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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 650x400, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1108400 No.1108400 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ census!

check all that apply. your anonymity will be protected. feel free to elaborate below!
please refrain if you've done it before.
[] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
____ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

a typical calculus II class covers... "...symbolic and numeric methods of integration; area under a curve; volume; applications such as work and probability; improper integrals and l'Hospital's rule; complex numbers; sequences; series; Taylor series; differential equations; and modelling..."

This would be the third iteration of this census, and due response that exceeded my anticipation, probably the final. Results will be presented in the near future, perhaps Sunday evening, along with postulation for future surveys.

>> No.1108404

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__3__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108410

I've already done this shit...

[] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
__2__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108414

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108415

[X] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
>hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)
5 weekdays
7 weekends

>> No.1108416

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
____ hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1108419

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
_1_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108421

[] between 18-22
[z] single
[z] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
1 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108422

I've already been in a survey before, but I'll go again.

[X] 18
[x] Single
[X] agnostic strong-atheist
[X] Calc 2, but I never officially "learned" L'Hospital's Rule in school. I know all the rest though.
[X] Cares about politics
4 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108423

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108427

[ ] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[ ] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__3__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108428

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
_3__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108431

/sci/ census!

check all that apply. your anonymity will be protected. feel free to elaborate below!
please refrain if you've done it before.
[] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
_3-4_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)
Do more than just Sunday please! Some of us cannot access daily!!!

>> No.1108433
File: 25 KB, 400x343, spongebob21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
__2-3 (only during weekdays)__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108436

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__2__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108438

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
~4+ (only until break is over) hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1108440

lawl, I have a gf. I was filling it out like a real census form. You figure out what you mean by 'single', I'm not married.

>> No.1108454

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
3-5 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108456

Provided I'm not saged from the front page, I may create more than one topic pertaining to the results.

Anybody may e-mail me at 4chanscienceproject@gmail.com if you'd like to see the results but will not see the thread, or with any other questions/concerns.

>> No.1108459

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
_2__ hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108465
File: 10 KB, 173x215, 1272509503497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1108471

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1108475

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
_4__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108476

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[somewhat] cares about politics
(average: 2, typical session: 4) hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1108483


>> No.1108485

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
_4_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108492

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
5-6 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108496

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__1-2__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108512

[] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics (shit I got paid to fuck up townhall meetings)
_MX___ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!) Roman counts......

>> No.1108523

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__0.05__ hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108529

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
2-4 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108532

is this /r9k/?

>> No.1108534

[X] behind 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
Only go on 4chan for asking questions or such for an Approximate time of 30 mins~

>> No.1108535

[] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
_2_ hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1108538

are we bitching and complaining?

>> No.1108546

you are now

>> No.1108548

[x] between 18-22
[kindacomplicated - but if a definitive answer is required, tick yes] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__2__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108559

[] between 18-22 (So close; turned 23 last week)
[] single (Gf?)
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
.5 average hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108590

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__8__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108620

[] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__1__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108658

[] between 18-22 (14)
[z] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
_1___ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108720

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
1-3 hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1108734

[] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__1__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108736

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
1 hour spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108778

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__3__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108783

[X] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108797

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics

I'm an Australian. I did one maths course before I decided on a major in genetics.
Here that all comes under Maths IA, or first semester first year calculus. How is it Calculus II in America? What the hell do you learn in Calculus I.

>> No.1108804

[X] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
3 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108814

3 hours maybe? Depends on the day.

>> No.1108818

see OP

>> No.1108821

[] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
1 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1108831

I'm not asking about calculus II, I'm asking about calculus I

>> No.1108842

[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
2-3 hours on 4chan daily.

Note, I'm just passing through, more of a /ck/ and /a/ guy really.

>> No.1108867

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
___4_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108899

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__0-4__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108917

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
.5 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

That .5 is distributed across a week. Usually surf 3-4 hours a week. Also, only care about politics in reference to how it affects me.

>> No.1108920

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[ ] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[ ] cares about politics
_0-1_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108968

[ ] between 18-22
[ ] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[ ] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
2-3 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1108995

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
_3?_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109024

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__14-18__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109046

[X] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[>] have taken calculus II or equivalent (had about half of the stuff OP mentioned)
[>] cares about politics (I know about it, I do not exactly CARE)
_two_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)


>> No.1109078

out of curiousity, what type of music does /sci/ listen to?

>> No.1109090

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] agnostic
[x]have taken calculus II
[] cares about politics

>> No.1109099

>out of curiousity what type of music should I listen to be cool like you guys?
>I don't realize there are people who listen to every possible type of music on here like any board
>I'm 14 years old


>> No.1109105


sorry, 2 hours per day on 4chan (but not every day)

>> No.1109113


yeah, sage the thread...


>> No.1109156

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
2-4 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

Calc II (at my uni) is integration and shit, so "symbolic and numeric methods of integration".

I don't come to this board very much. Given how I filled out this survey, should I?

>> No.1109206

/sci/ census!

check all that apply. your anonymity will be protected. feel free to elaborate below!
please refrain if you've done it before.
[] between 18-22
[X] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
_0.3___ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109218
File: 17 KB, 490x276, it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when theists on /sci/

>> No.1109267

not your facebook buddy

>> No.1109310


fucking failfags.

been here all summer so far?

nb4 "haha, how wrong you are"

>> No.1109314

[] between 18-22
[X] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
__5__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109316

check all that apply. your anonymity will be protected. feel free to elaborate below!
please refrain if you've done it before.
[] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
0.5 to 1hour(s) spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1109321

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
<1 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109338

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[-] cares about politics (just a bit)
__3__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109351

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109365

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__x__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109379

Hurf Durf im an oldfag because i say so!!

>> No.1109410

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
~2 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109438

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[/] cares about politics
4ish : hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109455

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
_2_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109457

[] between 18-22 (23 now)
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__1__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109463

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__3__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109466

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
0.3 on average hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109473

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
_2_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

I have a girlfriend, and the highest math I've taken is MA171: Probability & Statistics. Well, and trig in high school.

>> No.1109475

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
_3_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109483

heck all that apply. your anonymity will be protected. feel free to elaborate below!
please refrain if you've done it before.
[] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
<1 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109500

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
.5-1 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109521

[] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
3 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1109522

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
1 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109526

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[ ] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[ ] cares about politics
_1_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109576

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
[6] hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1109651

[] between 18-22
[x] single (By choice, bitches be crazy)
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics (In that it affects the space program)
__1__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109702

[] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
_0.5_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109712

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__2-3__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

Fucking hell, I'm the stereotypical /sci/duck!

>> No.1109715

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
1 or 2 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1109724

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1109739

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] agnostic (don't equate agnostics with atheists please)
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
3 hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1109882

[] between 18-22
[X] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
.5 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1109892

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
_1__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110012

[] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110019

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__8__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110022

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__2/7__ hours spent on 4chan weekly?

I don't come on often

>> No.1110025

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__1__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110094

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
__2__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110149

[x] between 18-22
[] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
1 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110154

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__>1_ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110155

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
1.5 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110428

[x] between 18-22
[x] single
[x] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
__10__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110459

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
__1__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110486
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1270020200021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[] between 18-22
[] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[x] cares about politics
about 3 hours spent on 4chan daily

>> No.1110495

[] between 18-22
[x] single
[] atheist/agnostic
[x] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[] cares about politics
5(?) hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1110502

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
__1? not daily here__ hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110503
File: 1.14 MB, 518x391, 2u47vo7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who don't cross the atheist/agnostic square

>> No.1110505

[X] between 18-22
[X] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[  ] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[  ] cares about politics
0-12 hours spent on 4chan daily?

>> No.1110524

[X] between 18-22
[] single
[X] atheist/agnostic
[X] have taken calculus II or equivalent
[X] cares about politics
2 hours spent on 4chan daily? (numeric, please!)

>> No.1110527

god exists, deal with it

>> No.1110540
File: 11 KB, 327x388, 1259860494065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1110552
File: 7 KB, 149x178, zakharovface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist.

>> No.1110599

thats the worst kind of logic ive ever heard

>> No.1110607

We found a winner.

>> No.1110618

Doesn't it bother you that all of science is based on the principle of causality, and this principle is taken on faith?