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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11084187 No.11084187 [Reply] [Original]

>be me 21 yo
>barely passed highschool
>decide to try not to be a brainlet and get into university
>Fail at that
>Try to learn coding
>Fail at that
>Try reading books
>Realize I can never remember what I read or actually understand some of the shit sometimes
>try to write as a hobby
>Realize I'm fucking terrible (unironically)
>decide to start mapping out my knowledge
>Realize I'm at a 9th grade level in maths and English

I regularly get 128 on those IQ things so I reckon I'm not that retarded but seriously I'm losing hope here. Can anyone teach me how to learn properly? I hate feeling like a retard (because I am)

>> No.11084198


>> No.11084199

>Realize I can never remember what I read or actually understand some of the shit sometimes
You're probably not putting much effort into remembering them. Have you tried notes + spaced repetition? Life isn't like the movies where some dude can read a page and immediately remember every detail unless you're an autistic savant.

>> No.11084200

>128 on those IQ things so I reckon I'm not that retarded
first off, those tests are not designed to measure intelligence, they are used to clinically diagnose retards (actual retards)
and second
>Can anyone teach me how to learn properly?
what have you tried?

>> No.11084202

I've tried.. just reading, things, I've tried to make myself tests and stuff on books that I've read. I feel like my learning strategies are inadequate.

>> No.11084204

Does it work like that? I'm scared of spending hours on something only to end up forgetting it

>> No.11084220

Yes, it essentially works like that. If you want to remember something you need to do a few things;

>make as many connections to it as possible, i.e it was a wednesday that was raining and it was related to tangentially related item A, B, C, etc
The more "pathways" your mind can go down to retrieve the information from your memory the easier it will be to recall
>repeat it
Reading is done in your working memory, mostly, which is forgotten quite quickly. To transfer it to short term memory you need to read it and contemplate it, to transfer it to long term memory you need to strengthen that specific sequence of neuronal connections which requires repetition and active recall
>write it down
This kind of goes hand in hand with the first one about making as many connections as possible but its been proven that writing something down aids in retaining the information as now there's a specific physical component to the memory

>> No.11084224

>I'm scared of putting in the time required to learn things

You literally just solved your own problem, retard.

>> No.11084231

Can you provide a resource to where you learned this? Really interesting thank you

>> No.11084233
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I spend hours trying to learn things and I either can't get through the material because I don't understand it or I don't remember it right and it's really demoralizing

>> No.11084235

You have attention deficit disorder.
Get some medication ASAP before the nihilistic depression begins lol, it's going to get worse if you don't treat it. I'm speaking from experience.

>> No.11084238

It's what most of us have been doing intuitively since kindergarten. Sorry if no one taught ou that APU anon

>> No.11084239

The nihilistic depression has actually passed already, I'm not really depressed, I just lack confidence because I feel like my whole method of approaching learning is wrong.

>> No.11084241

another anon here, there's a famous course in coursera called "learning how to learn", you can get some helpful tips there

>> No.11084246
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I didn't know

>> No.11084251

Hey thanks alot man. Will do

>> No.11084264

Use and abuse flashcards. Want to remember something? Make a flashcard out of it. Keep trying to recall the flashcard until you can without mistakes. Voila

>> No.11084279

but won't that just help me memorize short term? how do I retain the information long term like how I know how to spell or do arithmetic?

>> No.11084283


tl;dr the longer the interval between retrieval of the information, the deeper seated the memory becomes, ingraining it into long term memory

>> No.11084291

thanks alot anon, bookmarked

>> No.11084293
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To get good at something you have to practice it every so often. You seem like you give up before you develop your skills, or maybe you have some kind of performance anxiety.
We aren't able to hold your hand, you have to figure things out yourself. Get rid of distractions, stay calm, be patient, and focus on what's in front of you and you will get better.
If you're interested in reading I recommend "How To Read A Book" by Mortimer Adler. Even if you're adept, reading takes brainpower and leaves anyone feeling mentally fatigued after reading something above their weight range.

>> No.11084296

Thank you so much. I think I do have performance anxiety.

>> No.11084298

You're lucky you're figuring this out only at 21 anon. It took me til I was 26 to get my shit together. You have no idea how lucky you are, don't let this board give you a warped sense of the world

>> No.11084302

If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be able to figure out I'm retarded. Thank you! Seriously!

>> No.11084322

Anon, saying from a more seasoned perspective: I just can't tell how many times and how many ways someone can expand their intellect.
I had a first awakening when I started learning foreign languages, a second one when I started taking math seriously and actually studied the proofs behind the formulas, third one was when I actually stated giving a fuck as to how scientists discover so much(Trying to piece out what happened in the experiment that proved electrons are extremely small opened my brain big galaxy mode)_Philosophy and social sciences are my next stop.
High school subjects that used to scare me are nothing but a task of memorization now.
Enjoy your journey APU anon.

>> No.11084333

It really depends on the IQ tests you're taking.

I hope you're not taking online IQ tests, because those results are always inflated to pander to your ego.

>> No.11084336
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inspiring, man. I really hope I can get to that level one day.

>> No.11084375
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>tfw doesn't know how to add and subtract
>tfw only has high school
>tfw works in construction
>tfw IQ really low
>tfw has the English level of a 4 year old child
>tfw for more what you study can not achieve anything
>tfw fucking late

>> No.11084384

Same here OP, I used to breeze through my early school days because everything was so easy for me, thus I never learned how to properly learn things.
Lucky for us, we live in a time where we can fuck around in our entire 20s and still end up successful.

>> No.11084385

sometimes it feels like we were designed to fail.. find a purpose and just keep chugging anon... at least we are lucky to be self aware enough to know we are inadequate

>> No.11084426
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I agree with your answer anon, you know some time ago I am planning to kill myself, I have a little money saved what I planned to leave my brother to continue his studies, since we are quite poor, I think that this world does not need such a delayed person how I, and also got tired of receiving so many teasing and rejection

>> No.11084459

>Lucky for us, we live in a time where we can fuck around in our entire 20s and still end up successful.
unless you start lurking /r9k/ then you're fucked

>> No.11084512

You must do the hard thing, which is to keep living and persevering, and fighting. For your brother, your family, and yourself.. I've been at that point too anon. But suicide is the easy, and selfish way out.

>> No.11084546

Do lsd

>> No.11084565

1) you didn't grow up well because your parents raised you (very) poorly
2) so what, grow some balls nevertheless

That's it, you have to discipline yourself, wake up early in the morning, eat well and at the right times, learn by yourself proper time management and efective learning methods as a first step, narrow down addictions that keep you from going forward. Get friends and a girlfriends for emotional stability, don't think like a 'loser' or else you'll stay alone forever and your emotional wellbeing will plumbet down, etc (get therapy for detailed support and STICK TO IT ffs. don't drop out a thing for the first time in your life)

>> No.11084568

If you have an IQ above 100 you'll eventually outgrow your /r9k/ and /pol/ phase, now if you start lurking /x/ though you are doomed.

>> No.11084571

Ten bucks says you smoke pot.

>> No.11084573

>/pol/ phase
>Le ebin poltard meme!
Pseud, please leave. You're not welcome here.

>> No.11084596

Try harder and longer

>> No.11084635

Move to Las Vegas and become a bartender. If you are good and make the right moves, you can make 6 figures. No, I'm not joking.

>> No.11084680

/pol/ is retarded and you are a brainlet.

>> No.11084717
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>I regularly get 128 on those IQ things
>on those IQ things
Internet tests have nothing to do with IQ.
>first off, those tests are not designed to measure intelligence, they are used to clinically diagnose retards (actual retards)...
Keep telling yourself that.
Straight out of one of those crappy help yourself books and your posts are bogus non-sense too. :--D

OP is attention-whoring and /sci/lets fall for it.

>> No.11084748


>> No.11084780

Psst OP I will give you 2 clues (was in a similar Situation)
- adderall
- anki

>> No.11085544

op is clearly a brainlet and has clearly admitted to it, what's with the superiority complex?

>> No.11085727

It's because you realize the futility of existence

Smart but lazy isn't a meme, less intelligent people can be motivated by lesser prizes. The smarter you are, the less you give a fuck cause it doesn't mean as much to you.

>> No.11085739
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Dumping: 1

>> No.11085741
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>Look mom! I replied to everyone in the thread again!

>> No.11085745
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>> No.11085748
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>> No.11085749
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Source on stats: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_Testing_Service

>> No.11085752
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>> No.11085758

Now, you can all stop pretending to be unaware of the meaningfulness of IQ.

>> No.11086135

its impossible to fail at coding... This is a troll post.

>> No.11086159

hahah yeah :(

>> No.11086160

html markup is not coding

>> No.11086162


just keep at it m8. that's the only way to actually learn anything.

>> No.11086254
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You will not forget it after reading that´s for sure. Try to read it again of course. And you need a basis knowledge about your short time memory, ultra short timememory and about the long time memory.
They say somethin stays in your head for some seconds first and then you have to connect it to stuff you remember. If you made this connection you have it in your short time memory and you then have to do the same process in repeating to get it into the long time memory. So when you read something, then try to have thoughts about what stands on the pages, it doesn´t matter if you understand it, it just has to stay in mind first. So if you have a lack of a word, use the dictionary and use other sources to get informed about what you read and connect it with something you know. Then you should have it in mind anyway. Even if you can´t remember it with force afterwards. Then you should make something different for a while. After a pausation of some hours or a day you read it again or what´s as good as this you read a different thing about the same topic. This is good cause you will be reminded of what you have read anyway. So you don´t have to stay and stare at some cryptic phrases you read. If you read more about the topic you will get a complex system of associations that will help you when you read the book again. So you can read a book about a topic and then another about the same topic and after some months you read the first book again and try to connect it with what you have now in mind. The only thing needed to become a genius is to stay in the railway as a train. Don´t speed up too much. I mean don´t try to have it all in your hands with one time reading and you will get what you want at some point. Someone asked Newton in his times how he made all the discoveries and he just said i always thought about it. Stay focussed.

>> No.11086464

>quoting wikipedia

>> No.11086615

>Can anyone teach me how to learn properly?
The answer for that will differ from person to person, and sometimes even from topic to topic.
What one (1) thing do you want to learn the most?
What is the one (1) main factor preventing you from learning that? Memory? Concentration? Lack of previous knowledge? Something else?

>> No.11086623

It has citations in it, go and check the fucking citations. This isn't high school anymore, where the teachers pretends to understand Wikipedia. They have bots that go around fixing vandalism, you retard.

>> No.11086648

life sucks

>> No.11088206

Possibly adhd, OP. I'm not memeing. I never bothered to learn either and your post reminds me a lot of how I used to be. I get pretty decent grades now. If you do have one or two disorders, pills will help a lot. Otherwise, you may just need to pull through the first hard year and accept it may not be so smooth.

>> No.11088444

>tfw that's how it's always worked for me.

>> No.11088493

Which ones did you get prescribed?

>> No.11088495

You're gifted it. Congrats.

>> No.11088565
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>> No.11088588

An alternative to repetition that imo is more enjoyable is to learn about the same thing from different angles. This may be related to the "pathways" idea, since every angle will be a bit like a different pathway.

What do I mean by different angles? Well to learn about some concept, you should probably first start with a textbook to get a good foundation. Then you could read a popsci article about the same subject. A youtube lecture about it. Read about the history of the concept. Who came up with it when and how? Then you could read about some other concept that build on top of the first one, or uses it somehow.

>> No.11088604

>Possibly adhd, OP. I'm not memeing. I never bothered to learn either and your post reminds me a lot of how I used to be. I get pretty decent grades now. If you do have one or two disorders, pills will help a lot. Otherwise, you may just need to pull through the first hard year and accept it may not be so smooth.

ADHD is a collection of common "symptoms" categorised as a disorder, it's a disorder not because of physical defects (which a lot of researchers are trying to prove, unsuccessfully), but because of a neurological development "path" that leads to behaviour that is incompatible with what our institutions (governmental and scientific) consider to be "normal"

I was also diagnosed. Here's a fun experiment; try to use the diagnosing technique you were diagnosed with on other "healthy" people, as many as possible. You might find that in fact a majority of peers, especially if you're younger, will have a positive result and be considered "ill"

Just wanted to chuck out some food for thought there, also, read any book by Thomas Szasz on psychiatry

>> No.11088609
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>Its another I’m retarded, wat do /sci/?

Get flipping those burgs, greaseball

>> No.11088636

"hyper text markup language markup" what?
If you can write a hello world you can code. If you run into ANY PROBLEM. There is an OCEAN of people who have encountered the same error who have shared on forums.
If you can't figure this out, idek. You're just not trying.
Im not saying everyone is skillful enough to get right into high level coding jobs, but everyone can start, and improve their skills.
I think I was diagnosed add as a child. It still effects me all the time. Im always addicted to screens and stimulation.
That said adhd literally isn't real. Im still self-identifying as having a disorder so I can get $1000 bursary from Can. gov school loans :)

>> No.11089819
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same here bro. but im dedicated to learning better. slowly but surely. keep practicing even if you keep failing. failure is the greatest teacher