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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11083538 No.11083538 [Reply] [Original]

>UFO threads on /sci/ are accepted in 2019
>just a year or two ago they would get deleted
What happened?

>> No.11083540

they would? man the mods really got low quality after comey stopped being their boss....

>> No.11083549

>Tic-Tac get me angry
>No thread about Tic-Tak!!!!

This is what it’s like when the geocentric-fags started realizing their views are wrong

>> No.11083556

tic-tac was an IR camera imaging relic

>> No.11083560

take your meds

>> No.11083561

UFOs are a real phenomenon by definition. Not necessarily ayyy lmaos

>> No.11083562

It's not an ayylmao, but when the US Military recognizes the existence of something they couldn't identify, it at least warrants discussion.

Also, wow you're lame. Critical thinking does not involve constant immature cynicism.

>> No.11083565

I'm also skeptical about these things, but to their credit lately the US military has been pretty open about having seen things they classify as UFOs. It even made headlines for a while a few months ago.

>> No.11083588

>dude dont offer reasonable explanations to phenomena

>> No.11083606

That’s not a reasonable explanation, the US Air Force ruled it out and called it an unidentified flying object, with pilots describing it as above the modern day capabilities of our own flying craft, including no need for aerodynamic shape and no need for a (visible) thrust or propeller or other conventional propulsion system, with impossible for human Gs.

>> No.11083623

the air force was wrong. it was an imaging relic. nobody saw it with the naked eye, they were all looking at their IR camera, and this sort of relic is easily reproducible in more mundane settings

the reason the air force is allowing this crap to stay alive is because 1) they like stupid conspiracy publicity because they like stupid theories about what they're doing to well up to obfuscate correct theories about what they're really doing and 2) because they don't want to tell their pilots that the cameras they are trained to watch can make weird illusions in corner cases. they'd rather have their pilots have full faith in the technology. that's because pilots who say "i don't trust the IR images" won't use it and will get fucked in combat at a higher rate than them getting fucked over by trusting an admittedly imperfect technology

>> No.11083643

>citation needed
Air Force confirmed UFO discussion = /sci/ and /g/
Air Force is lying and not teaching pilots to recognize false images on their equipment = /x/ and /pol/

>> No.11083654

Consipracy theories became shillary, q-anon, sandy hook, deep state, etc.
Now ufo's, bigfoot, 5G dangers, state surveillance etc. are just theories
Vaccine doubt and flat-earth now lean toward anti-scienceism, with cell phone fears gradually joining their ranks.
In summary there are ever increasing categories of things.

>> No.11083659

Prove you're not a virgin and I'll answer your questions. Provide scientific evidence that you're not an incel.

>> No.11083660

totally backwards bro. i am willing to admit that maybe this is worth a /sci/ discussion, but /sci/ is unanimously in favor of "it was just a regular scientific thing" instead of ayyylmao /x/ shit

/pol/ OTOH is probably like "this is the jews using their mastery of the media to false-flag trump" which fortunately hasn't appeared in this thread so far

>> No.11083666

hmmmm, how do i provide non-doxxing scientific evidence of my own non-virginity.... good challenge. i don't think that's really possible right, because then the evidence would have to point to actual me rather than anyone else. but maybe i can make a good anecdote a virgin wouldn't be able to make up?

okay, here goes: my gf gets real horny on her period. this makes no evolutionary sense but it is true. i've eaten her pussy when she has a tampon in, i know it's weird, but it's not a big deal. just avoid the vag and focus on the clit. the added horniness of menstruation makes it easier to succeed at giving her an orgasm, like i'd say the chances go from 1 in 4 to 1 in 2

>> No.11083675

This is exactly what an incel would say.

>> No.11083692

good argument

>> No.11083695

I've gone down on a girl who on her period ended up with blood all over my mouth and hand, wasn't that bad
6/10 would still recommend

>> No.11083697

Evidence of UFOs

>> No.11083719

gross but sorta hot. i hope she “rewarded” you for that

>> No.11083910

No, you're thinking of 'Gimbal.'

>> No.11083915

Navy, I think you mean. And that is not what they said.