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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11084191 No.11084191 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the manliest field of mathematical study?

>> No.11084194

set theory

>> No.11084201


>> No.11085487

I don't get why this is a big deal.

>> No.11086069

Past the undergrad level it's pretty much all embarrassing mental masturbation. If you are able to get through an undergraduate mathematics curriculum and you still consider mathematics more worthwhile than philosophy and poetry, then you're a brainlet. It's a fun game and a nice mental exercise, but it doesn't answer any serious questions. How anyone could be satisfied by studying math their whole life is something I can't understand.

t. math/engineer double major

>> No.11086098


>> No.11086102

Geometry followed by statistics, bonus points for both.

>> No.11086201

O im laffin

>> No.11086260

My cardinal is wayyyyyy bigger than yours.

>> No.11086284

>Past the undergrad level it's pretty much all embarrassing mental masturbation.

This. I studied mathematics and physics in undergraduate. I worked with a professor to dive into some graduate level material my Junior and Senior year. It's unreal how full of shit everyone is. Everyone over exaggerates the breadth and reach of their work. Everyone thinks they are some super genius, but really they are only successful in their fields because there's little to no competition.

I never applied to any graduate programs and have been working on a local farm attached to some some rich agrihood development for six years now.

>> No.11086398

>Which is the manliest field of mathematical study?
Basic logic

>> No.11086427

Wrong. Much pure math then goes onto to find application decades, sometimes even centuries later. I mean, literally
>What is quantum computing?

>> No.11086458

Like what?

>> No.11086530

Signals processing, Fourier analysis

>> No.11086535

Number Theory. It is the key to unlocking the secrets of the human intellect.

>> No.11086538

>algebra is a desert
>alg geo is a swamp
>general topology is a tundra

>> No.11086565
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>diff geo is hills

>> No.11087286

al-gebra is the only halal one of course

>> No.11087290


>> No.11087350
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Quantum Stochastic Analysis. It’s the generalization of Ito’s calculus on noncommutative random variables.

>> No.11087364
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>Why would you ever want to know more than the chain rule

>> No.11087375

manliest fields of study
>number theory
>differential geometry

>> No.11087379
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>> No.11087388

Category theory

>> No.11087665

number theory = nerds
differential geometry = geometry theorist ugly

>> No.11087668
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>the undergrad category theorist thinks category theory is the manliest subject
like pottery

>> No.11087676


>> No.11087698

You didn't make an argument, only plied a moral norm what is one should get out of studying math.

>Why listen to music if listening to music doesn't answer all questions of life

>> No.11087879

Combinatorics is soaked in toxic masculinity

>> No.11087895


>> No.11089114

>tundra of topology
>plains of analysis
>ocean of logic
>just fields

dont know why i laughed

>> No.11089161

Graph Theory is the most chad field.

Also graph theory =/= combinatorics

>> No.11089219

>graph theory =/= combinatorics
>Ramsey theory has joined the chat

>> No.11089242

Higher order fourier analysis

>> No.11089244

People thought about Zeno's paradox for a long time until calculus was invented.

>> No.11089258

That’s a myth. Even Zeno himself was only trying to prove that space must be continuous.

>> No.11089299

Singular value decomposition is another example then. Developed in the 1870s for no use as far as I can tell. But today allows us to invert matrices we should not be able to invert.

>> No.11089466

Game theory.

>> No.11089640

soaked with soi