantifying what peoples iq are is just impossible imo
all i know is that people who are truly smart have the ability to conceptualize abstract information and theories with speed
if you think about how people process information and then think about how they came to their conclusions you can only really rank them as being dumber than you or smarter than you

>> No.11090772

im 125 IQ making 100k year, surrounded by professors that deny IQ is why they are rich

>> No.11090776
File: 55 KB, 302x649, bluepill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, just definition of success is different, you're a bluepilled brainlet.

>> No.11091046

You really are going the extra mile to prove you're low iq

>> No.11092686

Self-fulfilling prophecy I guess.

>> No.11092690

When did anon say what country they lived in?

>> No.11092697

IQ correlates with health.